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Public APIs

Sundar Sridharan edited this page Jun 8, 2015 · 54 revisions

Public APIs

The examples of ForestDB APIs described in this page are in the C language. The basic indexing unit of ForestDB is a document that consists of key, metadata, and body, each of which is an arbitrary length* sequence of uninterpreted bytes. Documents are ordered by key (defaulting to a simple lexicographic sort, like memcmp) and can be iterated in that order.

* You can find the old APIs used in the 1.0 beta at the Public APIs (1.0 Beta) page.

Creating & Opening A ForestDB file

Each ForestDB file has a unique name, that is used as a prefix of the path name for the file. A ForestDB file contains more than one KV store where documents are actually stored.

The following example shows how to create and open a ForestDB file and open the default KV store from the file handle. Note that the default configuration creates a new ForestDB file if not exist.

#include <assert.h>
#include "libforestdb/forestdb.h"

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
kvs_config = fdb_get_default_kvs_config();

status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

status = fdb_kvs_open(fhandle, &kvhandle, NULL, &kvs_config);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

When NULL is passed as KV store name, then it creates a new KV store instance named "default". Note that there is an alternative API fdb_kvs_open_default for opening the default KV store, so that you can use it as follows:

status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle, &kvhandle, &kvs_config);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

Almost all ForestDB API calls return their results as fdb_status type. The return value will be FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS if the call succeeded. Otherwise, the value has an error number defined in fdb_errors.h.

ForestDB provides several configuration options via two types: fdb_config and fdb_kvs_config, for a ForestDB file and KV store instance, respectively. You can get the default configuration by calling fdb_get_default_config and fdb_get_default_kvs_config APIs, where the details are described in fdb_types.h.

Note that a ForestDB file handle (fdb_file_handle) and KV store handle (fdb_kvs_handle) cannot be used simultaneously by two or more threads, which means that each thread should have its own handles. As some languages (e.g., Golang) abstract threading, we recommend them to use the pooling for readers and writers.

Creating & Opening A KV Store In A ForestDB File

ForestDB supports multiple KV stores in a single ForestDB file, and you can create new empty KV stores using the fdb_kvs_open API. The example below shows how to create a new KV store in the file:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config;

kvs_config = fdb_get_default_kvs_config();
status = fdb_kvs_open(fhandle, &kvhandle, "KV store name", &kvs_config);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

Adjusting Block Cache Size

ForestDB’s block cache is an alternative to the OS page cache, whose default size is 128 MB. You can change the size in bytes, or disable the cache by setting the size to zero:

fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.buffercache_size = 1073741824; // 1 GB
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.buffercache_size = 0; // disable

The block cache is globally shared across all active ForestDB files, thus buffercache_size will be ignored if the block cache is already initialized by the previously called fdb_open API.

Closing A ForestDB File

If you want to close a KV store handle, call fdb_kvs_close as follows:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_kvs_close(kvhandle);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

fdb_close API is used for closing a file handle. All opened KV store handles that belong to the file handle are closed together with the fdb_close API call:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *default_kv, *kvhandle1, *kvhandle2;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle, &default_kv, &kvs_config);
status = fdb_kvs_open(fhandle, &kvhandle1, "First DB", &kvs_config);
status = fdb_kvs_open(fhandle, &kvhandle2, "Second DB", &kvs_config);

// This call also closes default_kv, kvhandle1, and kvhandle2 handles.
status = fdb_close(fhandle);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

Note that global resources such as the block cache and file management data still reside in memory for fast restart, even after closing the file handle. If you want to completely terminate the ForestDB library, call fdb_shutdown as follows:

fdb_status status;

status = fdb_shutdown();
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

Creating A Document

As we mentioned, ForestDB performs indexing on a per-document basis. To create an in-memory document, call fdb_doc_create. (This does not add the document to the KV store; it just allocates memory for the fdb_doc structure and its contents.)

fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

Note that any field can be empty:

fdb_doc *doc1, *doc2, *doc3;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc1, "foo", 3, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
status = fdb_doc_create(&doc2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
status = fdb_doc_create(&doc3, "bar", 3, NULL, 0, "baz", 3);

Changing A Document's Contents

If you want to change the metadata or body of a document in memory, call fdb_doc_update. (Again, this does not affect the KV store; it just updates the in-memory values stored in the fdb_doc.)

fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);
status = fdb_doc_update(&doc, "11", 2, "baz", 3);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

This example modifies the metadata and body of the document doc from 00 and bar to 11 and baz, respectively.

