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Large Projects on the dockett

Github Extension followthrough

A great feature to bake into the Github extension would be the ability for it to act as a communicator with the Github PR in question, if possible. This mirrors how other thingdoer tooling handles github.

It might also be possible to bake in repo management. The extension would use its extension object store permissions (also a project that needs to be completed) and utilize that to give user's access to a repo, allowing it to have a local cache that could possible be faster.

Better debugging tooling.

A huge problem with thingdoers is it's hard to debug because you can't really run the code locally in most situations. Because of this we should give the user as many tools as we can to make sure they can debug on the fly.

  • Make sure attach works correctly.
  • The CLI should output a debug command that dumps all the logs from a particular task.
  • The CLI should output a debug command that dumps all the info from the run in general.
  • Find other ways we can debug and make the user's life easier in this regard. It's possible that if we put a lot of thought into this feature that it can become a game changer for Gofer as a whole.
  • Maybe create a timeline on when each task execution happened for a particular run?
  • It should be possible to create a timegraph of what ran and for how long and display that to the user.

Small things I want to keep track of that I definitely need to do.

  • Pipeline configs when they are registered need to be hashed, so that we can make sure the user didn't mistakenly try to register the same thing twice.
  • There needs to be a way to update extensions in place so that updating versions of extensions can be done online.
  • Minify CSS when we release for frontend.
  • Make sure to finish the implementation of Gofer run tokens. We started it but haven't quite checked all the boxes yet.
    • Make sure to set the permissions for the user automagically.
  • Make sure is_valid_identifier is used in all the places where the user has to enter an id.
  • Transition dropshot to use the new trait api. Which will eliminate the circular dependency on openapi files.
  • We want to restrict the max size of the request body, but some endpoints need large bodies to upload things to us. We should get rid of the global restriction and instead check for what the request size should be in the preflight.
  • Make the object store uploads multipart.
  • Canaried deployments feature.
  • There should probably be a global timeout for all runs.
  • Create a setting to allow operators to turn off the ability to attach to a container.
  • If the parent does not exist for a particular thing it errors incorrectly. For example if you request a correct task execution but mistype the pipeline, you might get an error instead of a "hey that thing doesn't exist".
  • Update requests that don't actually change anything return errors instead of simply telling the user nothing changed.
  • By default docker doesn't allow you to do versioning tricks like pinning to a major version but freely updating the minor version. I wonder if there is a way we can offer this feature for free for the purposes of extensions. Since extensions with the same major version should work, but extensions might all have different minor versions, it would be useful to be able to tell Gofer to use a major version of the extension but we always want the latest minor version.
  • Deployments needs a type parameter so when we add extra deployments.
  • The final piece of the run shepard needs to implement a run queue to fully transition over to event driven. It should use task leasing to avoid any stuck processors.

Small things I'll probably never get around to.

  • The recover_run function needs to account for the fact that sometimes the event_id that are mentioned within runs might not exist anymore. This function should also not return any errors but instead just log them and move on. It should try its best despite any failures.
  • Change the sqlite write_pool to be guarded by a mutex. This would avoid very obvious errors.
  • Dropshot has implemented a trait API which would speed up compliation times and overall lead to more maintainable code. Right now it doesn't quite work due to the main api trait being too large. (We'd have to write all the handlers in one very large file or split them up). oxidecomputer/dropshot#1069 should fix this.
  • Registry auth is largely untested and possibly unsecured, don't use it for anything serious.
  • Write/Design a way to clean up expired tokens after long enough.
  • When a user removes an extension we should remove the subscriptions also (check we don't already do this, due to cascade delete).
  • Check that our websockets stuff makes sense we use joinset, make sure we're returning errors to the main thread and bubbling them up properly.
  • API needs validation for all endpoints.
  • User should be able to give their builds timeouts and we need to establish a global timeout.
  • When you schedule a job on a container orch, we should note where that job has run(which node).
  • Pass back custom errors via the API so that consumers can understand what has happened.
  • Pagination...everywhere.
  • The CLI should have a feature where you can start a pipeline and follow all logs and status updates from that pipeline in one place. Maybe this is a watch feature where each task reports the task 5 log lines until it finishes at which time it reflects a summary about what it did.
  • The CLI could have a diff command so we know exactly what is about the change from the last pipeline version.
  • When using the SDK to build a pipeline, that pipeline should print to stdout the json that will be collected
  • The attach prompt currently echos back user input, unsure how to fix that.
  • In monitor_task_execution calls to the scheduler to check on container status are expected to succeed. If they fail the whole thing is aborted, which is obviously bad because when we implement networked schedulers network calls will fail sometimes.
  • Deployment logs need to be reinstated.
  • Simplify how we check our RBAC permissions.

The floor: Stuff I put things I probably should do but haven't prioritized/sorted yet.


  • Implement CPU/MEMORY per task values since all non-local schedulers will need this.
  • It would be cool to have at least one other scheduler. Nomad is a great scheduler for this.


  • It would be cool to get at least one other secret store implementation like Vault.
    • For an extension like vault we manage the read and write in the same way we would for bolt. So vault gives us a prefix path and we essentially just used that prefix path to store secrets.


  • We could probably make the default object store pretty good for trival to medium size deployments by implementing a CAS.


