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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 27, 2018. It is now read-only.

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123 lines (100 loc) · 5.11 KB


File metadata and controls

123 lines (100 loc) · 5.11 KB


master (not tagged yet)

Version 0.97.2 (From infinity)

  • Preparing to jQuery 1.6 - akzhan
  • Fixed infinite loops - frost-nzcr4
  • rmFormat a bit improved - frost-nzcr4
  • Fixed issue in Firefox when insertHtml is used - frost-nzcr4
  • Useless disabled attribute on LI tags has been removed, disabled class added instead of - akzhan

Version 0.97.1 (Follow me)

Take a note that version number in jquery.wysiwyg.js is not changed to make Drupal users happy. Also I want to note that 0.97.1 supports ECMAScript strict mode.

  • jslint (fixes for common asset compressors) - filiptepper
  • Fix paste issues for Microsoft Word formatter - frost-nzcr4

Version 0.97 (Next step)

  • Bugfixes and core enhancements - frost-nzcr4
  • jslint - frost-nzcr4, akzhan
  • Documentation - vjt, ctide, afilina, elektronaut
  • Controls: increase/decrease font size, highlight, code - vjt, ctide, Tudmotu
  • Sorting controls by user - vjt
  • New options: initialMinHeight and maxLength - ctide
  • Enhance modal dialogs - ctide
  • New API method selectAll - ctide
  • Fix dialog in image control - simsalabim
  • CSS fixes - Jason Orrill, afilina
  • Switch to Uglify compressor - akzhan
  • Add Jasmine test suite - frost-nzcr4
  • Dev tools to generate unicode entities - EvanCarroll, akzhan
  • Enhance event handler - brentkirby
  • Fixed bugs in event system - EvanCarroll
  • Editor specific event system - alecgorge
  • XHTML5 and Unicode Entity Handling - EvanCarroll, alecgorge
  • Dutch locale for jwysiwyg - Erik van Dongen
  • Polish locale for jwysiwyg - aherok

Version 0.96 (Pretty girl)

  • Plugin rmFormat: fix for Word and IE markup - SugaSlide
  • Proper dialog focus with IE7/8 - frost-nczr4, academo
  • Closure for autoSaveFunction - mbj
  • New options - mbj, frost-nczr4
  • Encode entities - alecgorge
  • Link control - academo
  • Fixes for Internet Explorer - frost-nczr4
  • Updated structure of repository and GitHub pages - akzhan
  • Brazilian Portuguese locale for jwysiwyg - Marcelo Wergles
  • Czech locale for jwysiwyg - deepj
  • German locale for jwysiwyg - mbj
  • Italian locale for jwysiwyg - maurofranceschini
  • Japanese locale for jwysiwyg - rosiro
  • Slovenian locale for jwysiwyg - peterz
  • Spanish locale for jwysiwyg - academo
  • Ability to translate dialogs - frost-nczr4

Version 0.95 (Kino)

  • Directory structure of repository has been reorganized to be more friendly for Drupal users - frost-nzcr4, sun
  • Plugins API implemented - frost-nzcr4
  • Internationalization API implemented - frost-nzcr4
  • Color picker plugin - arincool, frost-nzcr4
  • rmFormat plugin - frost-nzcr4
  • Some core functionality has been splitted into plugins and has been extended (like inserting of images or tables) - frost-nzcr4
  • Image tag editing implemented in image control - frost-nzcr4
  • jQuery UI Dialog integration code fixed - mydevel
  • "this.get is not a function" error when trying to add a link fixed - everlee
  • In the saveContent function, the html needs to be saved if in html view - Justin Lewis
  • Multiple fixes to eliminate using of loop - rych, frost-nzcr4, akzhan
  • Insertion of images and tables should trigger autogrow - J. Weir
  • loadCss option has been renamed to autoload - frost-nzcr4
  • Massive update of documentation - frost-nzcr4
  • jslint issues - akzhan, frost-nzcr4
  • Fixed exception in s.addRange() when savedRange is undefined - frost-nzcr4
  • new rmUnusedControls option added (see #52) - frost-nzcr4
  • French locale for jwysiwyg - MappaM
  • Swedish locale for jwysiwyg - ippa
  • Russian locale for jwysiwyg - frost-nzcr4

Version 0.94 (phase 2)

  • focus is properly returned after clicking on buttons - alecgorge
  • fix for getContent operation by class selector - alecgorge
  • new option for custom toolbar items (look at tests/issue 26.html for details) - alecgorge
  • fix IE8/XP compatibility issue - jsch
  • Fix incorrect handling of iFrameClass option - bbrewder
  • Refactoring - frost-nzcr4
  • Fixing of destroy, documentSelection in ltr, rtl modes - frost-nzcr4
  • Adding of CSS autoload, initialContent option - frost-nzcr4
  • Adding of autoGrow option - Lukom
  • Use Cmd key on Macs - boutell
  • JSlint fixes - akzhan, filiptepper

Version 0.93 (koken)

  • Hide wysiwyg while html shown - akzhan
  • jwysiwyg destroy fixed - jalada
  • jwysiwyg iframe body now marked with wysiwyg class - TheQueenDrinksTea
  • Common save event for catching all the modifications added - Janne Hietamaki
  • Custom handler for chaining toolbar ordering etc. added - Janne Hietamaki
  • Iframe now can use class name to be styled - chris.haumesser
  • Version string in source file must ended with version number for Drupal integration folks - xeto

Version 0.92 (arigatou gozaimasu)

  • Fix work under quirks mode of Internet Explorer - kris.schwab
  • Workaround for Mozilla/WebKit misfunctionality of RemoveFormat over headings - aiveldesign
  • Experimental support for switching between LTR/RTL modes (no icons provided and markup issues) - abduljawad.mahmoud
  • More robust selection check in createLink - systeembeheer

Version 0.91 (maintenance release)

  • Editor now throw errors on unknown actions - akzhan
  • Getter methods were broken. Fixed - wordituk
  • headings formatting has been fixed in IE, Firefox and Chrome - kolpak