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CNCF Membership Engagement Guide


We've crafted this CNCF Membership Engagement Guide to help your organization maximize your CNCF membership. By following this guide, you can increase your visibility in the cloud native ecosystem, make better contributions to the community, and align your organizational goals with CNCF initiatives.

Whether you're a new member or want to improve your engagement, this guide offers a strategic approach to creating the best experience with your CNCF membership.

Table of Contents

  1. Establish a CNCF Engagement Team
  2. Develop Clear Objectives
  3. Maximize Visibility Opportunities
  4. Leverage Training and Certification
  5. Enhance Open Source Contributions
  6. Utilize CNCF Marketing Benefits
  7. Engage in CNCF Governance
  8. Host CNCF-Related Events
  9. Develop CNCF-Focused Content
  10. Track and Measure ROI
  11. Build Internal Advocacy
  12. Collaborate with Other Members
  13. Request CNCF Support
  14. Plan for Growth
  15. Additional Steps for New and Existing Members
  16. Stay Connected
  17. Additional Programs
  18. Resources

Establish a CNCF Engagement Team

Creating a dedicated team to manage your CNCF engagement ensures your organization can consistently and effectively leverage its membership benefits.

  • Appoint CNCF liaison(s) to manage member benefits and attend monthly meetings
  • Include representatives from key departments (e.g., developer advocacy, marketing, engineering)
  • Set regular internal meetings to discuss CNCF initiatives and track progress

Develop Clear Objectives

Setting specific, measurable goals allows you to focus your efforts and track the impact of your CNCF membership.

Define objectives in areas such as:

  1. Community Visibility
  2. Ecosystem Reputation
  3. Internal Expertise
  4. Product Integration
  5. CNCF Governance Participation
  6. Lead Generation
  7. Content Creation and Thought Leadership

For each objective:

  • Set specific, measurable goals
  • Define a clear time frame
  • Assign responsibility to particular teams or individuals
  • Establish methods for tracking and measuring progress
  • Schedule regular reviews to assess and adjust goals as needed

Maximize Visibility Opportunities

Increasing your organization's visibility within the CNCF community can lead to valuable partnerships, talent acquisition, and business opportunities.

Leverage Training and Certification

Investing in your team's cloud native skills demonstrates your commitment to the ecosystem and enhances your organization's expertise.

Enhance Open Source Contributions

Participation in CNCF projects showcases your technical expertise and commitment to the community.

  • Increase contributions to CNCF projects
  • Highlight these contributions in your organization's marketing efforts
  • Review CNCF's Contributor site for more information on how to get involved

Utilize CNCF Marketing Benefits

Leveraging CNCF's marketing channels can amplify your organization's reach within the cloud native community.

Engage in CNCF Governance

Participating in CNCF's governance structure allows your organization to shape the future of cloud native technologies and standards.

  • Participate actively in relevant CNCF committees and working groups
  • Consider running for positions on the CNCF committees or other leadership roles
  • Attend Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) meetings
  • Attend End User Technical Advisory Board (TAB) meetings (if applicable)

Host CNCF-Related Events

Organizing events helps establish your organization as a thought leader in the cloud native ecosystem and provides networking opportunities.

Develop CNCF-Focused Content

Creating and sharing valuable content enhances your organization's reputation and contributes to the broader cloud native knowledge base.

Track and Measure ROI

Regularly assessing the value of your CNCF membership helps justify the investment and identify areas for improvement.

  • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to CNCF membership benefits
  • Regularly report on the value gained from the membership to the CNCF staff

Build Internal Advocacy

Fostering enthusiasm for CNCF initiatives within your organization can lead to increased engagement and innovation.

  • Create an internal newsletter highlighting CNCF activities and achievements
  • Recognize and reward employees who contribute to CNCF initiatives

Collaborate with Other Members

Partnering with fellow CNCF members can lead to innovative solutions and expanded business opportunities.

  • Seek partnerships with other CNCF members for joint initiatives
  • Participate in cross-company CNCF projects or special interest groups

Request CNCF Support

Don't hesitate to contact CNCF staff for guidance and support in maximizing your membership benefits.

  • Work closely with CNCF staff to understand and utilize all available benefits
  • Ask for guidance on best practices for member engagement

Plan for Growth

As your engagement with CNCF evolves, consider how your membership can grow alongside your organization.

  • Set a timeline to reassess the value of the membership
  • Prepare a strategy for potentially upgrading membership tiers in the future

Additional Steps for New and Existing Members

Ensure you're taking advantage of all available resources and opportunities:

Stay Connected

Regular communication with CNCF and its community keeps you informed and engaged:

  • Join CNCF's Slack channel
  • Review CNCF's public mailing lists
  • Subscribe to CNCF communications for foundation updates, event info, and the latest community news
  • Attend CNCF Marketing Committee meetings

Additional Programs

Consider participating in specialized CNCF programs that align with your organization's goals:

  • Apply for the KCSP, KTP, or Certified Kubernetes programs (if applicable)
  • Consider applying to become a Cloud Native Ambassador (see requirements)


Utilize these additional resources to support your CNCF engagement:


Engaging effectively with CNCF is an ongoing process that requires dedication, strategy, and adaptability. By following this guide and regularly reassessing your approach, you can ensure that your organization maximizes the value of its CNCF membership.

Remember that the cloud native ecosystem is constantly evolving, so stay curious, keep learning, and don't hesitate to contact the CNCF community for support and collaboration opportunities.

Your active participation benefits your organization and contributes to the growth and innovation of the entire cloud native ecosystem. We look forward to your continued engagement and success within the CNCF community!