Destroying A Document

To free an fdb_doc structure and the data it stores, just call fdb_doc_free:

fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_free(doc);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

Inserting A Document Into A KV store

The following example shows how to insert a document into a KV store by calling fdb_set:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_doc_free(doc);

If a document with the same key already exists, ForestDB overwrites it with the new document.

After a successful fdb_set the fdb_doc can be freed if desired, since its contents have now been copied into the KV store.

After making one or more changes to their corresponding KV stores, you must invoke fdb_commit to commit all the pending updates to the file on disk. Note that a file handle (fdb_file_handle) should be passed to fdb_commit API. Without invoking fdb_commit, changes would be lost after closing the file handle or upon a system failure. fdb_commit writes any pending in-memory data, updates the tree structures, adds a new header at the end of the file, and calls fsync to flush all dirty data into the corresponding file.

Asynchronous Write

If you want to write data to disk asynchronously, ForestDB supports an option for asynchronous commit mode in fdb_config. The following example shows how to write a document and commit the update asynchronously. Note that fdb_commit should be called even though the file is opened with asynchronous option.

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.durability_opt = FDB_DRB_ASYNC;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_doc_free(doc);

Writing A Batch of Documents

To commit more than one document update at once, call fdb_set for each document and then invoke fdb_commit at the end. Note that updates across multiple KV stores can be batched. :

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc1, *doc2, *doc3;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc1);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc2);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc3);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

Bulk Insert

If you want to add large numbers of documents at once, the wal_flush_before_commit option in fdb_config is useful. This option periodically flushes WAL entries into the on-disk tree before fdb_commit API is called, in order to restrict the overall memory consumption by WAL indexes. fdb_commit only has to be invoked once at the end of the bulk load.

Note that wal_flush_before_commit option is enabled by default.

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.wal_flush_before_commit = true;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

... (do bulk write) ...

status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

Document Compression

Documents can be stored as a compressed form when they are written in the disk. ForestDB provides a compression option in fdb_config, that compresses and decompresses the body of documents using the Snappy library. Snappy does not provide optimal compression, but it's very fast. You can enable the option as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.compress_document_body = true;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

Retrieving A Document From A KV Store

ForestDB provides two kinds of retrieval methods: retrieval by key and retrieval by sequence number. If you want to get a document using its key, create a document with empty meta and body fields, and call fdb_get:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
status = fdb_get(kvhandle, doc);

status = fdb_doc_free(doc);

If the target document is found, then the meta and body fields of doc will be filled with those of the corresponding document.

A document can also be retrieved by its sequence number, which is a value assigned to it whenever it's created or updated, taken from a monotonically-increasing sequence counter maintained by each KV store. It is a 64-bit integer defined as the fdb_seqnum_t type, and available as the seqnum field of an fdb_doc after it's been saved by fdb_set.

To get a document by its sequence number, create an empty document, assign a sequence number to it, and call fdb_get_byseq:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc1, *doc2;
fdb_status status;
fdb_seqnum_t seqnum;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc1, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc1);
seqnum = doc1->seqnum;
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_doc_free(doc1);

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
doc2->seqnum = seqnum;
status = fdb_get_byseq(kvhandle, doc2);

status = fdb_doc_free(doc2);

Reading Metadata of A Document

To read a document's metadata only, without its body, ForestDB provides two operations: fdb_get_metaonly and fdb_get_metaonly_byseq. Their usage is same as those of fdb_get and fdb_get_byseq:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
status = fdb_get_metaonly(kvhandle, doc);
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;
fdb_seqnum_t seqnum;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
doc->seqnum = seqnum;
status = fdb_get_metaonly_byseq(kvhandle, doc);

In the case of fdb_get_metaonly_byseq, both key and metadata are returned by calling the API.

After the call returns, the length of the body is available in the bodylen field, even though the body field is NULL.

Afterwards, the document's body can be read very efficiently by calling fdb_get_byoffset, as described in the next section.

Retrieving A Document Using Disk Offset

Documents also can be retrieved by their disk offset, which is literally the byte offset from the start of the ForestDB file to the position where the document is stored. This is very efficient because it bypasses the tree entirely, requiring only a simple read operation.

Each document contains an offset field (a 64-bit unsigned integer) which is set by the fdb_set, fdb_get, fdb_get_byseq, fdb_get_metaonly, and fdb_get_metaonly_byseq functions. To get a document using disk offset, create an empty document, assign a disk offset to it, and call fdb_get_byoffset:

#include <stdint.h>

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc1, *doc2;
fdb_status status;
uint64_t offset;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc1, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc1);
offset = doc1->offset;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
doc2->offset = offset;
status = fdb_get_byoffset(kvhandle, doc2);

Deleting A Document From A KV Store

Deleting a document is similar to updating it. The following example shows how to delete a document:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc, "foo", 3, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
status = fdb_del(kvhandle, doc);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_doc_free(doc);

Adjusting Purging Interval

Note that documents deleted using fdb_del are not physically removed at that time (since the ForestDB file is append-only). ForestDB lazily purges those documents upon the next compaction after the period configured in fdb_config. Although the deleted documents cannot be retrieved by fdb_get or fdb_get_byseq, you can still read their metadata by calling fdb_get_metaonly or fdb_get_metaonly_byseq until they are purged from the file.

You can change the purging interval defined in fdb_config as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.purging_interval = 3600;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

The unit of the purging interval is in seconds. If set to zero (which is the default), deleted documents are immediately purged at the next compaction.

WAL Flush Threshold

Document updates in ForestDB are first added to the write-ahead log (WAL), and later reflected into the HB+trie. WAL entries are automatically flushed when fdb_commit is called, or when the total number of documents in the WAL exceeds a configured threshold in fdb_config. The default value is 4,096 documents, and you can change the threshold as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.wal_threshold = 65536;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

Manually Flushing WAL Entries

If you want to manually flush WAL entries before the threshold is reached, call fdb_commit with the FDB_COMMIT_MANUAL_WAL_FLUSH option, as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_MANUAL_WAL_FLUSH);

Simplified Key-Value Operations

ForestDB provides simplified key-value operations, for those who do not want to use document-related features such as sequence number and metadata. There are three functions for key-value operations: fdb_set_kv, fdb_get_kv, and fdb_del_kv.

To insert a key-value pair, call fdb_set_kv:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_set_kv(kvhandle, "foo", 3, "bar", 3);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

By calling fdb_get_kv, you can get a value corresponding to a key:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;
void *value;
size_t value_len;

status = fdb_get_kv(kvhandle, "foo", 3, &value, &value_len);


You should free the value returned from fdb_get_kv API by calling free.

Key-value pairs can be deleted using fdb_del_kv API:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_del_kv(kvhandle, "foo", 3);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

Since these key-value pairs are internally converted to and stored as documents, the simplified functions are compatible with the original APIs such as fdb_set and fdb_get. The following example gets the body of a document inserted using fdb_set, by calling fdb_get_kv.

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;
void *value;
size_t value_len;

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc1, "foo", 3, "00", 2, "bar", 3);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc1);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

status = fdb_get_kv(kvhandle, "foo", 3, &value, &value_len);

Using Iterators

An iterator traverses a KV store instance in order by key or sequence number. It can also traverse a smaller range of keys or sequences. An index operates on a snapshot of the KV store, so any mutations made after the iterator is created have no effect on the documents returned by the iterator.

fdb_iterator_init and fdb_iterator_sequence_init create an iterator for keys and sequence numbers, respectively:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle,
fdb_iterator *itr_key, *itr_seq;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_iterator_init(kvhandle, &itr_key,
                           NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

status = fdb_iterator_sequence_init(kvhandle, &itr_seq,
                                    0, 0, FDB_ITR_NONE);
assert(status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS);

