diff --git a/docs/IonTorrent/Exercises_day1.html b/docs/IonTorrent/Exercises_day1.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e912dc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/IonTorrent/Exercises_day1.html @@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@ + + + + + + + + + + Exercises_day1.knit + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

Day 1: Data pre-processing


This is an example workflow for analysing amplicon sequence data of +single-end reads from Ion Torrent sequencing.


The data consist of 16 samples of willow catkins to study +plant-associated bacteria. The samples are a subset from a larger study +that aimed to investigate the effect of pollinator visits on willow +catkin microbes (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05285-7).


The samples here were collected from

  • two sites +
    • HP: no honeybee hives closeby
    • +
    • KEK: honeybee hives present at the site
    • +
  • +
  • two treatments (4 replicates each) +
    • ps: willow catkins protected from pollinators by a mesh bag
    • +
    • c: control catkins that pollinators visited
    • +
  • +

Our aim is to find out if site and/or protection from pollinators +influenced the bacterial community in the willow catkins. All samples +were sequenced using Ion Torrent. The amplified region is the V6-V8 +region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and the length of the amplicon is +ca. 350 bp. The samples have been demultiplexed and barcodes removed, +and each FASTQ file corresponds to one sample.


Step 1. Start Chipster and open a session


Go to the Chipster +website and log in. In the session list, scroll down to Training +sessions and select +course_16S_rRNA_community_analysis_IonTorrent. This session has +16 zipped fastq files. Save your own copy of the session: click the +three dots in the Session info section on the lower right and +select Save a copy.


Step 2. Package all the fastq files in a tar +package


Select all the FASTQ files:

  • Go to the List tab, click on the first file, keep the shift +key down and click on the last file.
  • +
  • Select the tool Utilities / Make a tar package.
  • +
  • Click Parameters, set +File name for tar package = zippedFastq, and close the +parameter window. Click Run and select Run Tool 1 +job.
  • +

Note that after this point in real life you can delete the individual +FASTQ files, because you can always open the tar package using the tool +Utilities / Extract .tar.gz file.


Step 3. Check the quality of reads with FastQC


Select the file zippedFastq.tar and the tool +Quality control / Read quality with MultiQC for many FASTQ files, +and click Run. Select the result file and click Open in new +tab.

How long are the reads (in the General Statistics section, click 
+Configure columns, select Length and unselect M sequences)?
+Based on the plot Sequence Counts, do all the samples have the 
+same number of reads? Are most of the reads unique?
+Based on the plot Sequence Quality Histograms, is the base quality
+good all along the reads? 

Step 4. Remove primers with Cutadapt


Select zippedFastq.tar and select the tool +Microbial amplicon data preprocessing for ASV / Remove primers and adapters with Cutadapt.


Click Parameters and set +Is the data paired end or single end reads = single.
+Give the primer sequences:

  • Forward primer (in this case an M13 linker and the forward +primer):
  • +
  • Reverse primer: The 3' adapter = TTGYACACACCGCCCGT +(reverse complement of the reverse primer)
  • +

Also set Remove reads which were not trimmed = yes.


Close the parameter window and run the tool

Check the Cutadapt output (report.txt).   
+Look at the first sample and check how many times the forward primer (Adapter 1)  
+and reverse primer (Adapter 2) were trimmed.  
+Does Cutadapt with these settings detect exact matches of the primers?

Step 5. Trim sequences for base quality and sequence length +with Trimmomatic


Choose adapters_removed.tar and select the tool +Preprocessing / Trim Ion Torrent reads reads with Trimmomatic. +Set Sliding window trimming parameters = 10:20. Here we are +telling Trimmomatic to slide along each sequence read in stretches of 10 +bases, and if the average quality score of the window is below 20, trim +the read at that point. Also set +Minimum length of reads to keep = 200 and run the tool.


Choose trimmed.tarand run the MultiQC tool again +(Quality control / Read quality with MultiQC for many FASTQ files)

Do you see any differences in the sequence counts and sequence quality histograms   
+compared to the first time we ran the tool before primer removal and quality trimming?

Step 6. Combine FASTQ files and create count +file


Select trimmed.tar run the tool +Microbial amplicon data preprocessing for OTU / Combine FASTQ files into one FASTA file and make a Mothur count file.


Check the summary file sequences-summary.tsv.

How long are most of the sequences? 
+How long is the longest sequence?
+Are there any ambiguous bases in the sequences?
+How many sequences are there in total?

(Step 7. Screen sequences for ambiguous bases and +suspiciously long sequences)


Generally at this point, we would screen the sequences for example as +follows: Select sequences.fasta.gz and +sequences.count_table (use ctrl / cmd key to select +multiple files). Select the tool +Screen sequences for several criteria and in parameters set +Maximum number of ambiguous bases = 0 and +Maximum length = 400. However, we see from the output of +the previous step that these steps are not necessary for this data set +(there are no ambiguous bases and the longest sequence is only 333 bp), +so let’s skip this step and continue to step 8.


Step 8. Remove identical sequences


Select the files sequences.fasta.gzand +sequences.count_table (use ctrl / cmd key to select +multiple files) and run the tool +Extract unique sequences.


Note: If we had run step 7, we would have selected files +screened.fasta.gz and screened.count_table +here.


Check the summary file unique.summary.tsv.

How many unique sequences vs. total sequence are there?
+Why are we removing the identical sequences?

Step 9. Align sequences to reference


Next, we will align our sequences against the Silva v. 138.1 +reference alignment. Select the files unique.fasta.gz and +unique.count_table, and run the tool +Align sequences to reference so that you use only the +following section of the reference template alignment: +Start = 28500 and End = 43100.


(Note that these start and end values are selected for this specific +V6-V8 region amplicon. To modify the values for other regions, align an +example sequence (a small set of samples or the same fragment from E. +coli 16S rRNA gene) with the same tool and check where it is placed in +the reference.)


Open aligned-summary.tsv.

Where in the reference alignment do most of the sequences align? 
+Are there deviants?

Open also custom.reference.summary.tsv.

How long are the longest homopolymers in the reference? 
+How many sequences does the reference contain?

Step 10. Remove sequences which align outside the common +alignment range


Select aligned.fasta.gz and +unique.count_table, and the tool +Screen sequences for several criteria. Set +Alignment start position = 5963 (where most sequences start +based on aligned-summary.tsv), +Alignment end position = 12353 (before most sequences end), +and Maximum homopolymer length = 8. Run the tool.


Open summary.screened.tsv as spreadsheet.

How many unique sequences were removed (hint: compare with aligned-summary.tsv)? 
+How many sequences were removed overall?
+Were these sequences removed because: 
+1) they aligned outside the common alignment range, or 
+2) they contained too long homopolymers?

Step 11. Remove gaps and overhangs from the alignment. If +this creates new identical sequences, remove them


Choose screened.fasta.gz and +screened.count_table and run the tool +Filter sequence alignment.


Open filtered-log.txt.

How many columns we removed? How long is the alignment now? 
+Did the filtering generate new identical sequences, which were subsequently removed 
+(compare summary.screened.tsv and filtered-unique-summary.tsv)?

Step 12. Precluster the aligned sequences


Select filtered-unique.fasta.gz and +filtered-unique.count_table, and the tool +Precluster aligned sequences. Set +Number of differences allowed = 1 and run the tool.


Open preclustered-summary.tsv.

How many unique sequences do we have now?

Step 13. Remove chimeras


Select preclustered.fasta.gz and +preclustered.count_table and the tool +Remove chimeric sequences. Select +Reference = none, de novo, Method = vsearch +and Dereplicate = true and run the tool.


Open chimeras.removed.summary.tsv.

How many chimeras were removed?

Step 14. Classify sequences


Choose chimeras.removed.fasta.gz and +chimeras.removed.count_table, and run the tool +Classify 16S or 18S sequences to taxonomic units using Silva.


Open classification-summary.tsv and select Full Screen. +Sort the table by the taxon column (click on the word taxon).

Does your data contain chloroplast sequences? 

Step 15. Share your analysis session with a +colleague


Select your session in the session menu, click on the three dots, and +select Share. Create a new access rule: enter in the UserID field and set +Rights = read-only.

+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/IonTorrent/Exercises_day2.html b/docs/IonTorrent/Exercises_day2.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d37ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/IonTorrent/Exercises_day2.html @@ -0,0 +1,1142 @@ + + + + + + + + + + Exercises_day2.knit + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

Day 2: Microbial community analysis


Getting the data into phyloseq


Step 16. Creating phyloseq input +files


Choose chimeras.removed.fasta.gz, +chimeras.removed.count_table and +sequences-taxonomy-assignment.txt. Next, run the tool +Microbial amplicon dta preprocessing for OTU / Generate input files for phyloseq +so that you select the correct data type (16S or 18S) and +set a cut-off of 0.03 (i.e. 3%, corresponding to 97% sequence +similarity) for OTU clustering.

Why are we using a dissimilarity threshold of 3%? 
+Can you think of examples where another threshold might be more appropriate?

Step 17. Filling in the phenodata file


The Generate input files for phyloseq tool produces a +phenodata file (a file type in Chipster used for documenting sample +groupings). Before proceeding with downstream analyses, let’s take a +moment to work on the phenodata.

  1. Select the file file.opti_mcc.shared and in the +Selected files choose the tab Phenodata.

  2. +
  3. Remove the columns chiptype, group and +description by clicking the x. Create new +columns called site and bagging by clicking ++ Add column.

