For CMSSW Issues, following commands in first line of a comment are recognized
: L1/L2's to approve it-1|reject[ed]|-category
: L1/L2's to reject itassign <category>[,<category>[,...]]
: Any L1/L2's to request signatures from other categoriesassign (from|package) <package_name>[,<package_name>[,...]]
: Any L1/L2's to request signatures from categories responsible for package_namesunassign <category>[,<category>[,...]]
: Any L1/L2's to remove signatures from other categoriesunassign (from|package) <package_name>[,<package_name>[,...]]
: Any L1/L2's to remove signatures from other categories responsible for package_nameshold
: L1/all L2's/release manager to mark it as on holdunhold
: L1/user who put this PR on holdtype gh-label-name(,gh-label-name,...)
: L1/L2/requestor to add an extra label for this github issuetype bug|bugfix|bug-fix
: To addbugfix
labeltype [new-]feature|[new-]idea
: To addnew-feature
lebaltype doc[umentation]|performance|improvements|performance-improvements
: To adddocumentation
labeltype lumi,hgcal,rpc
: To add extralumu
type -gh-label-name(,-gh-label-name,...)
: L1/L2/requestor to remove an already added label for this github issue