Gradual learning curve
- Data structure orientated
- Algorithm highlighted first
- Readability first(Do one thing at one time)
- 100% accepted by hackerrank
- Self validated
- Test Driven
Better 思维过程 ,
That's why we use algorithm to train our 思维过程 explicitly.
Find the cross knowledge application of 思维过程
Increase the indexing of knowledge(去理解一个定理(knowledge)的证明(思维过程)会带来巨大的好处,首当其冲的好处就是你很难再忘掉它。)
- remember what is unknown
- abstract massive information from answer
- special case
- reverse thinking
A + B = C C = D
Conclusion A + B = D
Good Structure: Idea(core inspirational framework) => algorithm logic(method) => code(detail)
Bad structure: code(detail) => algorithm logic(method)
《算法导论》、《如何解题:现代启发式方法》、《 Algorithms 》、《编程珠玑》,甚至 TAOCP——公平地说由于高老大对算法领域历史了解得非常通透,所以许多地方能够从原始脉络来讲述一个问题,譬如令人印象深刻的从竞赛树到堆的讲解就寥寥一页纸道出了堆这个数据结构的本质来,而像刚才列的几本有名的书却都没有做到)
Thinking process: 《如何解题》 《数学的发现》
Knowledge: Algorithm corner:
- Original => Core idea
- summary