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Urs Niesen, Qualcomm-Flarion Inc.
"Coded Caching for Content Distribution"
Abstract: Caching is an important component of content distribution networks. The traditional role of caching is to allow delivery of content to an end user from a nearby cache rather than from a remote server. While this approach is optimal for systems with a single cache, recent work in Information Theory shows this to be significantly suboptimal for systems with multiple caches. Instead, cache memories should be used to enable coded multicasting opportunities. This talk surveys these recent developments. We discuss both the fundamental performance limits of cache networks and the practical challenges that need to be overcome in real-life scenarios.
Karl H. Johansson. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
"Cooperative Road Freight Transport: Opportunities and Challenges in Networking and Control"
Abstract: Freight transportation is of utmost importance for our society. Road transport accounts for about 26% of all energy consumption and 18% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. Despite this influence, road goods transportation is mainly done by individual long-haulage trucks with no real-time coordination or global optimisation. In this talk, we will discuss how modern information and communication technology supports a cyber-physical transportation system architecture with an integrated logistic system coordinating fleets of trucks travelling together in vehicle platoons. From the reduced air drag, platooning trucks travelling close together can save more than 10% of their fuel consumption. In addition, by automating the driving, it is possible to change driver regulations and save even more costs. Control, communication, and estimation problems on various level of this transportation system will be presented. It will be argued that a system architecture utilising vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication enable robust and safe control of individual trucks as well as optimised vehicle fleet collaborations and new market opportunities. Extensive experiments done on European highways will illustrate system performance and safety requirements. The presentation will be based on joint work over the last ten years with collaborators at KTH and at the truck manufacturer Scania.
Bio: Karl Henrik Johansson is Director of the Stockholm Strategic Research Area ICT The Next Generation and Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He received MSc and PhD degrees from Lund University. He has held visiting positions at UC Berkeley, Caltech, NTU, HKUST Institute of Advanced Studies, and NTNU. His research interests are in networked control systems, cyber-physical systems, and applications in transportation, energy, and automation. He is a member of the IEEE Control Systems Society Board of Governors, the IFAC Executive Board, and the European Control Association Council. He has received several best paper awards and other distinctions. He has been awarded Distinguished Professor with the Swedish Research Council and Wallenberg Scholar. He has received the Future Research Leader Award from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and the triennial Young Author Prize from IFAC. He is Fellow of the IEEE and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and he is IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.
"Wi-Fi Goes to Town: Techniques for Rapid Picocell Switching for Extreme Mobility"
Abstract: Wi-Fi Goes to Town is a Wi-Fi based roadside hotspot network designed to operate at vehicular speeds and picocell (meter-sized) cells. Wi-Fi Goes to Town APs make delivery decisions to the vehicular clients they serve at millisecond-level granularities, exploiting very fine-grained path diversity in roadside networks. In order to accomplish this, we introduce new buffer management algorithms that integrate with 802.11 frame aggregation to allow participating APs to manage each others' queues, rapidly quenching each others' transmissions and flushing each others' queues.
Bio: Kyle Jamieson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University and Honorary Reader at University College London. His research focuses on building mobile and wireless systems for sensing, localization, and communication that cut across the boundaries of digital communications and networking. He received the B.S. (Mathematics, Computer Science), M.Eng. (Computer Science and Engineering), and Ph.D. (Computer Science, 2008) degrees in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He then received a Starting Investigator fellowship from the European Research Council, the Google Faculty Research Award, and the ACM SIGMOBILE Early Career (“Rockstar”) Award.