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The Sixth Networking Networking Women Workshop (N2Women'17): Professional Development Workshop |
Workshops |
The N2Women workshop aims to foster connections among the under-represented women in computer networking and related research fields. The 6th N2Women Workshop also welcomes men who share the same research interests, attend the same conferences, and often face the same career hurdles and obstacles to join us!
The N2Women workshop has three main goals:
- Connect newer generations of networking women researchers with the community and create mentorship relationships.
- Create a research forum in which students and junior researchers learn and discuss current trends in networking, present their research and receive feedback.
- Engage a diverse body of junior researchers in the field.
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Registration to the workshop is FREE. The registration is through the [SIGCOMM conference registration].
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The N2Women workshop will be held in the Boelter Hall Building. Entrance to the building is on from the Court of Sciences, on the fifth floor of the building. The workshop will be held at BH 3400, two floors below the entrance.
The map below shows the recommended way between Luskin Center and the entrance to Boelter Hall.
{: style="text-align: center;" }Accessibility: Note that this way requires climbing some stairs. That long arrow between Ackerman Union and Engineering VI is primarily up flights of stairs. One can avoid the stairs by going into Ackerman Union and taking an elevator up two floors. You can then walk out to the area between Ackerman and Kerckhoff and get back on that long red arrow.
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N2Women will have a mentor/mentee program. We would like to extend mentoring throughout the week for the students who are staying for SIGCOMM. In this case, we are hoping to find mentors who can host mentees with similar research interests during the main SIGCOMM conference and workshops. If you are a SIGCOMM regular attendee and a senior researcher, please consider volunteering as a mentor. If you are interested in helping out, please email one of the mentoring session organizer.
Please, see the list of the confirmed mentors so far:
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Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of networking and communications. All researchers in the networking and communications fields are welcome to submit their work for presentation at this workshop. Posters will not be published and can therefore be under submission to other conferences or workshops. Authors of accepted posters will be invited to present their work as part of a lightning presentations session. One poster will be selected to receive a Best Poster Award.
Presenting a poster is a great opportunity, especially for students, to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research from mentors and a knowledgeable crowd at the workshop. Participants who are submitting posters are highly encouraged to examine if they are eligible for workshop travel grants.
Each submission should be formatted as an extended abstract, describing the research to be presented in the poster. The length of the extended abstract should be at most TWO pages (formatted into the US letter size of 8.5 x 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10-point size), including all figures and references. The extended abstract must include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors and should be submitted as a single PDF file at
For more information, please contact the Workshop Chairs: [email protected]
Accepted Posters
- Mahmuda Naznin - Data Collection by Mobile Data Collector in a Clustered Network
- Fatima Muhammad Anwar - Network-wide Optimizations for Time-Coordinated Applications
- Diana Andreea Popescu - Characterizing Network Latency Impact on Cloud Applications’ Performance
- Khulan Batbayar - Connectivity sharing for wireless mesh networks
- Colleen Josephson - Freerider: Backscattering Ambient ISM Band Signals
- María José Erquiaga - Observer effect: How Intercepting HTTPS traffic forces malware to change its behavior
- Safieh Khodadoustan - Cross-Layer Methods to Improve Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Wireless Body Area Networks as Part of IoT
- Kanza Bayad - Implementing an Information Security Risk Management Standard on VANET
- Qianru Zhou - SeaNet: Semantic Empowered Autonomic Software Defined Network Management
- Mahmuda Naznin - Low Overhead ID for IOT Nodes
- Mariko Kobayashi - Analysis of a Survey on Behaviors of Captive Portal
- Wafa Badreddine - Broadcast Strategies in Wireless Body Area Networks
- Nancy Ronquillo - Measurement Dependent Noisy Search in Communications Systems
- Cherifa Boucetta - Cuckoo Search based Clustering Routing for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
- Francesca Soro - Big-DAMA - a Big Data Analytics Framework for Large-Scale Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
- Michele Nogueira - Transmission of Medical Alerts on Wireless Networks Aware of Illness Early Signs
N2Women is pleased to provide travel grants to its annual workshop, co-located with SIGCOMM’17. N2Women aims to foster connections among the under-represented women in computer networking and related research fields. The 6th N2Women Workshop also welcomes men who share the same research interests, attend the same conferences, and often face the same career hurdles and obstacles to join us!
The travel grants will be given to applicants who participate in the N2women workshop. Applicants can be at any stage of their career, both in academia and industry. Priority for the travel grants will be given to applicants who are women, under-represented groups in their country of residence, and people with disabilities.
How to Apply?
N2Women runs a joint travel-grant applications process with SIGCOMM’17. Applicants for the travel award should apply using the following link:
Applications not supported by N2Women will still be considered for a SIGCOMM travel grant. We therefore recommend applicants to comply with the SIGCOMM application requirements as well. The format requirements of SIGCOMM travel grant applications can be found at:
For those applications that do not use the SIGCOMM travel grant format, the N2women travel grant applications should include the curriculum vita of the applicants, and a short personal statement (maximum one page). The personal statement should include an overview of the research interests/accomplishments and a description of how attending the N2Women Workshop will be beneficial. The applicant must also state if he/she has submitted a N2Women’17 workshop poster and/or has accepted SIGCOMM 2017 paper, poster, or demo.
Student applicants (i.e., Bachelors, Masters, and PhDs) should have their advisor send to [email protected] a supporting letter including the details specified: (1) Confirmation that the student is a Bachelor, a Master, or a Ph.D. candidate in good standing within his/her graduate program; (2) Ways in which attending the workshop and main conference would benefit the particular student.
Travel Support
The N2Women Travel Grants Committee will review applications, and the grants will be announced by June 23, 2017. Travel grant awards are meant to partially cover the cost of attending and participating in N2Women 2017. Note that the award recipients will need to pay for the expenses ahead of time and get reimbursed after the after the N2Women workshop and under receipts reception. The exact number of awards will depend on the availability of funds and will be determined as funding amounts are finalized.
For any questions, please contact the N2Women Travel Grant Committee at [email protected]
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This workshop is possible thanks to the generous support of SIGCOMM, IEEE COMSOC, NSF, Facebook and Google.