Turn on windows features in “Windows Settings” -> “Apps” -> “Apps & Features” -> “Optional Features” -> “More Windows Features” and make sure both “Containers”, "Hyper-V", “Windows Hypervisor Platform” and “Windows Subsystem for Linux” checkboxes are selected. This will likely required you to reboot the system for the features to become available.
Note: may be useful: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-fixes-wsl-2-breaking-bug-in-new-windows-10-update/
choco install microsoft-windows-terminal
In an administrator powershell window run:
choco install vcxsrv
- Installing WSL2 the Chocolatey way (for Windows): https://chocolatey.org/packages/wsl2
- Installing Docker the Chocolatey way (for Windows - must do the docker-desktop install): https://stefanscherer.github.io/how-to-install-docker-the-chocolatey-way/
(Docker Desktop v3 setup)
Open Docker Desktop
Select the gear (Settings) button in the title bar of the window
On the General tab: a. Make sure that the "Start Docker Desktop when you log in" and "Use the WSL 2 based engine" are turned on b. The other options are turned off.
Select the "Resources" section on the left a. Select the PROXIES subtab, and set your proxies if needed b. Select the NETWORK subtab, note the docker subnet if you have containers that need to have their network hard-coded. c. Select the WSL INTEGRATION subtab, select the "Enable integration with my default WSL distro, and take note that when new installs of WSL2 based OS's are done, to come back to this sub-tab - they will need to manually be enabled via the switch on this panel.
Select the Docker Engine tab on the left: a. The reported version for Docker Engine shour be at least v20.10.0 b. Make sure the following JSON is in the window:
"registry-mirrors": [],
"insecure-registries": [],
"debug": false,
"experimental": false,
"features": {
"buildkit": true
Select the Experimental Features tab on the left a. Make sure the "Enable CLI experimental features" is turned off b. Make sure the "Enable cloud experience" is turned on.
Select the Kubernetes tab on the left, select the features that are needed for your project, at this time, they are all set to disabled
docker pull registry
docker images
docker run --name registry -p 5000:5000 -d registry
docker container list
docker ps
choco install pyenv-win
choco install grep
choco install geany
choco install pycharm-ce
# Alternative choco install pycharm
choco install packer
choco install vagrant
choco install git
choco install KeePassXC
choco install 7zip
choco install CherryTree
choco install linux-reader
For any software installed by chocolaty, allow it through the windows anti-virus using commands in a Administrator level Powershell:
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\HashiCorp' -Verbose # where Vagrant is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath %ProgramData%\chocolatey # where a bunch of chocolatey stuff is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\tools\vim' -Verbose # where vim is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\Git' -Verbose # where git is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\Docker' # where Docker is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\KeePassXC' # where keepass is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip' # where keepass is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\CherryTree' # where keepass is installed
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\draw.io'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\VcXsrv'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\umbrello'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.3.2'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BruteSharkDesktop'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.3.2'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tomboy'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinPcap'
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Users\%USER%\.pyenv'
pyenv is for managing python versions
Check out the above pyenv-win github page - the configuration instructions there are the most current.
NOTE: execution policy can get in the way of configuration and management of any script, for more about "ExecutionPolicy", please see this Microsoft document.
At the moment, before running scripts on Windows, I'm going to run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser
And when done running scripts, running:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Default -Scope CurrentUser
Will need to check out the registry, to see if the commands leave trash in registry each time they are run.
Once the "Bypass" setting is set, pyenv should be usable as normal.
Open the Windows Store and search for Linux or Ubuntu. In this example we used Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Select "Get" to download. Once download is complete, select "Launch". You now have a ubuntu terminal image running!
sudo apt-get clean; apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install dbus-x11 xvfb x11-apps git geany vagrant packer snap htop atop net-tools wireshark tcpdump geany meld xvfb vim acl vym packer vagrant
git clone https://github.com/DamionGans/ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script.git
cd ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script/
bash ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script.sh
# Enter your password and wait until the script has finished
Restart your ubuntu shell, and you should now be able to use snap to install software.
Reference: https://github.com/damionGans/ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script
snap install --classic pycharm-community
snap install --classic vscode
snap install --classic intellij-idea-community
snap install cherrytree
sudo update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8
sudo systemd-machine-id-setup # one time setup command
dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id
sudo service dbus status # yes, this is appropriate for Ubuntu 20.04....
sudo service dbus start # yes, this is appropriate for Ubuntu 20.04....
sudo service dbus enable # yes, this is appropriate for Ubuntu 20.04....
sudo service dbus status # yes, this is appropriate for Ubuntu 20.04....
