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Form Flow Starter Application

Table of Contents

What is the Form Flow Starter App

The starter app is a Spring Boot application that demonstrates the form-flow Java library. It can be customized to meet the needs of a web app, and is meant to be built upon. It's a plain, boring (but modern) Spring app that uses common, frequently-used libraries throughout.

It contains example code for a simple, generic application for public benefits. An applicant can fill out screens with their basic info, upload supporting documents, then submit it all. Upon submission, they receive an email with a filled-in application PDF. The entire experience is in both English and Spanish.

The form-flow Java library is included in the application's build.gradle along with all other dependencies. The codebase for the form-flow library is open source.

A detailed explanation of form flow concepts can be found in the form flow library's readme.

To experience the starter app for yourself, you can visit:

Static Pages

The starter app implements some purely static pages which differ from screens in that they take in no user input. They are purely for conveying information to the user, and they are not part of any specific flow. For more information about static pages see the form-flow library documentation.

This application has four static pages served up by the StaticPageController class:

Example Actions and Conditions

The starter app provides some examples of both Actions and Conditions. To learn more about creating your own actions or conditions we recommend reading the library's documentation for each linked in their respective sections below.


There are five types of actions that one can use.

  • beforeSaveAction
  • onPostAction
  • crossFieldValidationAction
  • beforeDisplayAction
  • afterSaveAction

You can find more detailed information about each type of action in the Form Flow library's readme.


This action is a beforeSaveAction and is run after validation but before the data is stored in the database. The UpdateIncomeAmountsBeforeSaving will clear out any unused Income types, if they were updated. For example, a user fills out the income type page and submits values for their chosen input types. If they then decide to go back and change a value or add a new income type, this action will ensure that any previous values entered by the user are cleared out in the stored data as well.

You can view the UpdateIncomeAmountsBeforeSaving action here.


This is an onPostAction and is run just after the data is sent to the server, before any validation is done on it. The UpdatePersonalInfoDates action will do the following for both the birth and movedToUSA fields on the Personal Info page. It will take the three separate date fields associated with them (day, month, and year) and put an aggregated date string into a general date field (birthDate and movedToUSADate, respectively).

You can view the UpdatePersonalInfoDates action here.


This is a crossFieldValidationAction and is run just after field level validation has occurred, but before the data is stored in the database. ValidateMovedToUSADate will check to see if the client has indicated that they moved to the USA in the last year. If they have, then this action will check to see that they've entered values for movedToUSA day, month and year, as well as check to see that the resulting date is actually valid.

You can view the ValidateMovedToUSADate action here.


Conditions are used either to determine navigation between screens or to determine whether elements should be displayed on a screen. If you would like to learn more about creating your own conditions, please see the form-flow library documentation.


The HasHousehold condition is an example of a condition that is used to determine navigation between screens. In the starter app this condition is used to determine whether a user should be shown the housemateInfo screen if they have indicated that they have housemates. If they have indicated they do not have any housemates they will instead be taken to the incomeInfo essentially skipping the need to enter information about their housemates.

Conditions that control screen navigation logic are configured in the flows-config.yaml file. This file defines navigational logic between screens. To learn more about configuring flows, please see the library documentation on configuring flows.

You can view the HasHousehold condition here.

The corresponding YAML that indicates this condition should be used when determining what screen should follow the housemates screen looks like this:

      - name: housemateInfo
        condition: HasHousehold
      - name: income

The above YAML indicates that the housemateInfo screen should be shown if the HasHousehold evaluates to true and the income screen should be shown if the HasHousehold evaluates to false.


The IncomeSelectedSelf condition is an example of a condition that is used to determine what element to display in a screen. In the starter app this condition is used to determine whether a user has indicated that they are entering income information about themselves or someone else.

If they have indicated that they are entering information about themselves, then the incomeTypes screen will show a header that says What sources do you receive income from?. If they are entering income information for someone else, the header will instead read What sources does **persons name** receive income from?.

The condition is run within the incomeTypes screen's thymeleaf template file and uses the ConditionManager to determine whether the condition evaluates to true or false.

