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Aaron edited this page May 13, 2016 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the attachment_preview wiki!

How to use:

OK, so the main plugin itself is pretty "self-explanatory".. right?

You install it, you say who can use it, you say what they can preview inline. Using the admin interface for the plugin:

Configuring plugin

After that, whenever someone attaches something to a ticket that could be inlined into an HTML page, the plugin rewrites the html to include it. Why make agents download a PDF if they can just read it live in their browser. Also, it means you don't even need a PDF reader installed on most machines (that have chrome/firefox, IE is still special). Works for old tickets and should work for all storage systems.

That's it. It works now.

Just want the API ?

Simplicity itself, you "Enable" the plugin, then disable all access, done. API still functions, but it won't make any changes itself. (Read the code, with zero access, it's primary job is to return the raw HTML in full, eg).

To use the API? Read More

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