From 11cad28fc6b4d6dbf8741c28902634816dfae038 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hyperandroid Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 17:07:03 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] 02/23/2012 *0.3 Build 208* -------------------------- * Added to CAAT.Scene the following methods: + findActorAtPosition(CAAT.Point) : custom actor find procedure. This is overriden to attend at the priority input lists. + enableInputList(number) : number of priority lists to set for this scene. A priority list is a list of actors to which are suitable to receive input first. If no actor on the priority lists are under the cursor, the whole scene graph is traversed instead. + addActorToInputList( actor, index, position ) : add an actor to a given priority list at certain position. + emptyInputList( index ) : remove all elements from a list. + removeActorFromInputList( actor, index ) : remove an actor from a list, or if no index list is supplied remove the actor from every list in which appears. * Fixed Actor.setImageTransformation( CAAT.SpriteImage.prototype.TR_TILE ) which didn't honor actor position and offset to appropriately place the tiling image. Also the performance sink when using this flag with huge actors's been fixed. --- build/caat-box2d-min.js | 6 +- build/caat-box2d.js | 6 +- build/caat-css-min.js | 93 +- build/caat-css.js | 23 +- build/caat-min.js | 107 +- build/caat.js | 142 +- changelog | 16 + .../demos/demo-resources/img/hoppy.png | Bin 0 -> 54100 bytes .../demo-resources/img/numerospuntos.png | Bin 0 -> 12074 bytes .../demos/demo4/coordinates_org.html | 19 +- ...Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_math_bezier.js.html | 916 ++--- ...Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html | 2426 ++++++------ .../_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_path.js.html | 3254 +++++++++-------- ...rs_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_pathactor.js.html | 182 +- src/model/actor.js | 3 +- src/model/conpoundimage.js | 15 +- src/model/director.js | 2 +- src/model/scene.js | 116 + 18 files changed, 3857 insertions(+), 3469 deletions(-) create mode 100644 documentation/demos/demo-resources/img/hoppy.png create mode 100644 documentation/demos/demo-resources/img/numerospuntos.png diff --git a/build/caat-box2d-min.js b/build/caat-box2d-min.js index 5c5beffc..d71cbe0d 100644 --- a/build/caat-box2d-min.js +++ b/build/caat-box2d-min.js @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.3 build: 180 +Version: 0.3 build: 208 Created on: -DATE: 2012-02-20 -TIME: 23:55:10 +DATE: 2012-02-23 +TIME: 17:03:41 */ diff --git a/build/caat-box2d.js b/build/caat-box2d.js index 223d7b2c..c5636b38 100644 --- a/build/caat-box2d.js +++ b/build/caat-box2d.js @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.3 build: 181 +Version: 0.3 build: 209 Created on: -DATE: 2012-02-20 -TIME: 23:55:34 +DATE: 2012-02-23 +TIME: 17:04:10 */ diff --git a/build/caat-css-min.js b/build/caat-css-min.js index 9e0be9de..d703b8f9 100644 --- a/build/caat-css-min.js +++ b/build/caat-css-min.js @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.3 build: 180 +Version: 0.3 build: 208 Created on: -DATE: 2012-02-20 -TIME: 23:55:10 +DATE: 2012-02-23 +TIME: 17:03:41 */ @@ -191,38 +191,39 @@ d.drawElements(d.TRIANGLES,3*b,d.UNSIGNED_SHORT,0)},glFlush:function(){this.coor render:function(a){this.time+=a;this.animate(this,a);CAAT.DEBUG&&this.resetStats();var b=this.childrenList.length,c,d,e,f=this.ctx;if(this.glEnabled){|;for(c=this.uvIndex=this.coordsIndex=0;c0&&CAAT.DEBUG&&CAAT.DEBUG_DIRTYRECTS){f.beginPath();this.nDirtyRects=0;d=this.cDirtyRects;for(c=0;c=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height;this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha=1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc; -this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix=e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height);this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null===this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length}, -easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx,d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION? -a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g,h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e<0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)): -e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)):(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator()); -this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)},setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a; -a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d-1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()- -1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene=a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b=0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b);this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)},endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear=a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled= -true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var e=0,f=0,g;navigator.browser!=="iOS"&&a&&;)if(g=a.currentStyle?a.currentStyle.position:(g=(a.ownerDocument.defaultView||a.ownerDocument.parentWindow).getComputedStyle(a,null))?g.getPropertyValue("position"):null,/^(fixed)$/.test(g))break;else e+=a[d],f+=a[c],a=a[b];return{x:e,y:f,style:g}},getOffset:function(a){var b=this.cumulateOffset(a,"offsetParent","offset"); -return"fixed"?(a=this.cumulateOffset(a,a.parentNode?"parentNode":"parentElement","scroll"),{x:b.x+a.x,y:b.y+a.y}):{x:b.x,y:b.y}},getCanvasCoord:function(a,b){var c=0,d=0;if(!b)b=window.event;if(b.pageX||b.pageY)c=b.pageX,d=b.pageY;else if(b.clientX||b.clientY)c=b.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft,d=b.clientY+document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop;var e=this.getOffset(;c-=e.x;d-=e.y;d=new CAAT.Point(c,d);this.modelViewMatrixI= -this.modelViewMatrix.getInverse();this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(d);c=d.x;d=d.y;a.set(c,d);this.screenMousePoint.set(c,d)},__mouseDownHandler:function(a){if(this.dragging&&this.lastSelectedActor)this.__mouseUpHandler(a);else{this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);this.isMouseDown=true;var b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint);if(null!==b){var c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));b.mouseDown((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y)))}this.lastSelectedActor=b}},__mouseUpHandler:function(a){this.isMouseDown=false;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=null,c=this.lastSelectedActor;null!==c&&(b=c.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),c.actionPerformed&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.actionPerformed(a),c.mouseUp((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!==c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x, -b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x= -c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))),c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y, -a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b);a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_= -this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor=b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y, -0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))},__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)}, -__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b0&&CAAT.DEBUG&&CAAT.DEBUG_DIRTYRECTS){f.beginPath();this.nDirtyRects=0;d=this.cDirtyRects;for(c=0;c=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height;this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha=1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0, +0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc;this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix=e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height);this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null=== +this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length},easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx,d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform(); +a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g,h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e< +0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)): +(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)}, +setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a;a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d-1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a, +b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()-1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene=a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b=0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b);this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)}, +endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear=a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled=true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var e=0,f=0,g;navigator.browser!=="iOS"&&a&&;)if(g=a.currentStyle?a.currentStyle.position:(g=(a.ownerDocument.defaultView||a.ownerDocument.parentWindow).getComputedStyle(a,null))?g.getPropertyValue("position"):null,/^(fixed)$/.test(g))break; +else e+=a[d],f+=a[c],a=a[b];return{x:e,y:f,style:g}},getOffset:function(a){var b=this.cumulateOffset(a,"offsetParent","offset");return"fixed"?(a=this.cumulateOffset(a,a.parentNode?"parentNode":"parentElement","scroll"),{x:b.x+a.x,y:b.y+a.y}):{x:b.x,y:b.y}},getCanvasCoord:function(a,b){var c=0,d=0;if(!b)b=window.event;if(b.pageX||b.pageY)c=b.pageX,d=b.pageY;else if(b.clientX||b.clientY)c=b.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft,d=b.clientY+document.body.scrollTop+ +document.documentElement.scrollTop;var e=this.getOffset(;c-=e.x;d-=e.y;d=new CAAT.Point(c,d);this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(d);c=d.x;d=d.y;a.set(c,d);this.screenMousePoint.set(c,d)},__mouseDownHandler:function(a){if(this.dragging&&this.lastSelectedActor)this.__mouseUpHandler(a);else{this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);this.isMouseDown=true;var b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint);if(null!==b){var c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y, +0));b.mouseDown((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y)))}this.lastSelectedActor=b}},__mouseUpHandler:function(a){this.isMouseDown=false;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=null,c=this.lastSelectedActor;null!==c&&(b=c.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),c.actionPerformed&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.actionPerformed(a),c.mouseUp((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint, +this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!==c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x, +c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x=c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint), +b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))), +c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b);a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint, +this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_=this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time), +b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor=b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor, +this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))},__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)},__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b>0)*e;var k=i+(d/h>>0)*f,m=g+e,n=k+f;g=(new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(g,k,m-g,n-k,j.width,j.height)).setGL(g/j.width,k/j.height,m/j.width,n/j.height);this.mapInfo[d]=g}}else for(d=0;d0&&(g-=e);var h=this.offsetY%f;h>0&&(h-=f);var e=((this.ownerActor.width-g)/e>>0)+1,f=((this.ownerActor.height-h)/f>>0)+1,i,j;for(i=0;i>0,d+h+i* -b.height>>0,b.width,b.height)},paintInvertedH:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate((c|0)+b.width,d|0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width, -b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedHV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.translate(b.width,0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintN:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image, -b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,b.width,b.height);return this},paintScaled:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,this.ownerActor.width,this.ownerActor.height);return this},getCurrentSpriteImageCSSPosition:function(){var a=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];return"-"+(a.x-this.offsetX)+"px -"+(a.y-this.offsetY)+"px "+(this.transformation===this.TR_TILE? -"":"no-repeat")},getNumImages:function(){return this.rows*this.columns},setUV:function(a,b){var c=this.image;if(c.__texturePage){var d=b,e=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex],f=e.u,g=e.v,h=e.u1,e=e.v1;if(this.offsetX||this.offsetY)f=c.__texturePage,g=-this.offsetY/f.height,h=(this.ownerActor.width-this.offsetX)/f.width,e=(this.ownerActor.height-this.offsetY)/f.height,f=-this.offsetX/f.width+c.