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Redis Security


This document provides an introduction to the topic of security from the point of view of Redis: the access control provided by Redis, code security concerns, attacks that can be triggered from the outside by selecting malicious inputs and other similar topics are covered.

本文简要介绍 Redis 安全相关的话题, 包括: Redis访问控制机制、Redis源码安全性, 外部输入可能触发的恶意攻击, 以及其他相关问题。

For security related contacts please open an issue on GitHub, or when you feel it is really important that the security of the communication is preserved, use the GPG key at the end of this document.

如果要反馈安全问题, 请到 GitHub 上提出 issue, 当然, 如果需要私密通信, 请使用文末提供的 GPG key。

Redis general security model

Redis 总体安全模型

Redis is designed to be accessed by trusted clients inside trusted environments. This means that usually it is not a good idea to expose the Redis instance directly to the internet or, in general, to an environment where untrusted clients can directly access the Redis TCP port or UNIX socket.

Redis 设想的运行环境, 是与受信客户端在内网中进行通讯. 也就是说, Redis 实例不应该直接暴露到公网上, 也不应该让不受信的客户机直连到 Redis 的 TCP端口/或UNIX socket。

For instance, in the common context of a web application implemented using Redis as a database, cache, or messaging system, the clients inside the front-end (web side) of the application will query Redis to generate pages or to perform operations requested or triggered by the web application user.

比如, 可以将 Redis 作为web系统的 database, cache, 或者 messaging system。 用户只能与web进行交互, 由WEB应用来进行查询或执行其他操作。

In this case, the web application mediates access between Redis and untrusted clients (the user browsers accessing the web application).

在这种情况下, web应用作为桥头堡, 连接 Redis, 避免Redis与不受信任的客户端(如浏览器)进行直接交互。

This is a specific example, but, in general, untrusted access to Redis should always be mediated by a layer implementing ACLs, validating user input, and deciding what operations to perform against the Redis instance.

这只是一中特定场景, 但总体说来, 不受信任的客户端与 Redis 之间, 必须有一层 ACL(访问控制层)实现, 用于鉴权和校验用户输入, 并决定是否对 Redis 实例执行操作。

In general, Redis is not optimized for maximum security but for maximum performance and simplicity.

总的来说, Redis 并没有为安全问题做过多设计, 最主要的原因是为了保证高性能, 以及使用简便。

Network security


Access to the Redis port should be denied to everybody but trusted clients in the network, so the servers running Redis should be directly accessible only by the computers implementing the application using Redis.

除了受信网络的客户端, 其他客户端发起的网络请求需要被拦截, 所以运行 Redis 服务的系统, 应该只允许使用 Redis 的那些应用程序直连。

In the common case of a single computer directly exposed to the internet, such as a virtualized Linux instance (Linode, EC2, ...), the Redis port should be firewalled to prevent access from the outside. Clients will still be able to access Redis using the loopback interface.

如果使用的是 Linux虚拟机(Linode, EC2, 等等), 因为这些机器可能直接暴露在公网上, 所以需要防火墙来保护 Redis 端口, 阻止外部访问。而本地的客户端则通过回环地址(loopback, 127...*)来访问Redis。

Note that it is possible to bind Redis to a single interface by adding a line like the following to the redis.conf file:

当然, 也可以将 Redis 端口直接绑定到本机的某块网卡/IP上, 在 redis.conf 配置文件中增加如下配置即可:


Failing to protect the Redis port from the outside can have a big security impact because of the nature of Redis. For instance, a single FLUSHALL command can be used by an external attacker to delete the whole data set.

假如不对外部访问做隔离, 可能会带来严重的安全隐患. 例如, 攻击者只要执行一个 FLUSHALL 命令, 就能让Redis的所有数据Over。

Protected mode

保护模式(Protected mode)

Unfortunately many users fail to protect Redis instances from being accessed from external networks. Many instances are simply left exposed on the internet with public IPs. For this reasons since version 3.2.0, when Redis is executed with the default configuration (binding all the interfaces) and without any password in order to access it, it enters a special mode called protected mode. In this mode Redis only replies to queries from the loopback interfaces, and reply to other clients connecting from other addresses with an error, explaining what is happening and how to configure Redis properly.

杯具的是, 很多 Redis 实例都没有拒绝外部网络访问。很多具有公网IP的实例就这样暴露了. 基于这种情况, 从 Redis 3.2.0 版本开始, 如果使用默认配置(绑定到所有网卡), 并且没有密码验证保护, 则会进入一种特殊的模式, 称为 保护模式(Protected mode). 在保护模式下, Redis 只允许本地回环地址访问。 其他地址的客户端在连接时, 会收到错误信息, 其中描述了具体原因以及如何配置。

We expect protected mode to seriously decrease the security issues caused by unprotected Redis instances executed without proper administration, however the system administrator can still ignore the error given by Redis and just disable protected mode or manually bind all the interfaces.

