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Latest commit

5b3c1b0 Β· May 14, 2024


This branch is 2 commits ahead of, 313 commits behind bandada-infra/bandada:main.


Bandada utils

General Bandada utility functions.

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This package provides simple utility functions that can be used by Bandada itself or externals.

πŸ›  Install

npm or yarn

Install the @bandada/utils package with npm:

npm i @bandada/utils

or yarn:

yarn add @bandada/utils

πŸ“œ Usage

# request(url: string, config?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<any>

Makes a request using Axios.

import { request } from "@bandada/utils"

const url = ""
const config = {
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    baseURL: ""
const group = await request(url, config)

# shortenAddress(address: string, chars: number): string

Returns a shorter address.

import { shortenAddress } from "@bandada/utils"

const address = shortenAddress("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")

# getProvider(network: Network, apiKey?: string): JsonRpcProvider

Returns the provider to communicate with the blockchain.

import { getProvider } from "@bandada/utils"

const provider = getProvider("localhost")

# getContract(contractName: ContractName, network: Network, privateKeyOrSigner?: string | Signer, apiKey?: string): Contract

Returns an Ethers contract.

import { getContract } from "@bandada/utils"

const contractName = "Semaphore"
const network = "localhost"
const contract = getContract(contractName, network)

# getSemaphoreContract(network: Network, privateKeyOrSigner?: string | Signer, apiKey?: string): SemaphoreContract

Returns a new instance of the SemaphoreContract class.

import { getSemaphoreContract } from "@bandada/utils"

const semaphore = getSemaphoreContract("localhost")

# getBandadaContract(network: Network, privateKeyOrSigner?: string | Signer, apiKey?: string): BandadaContract

Returns a new instance of the BandadaContract class.

import { getBandadaContract } from "@bandada/utils"

const bandada = getBandadaContract("localhost")

# getWallet(privateKey: string, network?: Network, apiKey?: string): JsonRpcProvider

Returns an Ethers wallet.

import { getWallet } from "@bandada/utils"

const privateKey =
const wallet = getWallet(privateKey)

# getContractAddresses(networkName: Network): { Bandada: string, Semaphore: string, BandadaSemaphore: string }

Returns the contract addresses for the Bandada, Semaphore and BandadaSemaphore smart contracts.

import { getContractAddresses } from "@bandada/utils"

const addresses = getContractAddresses("sepolia")