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REST API Reference

Percy Liang edited this page Mar 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

The CodaLab REST API is still under heavy development, and interfaces may change at any time.


We use OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization.

All API requests to protected resources must include a valid OAuth bearer token as a HTTP header:

GET /rest/bundles/0x491808200c7e4e2798530d5cf9bdfdd HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer WM0vteAcGpPhXEGtKmhCGjgVIOvYbB

Unauthorized requests will receive a 403 Forbidden HTTP response.

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

The easiest way to get an OAuth token is by requesting a token directly using a username and password.

POST /rest/oauth2/token

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic Y29kYWxhYl9jbGlfY2xpZW50Og==
Form Parameter Description
grant_type REQUIRED. Value MUST be set to password.
username REQUIRED. The resource owner username or email address.
password REQUIRED. The resource owner password.
scope OPTIONAL. Defaults to default, which provides full access to the user's resources. No other scopes are currently supported, though we may introduce them in the future.

Example response:

    "access_token": "NT4xa9noJkBQMxwoL8AikZ6wuGDlUQ",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "refresh_token": "HWTsWyqTXmVJuran04OhyXua3k8VlL",
    "scope": "default"


We follow the JSON API v1.0 specification for the most part, with additional support for bulk operations based on an unofficial Bulk extension.

Some complete examples will be provided to illustrate how this translated into full JSON objects.

Boolean query parameters should be specified as 1 for true and 0 for false.


Get bundle info

GET /rest/bundles/<uuid>

Search bundles

GET /rest/bundles/

Query Parameter Description
keywords MULTIPLE. Keywords for a search query, in the same form as in cl search.
specs MULTIPLE. Bundle specs to search for.
worksheet OPTIONAL. ID of the parent worksheet for resolving bundle specs.
depth OPTIONAL. Include all descendants of the found bundles down by this depth.

Create bundles

POST /rest/bundles

Update bundles

PATCH /rest/bundles

Delete bundles

DELETE /rest/bundles

Query Parameter Description
force=1 OPTIONAL. Allow deletion of bundles that have descendants or that appear across multiple worksheets.
recursive=1 OPTIONAL. Delete all bundles downstream of the specified bundles too.
data-only=1 OPTIONAL. Only delete the bundle contents from the bundle store, but keep the bundle metadata.
dry-run=1 OPTIONAL. Just return list of bundles that would be deleted, but do not actually delete.

Request Example:

    "data": [
        {"type": "bundles", "id": "0x491808200c7e4e2798530d5cf9bdfdd1"},
        {"type": "bundles", "id": "0xfbf4b487726248bcbe349932ca6981a3"},

Response Example:

    "meta": {
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "ids": ["0x491808200c7e4e2798530d5cf9bdfdd1", "0xfbf4b487726248bcbe349932ca6981a3"]

Bundle Contents

Fetch Contents Metadata (non-JSON API)

GET /rest/bundles/<uuid>/contents/info/

Query Parameter Description
depth OPTIONAL. Depth to traverse directory tree.

Example request:

GET /rest/bundles/0x97e9d4bdbecd4a969a7f9d41e2f5dd9c/contents/info/?depth=1

Example response body:

    "meta": {
        "version": "0.2.0"
    "data": {
        "contents": [
                "type": "file",
                "name": "a.txt",
                "perm": 420,
                "size": 64
                "type": "file",
                "name": "b.txt",
                "perm": 420,
                "size": 22
        "type": "directory",
        "name": "0x97e9d4bdbecd4a969a7f9d41e2f5dd9c",
        "perm": 493,
        "size": 408

Fetch Contents Blob (non-JSON API)

GET /rest/bundles/<uuid>/contents/blob/

Returns the raw data stream containing the contents of the bundle. If the bundle is a directory, the contents will be a tarred and gzipped archive.

Upload Contents Blob (non-JSON API)

PUT /rest/bundles/<uuid>/contents/blob/

Set or replace the contents of the bundle with the file uploaded in the request body. Supports chunked encoding. Directories should be uploaded as tarred+gzipped or zip archives.

Bundle Permissions

Set bundle permissions

POST /rest/bundle-permissions

Bundle Actions

Queue bundle action

POST /rest/bundle-actions


Fetch worksheet info

GET /rest/worksheets/<uuid>

Update worksheet with raw lines

POST /rest/worksheets/<uuid>/raw

Search worksheets

GET /rest/worksheets/

Create worksheets

POST /rest/worksheets/

Update worksheet metadata

PATCH /rest/worksheets/

Delete worksheets

DELETE /rest/worksheets/

Add worksheet items

POST /rest/worksheets-items

Set worksheet permissions

POST /rest/worksheets-permissions


Get authenticated user

GET /rest/user

Update authenticated user

PATCH /rest/user

Lookup user

GET /rest/users/<user_spec>

Lookup users

GET /rest/users


Lookup group

GET /rest/groups/<group_spec>

Lookup groups

GET /rest/groups

Fetch all groups accessible by the authenticated user.

Delete group

DELETE /rest/groups/<group_spec>

Create group

POST /rest/groups

Add admin to group

POST /rest/groups/<group_spec>/relationships/admins

Add normal member to group

POST /rest/groups/<group_spec>/relationships/members

Delete members from group

DELETE /rest/groups/<group_spec>/relationships/members