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Bundling with Webpack for NPM and Storybook

Based on PR #135

Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, and Angular. It makes building stunning UIs organized and efficient.

Getting from Code change to Storybook

  1. Commit changes to master
  2. Publish component to NPM
    1. npm run publish:public
  3. Publish to Github Pages - npm run deploy:ghpages


Webpack is used for bundling the component for NPM distribution. We followed this guide and webpack docs in order to publish React Component to NPM.

When we run npm run publish:public to publish components to NPM, it also runs pre:publish, which also runs build:component, which generates a webpack.config.js.

const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  mode: "production",
  devtool: "source-map",
  entry: {
    index: "./packages/index.js",
    TranscriptEditor: "./packages/components/transcript-editor/index.js",
    TimedTextEditor: "./packages/components/timed-text-editor/index.js",
    MediaPlayer: "./packages/components/media-player/index.js",
    ProgressBar: "./packages/components/media-player/src/ProgressBar.js",
    PlaybackRate: "./packages/components/media-player/src/PlaybackRate.js",
    RollBack: "./packages/components/media-player/src/RollBack.js",
    Select: "./packages/components/media-player/src/Select.js",
    VideoPlayer: "./packages/components/video-player/index.js",
    Settings: "./packages/components/settings/index.js",
    KeyboardShortcuts: "./packages/components/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js",
    timecodeConverter: "./packages/util/timecode-converter/index.js",
    exportAdapter: "./packages/export-adapters/index.js",
    sttJsonAdapter: "./packages/stt-adapters/index.js",
  output: {
    path: path.resolve("dist"),
    filename: "[name].js",
    libraryTarget: "commonjs2",
  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.module.css$/,
        use: [
            loader: "style-loader",
            loader: "css-loader",
            options: {
              modules: true,
        test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
        include: path.resolve(__dirname, "packages"),
        // TODO: because it uses entry point to determine graph of dependencies, might not be needed to exclude test ans sample files?
        exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components|build|dist|demo|.storybook)/,
        use: {
          loader: "babel-loader",
          options: {
            presets: ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      react: path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules/react"),
      "react-dom": path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules/react-dom"),
  externals: {
    react: {
      commonjs: "react",
      commonjs2: "react",
      amd: "React",
      root: "React",
    "react-dom": {
      commonjs: "react-dom",
      commonjs2: "react-dom",
      amd: "ReactDOM",
      root: "ReactDOM",

Webpack also works out the dependency tree from the entry points as it's making it's own dependency graph. Since it's using production, the bundling process will automatically exclude test and sample files.

Importing Components

Using Webpack code splitting entry points as well as exporting from packages/index.js, you can now do both styles of importing:

import TimedTextEditor from "@bbc/react-transcript-editor/TimedTextEditor";


import { TimedTextEditor } from "@bbc/react-transcript-editor";

However, as mentioned in the README - it is preferred to import individual components like using the first option: @bbc/react-transcript-editor/TimedTextEditor as the other importing method imports the entire library.


Size limit

At the moment webpack complains that some files are above the recommended size limit. It would be interesting to see if there's a way to reduce this with some further optimization with lazy-loading or other ways. But this is for a subsequent PR for now.

WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
  TimedTextEditor.js (271 KiB)
  TranscriptEditor.js (455 KiB)
  index.js (455 KiB)

CSS module support for Storybook

Storybooks DO NOT support CSS modules out of the box, so if you remove CRA (create-react-app) scripts the css modules will not load in the Storybook. storybook/webpack.config.js augments the storybook with support for CSS modules.


To run Jest across the react components, we have to stub the css file dependencies using moduleNameMapper under the jest attribute in package.json

Further reading


Previous setups

- "build:component": "rimraf dist && NODE_ENV=production babel  packages/ --out-dir dist --copy-files && rimraf dist/**/*.sample.json dist/**/*.sample.js dist/**/example-usage.js dist/**/*.test.js dist/**/*__tests__ dist/**/*__snapshots__ dist/**/*.spec.js",
+ "build:component": "webpack --config webpack.config.js",
+"pre:publish": "npm run build:component && rm ./dist/package.json || true && cp package.json ./dist/package.json && rm ./dist/ || true && cp ./dist/ || true ",
+"publish:public": "npm run pre:publish && npm publish dist --access public",