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Module Artifact registry repository IAM

This optional module is used to assign artifact registry repository iam roles.

Example Usage

module "artifact-registry-repository-iam-bindings" {
  source   = "terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/artifact_registry_iam"
  project      = "my-project"
  repositories = ["my-project_one", "my-project_two"]
  location     = "us-central1"
  mode         = "additive"

  bindings = {
    "roles/artifactregistry.writer" = [
      "serviceAccount:[email protected]",
      "group:[email protected]",
      "user:[email protected]",


Name Description Type Default Required
bindings Map of role (key) and list of members (value) to add the IAM policies/bindings map(list(string)) {} no
location Location of the provided artifact registry repositories string n/a yes
mode Mode for adding the IAM policies/bindings, additive and authoritative string "additive" no
project Project where the artifact registry repositories are placed string n/a yes
repositories Artifact registry repositories list to add the IAM policies/bindings list(string) [] no


Name Description
members Members which were bound to artifact registry repositories.
repositories Artifact registry repositories which received bindings.
roles Roles which were assigned to members.