- Vagrant Windows / WSL
- Vagrant-Hostmanager WSL
- VirtualBox Windows
- Ansible WSL
- [Git] Windows / WSL
- Mutagen Windows
- [Python] + Gitman Windows / WSL
- [PHP] + Composer + jq Windows / WSL
- Ability to sync root CA to local filesystem and trust it
- Ability to create predefined hosts entries for dev VMs.
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux v1) Windows
- Requirement: critical to utilize Ansible with Vagrant
- Implications: without WSL, Vagrant can not build and configure the VM
- WSL Distribution Image - CentOS8 Windows
- Requirement: critical to utilize WSL
- Implications: without a CentOS8 WSL distribution, the user will need to setup their own distribution and translate commands for that distribution
- Windows for OpenSSH Windows
- Requirement: important for standard operation
- Implications: without Windows for OpenSSH, Mutagen may not be able to properly connect to the DevEnv to sync files
- Windows Developer Mode Windows
- Requirement: convenient
- Implications: Allow symbolic link creation in WSL to also work in Windows
- Carbon Powershell Module Windows
- Requirement: convenient
- Implications: Allow symbolic link creation in WSL to also work in Windows
- Microsoft Windows Terminal Windows
- Requirement: convenient
- Implications: without Microsoft Windows Terminal, the user will need to use PowerShell or the Command Prompt directly
- VSCode Windows
- Requirement: convenient
- Implications: without VSCode, the user will need to setup and configure their own IDE
- Chocolatey Windows
- Requirement: convenient
- Implications: without a Chocolatey, the user will have to install applications manually
- keychain WSL
- Requirement: convenient
- Implications: without keychain, the user will need to enter private key passwords on each WSL shell that is opened
Tested on WindowsProductName Windows 10 Pro, WindowsVersion 2004
# System Info
Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer
Display list of WSL environments with WSL version
wsl --list --verbose
# ----------------------------
# Install xDebug helper for Edge Web Browser
# https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/xdebug-helper/ggnngifabofaddiejjeagbaebkejomen
# ----------------------------
# ----------------------------
# Disable python and python3 in "Manage App Execution Aliases"
# ----------------------------
Install chocolatey (Windows software package manager) https://chocolatey.org/install
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
# Enable use of -y flag to bypass prompt on each installation
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
# Make sure Chocolatey is up to date
choco upgrade chocolatey
Chocolatey Management Commands
# List all Chocolatey installed packages
choco list --localonly
# List all Chocolatey packages that could be upgraded
choco upgrade all --noop
# Upgrade all Chocolatey packages
choco upgrade all -y
# List installed PowerShell modules
# List all available PowerShell modules that can be installed
Get-Module -ListAvailable
Virtualbox and Vagrant
# Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
choco install virtualbox vagrant -y
Enable WSL
#Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
choco install wsl -y
Microsoft Windows Terminal
choco install microsoft-windows-terminal -y
Utilities - Source Control / JSON Parsing
choco install git jq -y
Languages - PHP / Python
# Install PHP 7.3
# Find latest 7.3.x version https://chocolatey.org/packages/php/#versionhistory
choco install php --version=7.3.23 -y
# Installs to C:\tools\php73\
# Install Python 3.x
choco install python -y
Editor / IDE - Visual Studio Code
choco install vscode --params "/NoDesktopIcon" -y
# Launch VSCode from the command line
# Disable builtin vscode extensions
get-content $env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json
# If the file doesn't exist, you can create a new file
set-Content -Encoding UTF8 $env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json ('{"php.suggest.basic": false}')
# Install VSCode Extensions for Magento (PHP) Development
# https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-gallery
code --install-extension felixfbecker.php-intellisense
code --install-extension felixfbecker.php-debug
code --install-extension neilbrayfield.php-docblocker
# code --install-extension ikappas.phpcs
# code --install-extension junstyle.php-cs-fixer
Windows with OpenSSH https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_install_firstuse
Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*'
Add-WindowsCapability -Name "OpenSSH.Client~~~~" -Online
# Configure and Start the ssh-agent service
Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service ssh-agent
Get-Service ssh-agent
Configure Windows hosts file permissions for scripted changes This is what allows for automatic domain mapping to variable IP (due to DHCP) of Virtual Machine
# Update permissions on Windows hosts file to allow for user changes without Admin UAC permissions
# Granting current user FullControl of file for editing purposes
$myPath = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
$curUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
$myAcl = Get-Acl "$myPath"
$myAclEntry = "$curUser","FullControl","Allow"
$myAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($myAclEntry)
$myAcl | Set-Acl "$MyPath"
Get-Acl "$myPath" | fl
Mutagen https://mutagen.io/documentation/introduction/installation
# Download Windows Binaries from GitHub Releases
# https://github.com/mutagen-io/mutagen/releases/latest
$download = 'https://github.com/mutagen-io/mutagen/releases/download/v0.11.7/mutagen_windows_amd64_v0.11.7.zip'
$destination = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\mutagen_windows_amd64_v0.11.7.zip"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $download -OutFile $destination
# Extract exe binary to program directory
$mutagenPath = "$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Mutagen"
If(!(test-path $mutagenPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $mutagenPath }
Expand-Archive $destination $mutagenPath
# add exe location to this session's path
Set-Item -Path Env:Path -Value ($Env:Path + ";$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Mutagen")
# Set in path permanently
$oldpath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).path
$newpath = "$oldpath;$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Mutagen"
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH -Value $newPath
# Get session's path environment variable
Get-Content -Path Env:Path
mutagen version
Windows Symlink Support Configure Windows user to allow symbolic link creation for compatibility with WSL use of symlinks
# Enable Developer Mode (from Powershell)
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/get-started/enable-your-device-for-development
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock" /t REG_DWORD /f /v "AllowAllTrustedApps" /d "1"
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock" /t REG_DWORD /f /v "AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense" /d "1"
# Providing SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege to normal user
# List existing privileges
whoami /priv
# Install Carbon (from administrator terminal)
choco install Carbon -y
# Default execution policy is "Restricted"
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Import-Module 'Carbon'
# Grant SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege Privilegen (from administrator terminal)
Grant-Privilege -Identity $Env:UserName -Privilege SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
# Test SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege Privilege (from administrator terminal)
Test-Privilege -Identity $Env:UserName -Privilege SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
Git Config
# Set name and email in git config
git config --global user.name "First Last"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
# Make sure git is configured to use the Windows for OpenSSH binaries
git config --global core.sshCommand (get-command ssh).Source.Replace('\','/')
# Prevent Windows based git operations from altering file contents which need to work properly on Linux environments
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global core.eol lf
git config --global core.filemode false
# ----------------------------
# Close and Restart Terminal Application
# This reloads environment variables necessary for the next steps
# ----------------------------
Install Gitman https://gitman.readthedocs.io/ Language-agnostic dependency manager using Git
# Confirm python version (3.x)
python --version
pip install gitman
# ----------------------------
# Reboot Windows
# ----------------------------
Download CentOS8 WSL Distro Launcher and rootfs https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL-DistroLauncher https://github.com/yuk7/wsldl
# CentOS8 build based on official CentOS8 image distributions - repackaged with WSL Distribution Launcher
# See https://github.com/mishamosher/CentOS-WSL/blob/8/build.sh
$download = 'https://github.com/mishamosher/CentOS-WSL/releases/download/8.2-2004/CentOS8.zip'
$destination = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\CentOS8.zip"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $download -OutFile $destination -UseBasicParsing
# Extract and Install WSL Distro
$path = "$Env:USERPROFILE\WSL\CentOS8"
If(!(test-path $path)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $path }
Expand-Archive $destination $path
Start-Process "$path\CentOS8.exe" -Verb runAs -Wait
# Initialize Distro User
wsl adduser $Env:UserName
wsl usermod -a -G wheel $Env:UserName
wsl echo "echo '$Env:UserName ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/wsl_user"
# Copy the results of the above command, launch wsl and paste the command in to allow passwordless sudo access
# or manually edit sudoers file to allow wheel group sudo access without password
# exit WSL to return to PowerShell
# Change the default login user wsl will use
Start-Process -FilePath "$path\CentOS8.exe" -ArgumentList "config --default-user $Env:UserName"
Create new ssh keypair (ssh-keygen) or import existing keys into $Env:USERPROFILE.ssh\
If generating a new keypair please use a password on your private key Consider using a password manager such as 1Password
Add private key (~/.ssh/id_rsa) to ssh-agent
ssh-add $Env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\id_rsa
Test SSH access to confirm if you have a machine you can use to test access
ssh user@hostname
Install software needed insdie WSL (as root)
# ----------------------------
# Run inside WSL Container - Elevate to root for installs
# ----------------------------
sudo -i
dnf -y install epel-release
dnf -y update
dnf -y install ansible python-pip wget dos2unix git php php-json jq
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install gitman
pip3 install python-vagrant
# Get latest URLs from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads
# https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.2.9/vagrant_2.2.9_x86_64.msi
dnf -y install https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.2.9/vagrant_2.2.9_x86_64.rpm
# To avoid having to enter your password for your key on each wsl session
# Install keychain and configure your bash profile to use it to manage the
# ssh-agent so that it persists between sessions.
dnf -y install keychain
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean
# Install Composer
# Reference commands at: https://getcomposer.org/download/
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === '795f976fe0ebd8b75f26a6dd68f78fd3453ce79f32ecb33e7fd087d39bfeb978342fb73ac986cd4f54edd0dc902601dc') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer
WSL Config - DrvFS Mount Options / Hosts File Generation (as root)
When using vagrant and ansible within WSL there will be a private key file created, and if this happens on a drvfs mounted volume from the Windows file system, the file permissions that SSH requires will not allow a private key to be set to world writable and consider it usable. We can adjust the mounted volume permissions so that Linux file permissions can be set on files, and the default owners and file permissions are set appropriately for the user we are logging into WSL with.