__u,g+=c.__v,h+=c.__u,e+=c.__v;c.inverted?(a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]= -g):(a[d++]=f,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e)}},setChangeFPS:function(a){this.changeFPS=a;return this},setSpriteTransformation:function(a){this.transformation=a;switch(a){case this.TR_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedH;break;case this.TR_FLIP_VERTICAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedV;break;case this.TR_FLIP_ALL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedHV;break;case this.TR_FIXED_TO_SIZE:this.paint=this.paintScaled;break;case this.TR_TILE:this.paint=this.paintTiled;break; -default:this.paint=this.paintN}return this},setAnimationImageIndex:function(a){this.animationImageIndex=a;this.spriteIndex=a[0];return this},setSpriteIndex:function(a){this.spriteIndex=a;return this},setSpriteIndexAtTime:function(a){if(this.animationImageIndex.length>1)this.prevAnimationTime===-1?(this.prevAnimationTime=a,this.spriteIndex=0):(a-=this.prevAnimationTime,a/=this.changeFPS,a%=this.animationImageIndex.length,this.spriteIndex=this.animationImageIndex[Math.floor(a)])},getMapInfo:function(a){return this.mapInfo[a]}, -initializeFromMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b)d=b[c],d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(d.x,d.y,d.width,d.height,a.width,a.height),this.mapInfo[c]=d,e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]),e++;return this},initializeAsGlyphDesigner:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b){var f=b[c];d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(f.x,f.y,f.width,f.height,a.width,a.height);d.xoffset=typeof f.xoffset==="undefined"?0:f.xoffset;d.yoffset=typeof f.yoffset==="undefined"?0:f.yoffset; -d.xadvance=typeof f.xadvance==="undefined"?f.width:f.xadvance;this.mapInfo[c]=d;e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]);e++}return this},initializeAsFontMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);for(var c,d=0,e=0;e>0,f=0;fa&&(a=c)}return this.fontHeight=a},drawString:function(a,b,c,d){for(var e,f,g=b.split(""),b=0;b=this.duration?(this.remove=true,this.callback_timeout&&this.callback_timeout(a,b,this)):this.callback_tick&&this.callback_tick(a, +g=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(e,f,this.singleWidth,this.singleHeight,a.width,a.height),this.mapInfo[d]=g;return this},paintTiled:function(a,b){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);var c=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex],d=new CAAT.Rectangle;this.ownerActor.AABB.intersect(a.AABB,d);var e=this.getWidth(),f=this.getHeight(),g=(this.offsetX-this.ownerActor.x)%e;g>0&&(g-=e);var h=(this.offsetY-this.ownerActor.y)%f;h>0&&(h-=f);var e=((d.width-g)/e>>0)+1,f=((d.height-h)/f>>0)+1,i,j,k=a.ctx;for(i=0;i>0,d.y-this.ownerActor.y+h+i*c.height>>0,c.width,c.height)},paintInvertedH:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate((c|0)+b.width,d|0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex]; +a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedHV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.translate(b.width,0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this}, +paintN:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,b.width,b.height);return this},paintScaled:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,this.ownerActor.width,this.ownerActor.height);return this},getCurrentSpriteImageCSSPosition:function(){var a=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex]; +return"-"+(a.x-this.offsetX)+"px -"+(a.y-this.offsetY)+"px "+(this.transformation===this.TR_TILE?"":"no-repeat")},getNumImages:function(){return this.rows*this.columns},setUV:function(a,b){var c=this.image;if(c.__texturePage){var d=b,e=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex],f=e.u,g=e.v,h=e.u1,e=e.v1;if(this.offsetX||this.offsetY)f=c.__texturePage,g=-this.offsetY/f.height,h=(this.ownerActor.width-this.offsetX)/f.width,e=(this.ownerActor.height-this.offsetY)/f.height,f=-this.offsetX/f.width+c.__u,g+=c.__v, +h+=c.__u,e+=c.__v;c.inverted?(a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=g):(a[d++]=f,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e)}},setChangeFPS:function(a){this.changeFPS=a;return this},setSpriteTransformation:function(a){this.transformation=a;switch(a){case this.TR_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedH;break;case this.TR_FLIP_VERTICAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedV;break;case this.TR_FLIP_ALL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedHV;break;case this.TR_FIXED_TO_SIZE:this.paint= +this.paintScaled;break;case this.TR_TILE:this.paint=this.paintTiled;break;default:this.paint=this.paintN}return this},setAnimationImageIndex:function(a){this.animationImageIndex=a;this.spriteIndex=a[0];return this},setSpriteIndex:function(a){this.spriteIndex=a;return this},setSpriteIndexAtTime:function(a){if(this.animationImageIndex.length>1)this.prevAnimationTime===-1?(this.prevAnimationTime=a,this.spriteIndex=0):(a-=this.prevAnimationTime,a/=this.changeFPS,a%=this.animationImageIndex.length,this.spriteIndex= +this.animationImageIndex[Math.floor(a)])},getMapInfo:function(a){return this.mapInfo[a]},initializeFromMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b)d=b[c],d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(d.x,d.y,d.width,d.height,a.width,a.height),this.mapInfo[c]=d,e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]),e++;return this},initializeAsGlyphDesigner:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b){var f=b[c];d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(f.x,f.y,f.width,f.height,a.width,a.height);d.xoffset=typeof f.xoffset=== +"undefined"?0:f.xoffset;d.yoffset=typeof f.yoffset==="undefined"?0:f.yoffset;d.xadvance=typeof f.xadvance==="undefined"?f.width:f.xadvance;this.mapInfo[c]=d;e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]);e++}return this},initializeAsFontMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);for(var c,d=0,e=0;e>0,f=0;fa&&(a=c)}return this.fontHeight=a},drawString:function(a,b,c,d){for(var e, +f,g=b.split(""),b=0;b=this.duration?(this.remove=true,this.callback_timeout&&this.callback_timeout(a,b,this)):this.callback_tick&&this.callback_tick(a, b,this);return this},reset:function(a){this.remove=false;this.startTime=a;this.scene.ensureTimerTask(this);return this},cancel:function(){this.remove=true;null!=this.callback_cancel&&this.callback_cancel(this.scene.time,this.scene.time-this.startTime,this);return this}}})();(function(){CAAT.Scene=function(){;this.timerList=[];"overflow","hidden");return this};CAAT.Scene.prototype={easeContainerBehaviour:null,easeContainerBehaviourListener:null,easeIn:false,EASE_ROTATION:1,EASE_SCALE:2,EASE_TRANSLATE:3,timerList:null,timerSequence:0,paused:false,isPaused:function(){return this.paused},setPaused:function(a){this.paused=a},checkTimers:function(a){for(var b=this.timerList.length-1;b>=0;)this.timerList[b].remove||this.timerList[b].checkTask(a), b--},ensureTimerTask:function(a){this.hasTimer(a)||this.timerList.push(a);return this},hasTimer:function(a){for(var b=this.timerList.length-1;b>=0;){if(this.timerList[b]===a)return true;b--}return false},createTimer:function(a,b,c,d,e){a=(new CAAT.TimerTask).create(a,b,c,d,e);a.taskId=this.timerSequence++;a.sceneTime=this.time;a.scene=this;this.timerList.push(a);return a},removeExpiredTimers:function(){var a;for(a=0;a 0 ) { xoff= xoff-w; } - var yoff= this.offsetY % h; + var yoff= (this.offsetY-this.ownerActor.y) % h; if ( yoff> 0 ) { yoff= yoff-h; } - var nw= (((this.ownerActor.width-xoff)/w)>>0)+1; - var nh= (((this.ownerActor.height-yoff)/h)>>0)+1; + var nw= (((r.width-xoff)/w)>>0)+1; + var nh= (((r.height-yoff)/h)>>0)+1; var i,j; var ctx= director.ctx; for( i=0; i>0, (y+yoff+i*el.height)>>0, + (r.x-this.ownerActor.x+xoff+j*el.width)>>0, (r.y-this.ownerActor.y+yoff+i*el.height)>>0, el.width, el.height); } } diff --git a/build/caat-min.js b/build/caat-min.js index b6faa76c..feee58fb 100644 --- a/build/caat-min.js +++ b/build/caat-min.js @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.3 build: 180 +Version: 0.3 build: 208 Created on: -DATE: 2012-02-20 -TIME: 23:55:10 +DATE: 2012-02-23 +TIME: 17:03:41 */ @@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ a;this.dirty=true;return this},setRotationAnchored:function(a,b,c){this.rotation b){this.tAnchorX=a;this.tAnchorY=b;return this},setPositionAnchored:function(a,b,c,d){this.setLocation(a,b);this.tAnchorX=c;this.tAnchorY=d;return this},isInAnimationFrame:function(a){if(this.expired)return false;if(this.duration===Number.MAX_VALUE)return this.start_time<=a;return a>=this.start_time+this.duration?(this.expired||this.setExpired(a),false):this.start_time<=a&&a=0&&b>=0&&a0&&CAAT.DEBUG&&CAAT.DEBUG_DIRTYRECTS){f.beginPath();this.nDirtyRects=0;d=this.cDirtyRects;for(c=0;c=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height;this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha=1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc; -this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix=e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height);this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null===this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length}, -easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx,d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION? -a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g,h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e<0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)): -e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)):(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator()); -this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)},setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a; -a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d-1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()- -1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene=a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b=0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b);this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)},endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear=a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled= -true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var 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CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!==c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x, -b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x= -c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))),c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y, -a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b);a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_= -this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor=b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y, -0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))},__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)}, -__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b0&&CAAT.DEBUG&&CAAT.DEBUG_DIRTYRECTS){f.beginPath();this.nDirtyRects=0;d=this.cDirtyRects;for(c=0;c=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height;this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha=1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0, +0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc;this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix=e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height);this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null=== +this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length},easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx,d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform(); +a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g,h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e< +0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)): +(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)}, +setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a;a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d-1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a, +b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()-1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene=a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b=0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b);this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)}, +endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear=a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled=true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var 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CAAT.Point(c,d);this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(d);c=d.x;d=d.y;a.set(c,d);this.screenMousePoint.set(c,d)},__mouseDownHandler:function(a){if(this.dragging&&this.lastSelectedActor)this.__mouseUpHandler(a);else{this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);this.isMouseDown=true;var b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint);if(null!