This module is responsible for creating Datadog Service Level Objectives and their related monitors and alerts.
The module can create metric-based SLOs (and the corresponding alerts) and monitor-based SLOs (and the corresponding monitors).
Datadog alerts for SLOs are terraformed through the monitor object.
An SLO can have many thresholds set, but a monitor can only have one. In order to get around this, the module creates Datadog monitors for each threshold within an SLO.
Example of metric-based SLO:
name: "(SLO) Synthetic Checks"
type: metric
numerator: sum:synthetics.test_runs{status:success}.as_count()
denominator: sum:synthetics.test_runs{*}.as_count()
description: |
Number of Successful Synthetic Checks.
message: |
({stage} {region}) {instance_id} failed a SLO check
force_delete: true
validate: true
- target: "99.5"
timeframe: "7d"
warning: "99.9"
- target: "99"
timeframe: "30d"
warning: "99.5"
ManagedBy: terraform
test: true
api_version: null
Example of monitor-based SLO:
name: "(SLO) EC2 Availability"
type: monitor
description: |
Number of EC2 failed status checks.
message: |
({stage} {region}) {instance_id} failed a SLO check
force_delete: true
validate: true
- target: "99.5"
timeframe: "7d"
warning: "99.9"
- target: "99"
timeframe: "30d"
warning: "99.5"
# Either `monitor_ids` or `monitors` should be provided
# `monitor_ids` is a list of externally created monitors to use for this monitor-based SLO
# If `monitors` map is provided, the monitors will be created by the module and assigned to the SLO
monitor_ids: null
name: "(EC2) Status Check"
type: metric alert
query: |
avg(last_10m):avg:aws.ec2.status_check_failed{*} by {instance_id} > 0
message: |
({stage} {region}) {instance_id} failed a status check
escalation_message: ""
ManagedBy: Terraform
priority: 3
notify_no_data: false
notify_audit: true
require_full_window: true
enable_logs_sample: false
force_delete: true
include_tags: true
locked: false
renotify_interval: 60
timeout_h: 0
evaluation_delay: 60
new_host_delay: 300
new_group_delay: 0
groupby_simple_monitor: false
renotify_occurrences: 0
renotify_statuses: []
validate: true
no_data_timeframe: 10
threshold_windows: {}
critical: 0
ManagedBy: terraform
test: true
api_version: null