robobench has the following requirements:
- opencv (tested with 3.0, should work with 2.0)
- numpy (tested with 1.8, should work with 1.7)
- Python imaging (tested with 1.1, should work with earlier, pillow, etc)
- lensfun (tested with 1.3)
- click (tested with 6.2)
If there's a script in the _install_deps that matches your platform, run it.
If there isn't one, and you write one for your platform, please submit a PR!
Install each of the following dependencies
The Installation Guide for your platform
This was tested with old school PIL, but pillow and other dropins should work
Use pip: pip install click
The segmenter provides full help. Run with --help
usage: [-h] [--no-lensfun] [--crop x1 y1 x2 y2] [--output OUTPUT] [--detect [{lame_edge_contour}]] [--quiet] [-y] image [image ...]
Identify and extract images of train cars from a given set of images.
positional arguments: image The images to process, if you provide a unix-style glob it will be expanded.
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --no-lensfun Don't undistort the images with the Lensfun database. --crop x1 y1 x2 y2 Defines the region containing the train. If not provided, you will be prompted to select a region. --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT A directory to store the segemnted images. It must exist and be writable. --detect [{lame_edge_contour}], -d [{lame_edge_contour}] Only display/output images that contain graffiti according to the selected detector --quiet, -q Don't display images as they are processed. -y Overwrite exist images in OUTPUT directory.
Extract cars from the sample2 dataset and store the images in /tmp:
./ _sample_data/sample2/*.jpg --crop 680 952 3378 1592 -o /tmp
Find graffiti in the sample2 dataset and don't store images
./ _sample_data/sample2/*.jpg --crop 680 952 3378 1592 --detect