  4. +
  5. Check how the sample names in the column sample +start, and based on this enter the site codes HP and +KEK in the column site. Next, check the +characters after HPand KEK in the sample +names. When the next character is c, fill in control in the +column bagging. When the next characters are +ps, fill in bagged in the column +bagging.

  6. +

Check that your filled in phenodata table matches the example +below.



Step 18. Producing a phyloseq +object


Finally! 😄 We are done with pre-processing and ready to convert our +files into a phyloseq object that will be used in the +community analysis steps.


Select the Mothur shared file file.opti_mcc.shared and +constaxonomy file file.opti_mcc.0.03.cons.taxonomy. Select +the tool Convert Mothur files into phyloseq object. In +Parameters, specify the phenodata column including unique IDs +for each community profile (the column sample). Run the +tool.


This tool produces two files:

  • a phyloseq object (stored as ps.Rda)
  • +
  • a text summary of the imported object +(ps_imported.txt).
  • +
Inspect the text summary a little closer. 
+What elements does the phyloseq object consist of?

Tidying and inspecting the data


Step 19. Data tidying

  1. First, let’s remove any sequences that are not from our target +group Bacteria. Select ps.Rda and in the menu +Microbial amplicon data analyses the tool +Filter by taxonomic group tool. Choose +Bacteria as the group to retain. This helps ensure that we +only keep those data that are classified as Bacteria at the domain +level.

  2. +
  3. Earlier we already saw that our data contains chloroplast +sequences from plants, so let’s remove them together with any +mitochondrial sequences. Select the file ps_bacteria.Rda +and the tool Remove selected taxa. Set +Remove class Chloroplast = yes and +Remove family Mitochondria = yes and run the tool. You +could also use this tool to filter out other specific taxa such as known +contaminants.

  4. +
Why might you expect to see chloroplast or mitochondrial 
+sequences in a bacterial dataset - isn't that a little strange?

There are a few more additional tools for data tidying. Let’s first +get an overview of the distribution of OTUs in our data.

  1. Selecting ps_ind.Rda, run the +Additional prevalence summaries tool. This will produce +both a prevalence plot (ps_prevalence.pdf) and a text +summary (ps_low.txt). The plot has a prevalence threshold +of 5% drawn as a default guess for prevalence filtering.
  2. +
How many doubletons are there in the data set?
+Do you have an advance idea about what the term "prevalence" refers to?
+Which bacterial groups are most common and abundant in the data?
  1. There are two further tools for data tidying:
  2. +
  • Remove OTUs with 0-2 occurrences
  • +
  • Proportional prevalence filtering (for removing OTUs that occur in +less than specific % of samples)
  • +

Selecting ps_ind.Rda, run the former tool, making sure +that both singletons and doubletons are removed.

Why would we want to remove singletons and doubletons from the data?
+Can you think of situations where these should be kept as part of the dataset?

Step 20. Sequence numbers, rarefaction curve and alpha +diversity indices


Select the file ps_ind.Rda. Try running the +Sequence numbers, rarefaction curve and alpha diversity estimates +tool. Choose a phenodata variable (site or +bagging) to tabulate the alpha diversity values.

Can you already make some basic inferences about the data 
+based on the rarefaction curve and alpha diversity values?
+Based on the rarefaction curve, what do you think might be 
+best - proceeding as is or rarefying the data to even depth?

Try the Rarefy OTU data to even depth tool using the +same file ps_ind.Rda. Select the resulting dataset +ps_rarefied.Rdaand and re-run the +Sequence numbers... tool.

Would you compare alpha diversity based on non-rarefied or rarefied data?

Taking a closer look at patterns


Step 21. Stacked taxon composition bar plots


At this point, we have many alternatives that depend on the study +goals. Let’s say that, in our case, the goal is to compare the overall +community structure between different sites and treatments (with +individual OTUs being of limited interest at this stage).


Nevertheless, first we probably want to visualise the data and +compare the sites and treatments in more detail. After all, we don’t +want to blindly rely on statistical test output!


Select ps_pruned.Rda and run the +Transform OTU counts tool, selecting +Relative abundances (%) as the data treatment. We can use +relative abundance data to produce bar plots.


This will produce a file called ps_relabund.Rda. Select +it and run the OTU relative abundance bar plots tool, +making sure that you have the Sample column selected in +Phenodata variable with sequencing sample IDs. There are +quite a few other parameters here that you can also modify. Feel free to +play around with the options but start with these:

  • 1 in Relative abundance cut-off threshold (%) for excluding +OTUs
  • +
  • Class as the level of biological organisation
  • +
  • site as the phenodata variable 1 for plot faceting
  • +

The result should look close to this (click on the thumbnail to +expand the image):



Great! But let’s take a moment to think:

Based on the plot, what would you anticipate - are the sites likely to differ?
+Can you think of another way to visualise the data?