You can assign a specific range to the iterator, by passing min and max values of the range. The following example creates an iterator traversing from key aaa to key zzz (inclusive):

status = fdb_iterator_init(kvhandle, &itr_key,
                           "aaa", 3, "zzz", 3,

If you pass NULL as the min key, the iterator starts at the smallest key in a given KV store. If the max key is NULL, the iterator terminates after the largest key in the KV store. If the min key does not exist in the KV store, the iterator begins from the smallest key that is greater than the min key. If the max key does not exist in the KV store, the iterator ends at the largest key that is smaller than the max key.

The last parameter to fdb_iterator_init is a set of option flags. The available options are to return only document metadata not bodies (FDB_ITR_METAONLY), to omit deleted documents from the iteration (FDB_ITR_NO_DELETES), and to not include the min (FDB_ITR_SKIP_MIN_KEY) and max (FDB_ITR_SKIP_MAX_KEY) keys in the iteration range.

fdb_iterator_sequence_init follows the same semantics. The example below shows how to create an iterator for the range of sequence number from 10 to 20:

status = fdb_iterator_sequence_init(kvhandle, &itr_seq,
                                    10, 20, FDB_ITR_NONE);

Once an iterator is created, you can get the documents from the iterator by calling fdb_iterator_get and fdb_iterator_next repetitively, regardless of the type of the iterator. fdb_iterator_next returns FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS if the next document for the iterator exists. doc parameter in fdb_iterator_get API will point to an fdb_doc filled in with the contents of the document pointed by the iterator. (As usual, this document structure should be freed when you're done using it.)

fdb_iterator_next returns FDB_RESULT_ITERATOR_FAIL when it reaches the end of the range. When finished, you should close the iterator by calling fdb_iterator_close.

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle,
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_iterator *itr_key;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_iterator_init(kvhandle, &itr_key,
                           NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
do {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_key, &doc);
    if (status != FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
} while(fdb_iterator_next(itr_key) != FDB_RESULT_ITERATOR_FAIL);

status = fdb_iterator_close(itr_key);
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle,
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_iterator *itr_seq;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_iterator_sequence_init(kvhandle, &itr_seq,
                                    0, 0, FDB_ITR_NONE);
do {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_seq, &doc);
    if (status != FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
} while(fdb_iterator_next(itr_seq) != FDB_RESULT_ITERATOR_FAIL);
status = fdb_iterator_close(itr_seq);

If the client knows the max lengths of key, metadata, and value in the iterator range, then it can pre-allocate fdb_doc instance with these max lengths, and pass it to fdb_iterator_get API, so that the memory allocation overhead can be avoided for each iteration.

fdb_iterator *itr_key;
fdb_status status;
fdb_doc *doc;

fdb_doc_create(&doc, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
doc->key = malloc(MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
doc->meta = malloc(MAX_META_LENGTH);
doc->body = malloc(MAX_VALUE_LENGTH);
do {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_key, &doc);
    if (status != FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
} while(fdb_iterator_next(itr_key) != FDB_RESULT_ITERATOR_FAIL);

status = fdb_iterator_close(itr_key);

If you want to move an iterator to get a document for a specific key, call fdb_iterator_seek:

fdb_iterator *itr_key;
fdb_status status;
fdb_doc doc;

status = fdb_iterator_seek(itr_key, "car", 3, FDB_ITR_SEEK_HIGHER);
if (status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_key, &doc);

Afterwards, the next call to fdb_iterator_get will return the document of the key that you sought to.

If a given seek key does not exist, fdb_iterator_seek positions the iterator to the smallest key greater (or the largest key smaller) than the seek key if FDB_ITR_SEEK_HIGHER (or FDB_ITR_SEEK_LOWER) is passed as a seek option.

