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en : &EN Advanced UNIX tutorial
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This page outlines some more advanced uses of UNIX that are very useful for research.
- Implement redirection and tab completion tasks
- Execute selection and interation commands in UNIX
- Recognise grep, sed and pipe command structures
- Appreciate the modification of the UNIX shell through profiles and aliases
An understanding of computer programming basics such as variables, selection, iteration and regular expressions. These are covered in the Concepts in computer programming tutorial. A basic understanding of UNIX shell. This is covered in UNIX tutorial (basics).
is a very useful command for printing strings to screen. However, it adds a newline character to the end of th string automatically, which can be annoying when printing to file (see below). It also does not allow for multiple liens to be printed together.
A more powerful tool for printing to screen or file is printf
. For example, to print a string to screen with multiple newlines (\n characters are used for this) you can use
printf "hello\nworld\n"
It is suggested that you use printf instead of echo if printing to file. A longer guide to printf can be found here.
If a command prints information to the screen (standard out) such as cat
, printf
, ls
, grep
etc. this output can instead be redirected to a file.
The >
symbol is used to overwrite the contents of the file with whatever output you specify to redirect to it.
The >>
is used to append instead of overwrite.
Thus, to place the sentence “this is redirected output” into a file ‘redir.txt’ we type
printf “this is redirected output\n” >redir.txt
If we then want to add the contents of a file called ‘file1.txt’ to that file we type
cat file1.txt >>redir.txt
This is very useful for concatenating multiple files (e.g. sequence files) into one large file by using:
cat sequenceFile1.txt >>largeFile.txt
cat sequenceFile2.txt >>largeFile.txt
The tab button can be used to complete file/directory names and do quick lookup of commands.
If, for example, a file or directory has a long name, you can save time by using tab completion.
Lets say we wanted to copy a file named ‘reallyLongFilename.txt’ to the parent directory. We would use the command
cp reallyLongFilename.txt ..
Instead of having to type out the the whole filename, you can type the first few letters and hit the tab button. This will fill in the rest of the name for you, providing that the file is in the current directory and there is no other file/directory that starts with that name.
To test this, create a file called reallyLongFilename.txt and use tab completion to fill out the name within a cat command.
If there are two or more files that start the same way (for instance if you have a file reallyLongFilename.txt and a file realDataTest.txt) then tab completion after typing ‘rea’ will not fill in the whole name as there is ambiguity to which file you mean. In this instance pressing tab will fill in as much as it can (in this case ‘real’) and stop. Pressing the tab button twice will now display all the options of files that start with those letters, allowing you to see what extra letters you must type to complete the file.
In this case you can type an extra l (giving you ‘reall’) and then hit tab and it will complete it for you.
Create a file named ‘realDataTest.txt’ in the same folder as the ‘reallyLongFilename.txt’ file and try this double tap hinting completion method.
Tab completion can be used on directories to show their contents as well. Say, for instance, you wish to copy a file to your Desktop folder but don’t know what else is in the folder. You start the command by typing
cp file1.txt ~/Desktop/
and then hit tab twice. This will then list the folder contents as per the ls
command, and allow you to see what options are available to you for subdirectories etc.
The same will work for commands such as cd
, less
, etc. and programs that are installed such as raxml
and migrate-n
Tab completion is also explained well in this video.
It is possible to do basic arithhmetic operations in the UNIX shell with the expr
To add two variables together we can do the following:
var1=1; var2=2;
expr ${var1} + ${var2}
Note the lack of space between the var1 = and 1 for the assignment but that there is a space between ${var1} + ${var2} in the expression.
The various arithmetic operations are outlined in the Concepts in Computer Programming tutorial.
The real power of the shell is the ability to repeat commands on multiple targets. This is useful for example for creating multiple folders, moving files into each folder, running pipeline on multiple samples etc.
This is accomplished by using a tool called the for loop. In order to use these properly, two features of the shell need to be understood: variables and wildcards.
