- Add new root key
- Add Addressable as a gem runtime dependency
- Add URI, CDS and CDNSKEY records
- Supply port to DNS.new as optiona parameter
- Supply timeout to zone transfer connect
- Fix multi-line strings
- Try absolute name as candidate in DNS even if not dot supplied
- Do not try to generate candidates if no domain is given
- Handle new OpenSSL interface as well as old
- Handle new DSA interface
- fix encode error select thread issue
- handle encoding errors
- add punycode support
- Make sure dnssec is enabled in verifier and also in digroot demo
- Other minor fixes and changes to test code and infrastructure
- Fix deletion of TXT records with spaces in dynamic updates (thanks Sean Dilda)
- Fix use of non-default ports in Dnsruby::Resolver (thanks Thomas Morgan)
- Fix NAPTR encoding for null rdata dynamic update packets
- Fix CAA resource record encoding
- Avoid changing ruby global thread abort behavior (thanks Brent Cook)
- DNSSEC validation switched OFF by default (but can still be switched on)
- Add APL RR support (thanks Manabu Sonoda)
- Various test fixes (thanks Keith Bennett)
- 'include' issues fixed (thanks Keith Bennett!)
- Fixnum replacement (thanks Keith Bennett)
- Zone transfer fixes (thanks Manabu Sonoda)
- Name decoding fix
- MX record passing error now raised
- CAA RR support (thanks Richard Luther)
- TLSA RR support (thanks Manabu Sonoda)
- TCP multi-packet support fixed
- Response 'Message' now included with exception.
- Docs added
- CNAME dynamic update fix
- Output TXT record multiple strings correctly
- NONE class encoding fix
- only add name labels if there are any
- Timeout error fix
- Support for HMAC SHA512 TSIG keys
- Fix TCP pipelining tests
- IDN encoding error returned as Dnsruby::OtherResolvError
- Add LICENSE file
- Add Cache max_size (gihub issue 64)
- Disable caching for SOA lookups in demo check_soa.rb
- Fix for invalid nameserver in config
- Fix encoding for OPT data (thanks Craig Despeaux)
- Various test system fixes
- OPT fixes
- DNSSEC verification failure handling wrt lack of DS chain
- DNSSEC validation policy name constants
- Fix for BOGUS DLV chains
- demo upgrades
- Resolver hints improvements
- Add TCP pipelining (reusing a single TCP connection for multiple requests).
- Enhance zone reading, including reading data from a string.
- Add add_answer! method for adding duplicate answers, as needed for an AXFR response.
- Add support for GPOS and NXT resource records.
- Test cleanup, including removal of use of Nominet servers, soak_test cleanup.
- Refactorings: MessageDecoder, Resolv, Resolver (part).
- Fix zone reader adding unwanted dot to relative hostnames being converted to absolute.
- Fix default access for tsig options in Resolver.
- Fix ZoneTransfer not to use deprecated SingleResolver.
- Fix Resolver bug in parameter to create_tsig_options.
- Fix tests to always use working copy and not gem.
- Add query_raw method as alias for send_plain_message, with option to raise or return error.
- Fixed a bug in RR hash calculation where TTL should have been ignored but wasn't.
- Add support for (obsolete) GPOS resource record type.
- Tweak Travis CI configuration.
- Fix zone reader for case where a line contains whitespace preceding a comment.
- Add post install message.
- Improve README.
- Moved content of NEWS to RELEASE_NOTES.md.
- Use git ls-files now to determine files for inclusion in gem.
- Drop support for Ruby 1.8, using lambda -> and hash 'key: value' notations.
- First release since the move from Rubyforge to Github (https://github.com/alexdalitz/dnsruby).
- Add EDNS client subnet support.
- Relocate CodeMapper subclasses, Resolv, RR, and RRSet classes.
- Add Travis CI and coveralls integration.
- Improve Google IPV6 support.
- Convert some file names to snake case.
- Remove trailing whitespace from lines, and ensure that comments have space between '#' and text.
- Restore test success when running under JRuby.
- Disabled attempt to connect to Nominet servers, which are no longer available.
- Convert from test/unit to minitest/autorun to support Ruby 2.1+.
- Remove setup.rb.
- Other minor refactoring and improvements to production code, test code, and documentation.
- Validation routine fixes
- Ruby 1.9 fixes
- Recursor fixes
- IPv4 Regex fixes
- Fixes for A/PTR lookups with IP-like domain name
- TXT and SSHFP processing fixes
- Default retry parameters in Resolver more sensible
- Fixed deadlock/performance issue seen on some platforms
- DNSSEC validation now disabled by default
- Signed root DS record can be added to validator
- ITAR support removed
- multi-line DS/RRSIG reading bug fixed (thanks Marco Davids!)
- DS algorithms of more than one digit can now be read from string
- LOC records now parsed correctly
- HINFO records now parsed correctly
- Complicated TXT and NAPTR records now handled correctly
- ZoneReader now handles odd escape characters correctly
- Warns when immediate timeout occurs because no nameservers are configured
- Easy hmac-sha1/256 options to Resolver#tsig=
- ZoneReader fixed for "IN CNAME @" notations
- ZoneReader supports wildcards
- Dnsruby.version method added - currently returns 1.42
- RFC3597 unknown classes (e.g. CLASS32) now handled correctly in RRSIGs
- Resolver#do_caching flag added for Resolver-level caching
- DNSKEY#key_tag now cached - only recalculated when key data changes
- Bugfix where Resolver would not time queries out if no nameservers were configured
- Recursor now performs A and AAAA queries in parallel
- Fix for zero length salt
- Fixing priming for signed root
- Fixes for DLV verification
- Other minor fixes
- Zone file reading support added (Dnsruby::ZoneReader)
- Name and Label speed-ups
- CodeMapper speed-ups
- DHCID RR added
- LOC presentation format parsing fixed
- KX RR added
- Quotations now allowed in text representation for ISDN, X25 and HINFO
- AFSDB from_string fixes
- Fixing CERT types and from_string
- CERT now allows algorithm 0
- Fix for DS record comparison
- HIP RR added
- Minor bug fixes
- Clients can now manipulate Name::Labels