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573 lines (388 loc) Β· 20.1 KB

Cozy Code Guidelines

Naming of Functions

To name functions, you can use some keywords that everyone will understand, like those ones :

fetchSomething : should access data by making a server side call

getSomething : should access data without making a server side call

findSomething : like the get, but with arguments

normalizeSomething : should transform data to conform to a given schema or to make sure that is coherent with other documents

saveSomething : creates or updates a document

hasSomething or isSomething : should describe a boolean variable

computeSomething : create something from other elements

makeSomething : create something from scratch

doSomethingAndForget : to convert an async func doSomething to a sync one doSomethingAndForget

ensureSomething : make sure something {is/has been} done

Naming of Queries

By "naming queries" we mean defining the as attribute of the queries options usable in cozy-client:

const queryResult = useQuery(Q(DOCTYPE), {
    as: ...,
    fetchPolicy: ...

By default as must be defined according to the doctype used: as: DOCTYPE

If the query can be built with parameters (in this case id, account and date), these parameters must be included after id by preceding them with a /[PARAM_NAME]/ (note that this is unnecessary for id):

as: `${DOCTYPE}/${id}/account/${account}/date/${date}`

Import order

import libs from externals // (ex: lodash)

import libs from internal // (ex: cozy-client)

import libs from local // (absolute or relative path, depending on the project)
import styles from local // (absolute or relative path, depending on the project)


Return value

Avoid using undefined and prefer returning null.

Why ? undefined is used for variable that have not been assigned yet. null is for a variable with no value. See,

Promises vs async/await

Always use async / await when applicable, instead of Promises and then() chains.

Why ? Cleaner, Clearer, more readable, easier for handling errors See


Only comments things that have business logic complexity.

Why ? Comments are an apology, not a requirement. Good code mostly documents itself. See

❌ Bad :

// Initiate API UserData object, for checkFormLogin token
const req1 = await request({
  url: ``

βœ… Good

function initiateAPIForToken () {
  return request({
    url: ``


Date management dependencies may increase app bundle and are not always useful.

In order to uniform our usage of date management package, we discourage any use of moment The main reason is that project was built for the previous era of the JavaScript ecosystem and since September 2020, for more details

Looking for alternatives, we use in that order:

Because nothing beats using native features:


  • Intl.DateTimeFormat, which provides date and time formatting
  • Intl.RelativeTimeFormat, which provides language-sensitive easy-to-read phrases for dates and timestamps

Date-fns can be used directly inside our app.

const { f } = useI18n()

The whole configuration can be found inside Cozy-UI/I18n folder


If you need to make a link between cozy's apps, you should always use AppLinker from Cozy-UI. It handles a lot of use cases (flagship app, mobile app...). Never rely on window.location in the cozy-apps' codebase. We do a few things that can have repercussion on this value. Always use the generateWebLink method. To use it, you'll have to get the subdomainType. And to get the subdomainType, you'll need to read it from the client: const { subdomain: subDomainType } = client.getInstanceOptions()


Generic code style

"eslintConfig": {
    "extends": ["eslint-config-cozy-app"]

Let the formatters do their jobs.

Prefer Functional Components

For any new component in our codebase, we prefer using functional component

Prefer export over export default

For exporting new component in our codebase, we prefet using export { ComponentName } over export default ComponentName. This makes maintenance easier by making renaming more explicit when importing.

React Memo

Usage of React.memo / useMemo / useCallback is quite tricky. We recommend to use React.memo wisely. We use React.memo only for medium/big component that renders often with the same props.


Don't use memoization if you can't quantify the performance gains.

Strictly, React uses memoization as a performance hint. While in most situations React avoids rendering a memoized component, you shouldn't count on that to prevent rendering.

Could I use Memoization?

Use the React profiler or a profiling extension to measure the benefits of applying React.memo().

Examples when to use memoization

Live example

In this example, we have an example of (not so big) component rendering a lot (because of realtime values provided by usePokemon hook).

