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React Wowza Player Component


Wowza Media Systems™ offers player software called Wowza™ Player, a lightweight HTML5 player that plays Apple HLS streams or ultra low latency streams on any device—including mobile phones and desktop computers. Wowza Player supports the latest version of most modern web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. It also supports Flash playback on older browsers that don't support HTML5. The player comes with an easy-to-use, web-based Player Builder for fast, simplified Wowza Player setup, customization, and configuration.


Use the package manager npm to install 'React Wowza Player Component'.

npm install react-wowza-player

How To Use

First import this component where you want to use it.

import WowzaReactPlayer from 'react-wowza-player';

Then just renders it



Configuration properties

Property Type Description
width number Specifies the element width, default value is 100%
height number Specifies the element height, default value is 0
paddingBottom number Specifies the element padding-bottom, default value is 56.25%
paddingLeft number Specifies the element padding-left, default value is 0
paddingRight number Specifies the element padding-right, default value is 0
paddingTop number Specifies the element padding-top, default value is 0
license string (Required) Sets your Wowza Player license key (with dashes) to authorize player use.
sourceURL string (Required) Sets the full Apple HLS URL of your live or on-demand stream or the full WebSocket URL for your ultra low latency stream.
sources array (Required if using multiple sourceURL values) Sets an array of sourceURL values for fallback purposes. If Wowza Player is unable to connect to the first sourceURL value after three tries, it falls back to the second sourceURL value.

Note: You must set a source using either a single sourceURL or a sources array with multiple sourceURLs.
abrAutoSwitching Boolean Toggles between manual and automatic adaptive bitrate switching. The default value is true, which makes Wowza Player select the highest quality bitrate that works best with your viewers' connections.
abrStartingBitrate string Determines how the player dynamically selects a bitrate when the stream begins (first, lowest, or highest). The default value is first.
audioOnly Boolean Specifies whether to use the audio-only version of Wowza Player. Set to true to use the audio-only version.
autoPlay Boolean Specifies whether a source plays automatically. Depending on the browser policy and user settings,mute must be set to true for autoplay to work as expected. If a browser doesn't support autoplay, Wowza Player falls back to manual playback.
endPosterFrameURL string Specifies a URL for a static poster image to display in the player after the video plays. Use a JPG or PNG images that is close to the size of the player. Poster images can't be added to the audio-only player.
endTime integer Sets the time, in milliseconds, to end clip playback. A value of -1 specifies no clip end time.
debugLevel string Specifies the error message type to display in the browser console. OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. The default value is INFO.
description string Sets the description that appears when the viewer clicks on the video Title. Not available in audio-only mode.
loop Boolean Specifies whether to loop a VOD video. Set to true to replay the video after it ends.
mute Boolean Specifies whether to mute the video. Set to true to start playback with muted audio.
posterFrameURL string Specifies a URL for a static poster image to display in the player before the video plays. Use a JPG or PNG image that is close to the size of the player. Poster images can't be added to the audio-only player.
startAtLivePoint Boolean Specifies whether to start playback at the live point. Set to true, the default, to start playback of a live nDVR stream at the live point. Set to false to start playback of a live nDVR stream from the beginning of the broadcast. Use this property for Wowza Streaming Engine live nDVR streams or live streams with recording enabled in Wowza Streaming Cloud.
startTime integer Sets the time, in milliseconds, to begin clip playback. Set to 0 to play for the original start of the clip.
title string Sets the title that displays in the top-left corner of the player Action bar on mouse hover.
uiBackgroundColor string Sets the RGB background color of the player using a hexidecimal color value with the format 0x000000. Default value is #000000 (black). This color is seen if the player applies letterboxing (spacing) to the video or if no poster images are selected.
uiPosterFrameFillMode string Specifies how to format poster images. The aspect ratio of the image is maintained in both settings.

Enter fit to resize the poster image so the larger side of the image matches the size of the player, ensuring the entire image fits within the player. Black bars may appear to fill extra space.

Enter fill to resize the poster image so the shorter side of the image matches the size of the player, ensuring the image fills the entire player.
uiShowBitrateSelector Boolean Includes the Bitrate Selector button in the player interface if set to the default, true. This allows the viewer to select the desired video bitrate. Set to false to hide the Bitrate Selector button.

Bitrate names are displayed based on the NAME values from your stream's SMIL file or calculated from the source media if you aren't using a SMIL file. By default, the player selects the highest quality bitrate that works best with the viewer's connection. This behavior is set with the abrStartingBitrate property.
uiShowDurationVsTimeRemaining Boolean Specifies where to display the elapsed time. Set to true to display the elapsed time of the video in the player on the left side of the Seek bar. Set to false to display the time remaining in the video on the left side of the Seek bar in the player interface.
uiShowFullscreen Boolean Includes the Full Screen icon in the player interface when set to the default, true. Set to false to hide the Full Screen icon.
uiShowPlaybackControls Boolean Includes the playback controls in the player interface when set to the default, true. Set to false to hide the play and pause buttons, the LIVE icon for live streams, and the elapsed time / total time indicator for VOD streams.
uiShowQuickRewind Boolean Includes the Quick Rewind button in the player interface when set to the default, true. By default, clicking Quick Rewind rewinds video playback by 30 seconds. To set a custom value, use uiQuickRewindSeconds.
uiShowSeekBar Boolean Includes the seek bar in the player interface when set to the default, true. Set to false to hide the seek bar.
uiShowVolumeControl Boolean Includes the volume controls in the player interface when set to the default, true. Set to false to hide the volume controls.
uiQuickRewindSeconds integer Sets the number of seconds that the player rewinds when a viewer clicks the Quick Rewind button. The default is 30.
volume integer Sets the starting volume of the video, although the viewer may also adjust the volume in the embedded player. The default value is 75 percent of maximum volume. Values range from 0 to 100.
withCredentials Boolean Specifies whether Wowza Player is enabled to make cross-site Access-Control requests using credentials such as cookies. Set to true to enable this functionality.

This enables Wowza Player to play streams secured with Wowza Streaming Engine SecureToken, Wowza Streaming Cloud token authorization, or Akamai CDN token authentication.

Sample Code

Note: sourceURL & license should be specified by the user, below mentioned license and sourceURL are just sample format.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import  WowzaReactPlayer from 'react-wowza-player';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      width ='100%' 
      title="Hello wowza its my video" 
      description="This is a test video"
      volume= '75'
      mute= 'true'
      audioOnly= 'false'

export default App;

If you are using sources property instead of sourceURL follow the below sample code.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import  WowzaReactPlayer from 'react-wowza-player';

const urls=[

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      width ='100%' 
      title="Hello wowza its my video" 
      description="This is a test video"
      volume= '75'
      mute= 'true'
      audioOnly= 'false'

export default App;