Thank you for your interest in contributing to Cohere's connector. This guide will explain the contribution workflow from opening an issue, creating a PR, to reviewing and merging the PR.
Remember that there are many ways to contribute other than writing code: writing tutorials or blog posts, improving the documentation, and submitting bug reports.
- Assumptions
- How to Contribute
- Development Workflow
- Git Guidelines
- Release Process (for internal team only)
- You're familiar with GitHub and the Pull Requests (PR) workflow.
- You've read the Cohere's documentation.
- **You know about the Cohere community on Discord.
- Ensure your change has an issue! Find an
existing issue or open a new issue.
- This is where you can get a feel if the change will be accepted or not.
- Once approved, fork this repository repository in your own GitHub account.
- Create a new Git branch
- Make your changes on your branch.
- Submit the branch as a Pull Request pointing to the
branch this repository. A maintainer should comment and/or review your Pull Request within a few days. Although depending on the circumstances, it may take longer.