==b){var c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y, +0));b.mouseDown((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y)))}this.lastSelectedActor=b}},__mouseUpHandler:function(a){this.isMouseDown=false;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=null,c=this.lastSelectedActor;null!==c&&(b=c.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),c.actionPerformed&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.actionPerformed(a),c.mouseUp((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint, +this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!==c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x, +c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x=c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint), +b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))), +c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b);a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint, +this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_=this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time), +b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor=b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor, +this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))},__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)},__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b>0)*e;var k=i+(d/h>>0)*f,l=g+e,n=k+f;g=(new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(g,k,l-g,n-k,j.width,j.height)).setGL(g/j.width,k/j.height,l/j.width,n/j.height);this.mapInfo[d]=g}}else for(d=0;d0&&(g-=e);var h=this.offsetY%f;h>0&&(h-=f);var e=((this.ownerActor.width-g)/e>>0)+1,f=((this.ownerActor.height-h)/f>>0)+1,i,j;for(i=0;i>0,d+h+i* -b.height>>0,b.width,b.height)},paintInvertedH:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate((c|0)+b.width,d|0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width, -b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedHV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.translate(b.width,0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintN:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image, -b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,b.width,b.height);return this},paintScaled:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,this.ownerActor.width,this.ownerActor.height);return this},getCurrentSpriteImageCSSPosition:function(){var a=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];return"-"+(a.x-this.offsetX)+"px -"+(a.y-this.offsetY)+"px "+(this.transformation===this.TR_TILE? -"":"no-repeat")},getNumImages:function(){return this.rows*this.columns},setUV:function(a,b){var c=this.image;if(c.__texturePage){var d=b,e=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex],f=e.u,g=e.v,h=e.u1,e=e.v1;if(this.offsetX||this.offsetY)f=c.__texturePage,g=-this.offsetY/f.height,h=(this.ownerActor.width-this.offsetX)/f.width,e=(this.ownerActor.height-this.offsetY)/f.height,f=-this.offsetX/f.width+c.__u,g+=c.__v,h+=c.__u,e+=c.__v;c.inverted?(a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]= -g):(a[d++]=f,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e)}},setChangeFPS:function(a){this.changeFPS=a;return this},setSpriteTransformation:function(a){this.transformation=a;switch(a){case this.TR_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedH;break;case this.TR_FLIP_VERTICAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedV;break;case this.TR_FLIP_ALL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedHV;break;case this.TR_FIXED_TO_SIZE:this.paint=this.paintScaled;break;case this.TR_TILE:this.paint=this.paintTiled;break; -default:this.paint=this.paintN}return this},setAnimationImageIndex:function(a){this.animationImageIndex=a;this.spriteIndex=a[0];return this},setSpriteIndex:function(a){this.spriteIndex=a;return this},setSpriteIndexAtTime:function(a){if(this.animationImageIndex.length>1)this.prevAnimationTime===-1?(this.prevAnimationTime=a,this.spriteIndex=0):(a-=this.prevAnimationTime,a/=this.changeFPS,a%=this.animationImageIndex.length,this.spriteIndex=this.animationImageIndex[Math.floor(a)])},getMapInfo:function(a){return this.mapInfo[a]}, -initializeFromMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b)d=b[c],d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(d.x,d.y,d.width,d.height,a.width,a.height),this.mapInfo[c]=d,e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]),e++;return this},initializeAsGlyphDesigner:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b){var f=b[c];d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(f.x,f.y,f.width,f.height,a.width,a.height);d.xoffset=typeof f.xoffset==="undefined"?0:f.xoffset;d.yoffset=typeof f.yoffset==="undefined"?0:f.yoffset; -d.xadvance=typeof f.xadvance==="undefined"?f.width:f.xadvance;this.mapInfo[c]=d;e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]);e++}return this},initializeAsFontMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);for(var c,d=0,e=0;e>0,f=0;fa&&(a=c)}return this.fontHeight=a},drawString:function(a,b,c,d){for(var e,f,g=b.split(""),b=0;b=this.duration?(this.remove=true,this.callback_timeout&&this.callback_timeout(a,b,this)):this.callback_tick&&this.callback_tick(a, +g=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(e,f,this.singleWidth,this.singleHeight,a.width,a.height),this.mapInfo[d]=g;return this},paintTiled:function(a,b){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);var c=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex],d=new CAAT.Rectangle;this.ownerActor.AABB.intersect(a.AABB,d);var e=this.getWidth(),f=this.getHeight(),g=(this.offsetX-this.ownerActor.x)%e;g>0&&(g-=e);var h=(this.offsetY-this.ownerActor.y)%f;h>0&&(h-=f);var e=((d.width-g)/e>>0)+1,f=((d.height-h)/f>>0)+1,i,j,k=a.ctx;for(i=0;i>0,d.y-this.ownerActor.y+h+i*c.height>>0,c.width,c.height)},paintInvertedH:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate((c|0)+b.width,d|0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex]; +a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this},paintInvertedHV:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a=a.ctx;;a.translate(c|0,d+b.height|0);a.scale(1,-1);a.translate(b.width,0);a.scale(-1,1);a.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX>>0,this.offsetY>>0,b.width,b.height);a.restore();return this}, +paintN:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,b.width,b.height);return this},paintScaled:function(a,b,c,d){this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(b);b=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex];a.ctx.drawImage(this.image,b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height,this.offsetX+c>>0,this.offsetY+d>>0,this.ownerActor.width,this.ownerActor.height);return this},getCurrentSpriteImageCSSPosition:function(){var a=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex]; +return"-"+(a.x-this.offsetX)+"px -"+(a.y-this.offsetY)+"px "+(this.transformation===this.TR_TILE?"":"no-repeat")},getNumImages:function(){return this.rows*this.columns},setUV:function(a,b){var c=this.image;if(c.__texturePage){var d=b,e=this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex],f=e.u,g=e.v,h=e.u1,e=e.v1;if(this.offsetX||this.offsetY)f=c.__texturePage,g=-this.offsetY/f.height,h=(this.ownerActor.width-this.offsetX)/f.width,e=(this.ownerActor.height-this.offsetY)/f.height,f=-this.offsetX/f.width+c.__u,g+=c.__v, +h+=c.__u,e+=c.__v;c.inverted?(a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=g):(a[d++]=f,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=g,a[d++]=h,a[d++]=e,a[d++]=f,a[d++]=e)}},setChangeFPS:function(a){this.changeFPS=a;return this},setSpriteTransformation:function(a){this.transformation=a;switch(a){case this.TR_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedH;break;case this.TR_FLIP_VERTICAL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedV;break;case this.TR_FLIP_ALL:this.paint=this.paintInvertedHV;break;case this.TR_FIXED_TO_SIZE:this.paint= +this.paintScaled;break;case this.TR_TILE:this.paint=this.paintTiled;break;default:this.paint=this.paintN}return this},setAnimationImageIndex:function(a){this.animationImageIndex=a;this.spriteIndex=a[0];return this},setSpriteIndex:function(a){this.spriteIndex=a;return this},setSpriteIndexAtTime:function(a){if(this.animationImageIndex.length>1)this.prevAnimationTime===-1?(this.prevAnimationTime=a,this.spriteIndex=0):(a-=this.prevAnimationTime,a/=this.changeFPS,a%=this.animationImageIndex.length,this.spriteIndex= +this.animationImageIndex[Math.floor(a)])},getMapInfo:function(a){return this.mapInfo[a]},initializeFromMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b)d=b[c],d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(d.x,d.y,d.width,d.height,a.width,a.height),this.mapInfo[c]=d,e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]),e++;return this},initializeAsGlyphDesigner:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);var c,d,e=0;for(c in b){var f=b[c];d=new CAAT.SpriteImageHelper(f.x,f.y,f.width,f.height,a.width,a.height);d.xoffset=typeof f.xoffset=== +"undefined"?0:f.xoffset;d.yoffset=typeof f.yoffset==="undefined"?0:f.yoffset;d.xadvance=typeof f.xadvance==="undefined"?f.width:f.xadvance;this.mapInfo[c]=d;e||this.setAnimationImageIndex([c]);e++}return this},initializeAsFontMap:function(a,b){this.initialize(a,1,1);for(var c,d=0,e=0;e>0,f=0;fa&&(a=c)}return this.fontHeight=a},drawString:function(a,b,c,d){for(var e, +f,g=b.split(""),b=0;b=this.duration?(this.remove=true,this.callback_timeout&&this.callback_timeout(a,b,this)):this.callback_tick&&this.callback_tick(a, b,this);return this},reset:function(a){this.remove=false;this.startTime=a;this.scene.ensureTimerTask(this);return this},cancel:function(){this.remove=true;null!=this.callback_cancel&&this.callback_cancel(this.scene.time,this.scene.time-this.startTime,this);return this}}})();(function(){CAAT.Scene=function(){;this.timerList=[];this.fillStyle=null;return this};CAAT.Scene.prototype={easeContainerBehaviour:null,easeContainerBehaviourListener:null,easeIn:false,EASE_ROTATION:1,EASE_SCALE:2,EASE_TRANSLATE:3,timerList:null,timerSequence:0,paused:false,isPaused:function(){return this.paused},setPaused:function(a){this.paused=a},checkTimers:function(a){for(var b=this.timerList,c=b.length-1;c>=0;)b[c].remove||b[c].checkTask(a),c--},ensureTimerTask:function(a){this.hasTimer(a)|| this.timerList.push(a);return this},hasTimer:function(a){for(var b=this.timerList,c=b.length-1;c>=0;){if(b[c]===a)return true;c--}return false},createTimer:function(a,b,c,d,e){a=(new CAAT.TimerTask).create(a,b,c,d,e);a.taskId=this.timerSequence++;a.sceneTime=this.time;a.scene=this;this.timerList.push(a);return a},removeExpiredTimers:function(){var a,b=this.timerList;for(a=0;a=this.inputList.length&&(b=this.inputList.length-1);b=this.inputList[b];typeof c==="undefined"||c>=b.length?b.push(a):c<=0?b.unshift(a):b.splice(c,0,a);return this},emptyInputList:function(a){a<0?a=0:a>=this.inputList.length&&(a=this.inputList.length-1);this.inputList[a]=[];return this},removeActorFromInputList:function(a,b){if(typeof b==="undefined"){var c,d;for(c=0;c=this.inputList.length&&(b=this.inputList.length-1);e=this.inputList[b];for(d=0;d 0 ) { xoff= xoff-w; } - var yoff= this.offsetY % h; + var yoff= (this.offsetY-this.ownerActor.y) % h; if ( yoff> 0 ) { yoff= yoff-h; } - var nw= (((this.ownerActor.width-xoff)/w)>>0)+1; - var nh= (((this.ownerActor.height-yoff)/h)>>0)+1; + var nw= (((r.width-xoff)/w)>>0)+1; + var nh= (((r.height-yoff)/h)>>0)+1; var i,j; var ctx= director.ctx; for( i=0; i>0, (y+yoff+i*el.height)>>0, + (r.x-this.ownerActor.x+xoff+j*el.width)>>0, (r.y-this.ownerActor.y+yoff+i*el.height)>>0, el.width, el.height); } } @@ -13293,6 +13295,122 @@ CAAT.RegisterDirector= function __CAATGlobal_RegisterDirector(director) { ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.width,this.height ); } + }, + /** + * Find a pointed actor at position point. + * This method tries lo find the correctly pointed actor in two different ways. + * + first of all, if inputList is defined, it will look for an actor in it. + * + if no inputList is defined, it will traverse the scene graph trying to find a pointed actor. + * @param point + */ + findActorAtPosition : function(point) { + var i,j; + + var p= new CAAT.Point(); + + if ( this.inputList ) { + var il= this.inputList; + for( i=0; i number of lists. + */ + enableInputList : function( size ) { + this.inputList= []; + for( var i=0; i an actor instance + * @param index the inputList index to add the actor to. This value will be clamped to the number of + * available lists. + * @param position the position on the selected inputList to add the actor at. This value will be + * clamped to the number of available lists. + */ + addActorToInputList : function( actor, index, position ) { + if ( index<0 ) index=0; else if ( index>=this.inputList.length ) index= this.inputList.length-1; + var il= this.inputList[index]; + + if ( typeof position==="undefined" || position>=il.length ) { + il.push( actor ); + } else if (position<=0) { + il.unshift( actor ); + } else { + il.splice( position, 0, actor ); + } + + return this; + }, + + /** + * Remove all elements from an input list. + * @param index the inputList index to add the actor to. This value will be clamped to the number of + * available lists so take care when emptying a non existant inputList index since you could end up emptying + * an undesired input list. + */ + emptyInputList : function( index ) { + if ( index<0 ) index=0; else if ( index>=this.inputList.length ) index= this.inputList.length-1; + this.inputList[index]= []; + return this; + }, + + /** + * remove an actor from a given input list index. + * If no index is supplied, the actor will be removed from every input list. + * @param actor + * @param index an optional input list index. This value will be clamped to the number of + * available lists. + */ + removeActorFromInputList : function( actor, index ) { + if ( typeof index==="undefined" ) { + var i,j; + for( i=0; i=this.inputList.length ) index= this.inputList.length-1; + var il= this.inputList[index]; + for( j=0; jEbeyS{O9tH$>lC27eUJV{dQ+|Y-eU?p3R$Cg-WGjZ{ckZyzPOvJ@B>%-uA%T z9{BI{fHL2kx~ir#+fcJ*=UJOe@v;^9UVeTQ_&U@vm+e$=xcRN?#^@j1+;W+<(32~e zLb0(;u_0`)r&poB{6F-j?F`=PI|#eb;z`P$TVqb8IN@G5@7 zr_<-RH?=O-ofrOU;x?((m}eJ;mKk%rTdA$@u2^A$D8-a1%D;w{eOF5M)|(GK&}hmO zbGELQ7y36JiYt^N^1q@MiW5w!*c;&d!^2o#_a`YUtM%@)dbLfVv?ix7c^&GQ)3#)! z;~E^5lbu;B+p^X-;^(<<8!#oHST2hwwB!>@Sbx{Gv-85Z>rbl}+DrdyFWUY=(LH7T z9x9aVz4#|dX6eaklTQ~}9qzqo-$(zouE>w}maJrVtY*LY^#^ut=faHGnt@-m>y#hm z7GxQRyEt{NRk!F54O^6GKkww^oqZPWuYWCd-G%pCl{;RL@BOcp-KbF`<72Kn0-2KS zRJr|9?R9B?z7zl0M@bq&Z(Y*NAtg3_)k=kL6qi1J?zDJsC2*rJyK`QLIvUbPMro?$ z$Y<$j)^>TtnU8xfIWVo`)~%+7lvPl90$LTV_uV|#@##rvZ0CU|XA9~*|M_xb6WX)r zXrf26g>nU8jY6 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  • Control+Drag to rotate actors.
  • Shift+Alt to unevenly scale actors.
  • Pinch, rotate and drag on iOS with native gestures.
  • +
  • Priority input lists usage.
  • @@ -66,6 +67,8 @@

    Homogeneous coordinates

  • TextActor optimization by caching it as bitmap.
  • Manipulating Actors zorder.
  • +
  • How to set a priority input list. In this sample the blue actor will get input prioritized + to any other rectangles and its cointained children before the blue rectangle itself.
  • @@ -116,7 +119,9 @@

    Homogeneous coordinates

    CAAT.modules.initialization.init( 800, 500, 'experiment-holder', - [], + [ + + ], __coordinates ); }, @@ -126,6 +131,7 @@

    Homogeneous coordinates

    var scene= director.createScene(); + var cc= new CAAT.ActorContainer(). setBounds( 0,0,director.width,director.height ); cc.setGestureEnabled(true); @@ -176,6 +182,8 @@

    Homogeneous coordinates

    parent.setZOrder(actor,Number.MAX_VALUE); }; + scene.enableInputList(2); + var np = 20; var s = 80; for ( var i = 0; i < np; i++) { @@ -189,7 +197,7 @@

    Homogeneous coordinates

    s). setRotation( Math.PI*2*Math.random() ). setScale( sc, sc ). - setFillStyle('#ff3fff'); + setFillStyle( i===0 ? '#00f' : '#ff3fff'); p.setGestureEnabled(true); @@ -284,6 +292,13 @@

    Homogeneous coordinates

    p.mouseMove= mouseMoveHandler; p0.mouseMove= mouseMoveHandler; p1.mouseMove= mouseMoveHandler; + + if (i===0) { + scene.addActorToInputList(p,1); + scene.addActorToInputList(p0,0); + scene.addActorToInputList(p1,0); + } + } cc.__mouseMove= scene.mouseMove; diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_math_bezier.js.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_math_bezier.js.html index 01ff5cc7..970c3f1b 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_math_bezier.js.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_math_bezier.js.html @@ -59,467 +59,467 @@ 52 ctx.lineTo( this.coordlist[3].x, this.coordlist[3].y ); 53 ctx.stroke(); 54 } - 55 - 56 ctx.globalAlpha=0.5; - 57 for( var i=0; i<this.coordlist.length; i++ ) { - 58 ctx.fillStyle='#7f7f00'; - 59 ctx.beginPath(); - 60 ctx.arc( - 61 this.coordlist[i].x, - 62 this.coordlist[i].y, - 63 this.HANDLE_SIZE/2, - 64 0, - 65 2*Math.PI, - 66 false) ; - 67 ctx.fill(); - 68 } - 69 - 70 ctx.restore(); - 71 }, - 72 /** - 73 * Signal the curve has been modified and recalculate curve length. - 74 */ - 75 update : function() { - 76 this.calcLength(); - 77 }, - 78 /** - 79 * This method must be overriden by subclasses. It is called whenever the curve must be solved for some time=t. - 80 * The t parameter must be in the range 0..1 - 81 * @param point {CAAT.Point} to store curve solution for t. - 82 * @param t {number} - 83 * @return {CAAT.Point} the point parameter. - 84 */ - 85 solve: function(point,t) { - 86 }, - 87 /** - 88 * Get an array of points defining the curve contour. - 89 * @param numSamples {number} number of segments to get. - 90 */ - 91 getContour : function(numSamples) { - 92 var contour= [], i; - 93 - 94 for( i=0; i<=numSamples; i++ ) { - 95 var point= new CAAT.Point(); - 96 this.solve( point, i/numSamples ); - 97 contour.push(point); - 98 } - 99 -100 return contour; -101 }, -102 /** -103 * Calculates a curve bounding box. -104 * -105 * @param rectangle {CAAT.Rectangle} a rectangle to hold the bounding box. -106 * @return {CAAT.Rectangle} the rectangle parameter. -107 */ -108 getBoundingBox : function(rectangle) { -109 if ( !rectangle ) { -110 rectangle= new CAAT.Rectangle(); -111 } -112 -113 // thanks for spotting the first point is out of the BB -114 rectangle.setEmpty(); -115 rectangle.union( this.coordlist[0].x, this.coordlist[0].y ); -116 -117 var pt= new CAAT.Point(); -118 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ -119 this.solve(pt,t); -120 rectangle.union( pt.x, pt.y ); -121 } -122 -123 return rectangle; -124 }, -125 /** -126 * Calculate the curve length by incrementally solving the curve every substep=CAAT.Curve.k. This value defaults -127 * to .05 so at least 20 iterations will be performed. -128 * -129 * @return {number} the approximate curve length. -130 */ -131 calcLength : function() { -132 var x1,x2,y1,y2; -133 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; -134 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; -135 var llength=0; -136 var pt= new CAAT.Point(); -137 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ -138 this.solve(pt,t); -139 llength+= Math.sqrt( (pt.x-x1)*(pt.x-x1) + (pt.y-y1)*(pt.y-y1) ); -140 x1=pt.x; -141 y1=pt.y; -142 } -143 -144 this.length= llength; -145 return llength; -146 }, -147 /** -148 * Return the cached curve length. -149 * @return {number} the cached curve length. -150 */ -151 getLength : function() { -152 return this.length; -153 }, -154 /** -155 * Return the first curve control point. -156 * @param point {CAAT.Point} -157 * @return {CAAT.Point} -158 */ -159 endCurvePosition : function(point) { -160 return this.coordlist[ this.coordlist.length-1 ]; -161 }, -162 /** -163 * Return the last curve control point. -164 * @param point {CAAT.Point} -165 * @return {CAAT.Point} -166 */ -167 startCurvePosition : function(point) { -168 return this.coordlist[ 0 ]; -169 }, -170 -171 setPoints : function( points ) { -172 }, -173 -174 setPoint : function( point, index ) { -175 if ( index>=0 && index<this.coordlist.length ) { -176 this.coordlist[index]= point; -177 } -178 }, -179 applyAsPath : function( director ) { -180 } -181 }; -182 })(); -183 -184 -185 (function() { -186 -187 /** -188 * Bezier quadric and cubic curves implementation. -189 * -190 * @constructor -191 * @extends CAAT.Curve -192 */ -193 CAAT.Bezier= function() { -194; -195 return this; -196 }; -197 -198 CAAT.Bezier.prototype= { -199 -200 cubic: false, -201 -202 applyAsPath : function( director ) { -203 -204 var cc= this.coordlist; -205 -206 if ( this.cubic ) { -207 director.ctx.bezierCurveTo( -208 cc[1].x, -209 cc[1].y, -210 cc[2].x, -211 cc[2].y, -212 cc[3].x, -213 cc[3].y -214 ); -215 } else { -216 director.ctx.quadraticCurveTo( -217 cc[1].x, -218 cc[1].y, -219 cc[2].x, -220 cc[2].y -221 ); -222 } -223 return this; -224 }, -225 isQuadric : function() { -226 return !this.cubic; -227 }, -228 isCubic : function() { -229 return this.cubic; -230 }, -231 /** -232 * Set this curve as a cubic bezier defined by the given four control points. -233 * @param cp0x {number} -234 * @param cp0y {number} -235 * @param cp1x {number} -236 * @param cp1y {number} -237 * @param cp2x {number} -238 * @param cp2y {number} -239 * @param cp3x {number} -240 * @param cp3y {number} -241 */ -242 setCubic : function( cp0x,cp0y, cp1x,cp1y, cp2x,cp2y, cp3x,cp3y ) { -243 -244 this.coordlist= []; -245 -246 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp0x, cp0y ) ); -247 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp1x, cp1y ) ); -248 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp2x, cp2y ) ); -249 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp3x, cp3y ) ); -250 -251 this.cubic= true; -252 this.update(); -253 -254 return this; -255 }, -256 /** -257 * Set this curve as a quadric bezier defined by the three control points. -258 * @param cp0x {number} -259 * @param cp0y {number} -260 * @param cp1x {number} -261 * @param cp1y {number} -262 * @param cp2x {number} -263 * @param cp2y {number} -264 */ -265 setQuadric : function(cp0x,cp0y, cp1x,cp1y, cp2x,cp2y ) { -266 -267 this.coordlist= []; -268 -269 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp0x, cp0y ) ); -270 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp1x, cp1y ) ); -271 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp2x, cp2y ) ); -272 -273 this.cubic= false; -274 this.update(); -275 -276 return this; -277 }, -278 setPoints : function( points ) { -279 if ( points.length===3 ) { -280 this.coordlist= points; -281 this.cubic= false; -282 this.update(); -283 } else if (points.length===4 ) { -284 this.coordlist= points; -285 this.cubic= true; -286 this.update(); -287 } else { -288 throw 'points must be an array of 3 or 4 CAAT.Point instances.' -289 } -290 -291 return this; -292 }, -293 /** -294 * Paint this curve. -295 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -296 */ -297 paint : function( director ) { -298 if ( this.cubic ) { -299 this.paintCubic(director); -300 } else { -301 this.paintCuadric( director ); -302 } -303 -304,director); -305 -306 }, -307 /** -308 * Paint this quadric Bezier curve. Each time the curve is drawn it will be solved again from 0 to 1 with -309 * CAAT.Bezier.k increments. -310 * -311 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -312 * @private -313 */ -314 paintCuadric : function( director ) { -315 var x1,y1; -316 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; -317 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; -318 -319 var ctx= director.ctx; -320 -321; -322 ctx.beginPath(); -323 ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); -324 -325 var point= new CAAT.Point(); -326 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ -327 this.solve(point,t); -328 ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y ); -329 } -330 -331 ctx.stroke(); -332 ctx.restore(); -333 -334 }, -335 /** -336 * Paint this cubic Bezier curve. Each time the curve is drawn it will be solved again from 0 to 1 with -337 * CAAT.Bezier.k increments. -338 * -339 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -340 * @private -341 */ -342 paintCubic : function( director ) { -343 -344 var x1,y1; -345 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; -346 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; -347 -348 var ctx= director.ctx; -349 -350; -351 ctx.beginPath(); -352 ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); -353 -354 var point= new CAAT.Point(); -355 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ -356 this.solve(point,t); -357 ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y ); -358 } -359 -360 ctx.stroke(); -361 ctx.restore(); -362 }, -363 /** -364 * Solves the curve for any given parameter t. -365 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. -366 * @param t {number} a number in the range 0..1 -367 */ -368 solve : function(point,t) { -369 if ( this.cubic ) { -370 return this.solveCubic(point,t); -371 } else { -372 return this.solveQuadric(point,t); -373 } -374 }, -375 /** -376 * Solves a cubic Bezier. -377 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. -378 * @param t {number} the value to solve the curve for. -379 */ -380 solveCubic : function(point,t) { -381 -382 var t2= t*t; -383 var t3= t*t2; -384 -385 var cl= this.coordlist; -386 var cl0= cl[0]; -387 var cl1= cl[1]; -388 var cl2= cl[2]; -389 var cl3= cl[3]; -390 -391 point.x=( -392 cl0.x + t * (-cl0.x * 3 + t * (3 * cl0.x- -393 cl0.x*t)))+t*(3*cl1.x+t*(-6*cl1.x+ -394 cl1.x*3*t))+t2*(cl2.x*3-cl2.x*3*t)+ -395 cl3.x * t3; -396 -397 point.y=( -398 cl0.y+t*(-cl0.y*3+t*(3*cl0.y- -399 cl0.y*t)))+t*(3*cl1.y+t*(-6*cl1.y+ -400 cl1.y*3*t))+t2*(cl2.y*3-cl2.y*3*t)+ -401 cl3.y * t3; -402 -403 return point; -404 }, -405 /** -406 * Solves a quadric Bezier. -407 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. -408 * @param t {number} the value to solve the curve for. -409 */ -410 solveQuadric : function(point,t) { -411 var cl= this.coordlist; -412 var cl0= cl[0]; -413 var cl1= cl[1]; -414 var cl2= cl[2]; -415 var t1= 1-t; -416 -417 point.x= t1*t1*cl0.x + 2*t1*t*cl1.x + t*t*cl2.x; -418 point.y= t1*t1*cl0.y + 2*t1*t*cl1.y + t*t*cl2.y; -419 -420 return point; -421 } -422 }; -423 -424 extend(CAAT.Bezier, CAAT.Curve, null); -425 -426 })(); -427 -428 (function() { -429 -430 /** -431 * CatmullRom curves solver implementation. -432 * <p> -433 * <strong>Incomplete class, do not use.</strong> -434 * -435 * @constructor -436 * @extends CAAT.Curve -437 */ -438 CAAT.CatmullRom = function() { -439; -440 return this; -441 }; -442 -443 CAAT.CatmullRom.prototype= { -444 -445 /** -446 * Set curve control points. -447 * @param cp0x {number} -448 * @param cp0y {number} -449 * @param cp1x {number} -450 * @param cp1y {number} -451 * @param cp2x {number} -452 * @param cp2y {number} -453 * @param cp3x {number} -454 * @param cp3y {number} -455 */ -456 setCurve : function( cp0x,cp0y, cp1x,cp1y, cp2x,cp2y, cp3x,cp3y ) { -457 -458 this.coordlist= []; -459 -460 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp0x, cp0y ) ); -461 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp1x, cp1y ) ); -462 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp2x, cp2y ) ); -463 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp3x, cp3y ) ); -464 -465 this.cubic= true; -466 this.update(); -467 }, -468 /** -469 * Paint the contour by solving again the entire curve. -470 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -471 */ -472 paint: function(director) { -473 -474 var x1,x2,y1,y2; -475 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; -476 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; -477 -478 var ctx= director.ctx; + 55 + 56 + 57 ctx.globalAlpha=0.5; + 58 for( var i=0; i<this.coordlist.length; i++ ) { + 59 ctx.fillStyle='#7f7f00'; + 60 var w= CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2; + 61 ctx.fillRect( this.coordlist[i].x-w, this.coordlist[i].y-w, w*2, w*2 ); + 62 /* + 63 ctx.beginPath(); + 64 ctx.arc( + 65 this.coordlist[i].x, + 66 this.coordlist[i].y, + 67 this.HANDLE_SIZE/2, + 68 0, + 69 2*Math.PI, + 70 false) ; + 71 ctx.fill(); + 72 */ + 73 } + 74 + 75 ctx.restore(); + 76 }, + 77 /** + 78 * Signal the curve has been modified and recalculate curve length. + 79 */ + 80 update : function() { + 81 this.calcLength(); + 82 }, + 83 /** + 84 * This method must be overriden by subclasses. It is called whenever the curve must be solved for some time=t. + 85 * The t parameter must be in the range 0..1 + 86 * @param point {CAAT.Point} to store curve solution for t. + 87 * @param t {number} + 88 * @return {CAAT.Point} the point parameter. + 89 */ + 90 solve: function(point,t) { + 91 }, + 92 /** + 93 * Get an array of points defining the curve contour. + 94 * @param numSamples {number} number of segments to get. + 95 */ + 96 getContour : function(numSamples) { + 97 var contour= [], i; + 98 + 99 for( i=0; i<=numSamples; i++ ) { +100 var point= new CAAT.Point(); +101 this.solve( point, i/numSamples ); +102 contour.push(point); +103 } +104 +105 return contour; +106 }, +107 /** +108 * Calculates a curve bounding box. +109 * +110 * @param rectangle {CAAT.Rectangle} a rectangle to hold the bounding box. +111 * @return {CAAT.Rectangle} the rectangle parameter. +112 */ +113 getBoundingBox : function(rectangle) { +114 if ( !rectangle ) { +115 rectangle= new CAAT.Rectangle(); +116 } +117 +118 // thanks for spotting the first point is out of the BB +119 rectangle.setEmpty(); +120 rectangle.union( this.coordlist[0].x, this.coordlist[0].y ); +121 +122 var pt= new CAAT.Point(); +123 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ +124 this.solve(pt,t); +125 rectangle.union( pt.x, pt.y ); +126 } +127 +128 return rectangle; +129 }, +130 /** +131 * Calculate the curve length by incrementally solving the curve every substep=CAAT.Curve.k. This value defaults +132 * to .05 so at least 20 iterations will be performed. +133 * +134 * @return {number} the approximate curve length. +135 */ +136 calcLength : function() { +137 var x1,x2,y1,y2; +138 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; +139 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; +140 var llength=0; +141 var pt= new CAAT.Point(); +142 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ +143 this.solve(pt,t); +144 llength+= Math.sqrt( (pt.x-x1)*(pt.x-x1) + (pt.y-y1)*(pt.y-y1) ); +145 x1=pt.x; +146 y1=pt.y; +147 } +148 +149 this.length= llength; +150 return llength; +151 }, +152 /** +153 * Return the cached curve length. +154 * @return {number} the cached curve length. +155 */ +156 getLength : function() { +157 return this.length; +158 }, +159 /** +160 * Return the first curve control point. +161 * @param point {CAAT.Point} +162 * @return {CAAT.Point} +163 */ +164 endCurvePosition : function(point) { +165 return this.coordlist[ this.coordlist.length-1 ]; +166 }, +167 /** +168 * Return the last curve control point. +169 * @param point {CAAT.Point} +170 * @return {CAAT.Point} +171 */ +172 startCurvePosition : function(point) { +173 return this.coordlist[ 0 ]; +174 }, +175 +176 setPoints : function( points ) { +177 }, +178 +179 setPoint : function( point, index ) { +180 if ( index>=0 && index<this.coordlist.length ) { +181 this.coordlist[index]= point; +182 } +183 }, +184 applyAsPath : function( director ) { +185 } +186 }; +187 })(); +188 +189 +190 (function() { +191 +192 /** +193 * Bezier quadric and cubic curves implementation. +194 * +195 * @constructor +196 * @extends CAAT.Curve +197 */ +198 CAAT.Bezier= function() { +199; +200 return this; +201 }; +202 +203 CAAT.Bezier.prototype= { +204 +205 cubic: false, +206 +207 applyAsPath : function( director ) { +208 +209 var cc= this.coordlist; +210 +211 if ( this.cubic ) { +212 director.ctx.bezierCurveTo( +213 cc[1].x, +214 cc[1].y, +215 cc[2].x, +216 cc[2].y, +217 cc[3].x, +218 cc[3].y +219 ); +220 } else { +221 director.ctx.quadraticCurveTo( +222 cc[1].x, +223 cc[1].y, +224 cc[2].x, +225 cc[2].y +226 ); +227 } +228 return this; +229 }, +230 isQuadric : function() { +231 return !this.cubic; +232 }, +233 isCubic : function() { +234 return this.cubic; +235 }, +236 /** +237 * Set this curve as a cubic bezier defined by the given four control points. +238 * @param cp0x {number} +239 * @param cp0y {number} +240 * @param cp1x {number} +241 * @param cp1y {number} +242 * @param cp2x {number} +243 * @param cp2y {number} +244 * @param cp3x {number} +245 * @param cp3y {number} +246 */ +247 setCubic : function( cp0x,cp0y, cp1x,cp1y, cp2x,cp2y, cp3x,cp3y ) { +248 +249 this.coordlist= []; +250 +251 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp0x, cp0y ) ); +252 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp1x, cp1y ) ); +253 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp2x, cp2y ) ); +254 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp3x, cp3y ) ); +255 +256 this.cubic= true; +257 this.update(); +258 +259 return this; +260 }, +261 /** +262 * Set this curve as a quadric bezier defined by the three control points. +263 * @param cp0x {number} +264 * @param cp0y {number} +265 * @param cp1x {number} +266 * @param cp1y {number} +267 * @param cp2x {number} +268 * @param cp2y {number} +269 */ +270 setQuadric : function(cp0x,cp0y, cp1x,cp1y, cp2x,cp2y ) { +271 +272 this.coordlist= []; +273 +274 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp0x, cp0y ) ); +275 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp1x, cp1y ) ); +276 this.coordlist.push( new CAAT.Point().set(cp2x, cp2y ) ); +277 +278 this.cubic= false; +279 this.update(); +280 +281 return this; +282 }, +283 setPoints : function( points ) { +284 if ( points.length===3 ) { +285 this.coordlist= points; +286 this.cubic= false; +287 this.update(); +288 } else if (points.length===4 ) { +289 this.coordlist= points; +290 this.cubic= true; +291 this.update(); +292 } else { +293 throw 'points must be an array of 3 or 4 CAAT.Point instances.' +294 } +295 +296 return this; +297 }, +298 /** +299 * Paint this curve. +300 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +301 */ +302 paint : function( director ) { +303 if ( this.cubic ) { +304 this.paintCubic(director); +305 } else { +306 this.paintCuadric( director ); +307 } +308 +309,director); +310 +311 }, +312 /** +313 * Paint this quadric Bezier curve. Each time the curve is drawn it will be solved again from 0 to 1 with +314 * CAAT.Bezier.k increments. +315 * +316 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +317 * @private +318 */ +319 paintCuadric : function( director ) { +320 var x1,y1; +321 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; +322 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; +323 +324 var ctx= director.ctx; +325 +326; +327 ctx.beginPath(); +328 ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); +329 +330 var point= new CAAT.Point(); +331 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ +332 this.solve(point,t); +333 ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y ); +334 } +335 +336 ctx.stroke(); +337 ctx.restore(); +338 +339 }, +340 /** +341 * Paint this cubic Bezier curve. Each time the curve is drawn it will be solved again from 0 to 1 with +342 * CAAT.Bezier.k increments. +343 * +344 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +345 * @private +346 */ +347 paintCubic : function( director ) { +348 +349 var x1,y1; +350 x1 = this.coordlist[0].x; +351 y1 = this.coordlist[0].y; +352 +353 var ctx= director.ctx; +354 +355; +356 ctx.beginPath(); +357 ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); +358 +359 var point= new CAAT.Point(); +360 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ +361 this.solve(point,t); +362 ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y ); +363 } +364 +365 ctx.stroke(); +366 ctx.restore(); +367 }, +368 /** +369 * Solves the curve for any given parameter t. +370 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. +371 * @param t {number} a number in the range 0..1 +372 */ +373 solve : function(point,t) { +374 if ( this.cubic ) { +375 return this.solveCubic(point,t); +376 } else { +377 return this.solveQuadric(point,t); +378 } +379 }, +380 /** +381 * Solves a cubic Bezier. +382 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. +383 * @param t {number} the value to solve the curve for. +384 */ +385 solveCubic : function(point,t) { +386 +387 var t2= t*t; +388 var t3= t*t2; +389 +390 var cl= this.coordlist; +391 var cl0= cl[0]; +392 var cl1= cl[1]; +393 var cl2= cl[2]; +394 var cl3= cl[3]; +395 +396 point.x=( +397 cl0.x + t * (-cl0.x * 3 + t * (3 * cl0.x- +398 cl0.x*t)))+t*(3*cl1.x+t*(-6*cl1.x+ +399 cl1.x*3*t))+t2*(cl2.x*3-cl2.x*3*t)+ +400 cl3.x * t3; +401 +402 point.y=( +403 cl0.y+t*(-cl0.y*3+t*(3*cl0.y- +404 cl0.y*t)))+t*(3*cl1.y+t*(-6*cl1.y+ +405 cl1.y*3*t))+t2*(cl2.y*3-cl2.y*3*t)+ +406 cl3.y * t3; +407 +408 return point; +409 }, +410 /** +411 * Solves a quadric Bezier. +412 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. +413 * @param t {number} the value to solve the curve for. +414 */ +415 solveQuadric : function(point,t) { +416 var cl= this.coordlist; +417 var cl0= cl[0]; +418 var cl1= cl[1]; +419 var cl2= cl[2]; +420 var t1= 1-t; +421 +422 point.x= t1*t1*cl0.x + 2*t1*t*cl1.x + t*t*cl2.x; +423 point.y= t1*t1*cl0.y + 2*t1*t*cl1.y + t*t*cl2.y; +424 +425 return point; +426 } +427 }; +428 +429 extend(CAAT.Bezier, CAAT.Curve, null); +430 +431 })(); +432 +433 (function() { +434 +435 /** +436 * CatmullRom curves solver implementation. +437 * <p> +438 * This object manages one single catmull rom segment, that is 4 points. +439 * A complete spline should be managed with CAAT.Path.setCatmullRom with a complete list of points. +440 * +441 * @constructor +442 * @extends CAAT.Curve +443 */ +444 CAAT.CatmullRom = function() { +445; +446 return this; +447 }; +448 +449 CAAT.CatmullRom.prototype= { +450 +451 /** +452 * Set curve control points. +453 * @param points Array<CAAT.Point> +454 */ +455 setCurve : function( p0, p1, p2, p3 ) { +456 +457 this.coordlist= []; +458 this.coordlist.push( p0 ); +459 this.coordlist.push( p1 ); +460 this.coordlist.push( p2 ); +461 this.coordlist.push( p3 ); +462 +463 this.update(); +464 +465 return this; +466 }, +467 /** +468 * Paint the contour by solving again the entire curve. +469 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +470 */ +471 paint: function(director) { +472 +473 var x1,y1; +474 +475 // Catmull rom solves from point 1 !!! +476 +477 x1 = this.coordlist[1].x; +478 y1 = this.coordlist[1].y; 479 -480; -481 ctx.beginPath(); -482 ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); -483 -484 var point= new CAAT.Point(); +480 var ctx= director.ctx; +481 +482; +483 ctx.beginPath(); +484 ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); 485 -486 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ -487 this.solve(point,t); -488 ctx.lineTo(point.x,point.y); -489 } -490 -491 ctx.stroke(); -492 ctx.restore(); -493 -494,director); -495 }, -496 /** -497 * Solves the curve for any given parameter t. -498 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. -499 * @param t {number} a number in the range 0..1 -500 */ -501 solve: function(point,t) { -502 var t2= t*t; -503 var t3= t*t2; -504 -505 var c= this.coordlist; -506 -507 // q(t) = 0.5 *( (2 * P1) + -508 // (-P0 + P2) * t + -509 // (2*P0 - 5*P1 + 4*P2 - P3) * t2 + -510 // (-P0 + 3*P1- 3*P2 + P3) * t3) +486 var point= new CAAT.Point(); +487 +488 for(var t=this.k;t<=1+this.k;t+=this.k){ +489 this.solve(point,t); +490 ctx.lineTo(point.x,point.y); +491 } +492 +493 ctx.stroke(); +494 ctx.restore(); +495 +496,director); +497 }, +498 /** +499 * Solves the curve for any given parameter t. +500 * @param point {CAAT.Point} the point to store the solved value on the curve. +501 * @param t {number} a number in the range 0..1 +502 */ +503 solve: function(point,t) { +504 var c= this.coordlist; +505 +506 // Handy from CAKE. Thanks. +507 var af = ((-t+2)*t-1)*t*0.5 +508 var bf = (((3*t-5)*t)*t+2)*0.5 +509 var cf = ((-3*t+4)*t+1)*t*0.5 +510 var df = ((t-1)*t*t)*0.5 511 -512 point.x= 0.5*( (2*c[1].x) + (-c[0].x+c[2].x)*t + (2*c[0].x - 5*c[1].x + 4*c[2].x - c[3].x)*t2 + (-c[0].x + 3*c[1].x - 3*c[2].x + c[3].x)*t3 ); -513 point.y= 0.5*( (2*c[1].y) + (-c[0].y+c[2].y)*t + (2*c[0].y - 5*c[1].y + 4*c[2].y - c[3].y)*t2 + (-c[0].y + 3*c[1].y - 3*c[2].y + c[3].y)*t3 ); -514 -515 return point; +512 point.x= c[0].x * af + c[1].x * bf + c[2].x * cf + c[3].x * df; +513 point.y= c[0].y * af + c[1].y * bf + c[2].y * cf + c[3].y * df; +514 +515 return point; 516 517 } 518 }; diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html index bd5d24ec..eccfcc66 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html @@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ 928 * @return null if the point is not inside the Actor. The Actor otherwise. 929 */ 930 findActorAtPosition : function(point) { -931 if ( !this.mouseEnabled || !this.isInAnimationFrame(this.time) ) { +931 if ( !this.visible || !this.mouseEnabled || !this.isInAnimationFrame(this.time) ) { 932 return null; 933 } 934 @@ -1883,1243 +1883,1247 @@ 1876 cl[i].drawScreenBoundingBox(director,time); 1877 } 1878,director,time); -1879 -1880 }, -1881 /** -1882 * Removes all children from this ActorContainer. -1883 * -1884 * @return this -1885 */ -1886 emptyChildren : function() { -1887 this.childrenList= []; -1888 -1889 return this; -1890 }, -1891 /** -1892 * Private -1893 * Paints this container and every contained children. -1894 * -1895 * @param director the CAAT.Director object instance that contains the Scene the Actor is in. -1896 * @param time an integer indicating the Scene time when the bounding box is to be drawn. -1897 */ -1898 paintActor : function(director, time ) { -1899 -1900 if (!this.visible) { -1901 return true; -1902 } -1903 -1904 var ctx= director.ctx; -1905 -1906; -1907 -1908,director,time); -1909 if ( !this.isGlobalAlpha ) { -1910 this.frameAlpha= this.parent ? this.parent.frameAlpha : 1; -1911 } -1912 -1913 for( var actor= this.activeChildren; actor; actor=actor.__next ) { -1914 if ( actor.visible ) { -1915 actor.paintActor(director,time); -1916 } -1917 } -1918 -1919 ctx.restore(); -1920 -1921 return true; -1922 }, -1923 __paintActor : function(director, time ) { -1924 if (!this.visible) { -1925 return true; -1926 } -1927 -1928 var ctx= director.ctx; -1929 -1930 this.frameAlpha= this.parent ? this.parent.frameAlpha*this.alpha : 1; -1931 var m= this.worldModelViewMatrix.matrix; -1932 ctx.setTransform( m[0], m[3], m[1], m[4], m[2], m[5], this.frameAlpha ); -1933 this.paint(director, time); -1934 -1935 if ( !this.isGlobalAlpha ) { -1936 this.frameAlpha= this.parent ? this.parent.frameAlpha : 1; -1937 } -1938 -1939 for( var actor= this.activeChildren; actor; actor=actor.__next ) { -1940 actor.paintActor(director,time); -1941 } -1942 return true; -1943 }, -1944 paintActorGL : function(director,time) { -1945 -1946 var i, c; -1947 if (!this.visible) { -1948 return true; -1949 } -1950 -1951,director,time); -1952 -1953 if ( !this.isGlobalAlpha ) { -1954 this.frameAlpha= this.parent.frameAlpha; -1955 } -1956 -1957 for( c= this.activeChildren; c; c=c.__next ) { -1958 c.paintActorGL(director,time); -1959 } -1960 -1961 }, -1962 /** -1963 * Private. -1964 * Performs the animate method for this ActorContainer and every contained Actor. -1965 * -1966 * @param director the CAAT.Director object instance that contains the Scene the Actor is in. -1967 * @param time an integer indicating the Scene time when the bounding box is to be drawn. -1968 * -1969 * @return {boolean} is this actor in active children list ?? -1970 */ -1971 animate : function(director,time) { -1972 -1973 this.activeChildren= null; -1974 var last= null; -1975 -1976 if (,director,time)) { -1977 return false; -1978 } -1979 -1980 var i,l; -1981 -1982 /** -1983 * Incluir los actores pendientes. -1984 * El momento es ahora, antes de procesar ninguno del contenedor. -1985 */ -1986 var pcl= this.pendingChildrenList; -1987 for( i=0; i<pcl.length; i++ ) { -1988 var child= pcl[i]; -1989 this.addChild(child); -1990 } -1991 -1992 this.pendingChildrenList= []; -1993 var markDelete= []; -1994 -1995 var cl= this.childrenList; -1996 this.size_active= 1; -1997 this.size_total= 1; -1998 for( i=0; i<cl.length; i++ ) { -1999 var actor= cl[i]; -2000 actor.time= time; -2001 this.size_total+= actor.size_total; -2002 if ( actor.animate(director, time) ) { -2003 if ( !this.activeChildren ) { -2004 this.activeChildren= actor; -2005 actor.__next= null; -2006 last= actor; -2007 } else { -2008 actor.__next= null; -2009 last.__next= actor; -2010 last= actor; -2011 } -2012 -2013 this.size_active+= actor.size_active; -2014 -2015 } else { -2016 if ( actor.expired && actor.discardable ) { -2017 markDelete.push(actor); -2018 } -2019 } -2020 } -2021 -2022 for( i=0, l=markDelete.length; i<l; i++ ) { -2023 var md= markDelete[i]; -2024 md.destroy(time); -2025 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { -2026 director.addDirtyRect( md.AABB ); -2027 } -2028 } -2029 -2030 return true; -2031 }, -2032 /** -2033 * Removes Actors from this ActorContainer which are expired and flagged as Discardable. -2034 * -2035 * @param director the CAAT.Director object instance that contains the Scene the Actor is in. -2036 * @param time an integer indicating the Scene time when the bounding box is to be drawn. -2037 * -2038 * @deprecated -2039 */ -2040 endAnimate : function(director,time) { -2041 }, -2042 /** -2043 * Adds an Actor to this Container. -2044 * The Actor will be added ON METHOD CALL, despite the rendering pipeline stage being executed at -2045 * the time of method call. -2046 * -2047 * This method is only used by CAAT.Director's transitionScene. -2048 * -2049 * @param child a CAAT.Actor instance. -2050 * @return this. -2051 */ -2052 addChildImmediately : function(child) { -2053 return this.addChild(child); -2054 }, -2055 /** -2056 * Adds an Actor to this ActorContainer. -2057 * The Actor will be added to the container AFTER frame animation, and not on method call time. -2058 * Except the Director and in orther to avoid visual artifacts, the developer SHOULD NOT call this -2059 * method directly. -2060 * -2061 * If the container has addingHint as CAAT.ActorContainer.AddHint.CONFORM, new continer size will be -2062 * calculated by summing up the union of every client actor bounding box. -2063 * This method will not take into acount actor's affine transformations, so the bounding box will be -2064 * AABB. -2065 * -2066 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. -2067 * @return this -2068 */ -2069 addChild : function(child) { -2070 -2071 if ( child.parent!=null ) { -2072 throw('adding to a container an element with parent.'); -2073 } -2074 -2075 child.parent= this; -2076 this.childrenList.push(child); -2077 child.dirty= true; -2078 -2079 /** -2080 * if Conforming size, recalc new bountainer size. -2081 */ -2082 if ( this.addHint===CAAT.ActorContainer.AddHint.CONFORM ) { -2083 this.recalcSize(); -2084 } -2085 -2086 return this; -2087 }, -2088 -2089 /** -2090 * Recalc this container size by computin the union of every children bounding box. -2091 */ -2092 recalcSize : function() { -2093 var bb= this.boundingBox; -2094 bb.setEmpty(); -2095 var cl= this.childrenList; -2096 var ac; -2097 for( var i=0; i<cl.length; i++ ) { -2098 ac= cl[i]; -2099 this.runion.setBounds( -2100 ac.x<0 ? 0 : ac.x, -2101 ac.y<0 ? 0 : ac.y, -2102 ac.width, -2103 ac.height ); -2104 bb.unionRectangle( this.runion ); -2105 } -2106 this.setSize( bb.x1, bb.y1 ); -2107 -2108 return this; -2109 }, -2110 -2111 /** -2112 * Add a child element and make it active in the next frame. -2113 * @param child {CAAT.Actor} -2114 */ -2115 addChildDelayed : function(child) { -2116 this.pendingChildrenList.push(child); -2117 return this; -2118 }, -2119 /** -2120 * Adds an Actor to this ActorContainer. -2121 * -2122 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. -2123 * -2124 * @return this -2125 */ -2126 addChildAt : function(child, index) { -2127 -2128 if( index <= 0 ) { -2129 child.parent= this; -2130 child.dirty= true; -2131 //this.childrenList.unshift(child); // unshift unsupported on IE -2132 this.childrenList.splice( 0, 0, child ); -2133 return this; -2134 } else { -2135 if ( index>=this.childrenList.length ) { -2136 index= this.childrenList.length; -2137 } -2138 } -2139 -2140 child.parent= this; -2141 child.dirty= true; -2142 this.childrenList.splice(index, 0, child); -2143 -2144 return this; -2145 }, -2146 /** -2147 * Find the first actor with the supplied ID. -2148 * This method is not recommended to be used since executes a linear search. -2149 * @param id -2150 */ -2151 findActorById : function(id) { -2152 var cl= this.childrenList; -2153 for( var i=0, l=cl.length; i<l; i++ ) { -2154 if ( cl[i].id===id ) { -2155 return cl[i]; -2156 } -2157 } -2158 -2159 return null; -2160 }, -2161 /** -2162 * Private -2163 * Gets a contained Actor z-index on this ActorContainer. -2164 * -2165 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. -2166 * -2167 * @return an integer indicating the Actor's z-order. -2168 */ -2169 findChild : function(child) { -2170 var cl= this.childrenList; -2171 var i=0; -2172 var len = cl.length; -2173 -2174 for( i=0; i<len; i++ ) { -2175 if ( cl[i]===child ) { -2176 return i; -2177 } -2178 } -2179 return -1; -2180 }, -2181 /** -2182 * Removed an Actor form this ActorContainer. -2183 * If the Actor is not contained into this Container, nothing happends. -2184 * -2185 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. -2186 * -2187 * @return this -2188 */ -2189 removeChild : function(child) { -2190 var pos= this.findChild(child); -2191 var cl= this.childrenList; -2192 if ( -1!==pos ) { -2193 cl[pos].setParent(null); -2194 cl.splice(pos,1); -2195 } -2196 -2197 return this; -2198 }, -2199 /** -2200 * @private -2201 * -2202 * Gets the Actor inside this ActorContainer at a given Screen coordinate. -2203 * -2204 * @param point an object of the form { x: float, y: float } +1879 }, +1880 /** +1881 * Removes all children from this ActorContainer. +1882 * +1883 * @return this +1884 */ +1885 emptyChildren : function() { +1886 this.childrenList= []; +1887 +1888 return this; +1889 }, +1890 /** +1891 * Private +1892 * Paints this container and every contained children. +1893 * +1894 * @param director the CAAT.Director object instance that contains the Scene the Actor is in. +1895 * @param time an integer indicating the Scene time when the bounding box is to be drawn. +1896 */ +1897 paintActor : function(director, time ) { +1898 +1899 if (!this.visible) { +1900 return true; +1901 } +1902 +1903 var ctx= director.ctx; +1904 +1905; +1906 +1907,director,time); +1908 if ( !this.isGlobalAlpha ) { +1909 this.frameAlpha= this.parent ? this.parent.frameAlpha : 1; +1910 } +1911 +1912 for( var actor= this.activeChildren; actor; actor=actor.__next ) { +1913 if ( actor.visible ) { +1914 actor.paintActor(director,time); +1915 } +1916 } +1917 +1918 ctx.restore(); +1919 +1920 return true; +1921 }, +1922 __paintActor : function(director, time ) { +1923 if (!this.visible) { +1924 return true; +1925 } +1926 +1927 var ctx= director.ctx; +1928 +1929 this.frameAlpha= this.parent ? this.parent.frameAlpha*this.alpha : 1; +1930 var m= this.worldModelViewMatrix.matrix; +1931 ctx.setTransform( m[0], m[3], m[1], m[4], m[2], m[5], this.frameAlpha ); +1932 this.paint(director, time); +1933 +1934 if ( !this.isGlobalAlpha ) { +1935 this.frameAlpha= this.parent ? this.parent.frameAlpha : 1; +1936 } +1937 +1938 for( var actor= this.activeChildren; actor; actor=actor.__next ) { +1939 actor.paintActor(director,time); +1940 } +1941 return true; +1942 }, +1943 paintActorGL : function(director,time) { +1944 +1945 var i, c; +1946 if (!this.visible) { +1947 return true; +1948 } +1949 +1950,director,time); +1951 +1952 if ( !this.isGlobalAlpha ) { +1953 this.frameAlpha= this.parent.frameAlpha; +1954 } +1955 +1956 for( c= this.activeChildren; c; c=c.__next ) { +1957 c.paintActorGL(director,time); +1958 } +1959 +1960 }, +1961 /** +1962 * Private. +1963 * Performs the animate method for this ActorContainer and every contained Actor. +1964 * +1965 * @param director the CAAT.Director object instance that contains the Scene the Actor is in. +1966 * @param time an integer indicating the Scene time when the bounding box is to be drawn. +1967 * +1968 * @return {boolean} is this actor in active children list ?? +1969 */ +1970 animate : function(director,time) { +1971 +1972 this.activeChildren= null; +1973 var last= null; +1974 +1975 if (,director,time)) { +1976 return false; +1977 } +1978 +1979 var i,l; +1980 +1981 /** +1982 * Incluir los actores pendientes. +1983 * El momento es ahora, antes de procesar ninguno del contenedor. +1984 */ +1985 var pcl= this.pendingChildrenList; +1986 for( i=0; i<pcl.length; i++ ) { +1987 var child= pcl[i]; +1988 this.addChild(child); +1989 } +1990 +1991 this.pendingChildrenList= []; +1992 var markDelete= []; +1993 +1994 var cl= this.childrenList; +1995 this.size_active= 1; +1996 this.size_total= 1; +1997 for( i=0; i<cl.length; i++ ) { +1998 var actor= cl[i]; +1999 actor.time= time; +2000 this.size_total+= actor.size_total; +2001 if ( actor.animate(director, time) ) { +2002 if ( !this.activeChildren ) { +2003 this.activeChildren= actor; +2004 actor.