Page of Photos - What to do?
- MVP - Create Account - Mobile Services? => No, ACS + Google (later add others)
- MVP - View Page
- MVP - Upload Photo
- MVP - Minor Edits to Profile for Owners (e.g., edit slug)
- MVP - No Thumbnails (show originals only)
- MVP - Require authentication for Page Upload (anyone can upload if they have an account - for now)
- Document istallation requirements, or make it self-installing
- RES - How to make OOB experience (from github) easy - one part is to set everything to emulator, but then how to make transition to Cloud Service wicked easy? Generate the CloudService.cscfg?
- BACK - Create Thumb, Display Thumbs, Link to Orig Photo from thumb (orig shown on one page or popup)
- VKP - NuGet package
- VKP - Page for creating (or Cerebrata or
- LOG - Parsing gathered ETW in WASD and WATS
- ENV - hydrate environment from PowerShell
- STAT - LaunchRock
- STAT - Google Analytics
- RES - Using the InvariantCulture Property -
- RES - Do I need a Terms of Use or Policy statement on web site since it holds other people's content?
- RES - Need a CAPCHA to thwart robots and scripts?
- SEC - Use staging storage account for Web Tier, then copy it later
- RES - Can I ban an IP address? Is it effective? Is it "too" effective?
- DO - Convert CredSwizzler to NuGet -
- DO - Claims for: MaxSizePhotoUploadBytes, AllowedFileUploadExtensions, MaxNumberPhotoUploads, Username, Roles: Member, Admin, SuperAdmin
- DO - add AutoRepair concept - bool AutoRepair { get; set; }
- DO - add full credentials option to AzureStorageVK
- RES - thread safety - - makes sense to rebuild for this reason?
Move this list to Github once released.
MVP = Needed for Minimum Viable Product RES = RESEARCH ENV = SEC = Security LOG = Logging, Telemetry, Alerting VKP = Valet Key Pattern support (or offshoots) STAT = Statistics of any sort, but usually user related