- Metis: File System Model Checking via Versatile Input and State Exploration, FAST24
- FiSC: Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors, OSDI 2004
- SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems,sosp15
- Verifying a high-performance crash-safe file system using a tree specification
- Cogent: Verifying high-assurance file system implementations
- Verifying a file system implementation
- Recon: Verifying file system consistency at runtime
- Modeling and verifying Google file system
- Using concurrent relational logic with helpers for verifying the AtomFS file system
- Co-design and verification of an available file system
- A Concurrent Specification of POSIX File Systems
- Cross-checking semantic correctness: The case of finding file system bugs, SOSP15
- Hydra: Finding semantic bugs in file systems with an extensible fuzzing framework, SOSP19
- JANUS: Fuzzing file systems via two-dimensional input space exploration, S&P2019
- Krace: Data Race Fuzzing for Kernel File Systems, S&P2019
- ReFuzz - Structure Aware Fuzzing of the Resilient File System (ReFS), ASIA CCS'22
- LFuzz: Exploiting Locality-Enabled Techniques for File-System Fuzzing
- B3:Finding Crash-Consistency Bugs with Bounded Black-Box Crash Testing, OSDI18
- Dogfood: Testing File System Implementations on Layered Models, ICSE20
- Chipmunk: Investigating Crash-Consistency in Persistent-Memory File Systems, EuroSys23
- A Study of Linux File System Evolution, Fast13