Theoretical examples

In Cozy application, we may consider using memoization inside:

  • Page / Views are big components, rendering a lot if they depend on props.
  • slow calls to API (that lasts more than 200ms) that are not cached / using pouchdb
  • big operations (ex: increment to 10 000)

Event handling

Prefer named function instead of inline function into event handler.

With Typescript, if you have trouble with eslint rule no-misused-promises because your function is returning an Promise<void>. You can disable this rule for your specific case

Styling / theming

  • Use components from cozy-ui when possible
  • When coding a component, try to avoid stylus and prefer material UI's default solutions for theming (withStyles)

See also cozy-ui guidelines on component development.

Test libraries and tools

  • enzyme is deprecated. We use testing-library/react instead. It is always good to refactor an enzyme compliant test to a testing-library/react compliant test.
  • testcafe is deprecated.
  • We do not use snapshots anymore. Do not add new snapshots.


Unit test files

Unit test files should be located next to their source file, rather then in a subfolder (for example __tests__). This keeps them closer to their source file and encourages their maintenance.

πŸ‘ Cool

β”œβ”€β”€ greetings
β”‚   └── components
β”‚        └── Greeting.jsx
β”‚        └── Greeting.spec.js

❌ Bad

β”œβ”€β”€ greetings
β”‚   └── components
β”‚        └── Greeting.jsx
β”œβ”€β”€ greetings
β”‚   └── components
β”‚        └── Greeting.spec.js

Data Test Id

In order to uniform data-testid, we decided to use only data-testid. It helps coherency when testing with Testing Library

πŸ‘ Cool


❌ Bad :


queryBy ⚑️ toBeDefined

queryBy* methods return an array of Element(s) or null and .toBeDefined() fail only if value is undefined

πŸ‘ Cool


❌ Bad :




πŸ‘‰ Avoid directly calling Material-UI in Cozy Library and Cozy Application

Apart from Cozy-UI, repository should prevent from requiring material-ui as dependency.

πŸ‘‰ Inside Cozy library, any package except cozy-* or react or react-dom can be a dependency

It's complicated to be sure that the application calling a cozy-library has any other dependency. That's why it's recommended to use dependency (when called in the production code)


  • react-router-dom should be a dependency
  • eslint should be a devDependencies
  • cozy-ui should be a devDependencies and a peerDependencies
See more about those rules

πŸ‘‰ No dependencies between Cozy Library

A Cozy library should not add any other Cozy library. Those Cozy libraries should only be devDependencies + peerDependencies.


  • in order to reduce library size
  • in order to avoid dependencies cycle

πŸ‘‰ No react or react-dom as dependencies in Cozy Library

A Cozy library should not add React or React-DOM. Those packages should only be devDependencies + peerDependencies.


  • in order to have different versions of React and compatibility problem with Hooks

We follow the practise of Material-UI or React-Query

Unit Commit

Each dependency upgrade should be inside its own commit, with the possible changes required by the upgrade.

This helps understanding which changes belong to dependency upgrade, and what belongs to the feature of the Pull Request. It is very useful when reverting commits.

Commit messages

A git repository lives with an history that let developers or automatic procedure to find useful information.

They have to look like that:

type(optional scope): Subject

optional body

footer with references to issue tracker IDS


One of:

  • feat: a new feature
  • fix: a bug fix
  • docs: changes to documentation
  • style: formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change
  • refactor: refactoring production code; no behavior change
  • test: adding tests, refactoring test; no production code change
  • chore: updating build tasks, package manager configs, etc; no production code change

Scope (optional)

The scope should reflect the part of the codebase, or a specific Component, that is updated by the commit. It should be very concise (one or two words).

Example: feat(Chart): Redraw on data update

Here, the commit is updating the Chart component of the application. We know it directly from the commit message.