  • Test that unsubscribing works with all extensions. And create a test suite that extensions can run against.
  • The interval extension should create jitter of about 2-5 mins. During that time it can choose when to start counting to extension an event. This is so that when we restart the server all events don't perfectly line up with each other and cause a storm. There might be other, smarter ways to handle this queue and api calling as well.
  • Extensions should follow semver. Extensions that use the same major version of Gofer should be compatible.
  • If a extension by the same name is already installed, we should refuse to install another but instead allow the user to update it.
  • Extensions should be able to report details about their execution somehow. It would be nice when looking at my pipeline run to see exactly when the extension performed certain actions. And be able to troubleshoot an extension that is taking overly long.
  • Make sure to put in the extension documentation which versions are compatible with gofer. The current scheme is that all major versions are compatible with all same major versions. So if Gofer releases a 1.0, then all extensions will have to release a 1.0. This means that extensions can update their minor and patch versioning, but major versions will also be compatible with the same Gofer major version. Make sure this is documented.
  • Github sometimes changes their payloads and this causes us to always have to be at the latest release or else casting payloads might break. Investigate payload casting and see if maybe we can get something even partial if not a better error for the user.
  • Extensions probably need a healthcheck endpoint, so we can try to self heal and if not we can at least inform the user. We can also report things like latency and metrics from each extension via this endpoint.

More extensions:

There are several useful things we can do with the concept of extensions:

  • There should be a way to monitor another pipeline(in any namespace) and then run your pipeline based on that pipeline.
  • There should be a way to monitor any pipeline and then notify yourself(email, slack, whatever) on a certain cadence. Things like:
    • If pipeline fails 3 runs in a row.
    • If pipeline failure rate ever dives below certain percentage.
    • If total time of a run exceeds a given duration.
    • When a run finishes.
    • When a run fails.
    • If a particular task run fails or succeeds.


  • SuccessRate should be tracked, we also probably can run a background job that will sleep the majority of the time and then run once every day or so to calculate metrics.
  • On the first page a constantly updating event log would be really cool for the default namespace.


  • Metrics via openTelemetry
  • Check that when we create the run specific token for a run and enter it into the user's run stuff. We also need to make sure we clean that token up after the run is done.
  • Create a container for custom use that has gofer-cli already packed in and possibly allows
    • Think about making a new task type that you can pass commands to that automatically uses the gofer container. So users can get zero to code ultra-fast.
  • Improve Logging:
    • We should change extensions(and probably main?) over to use slog instead so we can get consistent logging patterns from extensions.
    • We need to refactor logging for some routes to build on top of each other so that they we automatically get things like namespace, pipeline.
  • When first spinning up Gofer we attempt to check for a bootstrap token. To do this we must filter out any extension tokens that get automagically created now. Instead of checking if there are any tokens at all, we should instead just have a gofer metadata table and bootstrap_token_created: true.

Rough spots in design

  • It currently runs as a singleton, not distributed. There are a lot of things to figure out here for a full distributed system.
  • The umbrella for this tool is large. There is a reason Jenkins still leads, the plugin ecosystem needs significant time to catch up to its large ecosystem and then to do it properly would require non-insignificant maintenance.
  • Write some documentation on the Domain model design. Sometimes it can be hard to wrap your head around going from Config -> SDK -> Proto -> Models and they are all named fairly similarly.

Public Gofer ideas

  • Can we give user's a timeout that is super low, like a total container runtime of a few minutes. The only way to get past this is to sign up from a differnet IP. That way you can try it out, but you can't just run your own crypto shit on it.
  • Once the timeout is up we simply log the IP and prevent that user from making any more requests.
  • We might be able to get this for free in some golang ratelimiting libraries, we'd have to have the user sign up in some way first in order to prevent people from abusing. We can ratelimit routes that need to be always public per IP.
  • How do we secure the running of containers? We can do somethings like preventing root user for the container:


  • Server configuration reference should have one more field on whether it is required or not.
  • Extension documentation:
    • Extensions now have two required functions, extension installations and extension runs
      • Run is the service, Install runs a small program meant to help with installation.
    • How to test extensions
    • How to work with extensions locally
    • Explanation of the SDK on writing extensions
  • Add a section where we create a new extension using a extension that has already been created. as the example for new extensions in the docs
  • Secrets explanation. Why is there global secrets and pipelines secrets? Whats the difference.
    • Global secrets can only be set by administrators
  • Write a small RFC for Gofer. Why were the decisions made the way they were, what was the purpose of the project, etc etc.
    • We are forgoing having cli spit out Json due to gofer having an API, the cli is meant for humans and shouldn't be used by programs.
  • Write copius notes on commontasks and extensions layout. The difference between user passed config and system passed config. And suggest a way to collect those.
    • Gofer passes them one set of env vars from the gofer system itself These are prefixed with gofer_extension_system_{var}
    • Gofer then passes them another set of env vars from the admin that was set up through registration. These are prefixed with gofer_extension_config_{var}
    • Gofer then passes them another set of env vars from the user's own config. These are prefixed with gofer_extension_param_{var}
  • Write better documentation on how to spin Gofer up locally so you can test out your pipeline.
  • Add documentation for new token namespaces
  • Document extension system env vars


  • integration tests
    • Test that we can retrieve a binary from the object store
    • Test that users in one namespace cannot access global secrets meant for another namespace.
    • Test that two tasks can pass things to each other via objects.
    • Test that run objects expire correctly and that they get properly marked as expired
    • Test that logs are removed correctly.
    • Test that GOFER_API_TOKEN and inject works correctly, make sure it gets cleaned up properly.


  • Extensions need a lot of thinking through.
  • Extensions are meant to run in containers and we allow users to pass TLS to them. But that means that extension writers can take your certs and ship them somewhere else. Low priority since extensions in any form requires running external code.