__next= null; +2005 last= actor; +2006 } else { +2007 actor.__next= null; +2008 last.__next= actor; +2009 last= actor; +2010 } +2011 +2012 this.size_active+= actor.size_active; +2013 +2014 } else { +2015 if ( actor.expired && actor.discardable ) { +2016 markDelete.push(actor); +2017 } +2018 } +2019 } +2020 +2021 for( i=0, l=markDelete.length; i<l; i++ ) { +2022 var md= markDelete[i]; +2023 md.destroy(time); +2024 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { +2025 director.addDirtyRect( md.AABB ); +2026 } +2027 } +2028 +2029 return true; +2030 }, +2031 /** +2032 * Removes Actors from this ActorContainer which are expired and flagged as Discardable. +2033 * +2034 * @param director the CAAT.Director object instance that contains the Scene the Actor is in. +2035 * @param time an integer indicating the Scene time when the bounding box is to be drawn. +2036 * +2037 * @deprecated +2038 */ +2039 endAnimate : function(director,time) { +2040 }, +2041 /** +2042 * Adds an Actor to this Container. +2043 * The Actor will be added ON METHOD CALL, despite the rendering pipeline stage being executed at +2044 * the time of method call. +2045 * +2046 * This method is only used by CAAT.Director's transitionScene. +2047 * +2048 * @param child a CAAT.Actor instance. +2049 * @return this. +2050 */ +2051 addChildImmediately : function(child) { +2052 return this.addChild(child); +2053 }, +2054 /** +2055 * Adds an Actor to this ActorContainer. +2056 * The Actor will be added to the container AFTER frame animation, and not on method call time. +2057 * Except the Director and in orther to avoid visual artifacts, the developer SHOULD NOT call this +2058 * method directly. +2059 * +2060 * If the container has addingHint as CAAT.ActorContainer.AddHint.CONFORM, new continer size will be +2061 * calculated by summing up the union of every client actor bounding box. +2062 * This method will not take into acount actor's affine transformations, so the bounding box will be +2063 * AABB. +2064 * +2065 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. +2066 * @return this +2067 */ +2068 addChild : function(child) { +2069 +2070 if ( child.parent!=null ) { +2071 throw('adding to a container an element with parent.'); +2072 } +2073 +2074 child.parent= this; +2075 this.childrenList.push(child); +2076 child.dirty= true; +2077 +2078 /** +2079 * if Conforming size, recalc new bountainer size. +2080 */ +2081 if ( this.addHint===CAAT.ActorContainer.AddHint.CONFORM ) { +2082 this.recalcSize(); +2083 } +2084 +2085 return this; +2086 }, +2087 +2088 /** +2089 * Recalc this container size by computin the union of every children bounding box. +2090 */ +2091 recalcSize : function() { +2092 var bb= this.boundingBox; +2093 bb.setEmpty(); +2094 var cl= this.childrenList; +2095 var ac; +2096 for( var i=0; i<cl.length; i++ ) { +2097 ac= cl[i]; +2098 this.runion.setBounds( +2099 ac.x<0 ? 0 : ac.x, +2100 ac.y<0 ? 0 : ac.y, +2101 ac.width, +2102 ac.height ); +2103 bb.unionRectangle( this.runion ); +2104 } +2105 this.setSize( bb.x1, bb.y1 ); +2106 +2107 return this; +2108 }, +2109 +2110 /** +2111 * Add a child element and make it active in the next frame. +2112 * @param child {CAAT.Actor} +2113 */ +2114 addChildDelayed : function(child) { +2115 this.pendingChildrenList.push(child); +2116 return this; +2117 }, +2118 /** +2119 * Adds an Actor to this ActorContainer. +2120 * +2121 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. +2122 * +2123 * @return this +2124 */ +2125 addChildAt : function(child, index) { +2126 +2127 if( index <= 0 ) { +2128 child.parent= this; +2129 child.dirty= true; +2130 //this.childrenList.unshift(child); // unshift unsupported on IE +2131 this.childrenList.splice( 0, 0, child ); +2132 return this; +2133 } else { +2134 if ( index>=this.childrenList.length ) { +2135 index= this.childrenList.length; +2136 } +2137 } +2138 +2139 child.parent= this; +2140 child.dirty= true; +2141 this.childrenList.splice(index, 0, child); +2142 +2143 return this; +2144 }, +2145 /** +2146 * Find the first actor with the supplied ID. +2147 * This method is not recommended to be used since executes a linear search. +2148 * @param id +2149 */ +2150 findActorById : function(id) { +2151 var cl= this.childrenList; +2152 for( var i=0, l=cl.length; i<l; i++ ) { +2153 if ( cl[i].id===id ) { +2154 return cl[i]; +2155 } +2156 } +2157 +2158 return null; +2159 }, +2160 /** +2161 * Private +2162 * Gets a contained Actor z-index on this ActorContainer. +2163 * +2164 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. +2165 * +2166 * @return an integer indicating the Actor's z-order. +2167 */ +2168 findChild : function(child) { +2169 var cl= this.childrenList; +2170 var i=0; +2171 var len = cl.length; +2172 +2173 for( i=0; i<len; i++ ) { +2174 if ( cl[i]===child ) { +2175 return i; +2176 } +2177 } +2178 return -1; +2179 }, +2180 /** +2181 * Removed an Actor form this ActorContainer. +2182 * If the Actor is not contained into this Container, nothing happends. +2183 * +2184 * @param child a CAAT.Actor object instance. +2185 * +2186 * @return this +2187 */ +2188 removeChild : function(child) { +2189 var pos= this.findChild(child); +2190 var cl= this.childrenList; +2191 if ( -1!==pos ) { +2192 cl[pos].setParent(null); +2193 cl.splice(pos,1); +2194 } +2195 +2196 return this; +2197 }, +2198 removeFirstChild : function() { +2199 var first= this.childrenList.shift(); +2200 first.parent= null; +2201 return first; +2202 }, +2203 /** +2204 * @private 2205 * -2206 * @return the Actor contained inside this ActorContainer if found, or the ActorContainer itself. -2207 */ -2208 findActorAtPosition : function(point) { -2209 -2210 if(,point) ) { -2211 return null; -2212 } +2206 * Gets the Actor inside this ActorContainer at a given Screen coordinate. +2207 * +2208 * @param point an object of the form { x: float, y: float } +2209 * +2210 * @return the Actor contained inside this ActorContainer if found, or the ActorContainer itself. +2211 */ +2212 findActorAtPosition : function(point) { 2213 -2214 // z-order -2215 var cl= this.childrenList; -2216 for( var i=cl.length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { -2217 var child= this.childrenList[i]; -2218 -2219 var np= new CAAT.Point( point.x, point.y, 0 ); -2220 var contained= child.findActorAtPosition( np ); -2221 if ( null!==contained ) { -2222 return contained; -2223 } -2224 } -2225 -2226 return this; -2227 }, -2228 /** -2229 * Destroys this ActorContainer. -2230 * The process falls down recursively for each contained Actor into this ActorContainer. -2231 * -2232 * @return this -2233 */ -2234 destroy : function() { -2235 var cl= this.childrenList; -2236 for( var i=cl.length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { -2237 cl[i].destroy(); -2238 } -2239; -2240 -2241 return this; -2242 }, -2243 /** -2244 * Get number of Actors into this container. -2245 * @return integer indicating the number of children. -2246 */ -2247 getNumChildren : function() { -2248 return this.childrenList.length; -2249 }, -2250 getNumActiveChildren : function() { -2251 return this.activeChildren.length; -2252 }, -2253 /** -2254 * Returns the Actor at the iPosition(th) position. -2255 * @param iPosition an integer indicating the position array. -2256 * @return the CAAT.Actor object at position. -2257 */ -2258 getChildAt : function( iPosition ) { -2259 return this.childrenList[ iPosition ]; -2260 }, -2261 /** -2262 * Changes an actor's ZOrder. -2263 * @param actor the actor to change ZOrder for -2264 * @param index an integer indicating the new ZOrder. a value greater than children list size means to be the -2265 * last ZOrder Actor. -2266 */ -2267 setZOrder : function( actor, index ) { -2268 var actorPos= this.findChild(actor); -2269 // the actor is present -2270 if ( -1!==actorPos ) { -2271 var cl= this.childrenList; -2272 // trivial reject. -2273 if ( index===actorPos ) { -2274 return; -2275 } -2276 -2277 if ( index>=cl.length ) { -2278 cl.splice(actorPos,1); -2279 cl.push(actor); -2280 } else { -2281 var nActor= cl.splice(actorPos,1); -2282 if ( index<0 ) { -2283 index=0; -2284 } else if ( index>cl.length ) { -2285 index= cl.length; -2286 } -2287 -2288 //cl.splice( index, 1, nActor ); -2289 cl.splice( index, 0, nActor[0] ); -2290 } -2291 } -2292 } -2293 }; -2294 -2295 if ( CAAT.NO_PERF ) { -2296 CAAT.ActorContainer.prototype.paintActor= CAAT.ActorContainer.prototype.__paintActor; -2297 } -2298 -2299 extend( CAAT.ActorContainer, CAAT.Actor, null); -2300 -2301 })(); -2302 -2303 -2304 (function() { -2305 -2306 /** -2307 * TextActor draws text on screen. The text can be drawn directly on screen or make if follow a -2308 * path defined by an instance of <code>CAAT.Path</code>. -2309 * -2310 * @constructor -2311 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer -2312 * -2313 */ -2314 CAAT.TextActor = function() { -2315; -2316 this.font= "10px sans-serif"; -2317 this.textAlign= "left"; -2318 this.textBaseline= "top"; -2319 this.outlineColor= "black"; -2320 this.clip= false; -2321 -2322 return this; -2323 }; -2324 -2325 CAAT.TextActor.TRAVERSE_PATH_FORWARD= 1; -2326 CAAT.TextActor.TRAVERSE_PATH_BACKWARD= -1; -2327 -2328 CAAT.TextActor.prototype= { -2329 font: null, // a valid canvas rendering context font description. Default font -2330 // will be "10px sans-serif". -2331 textAlign: null, // a valid canvas rendering context textAlign string. Any of: -2332 // start, end, left, right, center. -2333 // defaults to "left". -2334 textBaseline: null, // a valid canvas rendering context textBaseLine string. Any of: -2335 // top, hanging, middle, alphabetic, ideographic, bottom. -2336 // defaults to "top". -2337 fill: true, // a boolean indicating whether the text should be filled. -2338 textFillStyle : '#eee', // text fill color -2339 text: null, // a string with the text to draw. -2340 textWidth: 0, // an integer indicating text width in pixels. -2341 textHeight: 0, // an integer indicating text height in pixels. -2342 outline: false, // a boolean indicating whether the text should be outlined. -2343 // not all browsers support it. -2344 outlineColor: null, // a valid color description string. -2345 -2346 path: null, // a CAAT.Path which will be traversed by the text. [Optional] -2347 pathInterpolator: null, // a CAAT.Interpolator to apply to the path traversing. -2348 pathDuration: 10000, // an integer indicating the time to be taken to traverse the path. ms. -2349 sign: 1, // traverse the path forward or backwards. -2350 -2351 /** -2352 * Set the text to be filled. The default Filling style will be set by calling setFillStyle method. -2353 * Default value is true. -2354 * @param fill {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the text will be filled. -2355 * @return this; -2356 */ -2357 setFill : function( fill ) { -2358 this.fill= fill; -2359 return this; -2360 }, -2361 setTextFillStyle : function( style ) { -2362 this.textFillStyle= style; +2214 if(,point) ) { +2215 return null; +2216 } +2217 +2218 // z-order +2219 var cl= this.childrenList; +2220 for( var i=cl.length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { +2221 var child= this.childrenList[i]; +2222 +2223 var np= new CAAT.Point( point.x, point.y, 0 ); +2224 var contained= child.findActorAtPosition( np ); +2225 if ( null!==contained ) { +2226 return contained; +2227 } +2228 } +2229 +2230 return this; +2231 }, +2232 /** +2233 * Destroys this ActorContainer. +2234 * The process falls down recursively for each contained Actor into this ActorContainer. +2235 * +2236 * @return this +2237 */ +2238 destroy : function() { +2239 var cl= this.childrenList; +2240 for( var i=cl.length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { +2241 cl[i].destroy(); +2242 } +2243; +2244 +2245 return this; +2246 }, +2247 /** +2248 * Get number of Actors into this container. +2249 * @return integer indicating the number of children. +2250 */ +2251 getNumChildren : function() { +2252 return this.childrenList.length; +2253 }, +2254 getNumActiveChildren : function() { +2255 return this.activeChildren.length; +2256 }, +2257 /** +2258 * Returns the Actor at the iPosition(th) position. +2259 * @param iPosition an integer indicating the position array. +2260 * @return the CAAT.Actor object at position. +2261 */ +2262 getChildAt : function( iPosition ) { +2263 return this.childrenList[ iPosition ]; +2264 }, +2265 /** +2266 * Changes an actor's ZOrder. +2267 * @param actor the actor to change ZOrder for +2268 * @param index an integer indicating the new ZOrder. a value greater than children list size means to be the +2269 * last ZOrder Actor. +2270 */ +2271 setZOrder : function( actor, index ) { +2272 var actorPos= this.findChild(actor); +2273 // the actor is present +2274 if ( -1!==actorPos ) { +2275 var cl= this.childrenList; +2276 // trivial reject. +2277 if ( index===actorPos ) { +2278 return; +2279 } +2280 +2281 if ( index>=cl.length ) { +2282 cl.splice(actorPos,1); +2283 cl.push(actor); +2284 } else { +2285 var nActor= cl.splice(actorPos,1); +2286 if ( index<0 ) { +2287 index=0; +2288 } else if ( index>cl.length ) { +2289 index= cl.length; +2290 } +2291 +2292 //cl.splice( index, 1, nActor ); +2293 cl.splice( index, 0, nActor[0] ); +2294 } +2295 } +2296 } +2297 }; +2298 +2299 if ( CAAT.NO_PERF ) { +2300 CAAT.ActorContainer.prototype.paintActor= CAAT.ActorContainer.prototype.