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5.8 event 源码解析


k8s的 Event 事件是一种资源对象,用于展示集群内发生的情况,k8s 系统中的各个组件会将运行时发生的各种事件上报给 apiserver 。可以通过kubectl get event 或 kubectl describe pod podName 命令显示事件,查看k8s集群中发生了哪些事件。

apiserver 会将 Event 事件存在 etcd 集群中,为避免磁盘空间被填满,故强制执行保留策略:在最后一次的事件发生后,删除1小时之前发生的事件。

  Type    Reason     Age   From                     Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----                     -------
  Normal  Scheduled  19s   default-scheduler        Successfully assigned default/hpatest-bbb44c476-8d45v to
  Normal  Pulled     15s   kubelet,  Container image "nginx" already present on machine
  Normal  Created    15s   kubelet,  Created container hpatest
  Normal  Started    13s   kubelet,  Started container hpatest

Event 事件管理机制主要有三部分组成:

  • EventRecorder:是事件生成者,k8s组件通过调用它的方法来生成事件;
  • EventBroadcaster:事件广播器,负责消费EventRecorder产生的事件,然后分发给broadcasterWatcher;
  • broadcasterWatcher:用于定义事件的处理方式,如上报apiserver;


1. Event 数据结构

// pkg/apis/core/types.go

// Event is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.  Events
// have a limited retention time and triggers and messages may evolve
// with time.  Event consumers should not rely on the timing of an event
// with a given Reason reflecting a consistent underlying trigger, or the
// continued existence of events with that Reason.  Events should be
// treated as informative, best-effort, supplemental data.
// TODO: Decide whether to store these separately or with the object they apply to.
type Event struct {
	// 标准对象的元数据。

	// The object that this event is about. Mapped to events.Event.regarding
	// +optional
	// 与此 event 有直接关联的资源对象(触发event的资源对象)
	InvolvedObject ObjectReference

	// Optional; this should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason
	// for this event being generated. For example, if the event is reporting that a container
	// can't start, the Reason might be "ImageNotFound".
	// TODO: provide exact specification for format.
	// +optional
	// 这应该是一个简短的,机器可理解的字符串,该字符串给出了转换为对象当前状态的原因。
	Reason string

	// Optional. A human-readable description of the status of this operation.
	// TODO: decide on maximum length. Mapped to events.Event.note
	// +optional
	// 此操作状态的可读描述。(给一个更易让人读懂的详细说明)
	Message string

	// Optional. The component reporting this event. Should be a short machine understandable string.
	// +optional
	// 报告此事件的组件。 应该是机器可以理解的短字符串。
	Source EventSource

	// The time at which the event was first recorded. (Time of server receipt is in TypeMeta.)
	// +optional
	// 首次记录事件的时间。 (服务器收到时间以TypeMeta表示。)
	FirstTimestamp metav1.Time

	// The time at which the most recent occurrence of this event was recorded.
	// +optional
	// 最近一次记录此事件的时间。
	LastTimestamp metav1.Time

	// The number of times this event has occurred.
	// +optional
	// 此事件发生的次数。
	Count int32

	// Type of this event (Normal, Warning), new types could be added in the future.
	// +optional
	// 此事件的类型(正常,警告),将来可能会添加新的类型
	Type string

	// Time when this Event was first observed.
	// +optional
	// 首次观察到此事件的时间。
	EventTime metav1.MicroTime

	// Data about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event.
	// +optional
	Series *EventSeries

	// What action was taken/failed regarding to the Regarding object.
	// +optional
	Action string

	// Optional secondary object for more complex actions.
	// +optional
	Related *ObjectReference

	// Name of the controller that emitted this Event, e.g. ``.
	// +optional
	ReportingController string

	// ID of the controller instance, e.g. `kubelet-xyzf`.
	// +optional
	ReportingInstance string

2. EventBroadcaster源码分析

2.1 EventRecorder记录事件(事件生产者)

  • EventRecorder

在 client-go 中的 staging/src/ 中定义的 EventRecorder 接口:

