- Standard payments
- Recurring payments
- Pre-authorized payments
- Identification payments
- Inline payments (backport)
composer require markette/gopay:~3.1.0
composer require markette/gopay:~3.0.1
Register extension in DI
gopay: Markette\Gopay\DI\Extension
gopayId: ***
gopaySecretKey: ***
testMode: false
You can choose from three services
- PaymentService (standard payments)
- RecurrentPaymentService (recurring payments)
- PreAuthorizedPaymentService (pre-authorized payments)
You can use autowiring
and inject them into Presenteru
use Markette\Gopay\Service\PaymentService;
use Markette\Gopay\Service\RecurrentPaymentService;
use Markette\Gopay\Service\PreAuthorizedPaymentService;
/** @var PaymentService @inject */
public $paymentService;
/** @var RecurrentPaymentService @inject */
public $recurrentPaymentService;
/** @var PreAuthorizedPaymentService @inject */
public $preAuthorizedPaymentService;
Before payment, you need to create a form with the corresponding payment buttons. Each payment channel is represented by one button. You can add buttons to the form simply via Binder with the bindPaymentButtons()
$binder->bindPaymentButtons($service, $form, [$this, 'submitForm']);
// or more callbacks
$gopay->bindPaymentButtons($form, [
[$this, 'preProcessForm'],
[$this, 'processForm'],
[$this, 'postProcessForm'],
The passed callback
will be called after the successful submission of the form by one from the payment buttons (ie as after calling ->onClick[]
on the given button). The selected channel can be obtained from the button:
use Markette\Gopay\Form;
public function submittedForm(Form\PaymentButton $button)
$channel = $button->getChannel();
If you want to render the form manually (eg using form maker), it is best to pass a list of used channels to the template and iterate over it:
$this->template->channels = $service->getChannels();
{foreach $channels as $channel}
{input $channel->control}
It's a good idea to wrap the getChannels()
call by catching the GopayFatalException
exception because for the first time it queries the Gopay server to get the default list.
You can register your custom payment channels for a single job:
$service->addChannel(Gopay::METHOD_TRANSFER, 'My transfer channel', '/my-channel.png', NULL, NULL, []);
You can also disable or enable any predefined (or even your custom) payment channel:
We can also make these settings in the configuration file:
gopay: 'Gopay - Elektronická peněženka'
card_gpkb: 'Platba kartou - Komerční banka, a.s. - Global Payments'
If we want to allow to change channel on the GoPay page:
changeChannel: yes
Payment can be made in the following steps. First you need to create new payment instance:
$payment = $service->createPayment([
'sum' => $sum, // placená částka
'variable' => $variable, // variabilní symbol
'specific' => $specific, // specifický symbol
'productName' => $product, // název produktu (popis účelu platby)
'customer' => [
'firstName' => $name,
'lastName' => NULL, // všechna parametry jsou volitelné
'street' => NULL, // pokud některý neuvedete,
'city' => NULL, // použije se prázdný řetězec
'postalCode' => $postal,
'countryCode' => 'CZE',
'email' => $email,
'phoneNumber' => NULL,
Second, set the addresses to which the Gopay payment gateway redirects the success of the payment or while error in payment proccess.
$service->setSuccessUrl($this->link('//success', ['orderId' => $orderId]));
$service->setFailureUrl($this->link('//failure', ['orderId' => $orderId]));
It is useful to make a note of the payment ID (for example if the payment is to be bound to an order etc.). This can be accomplished by passing the callback as the third parameter to the pay()
$storeIdCallback = function ($paymentId) use ($order) {
The payment itself can be made in two ways:
$response = $gopay->pay($payment, $gopay::METHOD_TRANSFER, $storeIdCallback);
The pay()
action returns an RedirectResponse, which redirects you to the Gopay gateway.
$response = $gopay->payInline($payment, $gopay::METHOD_TRANSFER, $storeIdCallback);
The payInline()
action returns a field with the url and signature keys.