# Not sure about this command, I think it is for a specific
# sudo dbus-launch --autolaunch $(cat /etc/machine-id) --binary-syntax --close-stderr
# Manage DISPLAY - for docker
# Make sure the DISPLAY is set up correctly for interface with docker desktop...
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2}'):0
# Docker related required environment variable
# Adding support for the snap package manager
# Managing bash history
[[ ! -d ~/.bash_histories ]] && mkdir --mode=0700 ~/.bash_histories
[[ -d ~/.bash_histories ]] && chmod 0700 ~/.bash_histories
# Convert /dev/nnn/X or /dev/nnnX to "nnnX"
HISTSUFFIX=`tty | sed 's/\///g;s/^dev//g'`
DATESTRING=`date +"%C%y-%m-%d"`
# if the $HISTFILE doesn't exist, touch it...
[[ ! -e ~/.bash_histories/$HISTORY_FILE ]] || touch ~/.bash_histories/$HISTORY_FILE
# History file is now .bash_history_pts0
HISTTIMEFORMAT="%C%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S ]--> "
shopt -s histappend
# then set HISTFILESIZE to a large value
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
In your linux shell, make sure to source the ~/.profile that you added the above content to:
. ~/.profile
In a scratch source directory create an xeyesDockerfile directory and add the following content into a "Dockerfile" in that directory:
FROM debian:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y x11-apps
RUN rm -rf /tmp/* /usr/share/doc/* /usr/share/info/* /var/tmp/*
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash user
USER user
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c", "$0 \"$@\"", "xeyes"]
Then in the xeyesDockerfile directory, run the command:
(for when running the command inside the xeyesDockerfile directory)
docker build . -t xeyes
(for when running the command in the parent directory of the xeyesDockerfile directory)
docker build xeyesDockerfile -t xeyes
A. https://www.reddit.com/r/bashonubuntuonwindows/comments/9lpc0o/ubuntu_1804_dbus_fix_instructions_with/
If you are having trouble getting to the link, consider looking it up in the "wayback" machine: http://web.archive.org/
Q. I borked my ubuntu install - I tried removing it and reinstalling it, but keep getting error Code: 0x80073D05... how to I get ubuntu reinstalled?
- https://minitool.com/news/fix-windows-store-0x80073d05
- https://www.reddit.com/r/bashonubuntuonwindows/comments/ff7d75/cant_install_ubuntu_error_code_0x80073d05/
- microsoft/WSL#4940
Turn off the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" feature in “Windows Settings” -> “Apps” -> “Apps & Features” -> “Optional Features” -> “More Windows Features” “Windows Subsystem for Linux” checkbox. Reboot.
Run the following commands as an admin user once the system has been rebooted:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Name *Ubuntu*
Remove-AppxPackage CannonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu20.04onWindows_(get the rest of the string from the listing provided by the previous command)
Turn on the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" feature in “Windows Settings” -> “Apps” -> “Apps & Features” -> “Optional Features” -> “More Windows Features” “Windows Subsystem for Linux” checkbox. Reboot.
After the reboot, run the following commands in an admin powershell window:
DSIM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Please run the following in a powershell window:
PS C:\Users\RKevi> wsl -l -v
* Ubuntu Stopped 1
docker-desktop-data Running 2
If you see something like the above - with your linux in the VERSION column saying it's version 1, please make sure there is no linux instance running (close them all out if they are) and run the following:
wsl.exe --set-version Ubuntu 2
This should fix the problem.
How to access the WSL installed linux home directory, and why it's a bad idea (microsoft/WSL#4328)
That's the long version - the short version -
1. Run the distribution
2. Press Win+R
3. Type \\wsl$ which opens File Explorer
4. Double click on the distribution folder.
Q. I can't remember where in my home directory I put a dockerfile, specific to a particular container. I ran the docker build command on that Dockerfile, or directory that contained the dockerfile. I am using the optional bash history setup described above.
A. Here is a find command one can use to search through all the history files, find the right history file to look in, with a line number in that file, in case you need to look at some of the commands prior to running the docker build command, or after running it.
find ${HOME} -iname "*bash_hist*" -print -exec grep -n "build" {} \;
## Potentially Useful References:
Take note of the date of publish on the documents, as well as take what they say with a large grain of salt.. these links helped in solving past problems, not getting the current environment working.
## Interesting further reading/study: