The Comment Tagger plugin lets logged-in readers add tags to comments. The plugin works out-of-the-box with CommentPress Core but can also be used with other themes. Please see Setup below for details.
There are two ways to install from GitHub:
If you have downloaded Comment Tagger as a ZIP file from the GitHub repository, do the following to install and activate the plugin and theme:
- Unzip the .zip file and, if needed, rename the enclosing folder so that the plugin's files are located directly inside
- Activate the plugin
- Refer to Setup instructions below
- You are done!
If you have cloned the code from GitHub, it is assumed that you know what you're doing.
This plugin works "out of the box" with CommentPress Core. If you are using another theme, then you will need to make some additions to your theme.
You will need to create a taxonomy archive template to display tagged comments. A sample template for the Twenty Twelve theme is provided with this plugin - you can find it in 'assets/templates/twentytwelve/taxonomy-comment_tags.php'. Copy this file to the top level of your theme's (or child theme's) directory and amend it to match your theme's structure and markup. You will also need to style the output to match your theme.
If you visit a Comment Tag Archive page and get a "Page Not Found" message, visit your Permalinks Settings page to refresh the WordPress rewrite rules.