Subjects should:

  • ideally be no greater than 50 characters
  • begin with a capital letter
  • do not end with a period
  • use an imperative tone to describe what a commit does, rather than what it did
  • use the past tense for a fix

πŸ“Œ A note about emojis in commit message

You can use emojis in your commit subject but, if so, you should add it after the type. You can also use emojis in body message anyway you want. Suggested Emoji/task relations

❌  Bad
πŸš‘ fix: when a list contains more than 50 items, the scroll is broken

βœ…  Good
fix: A too long list broke the scrolling πŸš‘

Body aka commit description (optional but recommended)

Pay attention to commit descriptions. It is important that they describe the why of a solution and not only the what and especially the how. This makes it easier to understand architectural choices and decisions that seem clear at the time of implementation but will be much less clear to someone else in 6 months or 1 year.

When writing a body, the blank line between the title and the body is required and you should limit the length of each line to no more than 72 characters.

To summarize:

  • it explains the reason for the change
  • it's searchable
  • it tells a story
  • it makes everyone a little smarter
  • it builds compassion and trust

For more details, see


The footer is optional and is used to reference issue tracker IDs.

Breaking change

Following the conventional commits, each commit introducing a breaking change must have a BREAKING CHANGE: description. The description should contain a migration path, i.e. a way to overcome the change for the apps using the impacted code.

See commit example here

feat: Summarize changes in around 50 characters or less

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72
characters or so. In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of the commit and the rest of the text as the body. The
blank line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless
you omit the body entirely); various tools like `log`, `shortlog`
and `rebase` can get confused if you run the two together.

Explain the problem that this commit is solving. Focus on why you
are making this change as opposed to how (the code explains that).
Are there side effects or other unintuitive consequenses of this
change? Here's the place to explain them.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

 - Bullet points are okay, too

 - Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, preceded
   by a single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions
   vary here

If you use an issue tracker, put references to them at the bottom,
like this:

Resolves: #123
See also: #456, #789

Pull requests

Before merging a PR, the following things must have been done:

  • Faithful integration of the mockups at all screen sizes
  • Tested on supported browsers, including responsive mode
  • Localized in English and French
  • All changes have test coverage
  • Updated README & CHANGELOG, if necessary



Use the deploy section of travis.yml instead of after_success along with checks on environment variables.

Travis has lots of documentation to easily deploy on npm, github pages, ... you can find documentation here.

If you want use a specific command use script, but avoid environement variable checks in after_success.

❌ Bad :

- test $TRAVIS_BRANCH = "master" && test $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG = "cozy/cozy-realtime" && test $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = "false" && yarn travis-deploy-once "yarn semantic-release"

βœ… Good

- provider: script
  skip_cleanup: true
  script: yarn travis-deploy-once "yarn semantic-release"
    branch: master
    repo: cozy/cozy-realtime


Encrypted variables


All encrypted variables must be set in .travis.yml not in the Travis web interface. They should be preceded by the command to regenerate them. This makes regenerating the variables easy and all the build information is versionned and peer-reviewed.

When using travis encrypt with the --add flag, travis-cli will reformat the entire .travis.yml file and remove all comments. We suggest not using this flag at all.

Example :

# To generate a new key: travis encrypt NPM_TOKEN=<token> -r cozy/cozy-realtime
- secure: 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

Secrets File

By default secrets file should not been versionned. But if the file will be available on the client side of your application, then we consider it public as said by firebase here ( For instance, file as google-services.json can be versionned in our github repository. If you add this kind of file, please share the word on our security channel.

Feature flags

Master must always be in a state ready to be deployed in production. That is why we use feature flags on each new routes or for each new features not ready to go to production.

To understand better how feature flags works, have a look to our internal wiki.

Release process

Release Schema

You can find more information about the recommended workflow here

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Cozy Logo

What is Cozy?

Cozy Logo

Cozy is a platform that brings all your web services in the same private space. With it, your web apps and your devices can share data easily, providing you with a new experience. You can install Cozy on your own hardware where no one profiles you.


You can reach the Cozy Community by:

  • Chatting with us on IRC [#cozycloud on Libera.Chat][libera]
  • Posting on our Forum
  • Posting issues on the Github repos
  • Mentioning us on Twitter