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File metadata and controls

125 lines (90 loc) · 4.19 KB

Spec Records

Tools for enabling adding meta-data to Specs and

To enable spec metadata and features like Spec driven transformations, Spec-tools introduces extendable Spec Records, Specs. They wrap specs and act like specs or 1-arity functions. Specs are created with spec-tools.core/spec macro or with the underlying spec-tools.core/create-spec function.

The following Spec keys having a special meaning:

Key Description
:spec The wrapped spec (predicate).
:form The wrapped spec form.
:type Type hint of the Spec, mostly auto-resolved. Used in runtime conformation.
:name Name of the spec. Maps to title in JSON Schema.
:description Description of the spec. Maps to description in JSON Schema.
:gen Generator function for the Spec (set via s/with-gen)
::parse/keys     Set of all map keys that the spec defines. Extracted from s/keys Specs.  
::parse/keys-req Set of required map keys that the spec defines. Extracted from s/keys Specs.
::parse/keys-opt Set of optional map keys that the spec defines. Extracted from s/keys Specs.
:reason Value is added to s/explain-data problems under key :reason
:decode/... 2-arity function to transform a value from an external format.
:encode/... 2-arity function to transform a value into external format.
:json-schema/... Extra data that is merged with unqualifed keys into json-schema
:swagger/... Extra data that is merged with unqualifed keys into swagger-schema

There are also some extra read-only keys from spec parsing, these all are namespaced with ::parse (spec-tools.parse).

Creating Specs

The following are all equivalent:

(require '[spec-tools.core :as st])

;; using type inference
(st/spec integer?)

;; with explicit type
(st/spec integer? {:type :long})

;; map form
(st/spec {:spec integer?})
(st/spec {:spec integer?, :type :long})

;; function
  {:spec integer?
   :form `integer?
   :type :long})

;; function, with type and form inference
  {:spec integer?})

;; ... resulting in:
; #Spec{:type :long,
;       :form clojure.core/integer?}

Example usage

(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])

(def my-integer? (st/spec integer?))

; #Spec{:type :long
;       :form clojure.core/integer?}

(my-integer? 1)
; true

(s/valid? my-integer? 1)
; true

(assoc my-integer? :description "It's a int")
; #Spec{:type :long
;       :form clojure.core/integer?
;       :description "It's a int"}

(eval (s/form (st/spec integer? {:description "It's a int"})))
; #Spec{:type :long
;       :form clojure.core/integer?
;       :description "It's a int"}

For most core predicates, :type can be resolved automatically using the spec-tools.parse/parse-form multimethod.

For most core predicates, :form can be resolved automatically using the spec-tools.form/resolve-form multimethod.

Predefined Spec Records

Most clojure.core predicates have a predefined Spec Record instance in spec-tools.spec.

(require '[spec-tools.spec :as spec])

; #Spec{:type :boolean
;       :form clojure.core/boolean?}

(spec/boolean? true)
; true

(s/valid? spec/boolean? false)
; true

(assoc spec/boolean? :description "it's an bool")
; #Spec{:type :boolean
;       :form clojure.core/boolean?
;       :description "It's a bool"}

Custom errors

Can be added to a Spec via the key :reason

(s/explain (st/spec pos-int? {:reason "positive"}) -1)
; val: -1 fails predicate: pos-int?,  positive

(s/explain-data (st/spec pos-int? {:reason "positive"}) -1)
; #:clojure.spec.alpha{:problems [{:path [], :pred pos-int?, :val -1, :via [], :in [], :reason "positive"}]}