In addition, fdb_iterator_seek_to_min and fdb_iterator_seek_to_max APIs can be used to move the iterator to the smallest and largest key in the iteration range, respectively:

status = fdb_iterator_seek_to_min(itr_key);
if (status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_key, &doc);
status = fdb_iterator_seek_to_max(itr_key);
if (status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_key, &doc);

If you want to move an iterator backward, call fdb_iterator_prev:

status = fdb_iterator_prev(itr_key);
if (status == FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
    status = fdb_iterator_get(itr_key, &doc);

Basically, an iterator can move or seek in forward or backward direction.

Getting Information of A ForestDB File

You can get some information about a ForestDB file using fdb_get_file_info:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_file_info info;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_get_file_info(fhandle, &info);

The return type is a fdb_file_info struct that contains the following information:

  • filename: The ForestDB file name.
  • new_filename: The name of the new file, if the current file is being compacted.
  • doc_count: The approximate total number of documents stored in the file.
  • space_used: The approximate space occupied by live data in the file.
  • file_size: The total size of the file.

Getting Information of A KV Store Instance

A similar API fdb_get_kvs_info exists for KV store instances. The example below shows how to get information about a KV store:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_kvs_info kvs_info;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_get_kvs_info(kvhandle, &kvs_info);

The attributes of the return type fdb_kvs_info are as follows:

  • name: The name of the KV store.
  • last_seqnum: The last sequence number of the KV store.

Note that there is a separate API that returns the last sequence number only:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_seqnum_t seqnum;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_get_kvs_seqnum(kvhandle, &seqnum);

Getting Information about CRUD Operational Statistics from a KV Store Instance

A similar API fdb_get_kvs_ops_info exists for KV store instances. The example below shows how to get information about a KV store:

fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_kvs_ops_info kvs_ops_info;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_get_kvs_ops_info(kvhandle, &kvs_ops_info);

The attributes of the return type fdb_kvs_ops_info are the following KV Store statistics:

  • num_sets: The total number of fdb_set operations.
  • num_dels: The total number of fdb_del operations.
  • num_commits: The total number of fdb_commit operations.
  • num_compacts: The total number of fdb_compact operations.
  • num_gets: The total number of fdb_get, fdb_get_metaonly, fdb_get_byseq, fdb_get_byoffset operations.
  • num_iterator_gets: The total number of fdb_iterator_get, fdb_iterator_get_metaonly operations.
  • num_iterator_moves: The total number of fdb_iterator_seek, fdb_iterator_next, fdb_iterator_prev operations.

Getting Amount of Buffer Cache used across all ForestDB files

A fdb_get_buffer_cache_used() api exists to return the amount of buffer cache space actively used by all ForestDB instances:

uint64_t cache_used;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_buffer_cache_used(&cache_used);

Creating A Snapshot

ForestDB can create a snapshot of a specific KV store instance, using a sequence number that corresponds to one of the commits that have been persisted in the file. A snapshot is a read-only immutable KV store instance: subsequent changes to the KV store will have no effect on the snapshot.

The following example shows how to create a snapshot:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle, *snapshot;
fdb_status status;
fdb_seqnum_t seqnum;

status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_get_kvs_seqnum(kvhandle, &seqnum);
status = fdb_snapshot_open(kvhandle, &snapshot, seqnum);

status = fdb_kvs_close(snapshot);

To create an in-memory snapshot for a given KV store, FDB_SNAPSHOT_INMEM should be passed to fdb_snapshot_open API as a sequence number. An in-memory snapshot is a non-durable consistent view of the KV store instance and carries the latest version of all the keys and values at the point of the snapshot and can even be taken out of uncommitted transactions.

As a snapshot is treated as a read-only KV store handle, it must be closed with fdb_kvs_close when it is not needed anymore.