// EventRecorder 知道如何记录事件源产生的时间
// EventRecorder knows how to record events on behalf of an EventSource.
type EventRecorder interface {
	// Event constructs an event from the given information and puts it in the queue for sending.
	// 'object' is the object this event is about. Event will make a reference-- or you may also
	// pass a reference to the object directly.
	// 'eventtype' of this event, and can be one of Normal, Warning. New types could be added in future
	// 'reason' is the reason this event is generated. 'reason' should be short and unique; it
	// should be in UpperCamelCase format (starting with a capital letter). "reason" will be used
	// to automate handling of events, so imagine people writing switch statements to handle them.
	// You want to make that easy.
	// 'message' is intended to be human readable.
	// The resulting event will be created in the same namespace as the reference object.
	Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string)

	// Eventf is just like Event, but with Sprintf for the message field.
	Eventf(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})

	// AnnotatedEventf is just like eventf, but with annotations attached
	AnnotatedEventf(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})

EventRecorder 接口定义了记录 Event 的三种方法,用以帮助kubernetes组件记录Event。其中Event是以来记录刚发生的事件;Eventf通过使用fmt.Sprintf格式化输出事件的格式;AnnotatedEventf功能和Eventf一致,但是附加了注释字段。

  • recordImpl


type recorderImpl struct {
	scheme *runtime.Scheme
	source v1.EventSource
	clock clock.PassiveClock

// NewRecorder returns an EventRecorder that records events with the given event source.
func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) NewRecorder(scheme *runtime.Scheme, source v1.EventSource) EventRecorder {
	return &recorderImpl{scheme, source, e.Broadcaster, clock.RealClock{}}
func (recorder *recorderImpl) Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string) {
	recorder.generateEvent(object, nil, eventtype, reason, message)

func (recorder *recorderImpl) Eventf(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{}) {
	recorder.Event(object, eventtype, reason, fmt.Sprintf(messageFmt, args...))

func (recorder *recorderImpl) AnnotatedEventf(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{}) {
	recorder.generateEvent(object, annotations, eventtype, reason, fmt.Sprintf(messageFmt, args...))

recorderImpl实现了EventRecorder接口定义的三个方法,以Event方法为例,调用链为: recorderImpl.Event方法→ recorderImpl.generateEvent方法→Broadcaster.ActionOrDrop方法:

func (recorder *recorderImpl) Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string) {
	recorder.generateEvent(object, nil, eventtype, reason, message)

func (recorder *recorderImpl) generateEvent(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, message string) {
	ref, err := ref.GetReference(recorder.scheme, object)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("Could not construct reference to: '%#v' due to: '%v'. Will not report event: '%v' '%v' '%v'", object, err, eventtype, reason, message)

	if !util.ValidateEventType(eventtype) {
		klog.Errorf("Unsupported event type: '%v'", eventtype)

	event := recorder.makeEvent(ref, annotations, eventtype, reason, message)
	event.Source = recorder.source

	// NOTE: events should be a non-blocking operation, but we also need to not
	// put this in a goroutine, otherwise we'll race to write to a closed channel
	// when we go to shut down this broadcaster.  Just drop events if we get overloaded,
	// and log an error if that happens (we've configured the broadcaster to drop
	// outgoing events anyway).
	sent, err := recorder.ActionOrDrop(watch.Added, event)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("unable to record event: %v (will not retry!)", err)
	if !sent {
		klog.Errorf("unable to record event: too many queued events, dropped event %#v", event)
// Action distributes the given event among all watchers, or drops it on the floor
// if too many incoming actions are queued up.  Returns true if the action was sent,
// false if dropped.
func (m *Broadcaster) ActionOrDrop(action EventType, obj runtime.Object) (bool, error) {
	defer m.incomingBlock.Unlock()

	// Ensure that if the broadcaster is stopped we do not send events to it.
	select {
	case <-m.stopped:
		return false, fmt.Errorf("broadcaster already stopped")

	select {
	case m.incoming <- Event{action, obj}:
		return true, nil
		return false, nil


func (recorder *recorderImpl) makeEvent(ref *v1.ObjectReference, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, message string) *v1.Event {
	t := metav1.Time{Time: recorder.clock.Now()}
	namespace := ref.Namespace
	if namespace == "" {
		namespace = metav1.NamespaceDefault
	return &v1.Event{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:        fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", ref.Name, t.UnixNano()),
			Namespace:   namespace,
			Annotations: annotations,
		InvolvedObject: *ref,
		Reason:         reason,
		Message:        message,
		FirstTimestamp: t,
		LastTimestamp:  t,
		Count:          1,
		Type:           eventtype,


2.2 EventBroadcaster事件广播(事件消费者)

  • EventBroadcaster


// EventBroadcaster knows how to receive events and send them to any EventSink, watcher, or log.
type EventBroadcaster interface {
	// StartEventWatcher starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given
	// event handler function. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if
	// desired.
	StartEventWatcher(eventHandler func(*v1.Event)) watch.Interface

	// StartRecordingToSink starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given
	// sink. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
	StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface

	// StartLogging starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given logging
	// function. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
	StartLogging(logf func(format string, args ...interface{})) watch.Interface

	// StartStructuredLogging starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the structured
	// logging function. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
	StartStructuredLogging(verbosity klog.Level) watch.Interface

	// NewRecorder returns an EventRecorder that can be used to send events to this EventBroadcaster
	// with the event source set to the given event source.
	NewRecorder(scheme *runtime.Scheme, source v1.EventSource) EventRecorder

	// Shutdown shuts down the broadcaster

EventBroadcaster作为 Event 消费者,消费 EventRecorder 记录的事件并将其分发给目前所有已连接的broadcasterWatcher。

结构体 eventBroadcasterImpl 是其实现:

type eventBroadcasterImpl struct {
	sleepDuration time.Duration
	options       CorrelatorOptions



// Broadcaster distributes event notifications among any number of watchers. Every event
// is delivered to every watcher.
type Broadcaster struct {
	watchers     map[int64]*broadcasterWatcher
	nextWatcher  int64
	distributing sync.WaitGroup

	// incomingBlock allows us to ensure we don't race and end up sending events
	// to a closed channel following a broadcaster shutdown.
	incomingBlock sync.Mutex
	incoming      chan Event
	stopped       chan struct{}

	// How large to make watcher's channel.
	watchQueueLength int
	// If one of the watch channels is full, don't wait for it to become empty.
	// Instead just deliver it to the watchers that do have space in their
	// channels and move on to the next event.
	// It's more fair to do this on a per-watcher basis than to do it on the
	// "incoming" channel, which would allow one slow watcher to prevent all
	// other watchers from getting new events.
	fullChannelBehavior FullChannelBehavior


// Creates a new event broadcaster.
func NewBroadcaster() EventBroadcaster {
    return &eventBroadcasterImpl{
        Broadcaster:   watch.NewLongQueueBroadcaster(maxQueuedEvents, watch.DropIfChannelFull),
        sleepDuration: defaultSleepDuration,


func NewLongQueueBroadcaster(queueLength int, fullChannelBehavior FullChannelBehavior) *Broadcaster {
  m := &Broadcaster{
    watchers:            map[int64]*broadcasterWatcher{}, //观察者
    incoming:            make(chan Event, queueLength),   //事件接收缓冲
    stopped:             make(chan struct{}),
    watchQueueLength:    queueLength,
    fullChannelBehavior: fullChannelBehavior,    //broadcasterWatcher存放事件的result通道缓存满了之后再来写入的事件是否抛弃事件,这里默认都是抛弃,逻辑在下面的distribute()方法里面
  m.distributing.Add(1)                          // sysc.WaitGroup
  go m.loop()                                    // 死循环消费事件直到incoming通道关闭
  return m


func (m *Broadcaster) loop() {
  for event := range m.incoming {
    if event.Type == internalRunFunctionMarker {
  // incoming通道关闭后清理资源(关闭所有观察者)


func (m *Broadcaster) distribute(event Event) {
    if m.fullChannelBehavior == DropIfChannelFull {
        for _, w := range m.watchers {     //遍历所有观察者
            select {
            case w.result <- event:        //把事件分发给每一个观察者
            case <-w.stopped:              //如果观察者被停止
            default:                       //非阻塞分发,如果w.result满了,则丢弃事件
    } else {
        for _, w := range m.watchers {
            select {
            case w.result <- event:        //阻塞分发,如果w.result满了,则一直等待事件被处理后在放入事件
            case <-w.stopped:






func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) Shutdown() {
func (m *Broadcaster) Shutdown() {
  m.blockQueue(func() {
func (m *Broadcaster) loop() {
  // Deliberately not catching crashes here. Yes, bring down the process if there's a
  // bug in watch.Broadcaster.
  for event := range m.incoming {
    if event.Type == internalRunFunctionMarker {
func (m *Broadcaster) closeAll() {
  for _, w := range m.watchers {
  // Delete everything from the map, since presence/absence in the map is used
  // by stopWatching to avoid double-closing the channel.
  m.watchers = map[int64]*broadcasterWatcher{}


2.3 broadcasterWatcher事件的处理



func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartLogging(logf func(format string, args ...interface{})) watch.Interface {
    return e.StartEventWatcher(
        func(e *v1.Event) {
            logf("Event(%#v): type: '%v' reason: '%v' %v", e.InvolvedObject, e.Type, e.Reason, e.Message)


func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartStructuredLogging(verbosity klog.Level) watch.Interface {
    return e.StartEventWatcher(
        func(e *v1.Event) {
            klog.V(verbosity).InfoS("Event occurred", "object", klog.KRef(e.InvolvedObject.Namespace, e.InvolvedObject.Name), "kind", e.InvolvedObject.Kind, "apiVersion", e.InvolvedObject.APIVersion, "type", e.Type, "reason", e.Reason, "message", e.Message)


func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface {
    eventCorrelator := NewEventCorrelatorWithOptions(e.options)
    return e.StartEventWatcher(
        func(event *v1.Event) {
            recordToSink(sink, event, eventCorrelator, e.sleepDuration)

NewEventCorrelatorWithOptions方法返回一个EventCorrelator对象(事件相关因子),它主要是用来做事件的聚合的,我们知道一个pod在运行过程中会产生很多事件,比如拉取镜像失败,pod会重试拉取镜像,那么就会产生很多相似的事件,这些事件如果不加以处理,就有可能产生过多的事件资源,对etcd造成很大的压力。 eventBroadcasterImpl实现的三种Event的处理方法都依赖StartEventWatcher方法:

func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartEventWatcher(eventHandler func(*v1.Event)) watch.Interface {
  watcher := e.Watch()    //注册watcher到watchers里面
  go func() {
    defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
    for watchEvent := range watcher.ResultChan() {
      event, ok := watchEvent.Object.(*v1.Event)
      if !ok {
  return watcher

逻辑很简单,注册watcher到watchers里面,然后一个for循环,监听watcher的result,有事件的话,就调用传入的参数方法(eventHandler)去处理事件 我们看看e.Watch() 这个方法如何注册的,这块代码很艺术!

// 实例化观察者对象(broadcasterWatcher)并注册到watchers里,键自增
func (m *Broadcaster) Watch() Interface {
  var w *broadcasterWatcher
  m.blockQueue(func() {
    id := m.nextWatcher
    w = &broadcasterWatcher{
      result:  make(chan Event, m.watchQueueLength),
      stopped: make(chan struct{}),
      id:      id,
      m:       m,
    m.watchers[id] = w
  if w == nil {
    // The panic here is to be consistent with the previous interface behavior
    // we are willing to re-evaluate in the future.
    panic("broadcaster already stopped")
  return w
// 参数f fun()提供了watcher的创建方式
func (m *Broadcaster) blockQueue(f func()) {
  select {
  case <-m.stopped:
  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  m.incoming <- Event{
    Type: internalRunFunctionMarker,
    Object: functionFakeRuntimeObject(func() {  //将func(){ defer wg.Done() f() }强制转换成functionFakeRuntimeObject类型,functionFakeRuntimeObject类型实现了runtime.object接口
      defer wg.Done()

Watch方法做了3件事,声明一个broadcasterWatcher对象,调用blockQueue方法(提供了watcher的创建方式),返回watcher。 blockQueue方法给incoming里面写入了一个事件,而我们生成watcher的方法(入参)被放倒了Event的对象里面,也就是把注册watcher这个动作当成了一个”注册Event“,交给了事件核心处理逻辑去处理了,还记得核心逻辑loop方法吗,再贴一遍loop代码

func (m *Broadcaster) loop() {
    // Deliberately not catching crashes here. Yes, bring down the process if there's a
    // bug in watch.Broadcaster.
    for event := range m.incoming {
        if event.Type == internalRunFunctionMarker {  //来看这里!!!!!
            event.Object.(functionFakeRuntimeObject)()  //调用创建watcher的方法,方法来自blockQueue方法形参

在接收到一个事件的时候,首先进行了一个事件类型判断,如果是internalRunFunctionMarker (”注册Event“),然后调用里面的方法,完成了watcher的注册。这样有什么好处呢?为什么要搞的这么麻烦,直接注册进去不行吗?我理解这里的意思主要是watcher不监视已经发生的历史数据,只是从注册发生起之后的事件,因为我们的事件都是按照时间顺序排队执行的,所以把注册当成一个事件排在队列里,那么它就能获取到”注册事件“发生之后所有的事件,之前已经产生的事件都不在它的处理范围之内。 前面的sync.WaitGroup问题是因为直到注册动作完成之前都不算注册成功,所以要加一个wait,直到整个注册事件被loop方法执行完成才算注册成功。避免以为注册成功,但是却没有接收到事件的问题。好了,到这里注册的逻辑我们就理清楚了,下面看看StartEventWatcher方法里整个协程里面的动作

func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartEventWatcher(eventHandler func(*v1.Event)) watch.Interface {
  watcher := e.Watch()
  go func() {
    defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
    for watchEvent := range watcher.ResultChan() {
      event, ok := watchEvent.Object.(*v1.Event)
      if !ok {
        // This is all local, so there's no reason this should
        // ever happen.
  return watcher
// 下面是broadcasterWatcher 的结构,以及ResultChan方法,都比较简单,主要是用来说明watcher.ResultChan()
type broadcasterWatcher struct {
  result  chan Event       //待处理时间存放的缓冲通道
  stopped chan struct{}
  stop    sync.Once
  id      int64            //watcher编号
  m       *Broadcaster     //核心结构体,上面有介绍,这里主要是为了停止对应的wather
// ResultChan returns a channel to use for waiting on events.
func (mw *broadcasterWatcher) ResultChan() <-chan Event {
  return mw.result

2.4 事件处理逻辑

对于StartLogging、StartStructuredLogging方式,都是把事件信息当做日志打印了一下。这里主要看一下StartRecordingToSink方法,StartRecordingToSink封装的StartEventWatcher方法里面会处理事件消费者分发的事件,并回调recordToSink方法,对收到 events 后会进行缓存、过滤、聚合而后发送到 apiserver,apiserver 会将 events 保存到 etcd 中。下面着重分析下recordToSink方法。

func recordToSink(sink EventSink, event *v1.Event, eventCorrelator *EventCorrelator, sleepDuration time.Duration) {
    // Make a copy before modification, because there could be multiple listeners.
    // Events are safe to copy like this.
    eventCopy := *event
    event = &eventCopy     // 复制event
    result, err := eventCorrelator.EventCorrelate(event)    // 聚合
    if err != nil {
    if result.Skip {  // 跳过记录此事件
    tries := 0  // 重试
    for {
        if recordEvent(sink, result.Event, result.Patch, result.Event.Count > 1, eventCorrelator) {  //记录事件,true代表成功或者忽略错误,跳出循环
        if tries >= maxTriesPerEvent {    //重试12次退出
            klog.Errorf("Unable to write event '%#v' (retry limit exceeded!)", event)
        // Randomize the first sleep so that various clients won't all be
        // synced up if the master goes down.
        if tries == 1 {
            time.Sleep(time.Duration(float64(sleepDuration) * rand.Float64()))  //第一次间隔事件随机
        } else {
            time.Sleep(sleepDuration)  //从个第二次起间隔事件正常。

recordToSink方法首先会调用EventCorrelate方法对event做预处理,聚合相同的事件,避免产生的事件过多,增加 etcd 和 apiserver 的压力,如果传入的Event太多了,那么result.Skip 就会返回false;

接下来会调用recordEvent方法把事件发送到 apiserver,它会重试很多次(默认是 12 次),并且每次重试都有一定时间间隔(默认是 10 秒钟)。


  • EventCorrelate
// client-go/tools/record/events_cache.go
func (c *EventCorrelator) EventCorrelate(newEvent *v1.Event) (*EventCorrelateResult, error) {
  if newEvent == nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("event is nil")
  aggregateEvent, ckey := c.aggregator.EventAggregate(newEvent)
  observedEvent, patch, err := c.logger.eventObserve(aggregateEvent, ckey)
  if c.filterFunc(observedEvent) {
    return &EventCorrelateResult{Skip: true}, nil
  return &EventCorrelateResult{Event: observedEvent, Patch: patch}, err


