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- Social Media
- Product Design
- Mobile Apps' UX ; giving people interesting things.
- Prototyping: implementing services' base.
- Psychology of human
- Photography
- Primary
- Mobile: iOS (specific UI/UX, Universal Storyboarding, Video, Camera, Photos, Implementing base SNS structure, Analytics, Bug report, CocoaPods, etc.)
- Frontend: Angular
- Secondary
- Backend: Flask, Django
- Languages: Objective-C, Java, C++, Python, Swift
- Database : SQLite, MySQL
- Tools : Git, GitHub, SVN, Vi, Jira, Slack
2016~ Manager, SKplanet
2014-2015 iOS Developer, Product designer, at Anbado Video (안바도비디오)
2012 Mentee, Software Maestro, 3th of., at Ministry of Knowledge Economy (지식경제부)
2011,2012 Attendee, AppCreator of Small and Medium Business Administration (중소기업청)
2007-2014 Majoring Computer Science Engineering at Inha University
Chinchin for iOS Developing Gif Camera Feature.
VideoEkisu - Watching only highlights. Implementing Plan, iOS App, API Server, Design, Operation. for iOS - Reaction for Youtube scenes. Interactive Social Video Media Service. Developing iOS App entirely (SNS structure, special UI that showing reactions while watching videos)
VoIP Phone for Office Developing Phone Book Features (UI, function of Phone Book, a database architecture)
Cyclery - Tracking your bike riding with friends. Implementing Service Plan, UI/UX, iOS App (tracking bike riding, storing rider's recoding)
Bindr - A small scale group SNS like cafe services Developing other SNS Connection using Facebook SDK
Inha Freedom - Display restaurants nearby Inha Univ. Building restaurant data, developing iOS App.