When the client opens a ForestDB file, it may need to know the list of all the snapshots that can be instantiated from the file. For this, the client can use fdb_get_all_snap_markers API as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kv1, *kv2, *snapshot;
fdb_status status;
fdb_snapshot_info_t *markers;
uint64_t num_markers;
fdb_seqnum_t seqnum = 0;
bool found_snapshot_marker = false;

status = fdb_kvs_open(fhandle, &kv1, "kv1", &kvs_config);
status = fdb_kvs_open(fhandle, &kv2, "kv2", &kvs_config);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

status = fdb_get_all_snap_markers(fhandle, &markers, &num_markers);
for (int i = 0; i < num_markers; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < markers[i].num_kvs_markers; ++j) {
        if (!strcmp(markers[i].kvs_markers[j].kv_store_name, "kv1")) {
            seqnum = markers[i].kvs_markers[j].seqnum;
            found_snapshot_marker = true;
    if (found_snapshot_marker) {
status = fdb_free_snap_markers(markers, num_markers);

if (found_snapshot_marker) {
    status = fdb_snapshot_open(kv1, &snapshot, seqnum);
    status = fdb_kvs_close(snapshot);

As seen above, the snapshot of a given KV store "kv1" can be created using one of its snapshot markers that still exist in the file.


You can rollback a KV store instance to a specific point represented by a sequence number that corresponds to a commit. fdb_rollback reverts a KV store instance as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_seqnum_t seqnum;

status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_get_seqnum(kvhandle, &seqnum);

status = fdb_rollback(&kvhandle, seqnum);

Note that all other mutations are blocked while the rollback operation is being performed.

Using Transactions

ForestDB supports transactional features which makes it possible to atomically update multiple documents. You can begin a transaction by calling fdb_begin_transaction, and commit dirty updates by calling fdb_end_transaction. Atomic updates across multiple KV stores in a ForestDB file are possible. Here's a simple example that atomically updates doc1 and doc2 to KV stores kv1 and kv2, respectively:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kv1, *kv2;
fdb_doc *doc1, *doc2;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_begin_transaction(fhandle, FDB_ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED);
status = fdb_set(kv1, doc1);
status = fdb_set(kv2, doc2);
status = fdb_end_transaction(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);

There are two isolation levels supported by the current version of ForestDB:

  • FDB_ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED: Read committed isolation level. Dirty updates (i.e., uncommitted updates) by other transactions are not visible, although updates committed by other transactions will be visible.
  • FDB_ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: Read uncommitted isolation level. Dirty updates by other transactions are visible.

If you want to revert all dirty updates after fdb_begin_transaction, invoke fdb_abort_transaction instead of fdb_end_transaction:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kv1, *kv2;
fdb_doc *doc1, *doc2;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_begin_transaction(fhandle, FDB_ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED);
status = fdb_set(kv1, doc1);
status = fdb_set(kv2, doc2);
status = fdb_abort_transaction(fhandle);

Multi-Threaded Accesses

Since ForestDB is based on an MVCC model, concurrent read and update operations do not block each other. All ForestDB operations are thread-safe, but you should open a separate handle on a ForestDB file for each thread. Both the fdb_file_handle and fdb_kvs_handle structure are not thread-safe, and ForestDB does not guarantee thread-safety if multiple threads share the same file or KV store handle. The following example shows how to concurrently access to a ForestDB file:

  • Thread 1
fdb_file_handle *fhandle_thread1;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle_thread1;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config;

status = fdb_open(&fhandle_thread1, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);
status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle_thread1, &kvhandle_thread1, &kvs_config);

status = fdb_kvs_close(kvhandle_thread1);
status = fdb_close(fhandle_thread1);
  • Thread 2
fdb_file_handle *fhandle_thread2;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle_thread2;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config;

status = fdb_open(&fhandle_thread2, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);
status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle_thread2, &kvhandle_thread2, &kvs_config);

status = fdb_kvs_close(kvhandle_thread2);
status = fdb_close(fhandle_thread2);

The threads access the same ForestDB file /tmp/db_filename using their own file handles (fhandle_thread1 and fhandle_thread2), and they do not need to grab a lock on the ForestDB file when they invoke ForestDB operations.

Note: Multiple handles on the same file share the same underlying file caches, so the memory overhead per separate handle is low.