func (e *EventAggregator) EventAggregate(newEvent *v1.Event) (*v1.Event, string) {
    now := metav1.NewTime(e.clock.Now())
    var record aggregateRecord
    eventKey := getEventKey(newEvent)
    aggregateKey, localKey := e.keyFunc(newEvent)
    defer e.Unlock()
    // 查找缓存里面是否也存在这样的记录
    value, found := e.cache.Get(aggregateKey)
    if found {
        record = value.(aggregateRecord)
    // maxIntervalInSeconds默认时间是600s,这里校验缓存里面的记录是否太老了
    // 如果是那么就创建一个新的
    // 如果record在缓存里面找不到,那么lastTimestamp是零,那么也创建一个新的
    maxInterval := time.Duration(e.maxIntervalInSeconds) * time.Second
    interval := now.Time.Sub(record.lastTimestamp.Time)
    if interval > maxInterval {
        record = aggregateRecord{localKeys: sets.NewString()}
    record.lastTimestamp = now
    // 重新加入到LRU缓存中
    e.cache.Add(aggregateKey, record)
    // 如果没有达到阈值,那么不进行聚合
    if uint(record.localKeys.Len()) < e.maxEvents {
        return newEvent, eventKey
    eventCopy := &v1.Event{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", newEvent.InvolvedObject.Name, now.UnixNano()),
            Namespace: newEvent.Namespace,
        Count:          1,
        FirstTimestamp: now,
        InvolvedObject: newEvent.InvolvedObject,
        LastTimestamp:  now,
        // 将Message进行聚合
        Message:        e.messageFunc(newEvent),
        Type:           newEvent.Type,
        Reason:         newEvent.Reason,
        Source:         newEvent.Source,
    return eventCopy, aggregateKey





  • eventObserve
func (e *eventLogger) eventObserve(newEvent *v1.Event, key string) (*v1.Event, []byte, error) {
    var (
        patch []byte
        err   error
    eventCopy := *newEvent
    event := &eventCopy
    defer e.Unlock()
    // 检查是否在缓存中
    lastObservation := e.lastEventObservationFromCache(key)
    // 如果大于0说明存在,并且对Count进行自增
    if lastObservation.count > 0 {
        event.Name =
        event.ResourceVersion = lastObservation.resourceVersion
        event.FirstTimestamp = lastObservation.firstTimestamp
        event.Count = int32(lastObservation.count) + 1
        eventCopy2 := *event
        eventCopy2.Count = 0
        eventCopy2.LastTimestamp = metav1.NewTime(time.Unix(0, 0))
        eventCopy2.Message = ""
        newData, _ := json.Marshal(event)
        oldData, _ := json.Marshal(eventCopy2)
        patch, err = strategicpatch.CreateTwoWayMergePatch(oldData, newData, event)
    // 最后重新更新缓存记录
            count:           uint(event.Count),
            firstTimestamp:  event.FirstTimestamp,
            name:            event.Name,
            resourceVersion: event.ResourceVersion,
    return event, patch, err


3. 使用示例

const (
// SuccessSynced is used as part of the Event 'reason' when a Foo is synced
successSynced = "Synced"
// is synced successfully
messageResourceSynced = "User synced successfully"
eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&typedcorev1.EventSinkImpl{Interface: k8sClient.CoreV1().Events("")})
recorder := eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, corev1.EventSource{Component: controllerName})
c.recorder.Event(user, corev1.EventTypeNormal, successSynced, messageResourceSynced)

StartRecordingToSink会调用StartEventWatcher,StartEventWatcher方法里面会异步的调用 watcher.ResultChan()方法获取到broadcasterWatcher的result管道,result管道里面的数据就是Broadcaster的distribute方法进行分发的。

4. 总结

了解完 events 的整个处理流程后,再梳理一下整个流程:

  1. 首先是初始化 EventBroadcaster 对象,同时会初始化一个 Broadcaster 对象,并开启一个loop循环接收所有的 events 并进行广播;
  2. 定义处理事件的方式,EventBroadcaster 会调用StartStructuredLogging或StartRecordingToSink方法调用封装好的StartEventWatcher方法,并执行自己的逻辑;
  3. 然后通过 EventBroadcaster 对象的 NewRecorder() 方法初始化 EventRecorder 对象,EventRecorder 对象会生成 events 并通过ActionOrDrop() 方法发送 events 到 Broadcaster 的 channel 队列中;
  4. StartRecordingToSink封装的StartEventWatcher方法里面会处理事件消费者分发的事件,并调用recordToSink方法,对收到 events 后会进行缓存、过滤、聚合而后发送到 apiserver,apiserver 会将 events 保存到 etcd 中。