我们希望保护模式能有效降低 Redis 实例的安全问题, 当然, 系统管理员也可以禁用保护模式, 或者手动绑定到所有IP。

Authentication feature


While Redis does not try to implement Access Control, it provides a tiny layer of authentication that is optionally turned on editing the redis.conf file.

虽然 Redis 没有实现访问控制, 但也提供了一个小小的 身份验证层(authorization layer), 通过 redis.conf 文件来开启。

When the authorization layer is enabled, Redis will refuse any query by unauthenticated clients. A client can authenticate itself by sending the AUTH command followed by the password.

如果启用了 身份验证, Redis 会拒绝所有未经身份验证的客户端请求。客户端可以通过 AUTH 命令+密码 的方式执行身份验证。

The password is set by the system administrator in clear text inside the redis.conf file. It should be long enough to prevent brute force attacks for two reasons:

因为密码以明文的方式设置在 redis.conf 文件中。所以密码应该足够长, 以防止暴力破解, 原因如下:

  • Redis is very fast at serving queries. Many passwords per second can be tested by an external client.

  • The Redis password is stored inside the redis.conf file and inside the client configuration, so it does not need to be remembered by the system administrator, and thus it can be very long.

  • Redis 的查询效率非常高。客户端每秒可以执行很多次密码验证。

  • 密码存储在 redis.conf 中, 所以管理员不用记忆密码, 需要的时候直接拷贝即可, 因此设置很长的密码并没有什么影响。

The goal of the authentication layer is to optionally provide a layer of redundancy. If firewalling or any other system implemented to protect Redis from external attackers fail, an external client will still not be able to access the Redis instance without knowledge of the authentication password.

身份验证层的目的, 是提供可选的一个冗余层. 如果防火墙失效, 或者未能有效保护 Redis, 只要外部人员不知道密码, 依然不能访问 Redis 实例。

The AUTH command, like every other Redis command, is sent unencrypted, so it does not protect against an attacker that has enough access to the network to perform eavesdropping.

和其他 Redis 命令一样, AUTH 命令也是不进行加密传输的, 所以不能防止网络窃听, 假若网络情况特别不安全的话。

Data encryption support


Redis does not support encryption. In order to implement setups where trusted parties can access a Redis instance over the internet or other untrusted networks, an additional layer of protection should be implemented, such as an SSL proxy. We recommend spiped.

因为 Redis 不支持加密. 想要在互联网/或不可信网络上实现加密传输, 就需要额外的保护层, 例如SSL代理。我们推荐使用 spiped

Disabling of specific commands


It is possible to disable commands in Redis or to rename them into an unguessable name, so that normal clients are limited to a specified set of commands.

可以将某些 Redis 命令禁用, 或者重命名, 这样一般的客户端就不能执行某些危险的命令了。

For instance, a virtualized server provider may offer a managed Redis instance service. In this context, normal users should probably not be able to call the Redis CONFIG command to alter the configuration of the instance, but the systems that provide and remove instances should be able to do so.

例如, 虚拟服务提供商, 可能会同时给客户提供 Redis 实例管理服务. 这时候, 就不允许客户自己调用 CONFIG 命令来修改实例配置, 但服务提供商自己应该能够创建和销毁这些实例。

In this case, it is possible to either rename or completely shadow commands from the command table. This feature is available as a statement that can be used inside the redis.conf configuration file. For example:

这种情况下, 可以通过重命名, 或者在命令表中隐藏这些命令。该特性可以通过 redis.conf 配置文件指定. 如:

rename-command CONFIG b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52

In the above example, the CONFIG command was renamed into an unguessable name. It is also possible to completely disable it (or any other command) by renaming it to the empty string, like in the following example:

此处将 CONFIG 命令重命名为另一个非常复杂的名字. 当然, 也可以将命令重命名为空串 "", 以禁用某些命令:

rename-command CONFIG ""

Attacks triggered by carefully selected inputs from external clients


There is a class of attacks that an attacker can trigger from the outside even without external access to the instance. An example of such attacks are the ability to insert data into Redis that triggers pathological (worst case) algorithm complexity on data structures implemented inside Redis internals.

