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Elixir Debugging

Run the setup shell before any of these commands


To start a dev server (especially on a shared box)

. .env; PORT=YOURPORTNUMBERSETINENV iex -S mix phoenix.server

To run the tests:

. .env; iex -S mix test --only wip 

To run the tests continuously:

. .env; iex -S mix --only wip

To run only the wip (work in progress) tests

  • Add @tag :wip before declaring a test
  • Run:
. .env; iex -S mix test --only wip 

To Debug:

require IEx; IEx.pry

To start Iex

. .env; iex -S mix

To query the database in the debugger or Iex

import Ecto.Query
alias CncfDashboardApi.Repo

Query examples

CncfDashboardApi.Repo.all(from pj in CncfDashboardApi.PipelineJobs, where: pj.pipeline_id == 6851)
Repo.all ( from user in User, where: like(user.username, "%vulk%")) 

Usefule file text search

grep --exclude-dir={node_modules,_build,priv,deps,graphdoc} --exclude=*.sql -rnw '.' -e '.*YOURSEARCHTEXT.*'

Problems with old function references/code?

mix deps.clean --all
mix deps.get 
mix do clean, compile