# Create new project directory
cd ~/projects
mkdir example.lan
cd example.lan
# Clone project repo (expecting application root at root of repo)
cd ~/projects
git clone [email protected]:classyllama/example-com.git example.lan
cd example.lan
You can embed the devenv repo references and project config files inside a Magento application repo in the tools/devenv/
directory. You can do this easily with gitman, or follow a few simple commands if you can't or don't want to use gitman. Install devenv files into Magento project
# Create the tools/devenv directory in your project's magento root
mkdir -p tools/devenv
cd tools/devenv
# Create a gitman.yml file for gitman to initialize the devenv setup
echo "
location: repo_sources
- name: devenv
type: git
repo: [email protected]:classyllama/devenv-vagrant.git
rev: master
- ./gitman_init.sh
" | tee ./gitman.yml
# Have gitman pull down the repo and run the initialization script
gitman install
# Lock the devenv repo at the commit it just checked out.
gitman lock
# Installing dependencies...
mkdir -p tools/devenv/repo_sources
cd tools/devenv/repo_sources
git clone [email protected]:classyllama/devenv-vagrant.git devenv
cd devenv
git checkout --force master
# Running scripts...
Adjust configuration files with domain to use example.lan
and any other project specific configs that should be different than the defaults
Some example reference implementations used for testing variations on environment configurations can be found in the [iac-test-lab] repo.
Review the project README.md sample that was copied into the tools/devenv directory. You can customize the README.md in in the tools/devenv to contain project specific commands for initializing the devenv for your project.
The files directly in the tools/devenv
will contain the variants you need for your project's customizations, can be commited to your projects source code repo, and the tools/devenv/repo_sources
directory containing this repo will just be cloned indepdenently on each developer's machine and ignored by your project's git repo.
Build VM
# [run from host]
vagrant up
If the "Magento Demo Install" existed in the devenv_vars.config.yml file, Ansible would have created a Magento install script based on the variables specified.
Install Magento in VM using install script
# [run from host]
# ssh into vm
vagrant ssh
# This is equivilent to running "ssh [email protected]"
# [run from vm]
~/magento-demo/install-magento.sh config_site.json
ln -s magento /var/www/data/current
cd /var/www/data/magento
bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
bin/magento config:set --lock-env system/full_page_cache/caching_application 1
bin/magento cache:flush
Start Mutagen to sync files into your host system so they can be committed to a project repo
# [run from host]
cd ~/projects/example.lan/tools/devenv
mutagen project start
mutagen sync monitor
Open in browser
Magento Frontend https://example.lan/
Magento Backend (Admin) https://example.lan/backend/
# [run from vm]
# Get credentials to login to Magento Admin
cd /var/www/data
sudo dnf -y install oathtool
cat magento_admin_credentials.json
# Generate Two Factor Auth code for admin user
oathtool --time-step-size=30 --window=0 --totp=sha1 --base32 "$(cat magento_admin_credentials.json | jq -r .admin_tfa_secret)"
Additional notes on Demo Install and Two Factor Auth: https://github.com/classyllama/ansible-role-magento-demo#notes
Initialize Email Capture (using Mailhog)
Enable mailhog
./devenv mailhog enable
Disable mailhog
./devenv mailhog disable
Inside VM, value of
variable in/etc/php.d/20-mailhog.ini
changes to/usr/bin/msmtp --read-recipients -a default
when enabled and changes to/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
when disabled. -
Look for captured email in the browser at <env_name>:8025/ (eg: http://dev-centos7-common.lan:8025/)
- For example: change password of a customer and go to the above address to find the captured email
Enable Debugging
Enable PHP xDebug inside VM
# [run from host] cd ~/projects/example.lan/tools/devenv ./devenv xdebug enable
Open PhpStorm at project root directory
# [run from host] cd ~/projects/example.lan pstorm .
Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections
In browser enable debug with xDebug browser extension
Get realpath for application root
# [run from vm] cd /var/www/data/current/ pwd -P
Setup path mapping in PhpStorm Use the output of "pwd -P" in PhpStorm path mapping (example: /data/www/data/magento)
Clone this repo to some general location where you'd like to store multiple projects such as ~/devenv/
then you can store all your project's files in the projects
Copy devenv config files from the samples in the repo
cp Vagrantfile.config.rb.sample Vagrantfile.config.rb
cp Vagrantfile.local.rb.sample Vagrantfile.local.rb
cp provisioning/devenv_vars.config.yml.sample provisioning/devenv_vars.config.yml
cp mutagen.yml.sample mutagen.yml
cp provisioning/devenv_playbook.config.yml.sample persistent/devenv_playbook.config.yml
Edit and configure your devenv by editing the following files:
- Vagrantfile.config.rb
- provisioning/devenv_vars.config.yml
- mutagen.yml
Start your devenv
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
We are working inside the VM as the www-data
user NOT the vagrant
user. The VagrantFile is configured to log you in as the www-data
user once it is provisioned.
# From within VM
Magento installation will be at /var/www/data/magento
Site Root will be at /var/www/data/project/sitecode/pub
and /var/www/data/project/sitecode
will be symlinked to /var/www/data/magento
There is a mutagen.yml
file that can be updated to sync files between the local host and the VM. The initial mutagen.yml
was setup to work from a repo on the host and sync things into the VM for execution, and running a demo install on the VM where it creates all the files is the oposite of that, so I currently have the mutagen sync disabled to work with the demo install.
Whatever domains you have configured in your Vagrantfile.config.rb
will be automatically added your system's hosts file via the vagrant-hostmanager plugin. The VM that starts up utilizes DHCP for a dynamic IP address allowing more than one devenv to be setup and operating simultaneously and independently of each other. The vagrant-hostmanager will take care of adjusting your machine's hosts file each time vagrant starts up the machine.
Run mutagen to sync files, and monitor it's status/activity
mutagen project start
mutagen sync monitor
When you are done, you will want to stop Mutagen and halt Vagrant
mutagen sync terminate magento
vagrant halt
To update an environment you can ensure the correct targetted version in the gitman.yml
file and then run:
gitman update devenv