Establish cli scaffolding
Detect DigitalOcean API var
Install DigitalOcean dependency
Create a droplet
Wait on droplet creation
Print droplet IPv4 addr
Port template logic for cloudinit
Create droplet from cloudinit data
Write out cloudinit to disk, for debugging
Write test for cloudinit header
Port SSH keygen
Port SSH cloudinit
Port SSH local kp
Port WG addr
Port WG cloudinit
Port WG up
Write tests for keypair matching
Silence command output in wg up
Add proxy code
Wire up "proxy" subcommand
Integrate proxy in up subcommand
Port deb pkg logic for rust
Pare down Cargo.toml proxy code
- SSH should use tmpfiles, not clobber primary dir
- Package upgrade should be async
- Configure unattended-upgrades
- Add cleanup methods - dir
- Add cleanup methods - droplet
- Add cleanup methods - wg
- Catch ctrl+c to cleanup
- Tune nginx config, workers auto
- Wireguard config should be a /30
- SSH privkey should be 600
- SSH pubkey file should contain pubkey, not privkey
- SSH commands don't seem to report failure
- Wire up floating ip
- Wg command should fail
- Tests should not error without API!
- SSH pubkey lookup should fail gracefully
- SSH pubkey lookup should merge all keys, not just the first, from API
Support local ip service forwarding (i.e. no-proxy)
Add iptables rules to wg to block all but authorized
Make ip command fail if server doesnt exit
Make ssh command fail if server doesnt exit
Add lots of results for better error handling
Add doctor subcommand for checking
Service stop should clean up resources
Support SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals
Make 'release' builds reproducible
Make deb package builds reproducible
Build target musl for static binaries
Use a build.rs file for setting remap on rustcflags https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/build-scripts.html Turns out maybe this isn't possible: RUSTFLAGS must be set above the cargo context in which build.rs runs. So, settling on a .env file for now to set RUSTFLAGS for reproducible builds.
Use std::net::IpAddr
Use std::net::SocketAddr
Support multiple tunnels on same host
Make IP address pairs adjacent /30
Make default name simply "innisfree", not "innisfree-innisfree"
Clean up service config dirs
Use ephemeral SSH keypair for user
Add all SSH keys on DO account by default
Update cli output for ssh to recommend name flag
Make IP address pairs deterministic (via ipgen)
Create wg interfaces early
Switch from Ubuntu LTS to Debian Stable (the freest OS <3)