https://www.schakko.de/2020/01/10/fixing-unprotected-key-file-when-using-ssh-or-ansible-inside-wsl/ WSL DrvFs https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/chmod-chown-wsl-improvements/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/file-permissions
# Setting mount options to persist
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl-config
enabled = true
mountFsTab = false
root = /mnt/
options = "metadata,umask=007,fmask=007"
generateHosts = false
#generateResolvConf = true
echo "${FILE_CONTENTS}" >> /etc/wsl.conf
# ----------------------------
# Exit as root user inside WSL, but remain as your user in WSL
# ----------------------------
Composer global config for Magento Marketplace credentials (as your user)
# Add Your Magento Marketplace Credentails to Composer Global Config
# https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/install-gde/prereq/connect-auth.html
composer config -g http-basic.repo.magento.com ${MAGENTO_ACCESS_KEY_USER} ${MAGENTO_ACCESS_KEY_PASS}
SSH Key Management inside WSL (as your user)
# Copy the private/public keypair from windows into the WSL environment
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
cp /mnt/c/Users/$(whoami)/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/
cp /mnt/c/Users/$(whoami)/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Add private key to ssh-agent (manually)
# NOTE: This would be needed each time you open a wsl session
# Using keychain will improve agent management of private keys inside WSL
# eval $(ssh-agent -s)
# ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Configure user bash profile insdie WSL (as your user)
# Include into user bash profile
export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32
export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox"
export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Program Files/Mutagen"
alias mutagen="mutagen.exe"
### START-Keychain ###
# Let re-use ssh-agent and/or gpg-agent between logins
/usr/bin/keychain $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh
### End-Keychain ###
echo "${ADD_TO_PROFILE}" >> ~/.bash_profile
# Reload bash profile
source ~/.bash_profile
wsl --list --verbose
wsl --terminate CentOS8
wsl --list --verbose
# Create project directory
cd ~/projects
mkdir example_project
cd example_project
# Clone project repo (this could optionally be done from within WSL)
git clone [email protected]:organization/reponame.git
cd reponame
# Enter WSL for DevEnv Initialization
Clone DevEnv Environment Repo for Project
# You should be in the project repo directory
# /mnt/c/Users/$(whoami)/projects/example_project/reponame
# change to the tools/devenv directory
cd tools/devenv
# Run gitman to pull down the specific commit/release of the devenv for this project to use
gitman install
# ...or... if not using gitman, the checkout can be done manually
mkdir -p repo_sources
cd repo_sources
git clone [email protected]:classyllama/devenv-vagrant.git devenv
cd devenv
git checkout master
bash gitman_init.sh
cd ../../
# Launch Vagrant to build Virtual Machine
vagrant up
The project's tools/devenv/README.md file is expected to contain more details and specific information on setting up an environment for the specific project.
Mutagen is intended to copy files from your host (Windows/WSL) into the virtual machine's file system, so there will be a copy of all the code files both inside the virtual machine where web requests are executed, and on your host where you edit and make changes to the code files. It is important to be aware of what mutagen is doing, and understanding that it syncs copies of files, and that there is the potential for there to be differences between what you seen in a code editor and what is on the file system where the code is being executed.
Each project is likely to have specific initialization instructions for:
- syncing files with mutagen
- initializaing any code dependencies
- setting up environment variables
- importing a database
- syncing persistant files related to data in the database
- configuring the application
- initializing the application
- monitoring mutagen
- terminating mutagen
- devenv shortcut commands
To stop the Virtual Machine
vagrant halt
To destroy the Virtual Machine (and any data it contains)
vagrant destroy -f
Trusting Generated Root CA for DevEnv
When you setup your first project with the DevEnv it will create likely create a persistant Root CA key to use in generating certificates inside any DevEnv. This new key will be used to sign all the SSL certificates on all DevEnv sites. You can avoid any insecure certificate warnings when browsing the DevEnv sites by trusting the Root CA certificate on Windows, or if you end up setting up a proxy for another device to connect a browser to your DevEnv.
The generated Root CA that is unique to your machine/user should be located inside the WSL environment's file system, but you can easily access that from PowerShell as long as the WSL environment is running.
# Check to see if WSL is running
wsl --list --verbose
# view contents of generated root ca from powershell
# equivilent in WSL: cat ~/.devenv/rootca/devenv_ca.crt
get-content \\wsl$\CentOS8\home\$Env:UserName\.devenv\rootca\devenv_ca.crt
# Add generated root ca to trusted certs in Windows (from powershell running as administrator)
certutil –addstore -enterprise –f "Root" \\wsl$\CentOS8\home\$Env:UserName\.devenv\rootca\devenv_ca.crt