- Calculate pie from website online duration
- Location
- Global sum total time
- Git blame using long stack traces
- line number and code related
- nested blame, show age
- Simplenote support
- Vagrant VM within vagrant VM
- Look into more avahi-d options to play well with osx
- Bashrc re-org / bashrc.d
- Per host configs
- Per tech configs
- Create own version of autojump
- cache each cd path
- give each path weight
- keywork attached to path?
- RSS feed of Twitter stream
- filter stream for links
- remove links to images
- include summary of article
- Blog post on phtography
- Entering opensource, contributing
- Making more money
- Honeypot - Kippo?
- Find old links against way back machine, save them in static files.
- Would require nginx rewriting
- Find opensource analytics to use for homepage
- Configure logwatch for denyhosts and other services.
- Tune portsentry to nmap default scan ranges. Add ranges into ufw.
- Add tinc to seagull
- Mutt is sloowww. display tagged vs statusbar? make symbols colored? arrows look uglyyy -> change arrow bg to default?
- Update fonts on magpie
- Finish portsent work on magpie -> make list of ports of commonly scanned from nmap -> open firewall for ports -> configure portsent to use ports
- lunch script pauses rdio