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Orca3 Gazebo Plugins

The following Gazebo plugins are simple but provide a reasonable simulation of underwater motion for the BlueROV2. Following the ROS convention, all of the plugins work with ENU coordinate frames. All of the plugins assume that the surface of the water is at z=0.


The OrcaThrusterPlugin applies the forces generated by one or more thrusters to the robot frame. Unlike more complex (and accurate) simulations, the force is assumed to be linear from 0 to some maximum. Force for each thruster is applied to the attachment point specified in the URDF file. Angular forces from the spinning propellor are not modeled, nor is the affect of water moving through and around the frame, etc.

In the BlueROV2 the thrusters are driven by ESCs (Electronic Speed Controllers) that take pwm (Pulse Width Modulation) values, so the input to OrcaThrusterPlugin is a vector of pwm values that range from 1100 (maximum negative force) through 1500 (no force) to 1900 (maximum positive force).

In theory the BlueRobotics R3 ESCs don't have a deadzone, so some force is generated for every pwm value except pwm=1500. In my field tests I found that there is a deadzone which varies by ESC and thruster, and the force generated is very small and nonlinear close to the deadzone. To keep things simple the plugin models a single deadzone value for all thrusters: inside the deadzone the force is 0, outside the force is linear from 0 to the maximum.

In summary:

if pwm > 1500 + dz:
  force = pos_force * (pwm - 1500 - dz) / (400 - dz)
elif pwm < 1500 - dz:
  force = neg_force * (pwm - 1500 + dz) / (400 - dz)
  force = 0

The thruster configuration is specified in the URDF file. For the BlueROV2 there are six thrusters:

  • two vertical thrusters arranged side-by-side, these apply force in linear.z or angular.y. The angular force is weaker than the buoyancy force, but it can be used to roll the vehicle a bit.
  • four horizontal thrusters arranged in a vectored configuration, these apply force in linear.z, linear.y and angular.z.


Parameter Type Default Notes
base_link string base_link Name of the base link
thrust_dz_pwm int 35 Deadzone pwm value

Per-thruster XML:

Parameter Type Default Notes
pos_force double 50 Maximum positive force (pwm value is 1900), Newtons
neg_force double 40 Maximum negative force (pwm value is 1100), Newtons Vector3d 0 0 0 Location of thruster relative to base link
origin.rpy Vector3d 0 0 0 Orientation of thruster relative to base link


The OrcaBarometerPlugin wraps the built-in Altimeter sensor. Total pressure below the surface is atmospheric pressure plus the weight of the column of water above the robot. Gravity is 9.8 m/s^2, the Gazebo default. The temperature is assumed to be 10C in the water and 20C above the surface.


Parameter Type Default Notes
atmospheric_pressure double 101300 Atmospheric pressure, Pascals
baro_link_to_base_link_z double 0 Distance from the baro_link to the base_link, m
fluid_density double 997 Fluid density, kg/m^3, around 997 for freshwater, 1029 for seawater
variance double 40000 Barometer variance, Pascals^2


The OrcaBuoyancyPlugin is similar to the built-in BuoyancyPlugin. The height of the robot frame is used to gradually reduce the buoyancy as the robot lifts out of the water.


Parameter Type Default Notes
base_link string base_link Name of the base link
center_of_volume Vector3d 0 0 0 Buoyancy force is applied to the center of volume, relative to the base link
fluid_density double 997 Fluid density, kg/m^3, around 997 for freshwater, 1029 for seawater
height double 0.25 Height of the robot, m
volume double 0.01 Volume of the robot, m^3


The OrcaDragPlugin is similar to the drag portion of the built-in LiftDragPlugin.


Parameter Type Default Notes
base_link string base_link Name of the base link
center_of_mass Vector3d 0 0 0 Drag forces are applied to the center of mass, relative to the base link
linear_drag Vector3d TODO Linear drag coefficients, TODO units
angular_drag Vector3d TODO Angular drag coefficients, TODO units