A variable is a placeholder for some text such as a directory name, filename, number, sentence etc. These allow for the contents of the variable to be changed within a loop without manually having to do so yourself.
A variable is always initialised using the name you designate for the variable (e.g. file, direc, superman, x, etc.) It can be whatever you want once it is a single word without spaces or special characters.
The variable is then called using a ${} around the name. Thus if the variable is named direc it is referenced using ${direc}.
For example, to initialse a variable called num1 and assign it the value of 1 we would do so like this
Note there is no space between the variable name (num1), the = and the value.
We can then print that value to the screen using echo
echo ${num1}
The asterisk (*) is referred to as a wildcard symbol in UNIX. This allows for matching of filenames, directories etc that all have a certain sections of their name in common.
For example, if all your files start with ‘result’ (e.g. result.txt, result.tree, result.nexus, resultFile, result) these will all be recognised using result*.
Alternatively if they all end with .txt you can loop over them all using the *.txt
Both variables and wildcards are used in for loops to maximise their power. A for loop has the syntax:
for <variable> in <list>
<tasks to repeat for each item in list>
Each section is written on a separate line (e.g. after do
hit enter) and instead of a prompt the terminal will display a > to designate you are in a multi-line command.
Alternatively you can place a loop all on one line using ;
to separate the commands (except for the line break after the do
where there is no ;
For example, we can use the command echo
to print something in a variable to the screen. This is used like
echo ${var1}
which will print hello to the terminal.
We can use a for loop to print the number 1 to 10 to screen by typing
for num in {1..10}
echo ${num}
This loop starts at 1, places the number in the variable num which can then be accessed inside the loop through ${num}
This can also be done on one line by writing
for num in {1..10};do echo $num;done;
Note the lack of semi-colon after do
This becomes more useful when we want to create, move, modify etc. files and directories.
Lets use a for loop to create 3 directories which will be named run1, run2 and run3
for num in {1..3}
mkdir 'run'${num}
We place run
before the variable to tell the system we want this string to be placed before the variable as part of the directory name. If we wanted it placed after (e.g. create 1run etc.) we could use ${num}run
Loops can also be used to affect a set of folders or files that have some portion of their name in common.
We can then use a loop to go into each run folder (created above) and create a blank file called ‘result.txt’ within the folder. This is done using cd
commands to go in and out of directories in a list and the touch
command to create blank files.
This is done by the following loop:
for direc in run*
cd ${direc}
touch result.txt
cd ..
This loop goes into each directory that starts with ‘run’, creates a file called ‘results.txt’, goes back out of the directory and then to the next in the list etc. Thus, the loop is stepping in (using cd ${direc}
) and out (using cd ..
) of each folder and issuing commands within the folders without you having to do so manually.
NOTE: this loop will operate on every folder or file that starts with ‘run’. Thus if you happen to have a file that starts with ‘run’ in the same directory, the loop will attempt to step into this file, print an error saying it can’t but then continue the loop and create a file called ‘results.txt’ and cd ..
meaning it goes into the directory above. Therefore you must be careful that if you are stepping in and out of folders with these loops there are no files that would be put into your list due to matching the text with the wildcard. The best way to test this is to create your loops that step in and out of folders and use pwd
commands to check it is the right path at each step before executing your final loop.
Loops are then most useful when running a pipeline on multiple samples. For example if you wish to run mafft and raxml on files contained in folders that start with ‘sample’ you could use a command such as
for x in sample*
cd $x
mafft <put mafft command options here>
raxml <put raxml command options here>
cd ..
This will then run the programs on each sample in sequence, saving you from having to manually start these programs on every sample yourself.
If you have a list of items in a file (one per line) you can loop over these using the cat command.
Lets first create a file that has text over multiple lines
printf "sample1\nsample2\nsample3\n" >sampleList.txt
You can see that this now has 3 lines, with one sample name on each (view this with cat sampleList.txt
We can now, for example, use a loop to go through this file, line by line, and make directories from these names. This is done like so: (NOTE: the ` around cat sampleList.txt is not a single apostrophe, it is a backtick, usually found on the left of the keyboard)
for name in `cat sampleList.txt`; do mkdir ${name}; done
Note that the file had no spaces on any of the lines. If there is a space, the loop will treat it as a new item (i.e. "sample1" is one item but "sample 1" is 2 items).
Conditional control of tasks can be achieved in UNIX using the if else statements. It is suggested you familiarise yourself with selection statements as outlined in the Concepts in Computer Programming tutorial.
The basic syntax of the statement is
if [[ logic check ]]; then <task if true>; else <task if false>; fi
For example, to check if a variable named var1 contains the word "hello" the following statement can be used
if [[ ${var1} == "hello" ]];then echo "it does"; else echo "it doesn't";fi
These statements can also be used for logic operators. A good guide to this can be found here.
The primary operators are:
for NOT
for AND
for OR
for equal (== will also usually work)
for less than
for great than
As an example, we can check if one variable is less than the other
if [[ ${var1} -lt ${var2} ]];then echo "it is less"; else echo "it is not less";fi
Arithmetic can be done in such statements with ` ticks around the expr
if [[ `expr ${var1} + ${var2}` -eq 3 ]];then echo "the sum is 3"; else echo "the sum is not 3";fi
Create a loop that starts at 1 and ends at 50 and prints number_x to the screen where x is the number in that current iteration
- Create a file (using
) that looks like the following:
gene3 - Loop over this file and create a file called var.txt where var is the line in the file (e.g. gene1.txt).
- Initialise a variable to contain a number
- Write a statement that prints "even" if the number is a multiple of 2 and "odd" if it is not (hint, use the modulo arithmetic operator)
Grep is a tool for searching files for a specific content, allowing for regular expressions to be used in the search. It has many powerful applications, the basics of which will be explained here. It is suggested you familiarise yourself with regular expressions as outlined in the Concepts in Computer Programming tutorial.
A good guide to basic to grep can also be found here.
The basic syntax of grep is
grep <search pattern> <filename>
For example if we want to find every line that contains the word ‘result’ in the file output.txt we should type
grep “result” output.txt
This will print the lines to the screen (or you can redirect these to a file using the >
or >>
Flags can be used to modify these results in many useful ways. For example:
grep -n <search pattern> <filename>
will print the line number of the result beside each matching linegrep -v <search pattern> <filename>
will find the lines which don’t contain the search patterngrep -c <search pattern> <filename>
does not return the lines that match but instead returns a count of the number of lines that contained a hitgrep -i <search pattern> <filename>
use a case insensitive match (meaning B and b are the same thing)grep -A 5 <search pattern> <filename>
will print the 5 lines that come after a line that matches the patterngrep -B 5 <search pattern> <filename>
will print the 5 lines that come before a line that matches the pattern These can then be combined so that, for example,grep -vc <search pattern> <filename>
will return a count of the lines that don’t contain the provided search pattern
Grep can also be used to search multiple files using wildcards as seen in the for loop.
For example, to search for the pattern “result” (without worrying about case) in all files that end in .txt we could use
grep -i “result” *.txt
You can display the filenames that match instead of the matching lines by using -l
Thus, to create a file that lists all the text files which contain the word “result” (case insensitive) you could use
grep -il “result” *.txt >>found.txt
Grep can also be used with regular expression patterns, which allow for wildcards and other special characters to be used to match a variety of pattern combinations.
For example, to find lines which have a b followed by any letter followed by a g (e.g. matching big, bog, etc.) we would write
grep “b.g” file.txt
Here the .
is used as a special character designating ‘any character’. If we want to look for the . specifically (e.g. b.g only) we have to ‘escape’ the . to tell grep we want to find the period, not the special function the period has. This is done with a \.
Thus, to look for b.g only (and not big etc.) we type
grep “b\.g” file.txt
If we want to find b followed by any number of characters and then a g we use the * symbol after the .. e.g.
grep “b.*g” file.txt
which will find big, brig, berg, bloomberg etc.
If we wanted to have only a selection of characters matched we can use the [] (square brackets).
For instance, if we wanted to search for only big or bog we could use
grep “b[io]g” file.txt
or if we wanted specific ranges, like only 1,2,3 after the word ‘result’ we could use
grep “result[1-3]” file.txt
We can also specify if we want matches only at the start of the line using ^ or the end of the line using $.
For example if we wanted a line that started with ‘Salmonella’ and ended with any number between 400 and 600 but we didn’t care about the character inbetween we could use
grep “^Salmonella.*[400-600]$” file.txt
Thus you can see how grep and regular expressions are useful for searching large files for certain information like specific blast results in a tabular file, likelihood scores in phylogenetic analysis outputs etc.
Another useful tool for file manipulation is sed. This tool has many powerful applications including the replacement of one block of text with another (we will only cover this functionality here). Regular expressions can also be used in sed as in with grep. It is suggested you familiarise yourself with regular expressions as outlined in the Concepts in Computer Programming tutorial.
The syntax for sed searching is
sed ‘s/<pattern to find>/<text to replace it with>/g’ <filename>
This will output the changed file contents to the screen, which can then be redirected to a new file using the >
or >>
as above. For example, if we wanted to replace every instance of the word ‘species’ with the abbreviation ‘sp’ in the file tax.txt and place it in a new file called newTax.txt we could use
sed ‘s/species/sp/g’ tax.txt >newTax.txt
Remember: if a file is overwritten by a bad sed command there is no ‘undo’: the file is now permanently changed. Thus, use sed with caution and practise.
Sed has many other powerful applications such as deletion of text and lines and regular expression pattern matching. These are very useful to learn but are to be used with caution.
The output from one unix command can be sent as input to another using a pipe. The symbol for this pipe is the vertical bar |
For example, lets say you have a directory that has lots of files and folders, making the ls
command very full. If you want to search for a specific file prefix (lets say ‘result’) within the ls
command we can pipe the output of ls
to grep
like so:
ls| grep ‘result’
Note we do not specify anything as the input to grep
since the pipe takes the output of ls
and automatically puts it as the input to grep
Piping commands together as input to grep, sed, less, etc can become very useful for sorting, modifying and searching files and folders, especially within loops.
- Print the following list of species to a file:
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli - Count the number of Escherichia in the file
- Replace all Pseudomonas with P. and save to a new file
- Count the number of coccus in the file and then print to the screen "multiple found" if 1 or more occurrences are in the file. (hint use an if statement. You can the value output from the statement before a pipe is stored in $?)
Any shell commands (e.g. cd
, pwd
, loops, if statements, grep
etc) can be placed in a file and run separately. Such files tend to end in the suffix .sh
to denote a shell script.
For example, we could write a script that goes into every folder starting with sample and print out the contents
for dir in sample*;do cd ${dir}; ls; cd ..;done
If we save this to a file called dirNav.sh we can then run those commands like so
sh dirNav.sh
This allows us to build complex sets of commands together to run as a programming script.
The behaviour of the terminal shell can be modified by adding commands to one of two hidden files: .bashrc and .bash_profile, which are found in the home directory (/home/ubuntu on the Amazon instance). In the Mac OSX terminal these files do the same thing. In the Linux version the .bashrc runs each time a terminal window is opened whereas .bash_profile only runs the first time a terminal is opened.
Here we will learn how to modify and use the .bash_profile file as the .bashrc is already populated with many commands we do not wish to interfere with.
The two main things we will use the .bash_profile file for is creating aliases and modifying the PATH.
An alias allows you to create shortcut commands that point to longer commands, thus saving on time.
For example, if we used ls -al
often and wanted a shortcut for this we could create an alias lal
that would run this command for us.
Create a .bash_profile file in the /home/ubuntu directory by typing
nano .bash_profile
Within this file we will create a new alias for ls -al
by typing
alias lal=’ls -al’
Save and close the file as per the nano instructions above.
