Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Barcode | string | EAN/UPC barcode | [optional] |
Name | string | Item name as provided by brand owner or as shown on packaging | [optional] |
Brand | string | The brand name that owns this item | [optional] |
Ingredients | string | This food item's ingredients from greatest quantity to least | [optional] |
Package | BrandedFoodObjectPackage | [optional] | |
Serving | BrandedFoodObjectServing | [optional] | |
Categories | List<string> | [optional] | |
Nutrients | List<BrandedFoodObjectNutrients> | An array containing nutrient informatio objects for this food item | [optional] |
DietLabels | BrandedFoodObjectDietLabels | [optional] | |
DietFlags | List<BrandedFoodObjectDietFlags> | An array of ingredient objects that were flagged while grading this item for compatibility with each diet | [optional] |
PackagingPhotos | BrandedFoodObjectPackagingPhotos | [optional] | |
Allergens | List<string> | An array of ingredients in this item that may cause allergic reactions in people | [optional] |
BrandList | List<string> | An array of brands we have associated with this item. Some items are sold by more than 1 brand. | [optional] |
Countries | List<string> | An array of countries where this item is sold | [optional] |
CountryDetails | BrandedFoodObjectCountryDetails | [optional] | |
PalmOilIngredients | List<string> | An array of ingredients made from palm oil | [optional] |
IngredientList | List<string> | An array of this item's ingredients | [optional] |
HasEnglishIngredients | bool? | A boolean indicating if we have English ingredients for this item | [optional] |
Minerals | List<string> | An array of minerals that this item contains | [optional] |
Traces | List<string> | An array of trace ingredients that may be found in this item | [optional] |
Vitamins | List<string> | An array of vitamins that are found in this item | [optional] |
Description | string | A description of this item | [optional] |
Keywords | List<string> | An array of keywords that can be used to describe this item | [optional] |