As ForestDB uses append-only style disk logging, the overall space occupied by the ForestDB file grows with more mutations. This fragmented file should be compacted to reclaim the space used by stale data. You can manually compact the file by calling fdb_compact:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

status = fdb_compact(fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename2");

After compaction, the previous file /tmp/db_filename is removed and new file /tmp/db_filename2 is created. All file handles referring to the old file automatically change their information to point to the new file, thus it is not necessary to close the old file and open the new file.

Note that you do not need to manually compact the file in auto-compaction mode, but manual compaction is still possible by calling fdb_compact with a NULL filename as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.compaction_mode = FDB_COMPACTION_AUTO;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

status = fdb_compact(fhandle, NULL);

If the client wants to retain the stale data up to a given snapshot marker that corresponds to one of the commits in a ForestDB file, then fdb_compact_upto API can be used as shown in the following example:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_snapshot_info_t *markers;
uint64_t num_markers;
fdb_snapshot_marker_t snap_marker;

status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);
// Multiple commits are performed below.
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_commit(fhandle, FDB_COMMIT_NORMAL);
status = fdb_get_all_snap_markers(fhandle, &markers, &num_markers);
snap_marker = markers[num_markers - 2].marker; // The second oldest snapshot maker.
status = fdb_free_snap_markers(markers, num_markers);
// Retain the stale data up to the second oldest snapshot marker.
status = fdb_compact_upto(fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename2", snap_marker);

Switching Compaction mode

A ForestDB file created under auto-compaction mode cannot be opened under manual-compaction mode, and vice versa. To open a ForestDB file based on different compaction mode, it has to switch its compaction mode using fdb_switch_compaction_mode API:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.compaction_mode = FDB_COMPACTION_AUTO;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

status = fdb_switch_compaction_mode(fhandle, FDB_COMPACTION_MANUAL, 0);
status = fdb_close(fhandle);

config.compaction_mode = FDB_COMPACTION_MANUAL;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

Changing Compaction Threshold

fdb_switch_compaction_mode also can be used for changing the compaction threshold for a ForestDB file whose compaction mode is currently auto-compaction. The following example changes the compaction threshold of the file from 30% to 50%:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
config.compaction_mode = FDB_COMPACTION_AUTO;
config.compaction_threshold = 30;
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

status = fdb_switch_compaction_mode(fhandle, FDB_COMPACTION_AUTO, 50);

The compaction threshold is calculated as stale_data_size / total_file_size. For example, when the compaction threshold and live data size are 30% and 70 MB, respectively, compaction is triggered when the file size gets larger than 100 MB, since the stale data size (i.e., 100 MB - 70 MB = 30 MB) exceeds 30% of the file size.

Note that compaction will not be executed if you set the compaction threshold to zero or 100%.

Copy-On-Write compaction (sharing valid disk blocks from old file)

Currently available only on the B-Tree Filesystem on Linux, the fdb_compact_with_cow and fdb_compact_upto_with_cow can be used instead of fdb_compact and fdb_compact_upto respectively to instruct the file system to share valid document blocks from the old file. This avoids extra I/O, reduces write amplification and results in much shorter compaction times. Currently this api will only work on the Linux Btrfs and will perform well only in offline manual compaction mode (no concurrent updates to file). Example of this usage is as follows:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

status = fdb_compact_with_cow(fhandle, "new_file_name");
if (status == FDB_RESULT_COMPACTION_FAIL) { // support not available on underlying platform
    status = fdb_compact(fhandle, "new_file_name"); // fallback to old-style compaction

Similarly, the fdb_compact_upto_with_cow api is semantically identical fdb_compact_upto.

Using A Custom Comparison Function

ForestDB supports pluggable custom comparison function. A custom comparison function is given pointers to two keys, key1 and key2 for example, and must return zero if the keys are equal, a negative value if key1 < key2, or a positive value if key1 > key2.