"url" => "https://gate.gopay.cz/gw/v3/3100000099",
"signature" => "25ee53a1eccc253a8310f5267d2de6b483f58af9676d883e26600ce3316ai"
The payment gateway can be created using the form, which can be found in [documentation] (https://help.gopay.com/cs/tema/integrace-platebni-brany/integrace-nova-platebni-brany/integrace-nove-platebni-brany-pro-stavajici-zakazniky).
<form action="https://gate.gopay.cz/gw/v3/3100000099" method="post" id="gopay-payment-button">
<input type="hidden" name="signature" value="25ee53a1eccc253a8310f5267d2de6b483f58af9676d883e26600ce3316ai"/>
<button name="pay" type="submit">Zaplatit</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://gate.gopay.cz/gp-gw/js/embed.js"></script>
Two things can go wrong when calling pay()
or payInline()
- Bad parameters are provided somewhere
- The official Gopay payment gateway is broken
The first mistake should never occur. It means a mistake in your code.
The second can happen at any time, so it generates a slightly different exception that you need to catch and inform the customer according to it that the error is not on to Your side.
try {
$gopay->pay($payment, $gopay::TRANSFER, $storeIdCallback);
// nebo
$gopay->payInline($payment, $gopay::TRANSFER, $storeIdCallback);
} catch (GopayException $e) {
echo 'Platební služba Gopay bohužel momentálně nefunguje. Zkuste to
prosím za chvíli.';
Your customer will perform the necessary actions on the Gopay payment gateway, and once the process is completed, he is redirected back to your application, either to successUrl
or failureUrl
address. Both will receive the following set of parameters from Gopay:
- paymentSessionId
- targetGoId
- orderNumber // varying number
- encryptedSignature
Plus the parameters you specify in successUrl or failureUrl.
The first parameter is identical to the one that we have saved in the previous chapter to our internal model representation of the order. So we can use it for reload.
We will then use all this data + data from the loaded order for payment object reassembly:
$order = $model->getOrderByPaymentId($paymentSessionId);
$payment = $service->restorePayment([
'sum' => $order->price,
'variable' => $order->varSymbol,
'specific' => $order->specSymbol,
'productName' => $order->product,
], [
'paymentSessionId' => $paymentSessionId,
'targetGoId' => $targetGoId,
'orderNumber' => $orderNumber,
'encryptedSignature' => $encryptedSignature,
Two control methods can be called on a payment object: isFraud()
and isPaid()
. The first informs us whether the payment is genuine or not for fraud (internally, the four parameters passed from the payment system are checked by payment gate).
The second isPaid()
then returns TRUE if the payment is actually paid. If yes, the process is over, we can mark that the order is paid and send for example, an email to the customer.
In case of unsuccessful payment, all four parameters are passed again, so it is possible to retrieve information about the related order. However there is no need to check anything, the information about the failure is quite clear from the character of the request.
Making a recurring payment is very easy.
$service->payRecurrent(PreAuthorizedPayment $payment, $gopay::METHOD_TRANSFER, function($paymentSessionId) {});
We will need $paymentSessionId
to cancel the recurring payment.
Making a pre-authorized payment is very simple.
$service->payPreAuthorized(PreAuthorizedPayment $payment, $gopay::METHOD_TRANSFER, function($paymentSessionId) {});
We will need $paymentSessionId
to cancel the pre-authorized payment.
If you are missing a functionality, you can inherit most classes or compose them via composition
use Markette\Gopay\Service\RecurrentPaymentService;
final class MyRecurrentPaymentService extends RecurrentPaymentService
gopay: Markette\Gopay\DI\Extension
gopay.service.payment: MyPaymentService
gopay.service.recurrentPayment: MyRecurrentPaymentService
gopay.service.preAuthorizedPayment: MyPreAuthorizedPaymentService
use Markette\Gopay\Service\RecurrentPaymentService;
final class MyRecurrentPaymentService
/** @var RecurrentPaymentService */
private $gopay;
public function __construct(RecurrentPaymentService $gopay)
$this->gopay = $gopay;
- MyRecurrentPaymentService
You can see an example of using the gopay
service in the [sample presenter] (https://github.com/contributte/gopay/blob/master/.docs/examples/GopayPresenter.php).