Releases: ciribob/DCS-SimpleRadio
Update Checker
Added new update check on when TS3 starts
Added Menu item for checking for updates
Bug Fix
C-101 and Hawk Integration
Full integration of C-101 UHF/VHF Radio and Volume Control
Partial integration of Hawk UHF - No volume control
As the radios aren't implemented yet on both the Hawk and C-101 I've used the position of all the switches and knobs to work out the frequency. If the power to the aircraft is off but all the switches set correctly the radio will work in Teamspeak.
Hopefully the Hawk and C-101 will receive updates soon as part of 1.5/2.0 and then I can implement fully.
Better FC3 Integration
You can now interact with FC3 aircraft much more easily by using the DCS-SimpleRadio.exe status panel.
Ability to select a radio by clicking on the frequency or status circle for FC3 aircraft
Ability to change induvidual radio volumes by dragging the slider for FC3 aircraft
Bug fix for UDP unicast mode
Optimisation and small bug fix
Optimised TS3 server sync to sync once per 3.5 seconds or when there is a change in the radio state.
Fixed JADRO frequency
Draggable Status Panel
RadioPanel is now easier to drag around. You can click and drag from anywhere rather than the taskbar.
Fixed small issue with volumes control being switched on the A10C
Volume Control
Added Per Radio volume control for non FC3 Aircraft
Added buttons to RadioPanel so FC3 aircraft or ground commander can switch radios without using hotkeys
Added icon to Status Program
Added icon to the Radio Status panel
Minor changes to LUA script
Full Working GUI and HotKeys
Full working version with 32 and 64 bit dll's for TeamSpeak.
Make sure to allow all firewall requests