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File metadata and controls

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spacectl apply - Manage your spaceone resources easily.

Quick start

After the initial configuration for spacectl, you can apply the below manifest.

# quickstart.yaml
  foo: bar
  - name: Create or Update a domain
    id: foo_domain
    uses: "@modules/resource"
      resource_type: identity.Domain
        name: ${{ }}-domain
        - name
      mode: NO_UPDATE
  - name: Greet to the domain
    id: script
    uses: "@modules/shell"
      run: |
        echo "There is a domain (${{ tasks.foos_domain.output.domain_id}})."
$ spacectl apply -f quickstart.yaml

You will create a new domain named bar and can see �its domain_id.

A simple structure

key description
var declare variables to use in manifests and tasks
env like var, environment variables which includes host env and additional env which are inputed.
tasks Tasks which will be executed in the manifest.Its structure is like github action manifest or ansible playbook.This covers the real process of the manifest.


Tasks is a list which contains the configuration of each Task. Task is written as <Task> in the following table.

field description examples required
<Task>.name The name of the task. Create a Domain, Temporary Task, … X
<Task>.if the conditional statement if the task will be executed or not. `${{ var.my_name quote }} == “SpaceONE”`
<Task>.id The ID of the task. my_domain, test_user, issued_token X
<Task>.uses This determines what operation the task execution. If this use spacectl-built-in module, you can use @modules/MODULE_NAME annotation. @modules/resource, @modules/shell O
<Task>.spec This is whole configuration of the operation, not the task itself, mentioned in uses. a dictionary O
<Task>.output The output of the task. How to set output can be differ depending on which operation the task executed. a dictionary or a list X
☝️ if evaluates statement, use jinja filter to make string


you can use @module/resource for querying, creating, updating SpaceONE resources.

By default, spacectl apply will execute list api to read, create api to create, update api to update.


Mode means how you will call APIs

  • (Default) DEFAULT: Read => create or update
  • READ_ONLY: Read and the Task will be completed.
  • NO_UPDATE: Read then create a new resource if the resources doesn't exist.
  • EXEC: Just execute an API configured in <Task>.spec.verb.exec.

Verb types

  • read - Query resources with the fields in <Task> which are listed in <Task>.spec.matches.
  • create - If there is no resources queried, spacectl will create a new resource.
  • update - If there is a resource queried, spacectl will update the resource.
  • exec - execute a configured API.
field description examples required
<Task\>.spec.resource_type Which resource type you’re applying identity.User, repsitory.Repository O
<Task\> A dictionary which will be used as parameters when you create or update resources. a dictionary X
<Task\>.spec.matches Fields which will be used as parameters when you read resources. a list. [“domain_id”, “name”] X
<Task\>.spec.verb Overrides default verbs to customize the execution. a dictionary. {“read”: None, “create”: "issue"} X
<Task\>.spec.mode How your apply process will be executed. DEFAULT, READ_ONLY, NO_UPDATE, EXEC X
<Task\>.spec.output.template Defines the format for the execution result. Supports metadata and file type.
In the metadta in the options, Get the metadata value of the specified cloud service type output using the value specified in table as it is.
If file is specified, If file is specified, the template yaml file in the path of specified in options is read.
<Task\>.spec.output.options.file If file is specified in output.template, set the path to the yaml file to be used as template in file in options. template.yaml X
<Task\>.spec.output.options.metadata If metadata is specified in output.template, Specifies the cloud service type with metadata to use as a template. The format is <provider>.<cloud_service_group>.<cloud_service_type> aws.EC2.Volume

Example cases

simple DEFAULT mode

  domain_name: foo
  - name: Create or Update a Domain
    id: foo_user
    uses: "@modules/resource"
      resource_type: identity.Domain
        name: ${{ var.domain_name }}
#      You can comment out mode because DEFAULT is the default value of mode.
#      mode: DEFAULT
        - name

simple READ_ONLY mode - Read once.

# same as DEFAULT mode execpt for tasks.<id>.spec.mode
  - ...
      mode: READ_ONLY

simple NO_UPDATE mode - Read then create or ignore updaing.

NO_UPDATE doesn't update if a resource exists.

# same as DEFAULT mode execpt for tasks.<id>.spec.mode
  - ...
      mode: READ_ONLY

simple EXEC mode - Execute an API once.

Configure an API name in tasks.<id>.spec.verb.exec then spacectl will execute the api with data as params.

  domain_name: foo
  - name: Execute a task to create a Domain
    id: foo_user
    uses: "@modules/resource"
      resource_type: identity.Domain
        name: ${{ var.domain_name }}
      mode: EXEC
        exec: create


You can run shell script with @modules/shell. This can look like Github action.

field description examples is required
<Task> Defines the script you will run curl O


You can export the execution results to google sheets with @modules/export-google-sheets. How to use is as follows.

field description examples is required
<Task>.spec.service_account_json This is a google account json file for accessing google sheets. The json file is available at /Users/xx/google_account/service_account.json O
<Task>.spec.sheet_id The ID of google sheet to export 1xk0wZHxfW9crcyOAJse_nY_Nd_30M5tlwP56wcwSD1A O
<Task>[].input The list of data to be exported to the specified worksheet. This is a list of data to be exported to the specified sheet.
The data format is a list of the dictionary, the key of the dictionary is the header of data, and the value is recorded in the column.

Example cases

This example is the YAML file was be used @module/resource to get EBS Volume data through the SpaceONE inventory API and export it to Google Sheets.

  service_account_json_path: '/Users/user/google_cloud/service_account.json'
  sheet_id: '1xk0wZHxfW9crcyOAJse_nY_Nd_30M5tlwP56wcwSD1A'
  - name: EBS Volume
    id: ebs_volume
    uses: "@modules/resource"
      resource_type: inventory.CloudService
        cloud_service_group: EC2
        cloud_service_type: Volume
      mode: EXEC
        exec: list
        template: metadata
          metadata: "aws.EC2.Volume"
  - name: Export EBS Volume to Spread Sheets
    id: ebs_vol_export
    uses: "@modules/export-google-sheets"
      service_account_json: ${{ var.service_account_json_path }}
      sheet_id: ${{ var.sheet_id }}
        - input: ${{ tasks.ebs_volume.output }}


  • -f, --file-path - Manifest file paths like kubectl apply -f
    • Multiple manifests are available and they will be overidden and appended by order.
    • examples
      • spacectl apply -f manifest.yaml
      • spacectl apply -f env.yaml -f var.yaml -f manifest.yaml
      • spacectl apply -f manifest_1.yaml -f manifest_2.yaml
  • -o, --output - Output format (e.g. json, yaml ). Output contains var and tasks.
  • -e, ---env - Configure envrionmental. This can override env of manifests from the -f option.
  • --set - Configure variables. This can override var of manifests from the -f option.
  • --no-progress - omit the output of each progress.