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layout title group dates committees
ACM SIGCOMM 2017 The Third Workshop on Networking and Programming Languages (NetPL 2017)
info date
Submission deadline
<del>March 24, 2017</del>
info date
Acceptance notification
<del>April 17, 2017</del>
info date
Camera ready deadline
May 31, 2017
role people
Workshop Co-Chairs
name affiliation
Nikolaj Bjørner
Microsoft Research
name affiliation
Marco Canini
name affiliation
Nik Sultana
University of Cambridge

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NetPL 2017

The NetPL workshop provides a forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from the fields of programming languages, formal methods, and networking.

Recent technological trends, such as Software-Defined Networking, Network Functions Virtualization and reconfigurable networking hardware, have created an opportunity for researchers in these traditionally separate communities to collaborate, applying their diverse perspectives towards the development of novel networking applications. It is important to clarify that the scope of this workshop goes strictly beyond SDN. We aim to enable language specialists to better understand opportunities in networking, and networking specialists to better understand opportunities enabled by specially-designed languages.

This is the third NetPL workshop, after last year's workshop at SIGCOMM and the first edition at ECOOP. Talks in the previous editions of the workshop are on YouTube.

Workshop Program

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Invited Speakers

The program will include invited talks from experts in the field, with an emphasis on encouraging engaging technical discussions amongst the participants.

Our program includes several illustrious speakers:

  • Nick McKeown, Stanford University
  • Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University
  • Mooly Sagiv, Tel Aviv University
  • Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylvania
  • Wenxuan Zhou, Veriflow / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sponsored By

Veriflow {: style="text-align: center;" }

Topics of Interest

We are also soliciting contributions from prospective participants in the form of talk proposals to broaden the research that is discussed at the workshop.

Language-centric research of the following aspects of computer networks is in scope:

  • specification and topology
  • testing and measurement
  • packet/traffic generation
  • packet/traffic analysis
  • security
  • resource availability or control
  • policy languages
  • interoperability between networking-related languages
  • composition of networking-related languages

Practical aspects of languages, particularly if oriented towards solving networking problems, are also in scope:

  • how to model and prototype languages rapidly
  • what semantic structures are best suited to the networking domain

We give no firm guidelines on topics (go wild but stay within scope!), however we particularly seek talks that can provoke thought and discussion.

[Contact workshop co-chairs](mailto:[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]?subject=[NetPL 2017]){: data-role="button" class="button" }.

Submission Instructions

Submit a position paper of at most 2 pages length, 10-pt font, which will be lightly reviewed by the workshop program chairs.

Paper submission can be done via HotCRP at:

Important Dates

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Authors Take Note

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to TWO WEEKS prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.


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