The corresponding thymeleaf template code looks like this:

    <!-- Here we define the condition selectedSelf using the condition manager. -->
    th:with="selectedSelf=${conditionManager.runCondition('IncomeSelectedSelf', submission, uuid)},
    ... other content ...
    <!-- Here we use the condition to determine what header message to display. -->
    header=${selectedSelf ? #messages.msg('income-types.headerYou') : #messages.msg('income-types.headerPerson', houseHoldMemberName)}

You can view the full incomeTypes template here.

You can view the IncomeSelectedSelf condition here.

Setup instructions

Mac and Linux

After cloning the repository, run scripts/ from the root of the repo's directory.


Check the script scripts/ for the most up-to-date list of dependencies and steps you'll need to install manually.

Setup Environment

Note that you'll need to provide some environment variables specified in sample.env to your IDE/shell to run the application. We use IntelliJ and have provided setup instructions for convenience.


  • cp sample.env .env (.env is marked as ignored by git)
  • Download the EnvFile plugin and follow the setup instructionshere to set up Run Configurations with EnvFile.

Setup Live Reload

Live Reload is very helpful when making many changes to HTML templates, CSS, or JavaScript. Here are instructions on how to get IntelliJ to reload resources and have the LiveReload browser extension automatically reload the browser tab for you.

  • Download live reload extension in your browser of choice:
  • Restart your browser after install
  • In IntelliJ, go to Edit configuration
    • Modify options
      • On Frame deactivation:
        • Check - Update classes and resources
  • Run your application from IntelliJ
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/
  • Check that the live reload extension is "turned on", it will either be a solid color or a filled dot in the middle of the icon
  • Now when you move focus away from IntelliJ it will trigger an update and will then trigger a browser refresh

📹 Here's a video going step by step through these instructions.

Setup Application

  • Use instructions from the form-flow library here.
  • Run the application using the StarterApplication configuration (found in

Contributing Live Templates to Your App

If you have created live templates with fragments which are specific to your application based on a starter app template, you can commit them to your repository. You will follow a similar pattern to create templates to what is outlined in the form-flow library here.

An example template which was set up using this process, starting from an html snippet is available in this repository's IntelliJ settings folder.

Using a Local Version of the Form-Flow Library (For Form-Flow Library Developers)

To use a local version of the form-flow library you can do the following:

  1. Clone the form-flow repo in the same directory as the starter app.
  2. Build the form-flow library jar.
  3. In this starter app, set the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to dev in the .env file.
  4. Start the form-flow-starter-app.

Changing the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to dev will cause the starter app's build.gradle to pull in the local library, via this line:

implementation fileTree(dir: "$rootDir/../form-flow/lib/build/libs", include: '*.jar')

Using This as a Template Repository

Actuator Endpoints

The Actuator is a feature Spring Boot provides to monitor and interact with your application. It opens endpoints that can be queried to get information about your application, like health and build information.

The starter app, by default, enables full access to all actuator endpoints in the dev profile for local development. However, in other profiles, it restricts access, allowing only the health and build information endpoints to be available for use outside of local development.

** ⚠️ This feature can be a large security concern if certain endpoints are open. ⚠️**

Please read the following section in our Form Flow Library's documentation as well as Spring Boot's documentation. It's extremely important that you understand the actuator and what it provides and the risks, so that you can configure the feature accordingly.


We provide a directory named scripts where we place small scripts we think are useful for people using our library. Below are descriptions of the scripts located in that directory.

This script will ensure that all dependencies are installed (using Homebrew):

  • jenv to manage Java
  • The right Java version
  • PostgreSQL

Next, it will create the database needed for running tests, and then run the tests.

This script will generate an empty migration file and place it in the following directory: src/main/resources/db/migration. If you'd like to change this location, you can edit the file and update the migrations_paths variable.

The script will create the migration directory if it does not already exist.

It will prompt you to enter a short description of what the migration will do. It will then generate the file, with a name based on that description. The script will then open up the migration file in IntelliJ for you.

