How to exchange data between WebRTC endpoints (peers).
A complete version of this step is in the step-03 folder.
本节的完整版代码位于 step-03
For this step, you'll use WebRTC data channels to send text between two textarea
elements on the same page. That's not very useful, but does demonstrate how WebRTC can be used to share data as well as streaming video.
在本示例中, 使用WebRTC的数据通道(data channel), 将一个 textarea
的内容, 传递给同页面中的另一个textarea
。这个demo本身没什么实用价值, 主要目的是展示怎样使用WebRTC来传输数据和视频。
Remove the video and button elements from index.html and replace them with the following HTML:
接着上一节的代码, 将 index.html 文件中的 video
和 button
元素移除, 并替换为以下代码:
<textarea id="dataChannelSend" disabled
placeholder="先点击[开始]按钮, 然后输入任意文字, 再点击[发送]按钮."></textarea>
<textarea id="dataChannelReceive" disabled></textarea>
<div id="buttons">
<button id="startButton">开始</button>
<button id="sendButton">发送</button>
<button id="closeButton">停止</button>
One textarea will be for entering text, the other will display the text as streamed between peers.
第一个 textarea
用来输入文本, 第二个则是用来展示从另一端传过来的数据。
index.html should now look like this:
现在, index.html 的内容应该是这样的:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Realtime communication with WebRTC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" />
<h1>Realtime communication with WebRTC</h1>
<textarea id="dataChannelSend" disabled
placeholder="先点击[开始]按钮, 然后输入任意文字, 再点击[发送]按钮."></textarea>
<textarea id="dataChannelReceive" disabled></textarea>
<div id="buttons">
<button id="startButton">开始</button>
<button id="sendButton">发送</button>
<button id="closeButton">停止</button>
<script src="https://webrtc.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
Replace main.js with the contents of step-03/js/main.js.
将 step-03/js/main.js
文件的内容复制到 main.js
As with the previous step, it's not ideal doing cut-and-paste with large chunks of code in a codelab, but (as with RTCPeerConnection) there's no alternative.
前面的小节也说过, 这种大量粘贴代码的方式, 在示例教程中并不是很理想的做法, 但没有办法, 因为 RTCPeerConnection 要跑起来就需要依赖这么多东西。
Try out streaming data between peers: open index.html, press Start to set up the peer connection, enter some text in the textarea
on the left, then click Send to transfer the text using WebRTC data channels.
- 打开 index.html,
- 点击 Start 按钮, 以建立对等连接,
- 然后在左边的文本框之中输入一些字符,
- 点击 Send 按钮, 将文本通过 WebRTC 的数据通道传送出去。
This code uses RTCPeerConnection and RTCDataChannel to enable exchange of text messages.
这段代码通过 RTCPeerConnection 和 RTCDataChannel 来传输文本消息。
Much of the code in this step is the same as for the RTCPeerConnection example.
本节中的代码, 大部分和上节的 RTCPeerConnection 示例是相同的。
The sendData()
and createConnection()
functions have most of the new code:
新增的代码主要集中在 sendData()
和 createConnection()
function createConnection() {
dataChannelSend.placeholder = '';
var servers = null;
pcConstraint = null;
dataConstraint = null;
trace('Using SCTP based data channels');
// For SCTP, reliable and ordered delivery is true by default.
// Add localConnection to global scope to make it visible
// from the browser console.
window.localConnection = localConnection =
new RTCPeerConnection(servers, pcConstraint);
trace('Created local peer connection object localConnection');
sendChannel = localConnection.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel',
trace('Created send data channel');
localConnection.onicecandidate = iceCallback1;
sendChannel.onopen = onSendChannelStateChange;
sendChannel.onclose = onSendChannelStateChange;
// Add remoteConnection to global scope to make it visible
// from the browser console.
window.remoteConnection = remoteConnection =
new RTCPeerConnection(servers, pcConstraint);
trace('Created remote peer connection object remoteConnection');
remoteConnection.onicecandidate = iceCallback2;
remoteConnection.ondatachannel = receiveChannelCallback;
startButton.disabled = true;
closeButton.disabled = false;
function sendData() {
var data = dataChannelSend.value;
trace('Sent Data: ' + data);
The syntax of RTCDataChannel is deliberately similar to WebSocket, with a send()
method and a message
RTCDataChannel 其提供了 send()
方法与 message
事件, 使用的语法和 WebSocket类似。
Notice the use of dataConstraint
. Data channels can be configured to enable different types of data sharing — for example, prioritizing reliable delivery over performance. You can find out more information about options at Mozilla Developer Network.
请注意 dataConstraint
的使用。数据通道可以通过配置, 来传递各种类型特征的数据 —— 比如, 可靠性优先还是效率优先. 更多的信息请参考MDN上的文档: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/createDataChannel 。
Three types of constraints
It's confusing!
Different types of WebRTC call setup options are all often referred to as 'constraints'.
WebRTC中, 各种类型的配置项, 都被称为是“约束”(constraints), 这是容易造成困扰的地方!
Find out more about constraints and options:
关于约束和配置项的更多信息, 请参考:
With SCTP, the protocol used by WebRTC data channels, reliable and ordered data delivery is on by default. When might RTCDataChannel need to provide reliable delivery of data, and when might performance be more important — even if that means losing some data?
Use CSS to improve page layout, and add a placeholder attribute to the "dataChannelReceive" textarea.
Test the page on a mobile device.
WebRTC数据通道使用的协议为: SCTP, 在默认配置时, 具备了可靠/顺序的消息传输能力. 如果 RTCDataChannel 需要更高的可靠性, 或者需要效率优先时怎么处理呢? —— 许多场景丢点数据无所谓, 比如视频聊天。
使用CSS来美化页面布局, 以及为 "dataChannelReceive" 对应的
添加 placeholder 属性。 -
In this step you learned how to:
在本节课程中, 我们学习了:
Establish a connection between two WebRTC peers.
Exchange text data between the peers.
A complete version of this step is in the step-03 folder.
本节的完整版代码位于 step-03
- WebRTC data channels (a couple of years old, but still worth reading)
- Why was SCTP Selected for WebRTC's Data Channel?
You've learned how to exchange data between peers on the same page, but how do you do this between different machines? First, you need to set up a signaling channel to exchange metadata messages. Find out how in the next step!
我们学习了如何在同一页面中WebRTC客户端之间传输数据, 但不同设备的客户端之间如何进行数据传输呢? 当然这有一个前提: 客户端之间需要建立信令通道,来交换元数据消息. 在下一节我们会进行讲解!
原文链接: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/webrtc-web/#5
翻译人员: 铁锚 - https://blog.csdn.net/renfufei
翻译日期: 2018年08月03日