# install the meteor compiler; this will take care of node, nvm, npm, yarn, etc.
# it will also set up debugging tools, a compiler build tool, etc
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
# download the node-on-fhir application
git clone https://github.com/symptomatic/node-on-fhir
cd node-on-fhir
# install dependencies
meteor yarn install
# run the application in local development mode
# this will automatically launch a mongo instance
# you will want to create your own settings file
# and a plugin if you have assets you want to keep private
meteor run --settings configs/settings.nodeonfhir.json --extra-packages symptomatic:example-plugin
# run the app
meteor --settings configs/settings.nodeonfhir.localhost.json
# in a second terminal, run static code analysis tools
meteor npm run-script lint
# in a second terminal, run the verification tests
TEST_BROWSER_DRIVER=chrome meteor test --driver-package meteortesting:mocha --port 3002 --once --full-app
# in a second terminal, run the vaildation tests
meteor npm run-script nightwatch -- --tag circle
# build and minifiy the application
meteor add symptomatic:example-plugin
meteor build --directory ../output
# run the node application
# warning! we don't have a mongo instance yet
# you will need to specify a MONGO_URL
cd ../output
cd programs/server
npm install
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://user:password@host:port/databasename'
export ROOT_URL='http://example.com'
export METEOR_SETTINGS=`(cat configs/settings.nodeonfhir.json)`
node main.js
# or if you're looking for a one-liner
MONGO_URL='mongodb://user:password@host:port/databasename' PORT=4200 ROOT_URL=http://localhost METEOR_SETTINGS=`(cat ../../node-on-fhir/configs/settings.nodeonfhir.json)` node main.js