To run the script, simply type:

$> ./

Note: if it does not run on the command line, you may need to give the script executable permission first, by running chmod u+x

AWS Setup

  1. Provision a new AWS bucket.
    1. We use two buckets: one for demo purposes and another for production.
  2. Replace the bucket names with your newly created buckets in the main application configuration and the demo application configuration.

Cloud deployment

Aptible Setup

For Aptible configuration information, please see their documentation.

The Aptible CLI documentation is particularly helpful.

Here are the general steps to setup a new application in Aptible:

  1. Create a new environment and application in Aptible, or create a new application in an existing environment.
  2. Setup Aptible permissions to enable deploying your application, if they do not already exist.
  3. Provision a database for your application in Aptible.
  4. Add repository secrets for the deploy github action.

Deployment in Aptible to a Custom URL

These instructions guide you through the process of creating resources in Aptible + AWS which will allow you to deploy your application to a custom domain with root domain forwarding. Please create the resources in the specified order, as there are dependencies.

Route53 Setup

  1. Create a new hosted zone with the name corresponding to the root domain of your purchased domain name.

Aptible Endpoint Setup

  1. Create a new managed HTTPS endpoint for your root domain with subdomain (i.e. www)
  2. In Aptible, be sure to include the following variable in your application's configuration environment: FORCE_SSL=true.
  3. Follow the instructions to create managed HTTPS validation records in Route53

Request Public Certificate

  1. Request certificate in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for your purchased domain name. If you would like to support directing non-www to www traffic, please use your root domain for the fully qualified domain name in the request.
  2. Create records in AWS Route53

S3 Static Hosting for Redirect Requests (non-www traffic -> www)

  1. Create a new S3 bucket with your root domain.
  2. Under the bucket properties, configure static website hosting with hosting type of Redirect requests for an object. Select Protocol of none.

Cloudfront Distribution Setup

  1. Create a new CloudFront distribution with CNAME corresponding to your root domain
  2. Associate the certificate that you created for your root domain. All other settings can remain as defaults.
  3. Create a Route53 Alias record for the root domain which points to your cloudfront distribution.

Development Setup

  1. Create a new repository from the form-flow-starter-app template.
  2. Once the repository is created, clone it on your local machine.
  3. Create a new database and user for your project. Please use descriptive names which are unique to your project to avoid conflicts locally. For example, for childcare-illinois-model-app we used childcare-illinois for both the database name and username. Following this example, create the new database and user with the following commands:
  • $ createdb childcare-illinois
  • $ createuser -s childcare-illinois. This assumes that you have installed postgres locally, if that is not the case please refer back to this section.
  1. Edit the main application configuration as well as the demo application configuration to reflect your new database configuration. Replace the database name and username with the ones you created in the last step in the datasources section of the document. For example, the datasource section of your application configuration would initially contain the details for the starter-app database as follows:
  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/starter-app
  username: starter-app

and should be updated to this

  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/childcare-illinois
  username: childcare-illinois
  1. To load the .env file in IntelliJ, you'll need to install and enable the EnvFile Plugin.

Troubleshooting IntelliJ

Application Won't Run After IntelliJ Update

Sometimes an IntelliJ update will cause the StarterApplication run context to fail. Here are some ways to attempt to fix it.

  1. Invalidate the cache
    • File -> Invalidate Caches...
    • This will invalidate the caches and restart IntelliJ.
    • Afterward, try to run the application. If this issue isn't fixed, try suggestion 2.
  2. Remove .idea/modules
    • In the root of the repository, look for .idea/modules
    • Make a copy of this folder and save somewhere else
    • Delete this folder and all of its contents
    • Quit IntelliJ
    • Open IntelliJ, rebuild the project, hopefully modules are re-created from the application context
  3. If both of the above fail
    • Make a copy of the entire .idea folder and save somewhere else.
    • Delete the original .idea folder
    • Quit IntelliJ
    • Open IntelliJ, rebuild the project, hopefully modules are re-created from the application context and found