This project is a secure login module that allows users to register, log in and edit their profile.
It is made with PHP object-oriented programming and MySQL.
Registration: users can create an account by entering their username, first name, last name, password. The data is validated and secured before being stored in the database.
Login: users can log in with their username and password
Profile: users can view and edit their profile information, such as their username, firstname, lastname and password. They can also delete their account if they wish.
Logout: users can log out of their session by clicking on the logout button.
To install this project, you need to have a web server with PHP and MySQL installed.
Clone or download this repository and place it in your web server directory (e.g. htdocs or www).
Create a database named module_connexion_b2 and import the module_connexion_b2.sql file.
Run your web server and access the project from your browser (e.g. http://localhost/module-connexion-b2/index.php).