即使黑客没有密码, 也可能攻击到 Redis. 例如, 黑客有可能利用 Redis内部算法和数据结构的漏洞, 最坏情况下, 甚至可以将数据插入到Redis库中。

For instance an attacker could supply, via a web form, a set of strings that is known to hash to the same bucket into a hash table in order to turn the O(1) expected time (the average time) to the O(N) worst case, consuming more CPU than expected, and ultimately causing a Denial of Service.

例如, 可以通过web表单, 将 hash 值取模之后相同的一大批字符串提交到 hash table 中, 这样就可能将时间复杂度为 O(1) 的散列操作, 降级为 O(N) 的最坏情况, 导致 CPU 资源耗尽, 形成拒绝服务攻击(Denial of Service, Dos)。

To prevent this specific attack, Redis uses a per-execution pseudo-random seed to the hash function.

为了防止这类攻击, Redis 每次启动, 都使用不同的伪随机数种子(pseudo-random seed)来执行 hash 运算。

Redis implements the SORT command using the qsort algorithm. Currently, the algorithm is not randomized, so it is possible to trigger a quadratic worst-case behavior by carefully selecting the right set of inputs.

Redis 的 SORT 命令使用了 qsort 算法. 目前为止, 该算法不是随机的, 如果攻击者精心构造一组特定的输入, 在最坏情况下, 可能会造成平方级的时间消耗。

String escaping and NoSQL injection


The Redis protocol has no concept of string escaping, so injection is impossible under normal circumstances using a normal client library. The protocol uses prefixed-length strings and is completely binary safe.

Redis 协议中没有字符串转义(escaping)的概念, 所以正常情况下, 不可能通过客户端进行注入. Redis 协议使用的是 prefixed-length 的字符串, 是二进制安全的。

Lua scripts executed by the EVAL and EVALSHA commands follow the same rules, and thus those commands are also safe.

EVALEVALSHA 命令执行的Lua脚本, 也遵循同样的规则, 因此这些命令都是安全的。

While it would be a very strange use case, the application should avoid composing the body of the Lua script using strings obtained from untrusted sources.

但实际情况可能比较复杂, 应用程序应该避免将不受信任来源的字符串, 当做Lua脚本来执行。

Code security


In a classical Redis setup, clients are allowed full access to the command set, but accessing the instance should never result in the ability to control the system where Redis is running.

在一般的 Redis 配置中, 客户端可以执行 command set 中的所有命令, 对实例的访问不太可对 Redis 宿主机的行为造成影响。

Internally, Redis uses all the well known practices for writing secure code, to prevent buffer overflows, format bugs and other memory corruption issues. However, the ability to control the server configuration using the CONFIGcommand makes the client able to change the working dir of the program and the name of the dump file. This allows clients to write RDB Redis files at random paths, that is a security issue that may easily lead to the ability to compromise the system and/or run untrusted code as the same user as Redis is running.

Redis内部使用了各种著名的代码安全最佳实践, 以阻止缓冲区溢出(buffer overflow), 格式错误(format bug), 或者其他内存泄露问题(memory corruption). 但是, 控制服务器配置的 CONFIG 命令, 有可能修改服务器的工作目录(working dir), 以及 dump 文件的名称. 这就允许客户端将 RDB Redis 文件写入任何路径, 也就造成了 安全问题, 通过启动 Redis 服务的账户权限, 来执行某些操作, 以及某些危险的代码, 甚至有可能造成系统宕机(译者注: 如占满某些目录/磁盘空间等等)。

Redis does not requires root privileges to run. It is recommended to run it as an unprivileged redis user that is only used for this purpose. The Redis authors are currently investigating the possibility of adding a new configuration parameter to prevent CONFIG SET/GET dir and other similar run-time configuration directives. This would prevent clients from forcing the server to write Redis dump files at arbitrary locations.

Redis 不应该使用 root 权限来启动。建议使用非特权的专有账户 redis. Redis 作者目前正在尝试, 已决定是否有必要增加新的配置参数, 来阻止 CONFIG SET/GET dir 和类似的运行时配置命令. 这能有效阻止客户端将服务器的 dump 文件写到其他目录。

GPG key

GPG密钥(GPG key)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (Darwin)


密钥指纹(Key fingerprint)

pub   4096R/0E5C88D6 2013-11-07 [expires: 2063-10-26]
      Key fingerprint = E5F3 DA80 35F0 2EC1 47F9  020F 3181 3728 0E5C 88D6
      uid                  Salvatore Sanfilippo <[email protected]>
      sub   4096R/3B34D15F 2013-11-07 [expires: 2063-10-26]


翻译日期: 2017年11月30日

翻译人员: 铁锚: