title | layout | related | ||||||||||
CMS Offline Software |
default |
Before starting, make sure the account you are using (your own account, not cmsbuild) is properly set up for the work. You will need to be able to do the following:
- Upload to the repository server
- Request an AFS volume
- Install the release
For the upload, you need to get your public ssh key registered. To do so, send
a mail to the SDT team asking for the registration. Either add your public key
to the mail or (preferred) put the public key in your public/ AFS directory and
mention the path in the mail. Once the key is uploaded, you should be able to
ssh cmsbuild@cmsrep
w/o being prompted for the cmsbuild password (you still may
be prompted for a passphrase, if you have set one for your key).
The key needs to be for ssh protocol 2, the recommended way to create it is
via: ssh-keygen -t dsa
You need to be added by the SDT team to the list of people which are allowed to request AFS volumes, ask for this in the mail as well.
For the installation, you will need the password for the cmsbuild account, add this request in the mail to the SDT team.
First of all you need to create a new release in GitHub.
In order to build you first need to login on your favorite build machine and create a working dir, checkout the appropriate version of CMSDIST and the corresponding tag for PKGTOOLS. For IBs this information is found in the file cms-bot/config.map.
# E.g.
# ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462
# ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc472
# ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc481
# ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
# ARCH=osx106_amd64_gcc462
# ARCH=osx107_amd64_gcc462
# ARCH=osx108_amd64_gcc481
case $ARCH in
osx*) HERE=/build1/${USER} ;;
*) HERE=/build/${USER} ;;
mkdir -p $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build
cd $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build
QUEUE=`echo $CMSSW_X_Y_Z | sed -e 's/\(CMSSW_[0-9][0-9]*_[0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1_X/'`
eval $(curl -k -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-sw/cms-bot/master/config.map | grep "SCRAM_ARCH=$ARCH;" | grep "RELEASE_QUEUE=$QUEUE;")
git clone -b $CMSDIST_TAG [email protected]:cms-sw/cmsdist.git CMSDIST
git clone -b $PKGTOOLS_TAG [email protected]:cms-sw/pkgtools.git PKGTOOLS
Now go into the CMSDIST dir and prepare the cmssw.spec (or cmssw-patch.spec for patch releases, update commands below if that is the case) and fwlite.spec files for the new release, check it back in and tag the dir for a build with a private tag. This can be done with the following steps:
sh -e PKGTOOLS/scripts/prepare-cmsdist $CMSSW_X_Y_Z $ARCH
Then issue the build command:
screen -L time PKGTOOLS/cmsBuild --architecture=$ARCH --builders 4 -j 16 build cms-git-tools
screen -L time PKGTOOLS/cmsBuild --architecture=$ARCH --builders 4 -j 16 build cmssw
# If you need to build also fwlite rpms:
# screen -L time PKGTOOLS/cmsBuild --architecture=$ARCH --builders 4 -j 16 build cmssw fwlite
# If you need to build a patch release:
# screen -L time PKGTOOLS/cmsBuild --architecture=$ARCH --builders 4 -j 16 build cmssw-patch
once the build starts it will start listing the check sums of all of the dependent RPMS.
Once the build is done, build the check package
screen -L time PKGTOOLS/cmsBuild --architecture=$ARCH --builders 1 -j 20 build cmssw-validation
and check inside:
cat $ARCH/cms/cmssw-validation/1.0.0/test-runTheMatrix/result.log
everything is OK. In particular make sure you have all (and only) the RPMS you expect to be built. For the purposes of this twiki that should be cmssw (or cmssw-patch) and fwlite. cmsBuild can be used to build other distributions such as root but we want those to have been tested in an IB. cmsBuild will trigger the build of dependent packages if it thinks the repository is not up to date for all of the cmssw dependencies. If you find more then the cmssw and fwlite RPM in the above directory then either you got the tag of CMSDIST wrong or there is some problem in your environment which is triggering cmsBuild to do more then it should. Once the problem is identified and fixed you'll have to start over.
Tag the external configuration global tags in the area of your build:
pushd $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build/CMSDIST
git tag REL/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z/$ARCH
git push origin --tags
In order to upload the RPMS to their repository simply do:
screen -L time PKGTOOLS/cmsBuild --architecture=$ARCH --sync-back upload cmssw fwlite
this will check the build area for consistency and upload the RPMs to the repository server, under your user name, then synchronise the main repository and update the apt-database.
Go to Installation instructions and follow the instructions.
Announced releases are listed in:
In order to announce a release, first of all create a change log by using the jenkins job at:
This will hopefully populate the change-log at
Then you can prototype the announcement email by doing:
cat <<EOF > $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build/announcement-email.txt
Hi all,
The production release @CMSSW_X_Y_Z@ is now available for the following
The release notes of what changed with respect to @CMSSW_PREVIOUS@ can be found at:
CMSSW_X_Y_Z=$CMSSW_X_Y_Z perl -p -i -e "s/\@CMSSW_X_Y_Z\@/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z/" $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build/announcement-email.txt
CMSSW_PREVIOUS=$CMSSW_PREVIOUS perl -p -i -e "s/\@CMSSW_PREVIOUS\@/$CMSSW_PREVIOUS/" $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build/announcement-email.txt
edit the $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build/announcement-email.txt email, complete it and then send it with:
# RELEASETYPE=Development
# RELEASETYPE=Production
[ ! "X$RELEASETYPE" = X ] && mail -s "$RELEASETYPE release $CMSSW_X_Y_Z now available at CERN." [email protected] < $HERE/$CMSSW_X_Y_Z-build/announcement-email.txt
Old instructions can be found at: