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00. Getting

File metadata and controls

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How to Setup Mediabox in a Laravel Project

Getting Started

Mediabox is a Laravel package out-of-the-box. With minimal setup, the library can be used as a web-based file manager or as an API to interact with the local disk.

This package only handles the backend side. The frontend UI is intentionally left bare bones in order for developers to have complete control on how to design and integrate it to their own existing projects. It is ideal to publish the view files then customize it from there. See the Views section to learn more.


The library can be installed via composer:

composer require codrasil/mediabox

Laravel should auto-discover the package once installation was successful.


The first step is to prepare the Laravel project's storage path. By default, the storage path is set to point to storage/app/public/media.

mkdir -p storage/app/public/media

This can easily be changed in the package's configuration file. To change the storage path, publish the configuration file via artisan:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag mediabox

A file mediabox.php will be generated inside the config/ folder. Update the values of root_path and base_path if desired. Note that these values should match.

// config/mediabox.php

return [
    'root_path' => '/new/folder/somewhere/safe/we/hope',
    'base_path' => '/new/folder/somewhere/safe/we/hope',

Generating scaffolding

A console command is also provided to populate the storage path with empty folders:

php artisan mediabox:scaffold

Visiting localhost:8000/media will render the default page of the list of files and folders:

Mediabox Page


The MediaboxServiceProvider will register 3 groups of routes - api, storage, and web routes.

Operations like adding, copying, and deleting of files are registered as both api and web routes. Displaying and downloading of files is registered as the storage route. By default only the api and storage routes are enabled.

Api Route

The route group handles the operations and returns a JSON response.

> php artisan route:list --name

| Method   | URI                           | Name               | Action                                                          | Middleware |
| GET|HEAD | api/v1/media                  |    | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@index  | api        |
| POST     | api/v1/media/add              |      | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@add    | api        |
| DELETE   | api/v1/media/delete           |   | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@delete | api        |
| POST     | api/v1/media/upload           |   | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@upload | api        |
| POST     | api/v1/media/zip              |      | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@zip    | api        |
| PATCH    | api/v1/media/move             |     | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@move   | api        |
| GET|HEAD | api/v1/media/{media}          |     | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@show   | api        |
| POST     | api/v1/media/{media}/copy     |     | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@copy   | api        |
| POST     | api/v1/media/{media}/download | | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@copy   | api        |
| PATCH    | api/v1/media/{media}/rename   |   | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxApiController@rename | api        |

Web Route Alternative

This route group will return either an HTTP response or a View instance depending on the HTTP method.

> php artisan route:list --name media

| Method   | URI                  | Name         | Action                                                       | Middleware |
| GET|HEAD | media                | media.index  | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@index  | web        |
| POST     | media/add            | media.add    | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@add    | web        |
| DELETE   | media/delete         | media.delete | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@delete | web        |
| POST     | media/upload         | media.upload | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@upload | web        |
| PATCH    | media/move           | media.move   | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@move   | web        |
| GET|HEAD | media/{media}        |   | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@show   | web        |
| POST     | media/{media}/copy   | media.copy   | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@copy   | web        |
| PATCH    | media/{media}/rename | media.rename | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaboxController@rename | web        |

Storage Route

This route group handles the browser displaying and downloading of a file.

> php artisan route:list --name storage

| Method   | URI                     | Name             | Action                                                 | Middleware |
| GET|HEAD | storage/{file}          |     | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\ShowStorageFile     | web        |
| GET|HEAD | storage/{file}/download | | Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\DownloadStorageFile | web        |

They can be individually configured in the config/mediabox.php file under the Routes & Storage Resource section.

Manual Route Registration

It is possible to completely disable all routes by setting the config('mediabox.routes.web.register') value to false. Same with api and storage keys.

// config/mediabox.php

return [
    'routes' => [
        'web' => [
            'register' => false,
        'api' => [
            'register' => false,
        'storage' => [
            'register' => false,

Then manually write custom routes or reuse the provided route macros - apiMediaResource, mediaResource, and storageResource:

  • via apiMediaResource route macro:
// routes/api.php

use Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaApiController;

Route::middleware('auth:api')->group(function () {
    Route::apiMediaResource('media', MediaApiController::class);
  • via mediaResource route macro:
// routes/web.php

use Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\MediaController;

Route::prefix('admin')->group(function () {
    Route::mediaResource('media', MediaController::class); // or your own controller with your own view files.
  • via storageResource route macro:
// routes/web.php

use Codrasil\Mediabox\Http\Controllers\ShowStorageFile;

Route::group(function () {
    Route::storageResource('storage', ShowStorageFile::class);

When to Use Which Route

This will depend on the requirement of the project.

If working on a Laravel project that only functions as an API provider to a separate SPA application, it is ideal to only enable api route. If working on a traditional PHP application, it is ideal to enable the web and storage routes. Finally, if working on a Laravel+VueJS application (not quite SPA; still uses blade file on some pages), it is ideal to enable api and storage routes.


The package comes with its own minimal blade views and components to display the media files list, and to also preview individual files.

Of course, when working with blade views and components, the route web should be enabled. The storage route is also recommended to display and download files.

// config/mediabox.php

return [
    'routes' => [
        'web' => [
            'register' => true,
        'storage' => [
            'register' => true,

View Components

The package also comes preloaded with its own custom Blade Components:

  • Breadcrumbs
    <x-mediabox-breadcrumbs :home="true|false"/>
  • File Link
    <x-mediabox-file-link :file="$file"/>
  • Operation Buttons
    <x-mediabox-copy-link       text="..." icon="..." :file="$file"/>
    <x-mediabox-delete-link     text="..." icon="..." :file="$file"/>
    <x-mediabox-rename-link     text="..." icon="..." :file="$file"/>
    <x-mediabox-upload-link     text="..." icon="..."/>
    <x-mediabox-download-link   text="..." icon="..." :file="$file"/>
    <x-mediabox-add-folder-link text="..." icon="..."/>
    <!-- Only works with type files (not dir) -->
    <x-mediabox-preview-link    text="..." icon="..." :file="$file"/>
  • Sort Link
    <x-mediabox-sort-link ascending-icon="..." descending-icon="..." label="File Name" key="name"/>

The components are styled using:

An aliased Blade include file is added to the head tag to style the modals used in the pages.

  <!-- Alias of resources/views/vendor/mediabox/includes/styles.blade.php -->

Make sure to include these dependencies in order for the components to display correctly.

Publishing View Files

It is possible to completely customize the blade components and forego using the above mentioned frontend dependencies. To do so, just publish the files via artisan command using the tag mediabox:views:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag mediabox:views

Then simply customize the copied files located at /resources/views/vendor/mediabox.

Further Reading

Mediabox, as a Laravel package offering developers a feature rich, ready-to-integrate web-based file management, is an easy-to-customize library for almost any use case. The frontend is designed to be minimal and (ideally) should be customized to fit the aesthetic of the project it is being integrated to.

Learn more about Laravel usage in docs folder.