- properly detect hosts file location on Windows guests [#67]
- do not add host if IP cannot be determined [#85]
- supports vagrant 1.5 [#80, #81]
- only updates hosts file if contents have changed [#78]
- custom ip resolver now has access to the machine whose hosts file is being updated [#62]
- custom IP resolver result no longer ignored [#57]
- when multiple private_networks are configured, the first one is used [#64]
- destroyed machines are now removed from hosts file [#52]
- allow defining a custom IP resolver block [#15]
- handle removing destroyed machines from hosts file (currently only works with
include_offline = true
) [#45] - attempt to elevate privileges when needed in Windows hosts [#48]
command-line option now finds machines as expected [#46]- uses proper
file location in Windows under cygwin [#49]
- MIT license added to gemspec