This docs
directory contains the developer documentation for the BrewPi Firmware.
It is best viewed on
To build the documentation locally, you will have to install some python packages. This is best done in an isolated virtualenv
First, create a Python virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper:
For Windows:
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
For other systems:
pip install virtualenvwrapper
Create a new virtualenv:
mkvirtualenv docs
Now start using the virtualenv:
workon docs
Install all required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can now build the documentation with:
make html
Sphinx supports both MarkDown and reStructuredText, but because Markdown is easier to write and best supported by GitHub, we chose to write the docs in MarkDown as much as possible.
If you are using Eclipse to write firmware code, it can be helpful to edit and auto-build the docs from Eclipse too. To build the documentation on resource save in Eclipse (on Windows), set up a new build configuration and use as build command:
<path to virtualenv>/shpinx-build.exe
And as 'build on resource save'command use:
-d _build/doctrees -b html . _build/html
To auto-refresh your browser as well, you can use the Chrome plugin LivePage.