Offline Event Registration
This is an Offline Event Registration Built sometime in late 2015. Using Node JS and Angular JS. This will sync the offline data to the live one. The live one for this is made with Wordpress and wp plugin events manager and few customization.
Install Node JS
Debian (Ubuntu/ Mint)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
Windows - Using your favorite bash client cygwin or gitbash
git clone git://
cd node
sudo make install
or follow this Node JS Installation
An LDAP ready machine and Barcode scanner if you have but is not recommended since we can just input it to the text box
Go to {DOCUMENT_PATH}/resources/app
Install node packages
npm install
Update LDAP configs - So that we can check those user that
- Run chriscupas.exe
- The registratin needs the Event ID
- On registration if you input the ID number it will look through the LDAP config and try to connect then it will populate the (Name,Dep Number, Email). Given if you choose Category as Staff.
- The In-Out. The scanning of barcode, assuming you have a barcode given to you via registration on the live site. This will be via email. It will record the in-out of the user
- Settings - is capable to sync the registration DB and attendance DB. Just input the correct domain and API. The live site should have the fields for this to accept handshake from offline to online.
Just make sure your online domain has the fields so that we can sync our offline data to live one. If you want to create a standalone version use Inno Setup
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- chriscupas
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- To the almighty
- Inspiration
- etc