Now, each time you use the terminal in the Amazon instance, you can type lal and it will run the command ls -al. However, because .bash_profile is only called the first time we use the terminal, we would have to shut down the instance and start again to enact this change.
To save on having to do this each time we modify and test the .bash_profile, we can manually load the .bash_profile file by typing
source .bash_profile
Now if you type lal
the command should run as specified.
Aliases can be used to create command shortcuts for any task. This is useful particularly for repeated tasks such as ssh and scp to locations with long addresses. For instance, lets say in order to shh to my computer in work I had to type
This would become tedious and hard to remember if addresses are long and complicated. Instead I can create an alias ‘work’ to enact this command for me. E.g.
alias work=’ssh [email protected]’
Thus I just type ‘work’ on the terminal and the ssh command is run for me.
The commands that are run within the terminal such as cd, less, ls etc. are executable files that have been created and stored in specific folders in the system. The system then knows where to look for these programs by searching in directories specified in the environment variable PATH.
You can view your current PATH by typing
echo $PATH
which will likely output something like
This means that the system can run executable programs that are stored in these three folders (separated by the : ) without the user having to specify the absolute path to the folder.
A user may wish to modify this path to add other folders where such programs can be stored. This is useful for downloaded programs which you want to be able to run.
For instance, if you download the BLAST+ package from NCBI and store it in your home directory, each time you wish to run blastn in the terminal you would have to type
/home/ubuntu/blast+/bin/blastn <options etc>
This is because the system does not have that folder in the PATH and thus you must specify the path to the program manually each time.
Alternatively, a good practise is to create a bin folder in your home folder (i.e. /home/ubuntu/bin/) and store all downloaded programs (like BLAST) in this folder. You then add this folder to the path in the .bash_profile
Thus, if a folder /home/ubuntu/bin/ exists and blastn is inside this we can add the folder to the path by editing the .bash_profile file and writing
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/bin
This command says to set the PATH to whatever is currently in the PATH ($PATH:) followed by the new addition (/home/ubuntu/bin)
Save the .bash_profile file and exit. You can reload the .bash_profile file manually again by typing
source .bash_profile
Now if you use echo $PATH
you will see the /home/ubuntu/bin added to the end of the PATH. Therefore, any executable program placed in this folder (eg. blastn, raxml, mafft etc) can be called directly from the command line, similar to cd etc.
Below is a brief overview of some other useful commands. I suggest looking at these in more detail yourself.
counts words or lines in a file or output.
wc -m file.txt
will output the number of characters in the filewc -l file.txt
will output the number of lines in the filels|wc -l
will take the output from ls and then pipe to wc, resulting in a count of items in the directory
undertakes basic text processing by cutting a text file in specific ways.
cut -c2 file.txt
will return the second character of each line in the filecut -c3-5 file.txt
will return the 3rd, 4th and 5th character of each line in the filecut -c2- file.txt
will return from the 2nd character to the end of the line for each line in the filecut -d’:’ -f1 file.txt
will take a file, cut each line by the : character and return the first field resulting from this split on each line
is the remove command. It will completely remove the file from the system and does not ask for confirmation before doing so.
NOTE: rm removes the file and does not send it to the trash. Thus, once you use rm on a file it is gone and irretrievable.
NOTE2: be VERY careful using rm inside loops. If you make a mistake it may end up removing multiple files you did not want removed without asking for confirmation. This is very dangerous when using in loops that use cd to step in and out of directories.
Always test loops you wish to use for rm with echo commands instead first.
The rm format is
rm <filename>
Remember: rm is like alcohol: use responsibly.
The UNIX terminal has many shortcuts using the keyboard to make it easier to edit commands. For example:
- ctrl-a will bring you to the start of a line on the prompt
- ctrl-e will bring you to the end of the line Also, if you are unsure what flags etc. can be passed to a command there are manual pages built in to UNIX. For example, to find all the options that can be passed to ls you can type
man ls
The manuals can then be progressed and quit as per the less command.