The following code represents an example that uses a custom comparison function for floating-point numbers represented as the double primitive type:

  • Custom comparison function for double type:
int _cmp_double(void *key1_ptr, size_t keylen1,
                void *key2_ptr, size_t keylen2)
    double key1, key2;
    key1 = *(double *)key1_ptr;
    key2 = *(double *)key2_ptr;

    if (key1 < key2) return -1;
    else if (key1 > key2) return 1;
    else return 0;
fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_doc *doc;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config;
double key;
void *value;
size_t value_len;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

kvs_config = fdb_get_default_kvs_config();
kvs_config.custom_cmp = _cmp_double;
status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle, &kvhandle, &kvs_config);

status = fdb_doc_create(&doc,
                        (void *)&key, sizeof(double),
                        NULL, 0, value, value_len);
status = fdb_set(kvhandle, doc);
status = fdb_doc_free(doc);

Note: This example is not endian-safe, so a ForestDB file created on a little-endian CPU would not be readable on a big-endian CPU! Any real usage of custom key types should be careful to represent keys with a consistent byte ordering.

The next example shows another code that uses a custom comparison function for non-primitive type keys:

  • Custom comparison function that compares only last four bytes in each key:
int _cmp_substring(void *key1, size_t keylen1,
                   void *key2, size_t keylen2)
    if (keylen1 < 4 || keylen2 < 4) return 0;

    return memcmp((char*)key1 + keylen1 - 4,
                  (char*)key2 + keylen2 - 4, 4);
fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *kvhandle;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config

config = fdb_get_default_config();
status = fdb_open(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config);

kvs_config = fdb_get_default_kvs_config();
kvs_config.custom_cmp = _cmp_substring;
status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle, &kvhandle, &kvs_config);

If you open a ForestDB file that contains at least one KV store that is based on custom key order, all custom comparison functions should be passed with corresponding KV store names, through fdb_open_custom_cmp API. Suppose that there are four KV stores: default, KV1, KV2, and KV3, where the default and KV3 use custom comparison functions _cmp_double and _cmp_substring, respectively, the following example represents how to pass the custom comparison functions when the file is opened:

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_kvs_handle *default, *kv1, *kv2, *kv3;
fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;
fdb_kvs_config kvs_config

char *kvs_names[] = {NULL, (char*)"KV3"};
fdb_custom_cmp_variable functions[] = {_cmp_double,

config = fdb_get_default_config();
status = fdb_open_custom_cmp(&fhandle, "/tmp/db_filename", &config,
                             2, kvs_names, functions);

kvs_config = fdb_get_default_kvs_config();
status = fdb_kvs_open_default(fhandle, &default, &kvs_config);
status = fdb_kvs_open(dbfile, &kv1, &kvs_config);
status = fdb_kvs_open(dbfile, &kv2, &kvs_config);
status = fdb_kvs_open(dbfile, &kv3, &kvs_config);

Note that KV stores based on the default (i.e., lexicographical) key order do not need to be included in the kvs_names and functions parameters. Once the ForestDB file is opened, the passed custom comparison functions are automatically assigned to the corresponding KV store handles, so that you do not need to assign the custom_cmp attribute in the fdb_kvs_config type.

Destroying ForestDB File(s)

If you want to remove a ForestDB file, you can call the fdb_destroy api as follows:

fdb_status status;
fdb_config config;

config = fdb_get_default_config();
status = fdb_destroy("/tmp/db_filename", &config);

The above routine can be useful to clean up all ForestDB files including meta data files for an auto compaction setting. If the destroyed file is currently being compacted by the auto compaction daemon which is still running, then fdb_destroy will return FDB_RESULT_IN_USE_BY_COMPACTOR, and the operation would need to be retried after the file compaction completes. In case of manual compaction a best-effort is done to wipe out all known files associated with the ForestDB path provided.

Dropping A KV Store Instance From A ForestDB file

You can remove a specific KV store instance from a ForestDB file, without affecting any other KV store instances in the same file. The example below removes the KV store named "KV1":

fdb_file_handle *fhandle;
fdb_status status;

status = fdb_kvs_remove(fhandle, "KV1");

All handles to the KV store should be closed before calling fdb_kvs_remove. Once you drop a KV store, all documents stored in the KV store will be permanently removed. Note that the DB file size will not be reduced immediately, because the stale documents still reside in the file. If you want to physically eliminate the stale data, call fdb_compact after dropping a KV store instance.

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