Step 22. Other ways to visualize the data


Going back to ps_pruned.Rda, let’s also visualise the +data using a multivariate ordination. For this, first use the tool +Transform OTU counts tool to perform a CLR transformation +(Centered log-ratio transformation with pseudocount).

Why might we want to use CLR transformation here, instead of % relative abundances?

Selecting the resulting file ps_clr.Rda, run the +Distance matrices and ordinations tool. Once again, one +must specify a column in the phenodata with unique IDs for each sample +(i.e. the Sample column). There are options for Euclidean +and Bray-Curtis distances - choose Euclidean and for the ordination +type, select nMDS. Also colour the ordination points by choosing +site in +Phenodata variable for grouping ordination points by colour +and define the shape by choosing bagging in +Phenodata variable for grouping ordination points by shape.


Here, we are using Aitchinson distances because we carried out a CLR +transformation and chose Euclidean distances. An alternative approach +would be to continue from the rarefied dataset +(ps_rarefied.Rda) and use Bray-Curtis dissimilarities to +produce the nMDS. In addition to nMDS, there is another ordination type +(db-RDA), but let’s focus on the nMDS for now.

Looking at the ordination (ps_ordiplot.pdf), what features stand out? 
+Does it look like any difference between groups could be due to a "location effect", 
+"dispersion effect" or both?
+What is the stress value of the nMDS (in ps_ordi.txt)? 
+Can you guess why this might be important?
+What is the advantage of plotting individual sample names here?

As a bonus topic, you might also want to produce a db-RDA plot and +consider this question:

When might you want to use db-RDA rather than nMDS?

Diving into statistics




Ok! We’re ready to run some statistical tests now. Let’s proceed with +a permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA).


The Distance matrices and ordinations tool also produced +a distance matrix (ps_dist.Rda) that we can use for +statistical testing. Selecting it, run the +Global PERMANOVA for OTU abundance data tool, selecting +Main effects only as the PERMANOVA formula and specifying +site as Phenodata variable 1.

What does the word "global" mean here?
+How would you interpret the results (global_permanova.txt)? 
+Does the site explain community variation in our data?

Using ps_dist.Rda, also run the +PERMDISP for OTU abundance data tool, selecting the same +phenodata variable.

What does PERMDISP stand for? Why would we want to use it?
+Comparing the output of this test (permdisl.txt) with the global PERMANOVA results,  
+can you confirm whether the PERMANOVA result is due to a location or dispersion effect? 
+Does the result match your earlier anticipations based on inspecting the ordination?

There are also post-hoc pairwise tests for further community +comparisons. We do not need those for the present dataset, since we are +only comparing two groups at a time.


Step 24. DESeq2


If we were interested in OTU-level differences between sample groups, +we could turn to differential abundance analysis with DESeq2 instead of +PERMANOVA. For this, let’s return to the untransformed dataset +(ps_pruned.Rda).


Choosing that dataset and the Transform OTU counts tool, +select +DEseq2 format conversion and variance-stabilizing transformation +as the data transformation. For the DESeq2 format conversion, we also +need to specify a phenodata variable - for this, use site. +We get two files as a result:

  • ps_vst.Rda
  • +
  • deseq2.Rda
  • +

Of these, deseq2.Rda can be used for DESeq2.


Selecting deseq2.Rda, run the +Differential OTU abundance analysis using DESeq2 tool, with +the number of sample groups set to 2, the lower-level taxonomic grouping +to Class and the higher-level grouping to Phylum.


Take a moment to inspect the results table +(deseq2_otutable.tsv) and results plot +(deseq2_otuplot.pdf).

Do some taxa seem more responsible for community-level differences than others?
+Which site is the reference level in the comparison, HP or KEK?
+Are  OTUs with positive log2 fold change values more abundant in HP or in KEK?
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/eLena_md/IonTorrent/.DS_Store b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf3fc3f Binary files /dev/null and b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Exercises_IonTorrent_day1.Rmd b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Exercises_IonTorrent_day1.Rmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfdd701 --- /dev/null +++ b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Exercises_IonTorrent_day1.Rmd @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +--- +output: + rmdformats::html_clean: + highlight: kate +--- + + +```{r setup, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE} +library(knitr) +library(rmdformats) + +## Global options +options(max.print="75") +opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE, + prompt=FALSE, + tidy=TRUE, + comment=NA, + message=FALSE, + warning=FALSE) +opts_knit$set(width=75) +``` + +# **Day 1: Data pre-processing** + +This is an example workflow for analysing amplicon sequence data of single-end reads from Ion Torrent sequencing. + +The data consist of 16 samples of willow [catkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catkin) to study plant-associated bacteria. The samples are a subset from a larger study that aimed to investigate the effect of pollinator visits on willow catkin microbes (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05285-7). + +The samples here were collected from + +- two sites + - HP: no honeybee hives closeby + - KEK: honeybee hives present at the site +- two treatments (4 replicates each) + - ps: willow catkins protected from pollinators by a mesh bag + - c: control catkins that pollinators visited + +Our aim is to find out if site and/or protection from pollinators influenced the bacterial community in the willow catkins. +All samples were sequenced using Ion Torrent. The amplified region is the V6-V8 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and the length of the amplicon is ca. 350 bp. The samples have been demultiplexed and barcodes removed, and each FASTQ file corresponds to one sample. + +**Step 1. Start Chipster and open a session** + +Go to [the Chipster website](https://chipster.rahtiapp.fi/) and log in. In the session list, scroll down to *Training sessions* and select *course_16S_rRNA_community_analysis_IonTorrent*. This session has 16 zipped fastq files. Save your own copy of the session: click the three dots in the *Session info* section on the lower right and select *Save a copy*. + +**Step 2. Package all the fastq files in a tar package** + +Select all the FASTQ files: + +- Go to the *List* tab, click on the first file, keep the shift key down and click on the last file. +- Select the tool `Utilities / Make a tar package`. +- Click *Parameters*, set `File name for tar package = zippedFastq`, and close the parameter window. Click *Run* and select *Run Tool 1 job*. + +Note that after this point in real life you can delete the individual FASTQ files, because you can always open the tar package using the tool `Utilities / Extract .tar.gz file`. + +**Step 3. Check the quality of reads with FastQC** + +Select the file `zippedFastq.tar` and the tool `Quality control / Read quality with MultiQC for many FASTQ files`, and click *Run*. Select the result file and click *Open in new tab*. + +``` +How long are the reads (in the General Statistics section, click +Configure columns, select Length and unselect M sequences)? + +Based on the plot Sequence Counts, do all the samples have the +same number of reads? Are most of the reads unique? + +Based on the plot Sequence Quality Histograms, is the base quality +good all along the reads? + +``` + +**Step 4. Remove primers with Cutadapt** + +Select `zippedFastq.tar` and select the tool `Microbial amplicon data preprocessing for ASV / Remove primers and adapters with Cutadapt`. + +Click *Parameters* and set `Is the data paired end or single end reads = single`. +Give the primer sequences: + +- Forward primer (in this case an M13 linker and the forward primer): +`The 5' adapter = TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGTGTCAGCTCGTGYYGTGAG` +- Reverse primer: `The 3' adapter = TTGYACACACCGCCCGT` (reverse complement of the reverse primer) + +Also set `Remove reads which were not trimmed = yes`. + +Close the parameter window and run the tool + +``` +Check the Cutadapt output (report.txt). + +Look at the first sample and check how many times the forward primer (Adapter 1) +and reverse primer (Adapter 2) were trimmed. + +Does Cutadapt with these settings detect exact matches of the primers? +``` + +**Step 5. Trim sequences for base quality and sequence length with Trimmomatic** + +Choose `adapters_removed.tar` and select the tool `Preprocessing / Trim Ion Torrent reads reads with Trimmomatic`. Set `Sliding window trimming parameters = 10:20`. Here we are telling Trimmomatic to slide along each sequence read in stretches of 10 bases, and if the average quality score of the window is below 20, trim the read at that point. Also set `Minimum length of reads to keep = 200` and run the tool. + +Choose `trimmed.tar`and run the MultiQC tool again (`Quality control / Read quality with MultiQC for many FASTQ files`) + +``` +Do you see any differences in the sequence counts and sequence quality histograms +compared to the first time we ran the tool before primer removal and quality trimming? +``` + +**Step 6. Combine FASTQ files and create count file** + +Select `trimmed.tar` run the tool `Microbial amplicon data preprocessing for OTU / Combine FASTQ files into one FASTA file and make a Mothur count file`. + +Check the summary file `sequences-summary.tsv`. + +``` +How long are most of the sequences? +How long is the longest sequence? +Are there any ambiguous bases in the sequences? +How many sequences are there in total? +``` + +**(Step 7. Screen sequences for ambiguous bases and suspiciously long sequences)** + +Generally at this point, we would screen the sequences for example as follows: +Select `sequences.fasta.gz` and `sequences.count_table` (use ctrl / cmd key to select multiple files). Select the tool `Screen sequences for several criteria` and in parameters set `Maximum number of ambiguous bases = 0` and `Maximum length = 400`. However, we see from the output of the previous step that these steps are not necessary for this data set (there are no ambiguous bases and the longest sequence is only 333 bp), so let's skip this step and continue to step 8. + +**Step 8. Remove identical sequences** + +Select the files `sequences.fasta.gz`and `sequences.count_table` (use ctrl / cmd key to select multiple files) and run the tool `Extract unique sequences`. + +Note: If we had run step 7, we would have selected files `screened.fasta.gz` and `screened.count_table` here. + +Check the summary file `unique.summary.tsv`. + +``` +How many unique sequences vs. total sequence are there? +Why are we removing the identical sequences? +``` + +**Step 9. Align sequences to reference** + +Next, we will align our sequences against the Silva v. 138.1 reference alignment. Select the files `unique.fasta.gz` and `unique.count_table`, and run the tool `Align sequences to reference` so that you use only the following section of the reference template alignment: `Start = 28500` and `End = 43100`. + +(Note that these start and end values are selected for this specific V6-V8 region amplicon. To modify the values for other regions, align an example sequence (a small set of samples or the same fragment from E. coli 16S rRNA gene) with the same tool and check where it is placed in the reference.) + +Open `aligned-summary.tsv`. + +``` +Where in the reference alignment do most of the sequences align? +Are there deviants? +``` + +Open also `custom.reference.summary.tsv`. + +``` +How long are the longest homopolymers in the reference? +How many sequences does the reference contain? +``` + +**Step 10. Remove sequences which align outside the common alignment range** + +Select `aligned.fasta.gz` and `unique.count_table`, and the tool `Screen sequences for several criteria`. Set `Alignment start position = 5963` (where most sequences start based on `aligned-summary.tsv`), `Alignment end position = 12353` (before most sequences end), and `Maximum homopolymer length = 8`. Run the tool. + +Open `summary.screened.tsv` as spreadsheet. + +``` +How many unique sequences were removed (hint: compare with aligned-summary.tsv)? +How many sequences were removed overall? + +Were these sequences removed because: +1) they aligned outside the common alignment range, or +2) they contained too long homopolymers? +``` + +**Step 11. Remove gaps and overhangs from the alignment. If this creates new identical sequences, remove them** + +Choose `screened.fasta.gz` and `screened.count_table` and run the tool `Filter sequence alignment`. + +Open `filtered-log.txt`. + +``` +How many columns we removed? How long is the alignment now? + +Did the filtering generate new identical sequences, which were subsequently removed +(compare summary.screened.tsv and filtered-unique-summary.tsv)? +``` + +**Step 12. Precluster the aligned sequences** + +Select `filtered-unique.fasta.gz` and `filtered-unique.count_table`, and the tool `Precluster aligned sequences`. Set `Number of differences allowed = 1` and run the tool. + +Open `preclustered-summary.tsv`. + +``` +How many unique sequences do we have now? +``` + +**Step 13. Remove chimeras** + +Select `preclustered.fasta.gz` and `preclustered.count_table` and the tool `Remove chimeric sequences`. Select `Reference = none, de novo`, `Method = vsearch` and `Dereplicate = true` and run the tool. + +Open `chimeras.removed.summary.tsv`. + +``` +How many chimeras were removed? +``` + +**Step 14. Classify sequences** + +Choose `chimeras.removed.fasta.gz` and `chimeras.removed.count_table`, and run the tool `Classify 16S or 18S sequences to taxonomic units using Silva.` + +Open `classification-summary.tsv` and select Full Screen. +Sort the table by the taxon column (click on the word taxon). + +``` +Does your data contain chloroplast sequences? +``` + +**Step 15. Share your analysis session with a colleague** + +Select your session in the session menu, click on the three dots, and select *Share*. +Create a new access rule: enter haka/ekorpela@csc.fi in the UserID field and set Rights = read-only. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Exercises_IonTorrent_day2.Rmd b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Exercises_IonTorrent_day2.Rmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..369cbc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Exercises_IonTorrent_day2.Rmd @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +--- +output: + rmdformats::html_clean: + highlight: kate +--- + + +```{r setup, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE} +library(knitr) +library(rmdformats) + +## Global options +options(max.print="75") +opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE, + prompt=FALSE, + tidy=TRUE, + comment=NA, + message=FALSE, + warning=FALSE) +opts_knit$set(width=75) +``` + +# **Day 2: Microbial community analysis** + +### **Getting the data into `phyloseq`** + +**Step 16. Creating `phyloseq` input files** + +Choose `chimeras.removed.fasta.gz`, `chimeras.removed.count_table` and `sequences-taxonomy-assignment.txt`. +Next, run the tool `Microbial amplicon dta preprocessing for OTU / Generate input files for phyloseq` so that you select the correct data type (`16S or 18S`) and set a cut-off of 0.03 (i.e. 3%, corresponding to 97% sequence similarity) for OTU clustering. + +``` +Why are we using a dissimilarity threshold of 3%? +Can you think of examples where another threshold might be more appropriate? +``` + +**Step 17. Filling in the phenodata file** + +The `Generate input files for phyloseq` tool produces a phenodata file (a file type in Chipster used for documenting sample groupings). Before proceeding with downstream analyses, let's take a moment to work on the phenodata. + +i) Select the file `file.opti_mcc.shared` and in the *Selected files* choose the tab *Phenodata*. + +ii) Remove the columns `chiptype`, `group` and `description` by clicking the `x`. Create new columns called `site` and `bagging` by clicking `+ Add column`. + +iii) Check how the sample names in the column `sample` start, and based on this enter the site codes `HP` and `KEK` in the column `site`. Next, check the characters after `HP`and `KEK` in the sample names. When the next character is c, fill in `control` in the column `bagging`. When the next characters are `ps`, fill in `bagged` in the column `bagging`. + +Check that your filled in phenodata table matches the example below. + +![](Images/phenodata_IonTorrent.png?raw=true) + + +**Step 18. Producing a `phyloseq` object** + +Finally! `r emo::ji("smile")` We are done with pre-processing and ready to convert our files into a `phyloseq` object that will be used in the community analysis steps. + +Select the Mothur shared file `file.opti_mcc.shared` and constaxonomy file `file.opti_mcc.0.03.cons.taxonomy`. Select the tool `Convert Mothur files into phyloseq object`. In *Parameters*, specify the phenodata column including unique IDs for each community profile (the column `sample`). Run the tool. + +This tool produces two files: + +- a `phyloseq` object (stored as `ps.Rda`) +- a text summary of the imported object (`ps_imported.txt`). + +``` +Inspect the text summary a little closer. +What elements does the phyloseq object consist of? +``` + +### **Tidying and inspecting the data** + +**Step 19. Data tidying** + +i) First, let's remove any sequences that are not from our target group Bacteria. Select `ps.Rda` and in the menu `Microbial amplicon data analyses` the tool `Filter by taxonomic group` tool. Choose `Bacteria` as the group to retain. This helps ensure that we only keep those data that are classified as Bacteria at the domain level. + +ii) Earlier we already saw that our data contains chloroplast sequences from plants, so let's remove them together with any mitochondrial sequences. Select the file `ps_bacteria.Rda` and the tool `Remove selected taxa`. Set `Remove class Chloroplast = yes` and `Remove family Mitochondria = yes` and run the tool. You could also use this tool to filter out other specific taxa such as known contaminants. + +``` +Why might you expect to see chloroplast or mitochondrial +sequences in a bacterial dataset - isn't that a little strange? +``` + +There are a few more additional tools for data tidying. Let's first get an overview of the distribution of OTUs in our data. + +iii) Selecting `ps_ind.Rda`, run the `Additional prevalence summaries` tool. This will produce both a prevalence plot (`ps_prevalence.pdf`) and a text summary (`ps_low.txt`). The plot has a prevalence threshold of 5% drawn as a default guess for prevalence filtering. + +``` +How many doubletons are there in the data set? +Do you have an advance idea about what the term "prevalence" refers to? +Which bacterial groups are most common and abundant in the data? +``` + +iv) There are two further tools for data tidying: + +- Remove OTUs with 0-2 occurrences +- Proportional prevalence filtering (for removing OTUs that occur in less than specific % of samples) + +Selecting `ps_ind.Rda`, run the former tool, making sure that both singletons and doubletons are removed. + +``` +Why would we want to remove singletons and doubletons from the data? +Can you think of situations where these should be kept as part of the dataset? +``` + +**Step 20. Sequence numbers, rarefaction curve and alpha diversity indices** + +Select the file `ps_ind.Rda`. Try running the `Sequence numbers, rarefaction curve and alpha diversity estimates` tool. Choose a phenodata variable (`site` or `bagging`) to tabulate the alpha diversity values. + +``` +Can you already make some basic inferences about the data +based on the rarefaction curve and alpha diversity values? + +Based on the rarefaction curve, what do you think might be +best - proceeding as is or rarefying the data to even depth? +``` + +Try the `Rarefy OTU data to even depth` tool using the same file `ps_ind.Rda`. Select the resulting dataset `ps_rarefied.Rda`and and re-run the `Sequence numbers...` tool. + +``` +Would you compare alpha diversity based on non-rarefied or rarefied data? +``` + +### **Taking a closer look at patterns** + +**Step 21. Stacked taxon composition bar plots** + +At this point, we have many alternatives that depend on the study goals. Let's say that, in our case, the goal is to compare the overall community structure between different sites and treatments (with individual OTUs being of limited interest at this stage). + +Nevertheless, first we probably want to visualise the data and compare the sites and treatments in more detail. +After all, we don't want to blindly rely on statistical test output! + +Select `ps_pruned.Rda` and run the `Transform OTU counts` tool, selecting `Relative abundances (%)` as the data treatment. We can use relative abundance data to produce bar plots. + +This will produce a file called `ps_relabund.Rda`. Select it and run the `OTU relative abundance bar plots` tool, making sure that you have the `Sample` column selected in `Phenodata variable with sequencing sample IDs`. There are quite a few other parameters here that you can also modify. Feel free to play around with the options but start with these: + +- 1 in Relative abundance cut-off threshold (%) for excluding OTUs +- Class as the level of biological organisation +- site as the phenodata variable 1 for plot faceting + +The result should look close to this (click on the thumbnail to expand the image): + +![](Images/taxbar_IonTorrent.png?raw=true) + +Great! But let's take a moment to think: + +``` +Based on the plot, what would you anticipate - are the sites likely to differ? +Can you think of another way to visualise the data? +``` +**Step 22. Other ways to visualize the data** + +Going back to `ps_pruned.Rda`, let's also visualise the data using a multivariate ordination. For this, first use the tool `Transform OTU counts tool` to perform a CLR transformation (`Centered log-ratio transformation with pseudocount`). + +``` +Why might we want to use CLR transformation here, instead of % relative abundances? +``` +Selecting the resulting file `ps_clr.Rda`, run the `Distance matrices and ordinations` tool. Once again, one must specify a column in the phenodata with unique IDs for each sample (i.e. the `Sample` column). There are options for Euclidean and Bray-Curtis distances - choose Euclidean and for the ordination type, select nMDS. Also colour the ordination points by choosing `site` in `Phenodata variable for grouping ordination points by colour` and define the shape by choosing `bagging` in `Phenodata variable for grouping ordination points by shape`. + +Here, we are using Aitchinson distances because we carried out a CLR transformation and chose Euclidean distances. An alternative approach would be to continue from the rarefied dataset (`ps_rarefied.Rda`) and use Bray-Curtis dissimilarities to produce the nMDS. In addition to nMDS, there is another ordination type (db-RDA), but let's focus on the nMDS for now. + +``` +Looking at the ordination (ps_ordiplot.pdf), what features stand out? +Does it look like any difference between groups could be due to a "location effect", +"dispersion effect" or both? + +What is the stress value of the nMDS (in ps_ordi.txt)? +Can you guess why this might be important? + +What is the advantage of plotting individual sample names here? +``` +As a bonus topic, you might also want to produce a db-RDA plot and consider this question: +``` +When might you want to use db-RDA rather than nMDS? +``` + +### **Diving into statistics** + +**Step 23. PERMANOVA** + +Ok! We're ready to run some statistical tests now. +Let's proceed with a permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). + +The `Distance matrices and ordinations` tool also produced a distance matrix (`ps_dist.Rda`) that we can use for statistical testing. Selecting it, run the `Global PERMANOVA for OTU abundance data` tool, selecting `Main effects only` as the PERMANOVA formula and specifying `site` as `Phenodata variable 1`. + +``` +What does the word "global" mean here? + +How would you interpret the results (global_permanova.txt)? +Does the site explain community variation in our data? +``` + +Using `ps_dist.Rda`, also run the `PERMDISP for OTU abundance data` tool, selecting the same phenodata variable. + +``` +What does PERMDISP stand for? Why would we want to use it? + +Comparing the output of this test (permdisl.txt) with the global PERMANOVA results, +can you confirm whether the PERMANOVA result is due to a location or dispersion effect? + +Does the result match your earlier anticipations based on inspecting the ordination? +``` + +There are also post-hoc pairwise tests for further community comparisons. We do not need those for the present dataset, since we are only comparing two groups at a time. + +**Step 24. DESeq2** + +If we were interested in OTU-level differences between sample groups, we could turn to differential abundance analysis with DESeq2 instead of PERMANOVA. For this, let's return to the untransformed dataset (`ps_pruned.Rda`). + +Choosing that dataset and the `Transform OTU counts` tool, select `DEseq2 format conversion and variance-stabilizing transformation` as the data transformation. For the DESeq2 format conversion, we also need to specify a phenodata variable - for this, use `site`. We get two files as a result: + +- `ps_vst.Rda` +- `deseq2.Rda` + +Of these, `deseq2.Rda` can be used for DESeq2. + +Selecting `deseq2.Rda`, run the `Differential OTU abundance analysis using DESeq2` tool, with the number of sample groups set to 2, the lower-level taxonomic grouping to Class and the higher-level grouping to Phylum. + +Take a moment to inspect the results table (`deseq2_otutable.tsv`) and results plot (`deseq2_otuplot.pdf`). + +``` +Do some taxa seem more responsible for community-level differences than others? +Which site is the reference level in the comparison, HP or KEK? +Are OTUs with positive log2 fold change values more abundant in HP or in KEK? +``` diff --git a/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Images/phenodata_IonTorrent.png b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Images/phenodata_IonTorrent.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebcd5d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Images/phenodata_IonTorrent.png differ diff --git a/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Images/taxbar_IonTorrent.png b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Images/taxbar_IonTorrent.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fe0412 Binary files /dev/null and b/eLena_md/IonTorrent/Images/taxbar_IonTorrent.png differ