__paintActor; +2301 } +2302 +2303 extend( CAAT.ActorContainer, CAAT.Actor, null); +2304 +2305 })(); +2306 +2307 +2308 (function() { +2309 +2310 /** +2311 * TextActor draws text on screen. The text can be drawn directly on screen or make if follow a +2312 * path defined by an instance of <code>CAAT.Path</code>. +2313 * +2314 * @constructor +2315 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer +2316 * +2317 */ +2318 CAAT.TextActor = function() { +2319; +2320 this.font= "10px sans-serif"; +2321 this.textAlign= "left"; +2322 this.textBaseline= "top"; +2323 this.outlineColor= "black"; +2324 this.clip= false; +2325 +2326 return this; +2327 }; +2328 +2329 CAAT.TextActor.TRAVERSE_PATH_FORWARD= 1; +2330 CAAT.TextActor.TRAVERSE_PATH_BACKWARD= -1; +2331 +2332 CAAT.TextActor.prototype= { +2333 font: null, // a valid canvas rendering context font description. Default font +2334 // will be "10px sans-serif". +2335 textAlign: null, // a valid canvas rendering context textAlign string. Any of: +2336 // start, end, left, right, center. +2337 // defaults to "left". +2338 textBaseline: null, // a valid canvas rendering context textBaseLine string. Any of: +2339 // top, hanging, middle, alphabetic, ideographic, bottom. +2340 // defaults to "top". +2341 fill: true, // a boolean indicating whether the text should be filled. +2342 textFillStyle : '#eee', // text fill color +2343 text: null, // a string with the text to draw. +2344 textWidth: 0, // an integer indicating text width in pixels. +2345 textHeight: 0, // an integer indicating text height in pixels. +2346 outline: false, // a boolean indicating whether the text should be outlined. +2347 // not all browsers support it. +2348 outlineColor: null, // a valid color description string. +2349 +2350 path: null, // a CAAT.Path which will be traversed by the text. [Optional] +2351 pathInterpolator: null, // a CAAT.Interpolator to apply to the path traversing. +2352 pathDuration: 10000, // an integer indicating the time to be taken to traverse the path. ms. +2353 sign: 1, // traverse the path forward or backwards. +2354 +2355 /** +2356 * Set the text to be filled. The default Filling style will be set by calling setFillStyle method. +2357 * Default value is true. +2358 * @param fill {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the text will be filled. +2359 * @return this; +2360 */ +2361 setFill : function( fill ) { +2362 this.fill= fill; 2363 return this; 2364 }, -2365 /** -2366 * Sets whether the text will be outlined. -2367 * @param outline {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the text will be outlined. -2368 * @return this; -2369 */ -2370 setOutline : function( outline ) { -2371 this.outline= outline; -2372 return this; -2373 }, -2374 setPathTraverseDirection : function(direction) { -2375 this.sign= direction; +2365 setTextFillStyle : function( style ) { +2366 this.textFillStyle= style; +2367 return this; +2368 }, +2369 /** +2370 * Sets whether the text will be outlined. +2371 * @param outline {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the text will be outlined. +2372 * @return this; +2373 */ +2374 setOutline : function( outline ) { +2375 this.outline= outline; 2376 return this; 2377 }, -2378 /** -2379 * Defines text's outline color. -2380 * -2381 * @param color {string} sets a valid canvas context color. -2382 * @return this. -2383 */ -2384 setOutlineColor : function( color ) { -2385 this.outlineColor= color; -2386 return this; -2387 }, -2388 /** -2389 * Set the text to be shown by the actor. -2390 * @param sText a string with the text to be shwon. -2391 * @return this -2392 */ -2393 setText : function( sText ) { -2394 this.text= sText; -2395 if ( null===this.text || this.text==="" ) { -2396 this.width= this.height= 0; -2397 } -2398 this.calcTextSize( CAAT.director[0] ); -2399 -2400 return this; -2401 }, -2402 setTextAlign : function( align ) { -2403 this.textAlign= align; +2378 setPathTraverseDirection : function(direction) { +2379 this.sign= direction; +2380 return this; +2381 }, +2382 /** +2383 * Defines text's outline color. +2384 * +2385 * @param color {string} sets a valid canvas context color. +2386 * @return this. +2387 */ +2388 setOutlineColor : function( color ) { +2389 this.outlineColor= color; +2390 return this; +2391 }, +2392 /** +2393 * Set the text to be shown by the actor. +2394 * @param sText a string with the text to be shwon. +2395 * @return this +2396 */ +2397 setText : function( sText ) { +2398 this.text= sText; +2399 if ( null===this.text || this.text==="" ) { +2400 this.width= this.height= 0; +2401 } +2402 this.calcTextSize( CAAT.director[0] ); +2403 2404 return this; 2405 }, -2406 /** -2407 * Sets text alignment -2408 * @param align -2409 * @deprecated use setTextAlign -2410 */ -2411 setAlign : function( align ) { -2412 return this.setTextAlign(align); -2413 }, -2414 /** -2415 * Set text baseline. -2416 * @param baseline -2417 */ -2418 setTextBaseline : function( baseline ) { -2419 this.textBaseline= baseline; -2420 return this; -2421 -2422 }, -2423 setBaseline : function( baseline ) { -2424 return this.setTextBaseline(baseline); -2425 }, -2426 /** -2427 * Sets the font to be applied for the text. -2428 * @param font a string with a valid canvas rendering context font description. -2429 * @return this -2430 */ -2431 setFont : function(font) { -2432 -2433 if ( !font ) { -2434 font= "10px sans-serif"; -2435 } +2406 setTextAlign : function( align ) { +2407 this.textAlign= align; +2408 return this; +2409 }, +2410 /** +2411 * Sets text alignment +2412 * @param align +2413 * @deprecated use setTextAlign +2414 */ +2415 setAlign : function( align ) { +2416 return this.setTextAlign(align); +2417 }, +2418 /** +2419 * Set text baseline. +2420 * @param baseline +2421 */ +2422 setTextBaseline : function( baseline ) { +2423 this.textBaseline= baseline; +2424 return this; +2425 +2426 }, +2427 setBaseline : function( baseline ) { +2428 return this.setTextBaseline(baseline); +2429 }, +2430 /** +2431 * Sets the font to be applied for the text. +2432 * @param font a string with a valid canvas rendering context font description. +2433 * @return this +2434 */ +2435 setFont : function(font) { 2436 -2437 this.font= font; -2438 this.calcTextSize( CAAT.director[0] ); -2439 -2440 return this; -2441 }, -2442 -2443 /** -2444 * Calculates the text dimension in pixels and stores the values in textWidth and textHeight -2445 * attributes. -2446 * If Actor's width and height were not set, the Actor's dimension will be set to these values. -2447 * @param director a CAAT.Director instance. -2448 * @return this -2449 */ -2450 calcTextSize : function(director) { -2451 -2452 if ( typeof this.text==='undefined' || null===this.text || ""===this.text ) { -2453 this.textWidth= 0; -2454 this.textHeight= 0; -2455 return this; -2456 } -2457 -2458 if ( director.glEnabled ) { +2437 if ( !font ) { +2438 font= "10px sans-serif"; +2439 } +2440 +2441 this.font= font; +2442 this.calcTextSize( CAAT.director[0] ); +2443 +2444 return this; +2445 }, +2446 +2447 /** +2448 * Calculates the text dimension in pixels and stores the values in textWidth and textHeight +2449 * attributes. +2450 * If Actor's width and height were not set, the Actor's dimension will be set to these values. +2451 * @param director a CAAT.Director instance. +2452 * @return this +2453 */ +2454 calcTextSize : function(director) { +2455 +2456 if ( typeof this.text==='undefined' || null===this.text || ""===this.text ) { +2457 this.textWidth= 0; +2458 this.textHeight= 0; 2459 return this; 2460 } 2461 -2462 if ( this.font instanceof CAAT.SpriteImage ) { -2463 this.textWidth= this.font.stringWidth( this.text ); -2464 this.textHeight=this.font.stringHeight(); -2465 this.width= this.textWidth; -2466 this.height= this.textHeight; -2467 return this; -2468 } -2469 -2470 var ctx= director.ctx; -2471 -2472; -2473 ctx.font= this.font; -2474 -2475 this.textWidth= ctx.measureText( this.text ).width; -2476 if (this.width===0) { -2477 this.width= this.textWidth; -2478 } -2479 -2480 try { -2481 var pos= this.font.indexOf("px"); -2482 var s = this.font.substring(0, pos ); -2483 this.textHeight= parseInt(s,10); -2484 -2485 // needed to calculate the descent. -2486 // no context.getDescent(font) WTF !!! -2487 this.textHeight+= (this.textHeight/4)>>0; -2488 } catch(e) { -2489 this.textHeight=20; // default height; -2490 } -2491 -2492 if ( this.height===0 ) { -2493 this.height= this.textHeight; +2462 if ( director.glEnabled ) { +2463 return this; +2464 } +2465 +2466 if ( this.font instanceof CAAT.SpriteImage ) { +2467 this.textWidth= this.font.stringWidth( this.text ); +2468 this.textHeight=this.font.stringHeight(); +2469 this.width= this.textWidth; +2470 this.height= this.textHeight; +2471 return this; +2472 } +2473 +2474 var ctx= director.ctx; +2475 +2476; +2477 ctx.font= this.font; +2478 +2479 this.textWidth= ctx.measureText( this.text ).width; +2480 if (this.width===0) { +2481 this.width= this.textWidth; +2482 } +2483 +2484 try { +2485 var pos= this.font.indexOf("px"); +2486 var s = this.font.substring(0, pos ); +2487 this.textHeight= parseInt(s,10); +2488 +2489 // needed to calculate the descent. +2490 // no context.getDescent(font) WTF !!! +2491 this.textHeight+= (this.textHeight/4)>>0; +2492 } catch(e) { +2493 this.textHeight=20; // default height; 2494 } 2495 -2496 ctx.restore(); -2497 -2498 return this; -2499 }, -2500 /** -2501 * Custom paint method for TextActor instances. -2502 * If the path attribute is set, the text will be drawn traversing the path. -2503 * -2504 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2505 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2506 */ -2507 paint : function(director, time) { -2508 -2509, director, time ); -2510 -2511 if ( this.cached ) { -2512 // cacheAsBitmap sets this actor's background image as a representation of itself. -2513 // So if after drawing the background it was cached, we're done. -2514 return; -2515 } -2516 -2517 if ( null===this.text) { -2518 return; -2519 } +2496 if ( this.height===0 ) { +2497 this.height= this.textHeight; +2498 } +2499 +2500 ctx.restore(); +2501 +2502 return this; +2503 }, +2504 /** +2505 * Custom paint method for TextActor instances. +2506 * If the path attribute is set, the text will be drawn traversing the path. +2507 * +2508 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2509 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2510 */ +2511 paint : function(director, time) { +2512 +2513, director, time ); +2514 +2515 if ( this.cached ) { +2516 // cacheAsBitmap sets this actor's background image as a representation of itself. +2517 // So if after drawing the background it was cached, we're done. +2518 return; +2519 } 2520 -2521 if ( this.textWidth===0 || this.textHeight===0 ) { -2522 this.calcTextSize(director); -2523 } +2521 if ( null===this.text) { +2522 return; +2523 } 2524 -2525 var ctx= director.ctx; -2526 -2527 if ( this.font instanceof CAAT.SpriteImage ) { -2528 return this.drawSpriteText(director,time); -2529 } -2530 -2531 if( null!==this.font ) { -2532 ctx.font= this.font; +2525 if ( this.textWidth===0 || this.textHeight===0 ) { +2526 this.calcTextSize(director); +2527 } +2528 +2529 var ctx= director.ctx; +2530 +2531 if ( this.font instanceof CAAT.SpriteImage ) { +2532 return this.drawSpriteText(director,time); 2533 } -2534 if ( null!==this.textAlign ) { -2535 ctx.textAlign= this.textAlign; -2536 } -2537 if ( null!==this.textBaseline ) { -2538 ctx.textBaseline= this.textBaseline; -2539 } -2540 if ( this.fill && null!==this.textFillStyle ) { -2541 ctx.fillStyle= this.textFillStyle; -2542 } -2543 if ( this.outline && null!==this.outlineColor ) { -2544 ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; -2545 } -2546 -2547 if (null===this.path) { -2548 -2549 var tx=0; -2550 if ( this.textAlign==='center') { -2551 tx= (this.width/2)|0; -2552 } else if ( this.textAlign==='right' ) { -2553 tx= this.width; -2554 } -2555 -2556 if ( this.fill ) { -2557 ctx.fillText( this.text, tx, 0 ); -2558 if ( this.outline ) { +2534 +2535 if( null!==this.font ) { +2536 ctx.font= this.font; +2537 } +2538 if ( null!==this.textAlign ) { +2539 ctx.textAlign= this.textAlign; +2540 } +2541 if ( null!==this.textBaseline ) { +2542 ctx.textBaseline= this.textBaseline; +2543 } +2544 if ( this.fill && null!==this.textFillStyle ) { +2545 ctx.fillStyle= this.textFillStyle; +2546 } +2547 if ( this.outline && null!==this.outlineColor ) { +2548 ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; +2549 } +2550 +2551 if (null===this.path) { +2552 +2553 var tx=0; +2554 if ( this.textAlign==='center') { +2555 tx= (this.width/2)|0; +2556 } else if ( this.textAlign==='right' ) { +2557 tx= this.width; +2558 } 2559 -2560 // firefox necesita beginPath, si no, dibujara ademas el cuadrado del -2561 // contenedor de los textos. -2562 // if ( null!==this.outlineColor ) { -2563 // ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; -2564 // } -2565 ctx.beginPath(); -2566 ctx.strokeText( this.text, tx, 0 ); -2567 } -2568 } else { -2569 if ( null!==this.outlineColor ) { -2570 ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; +2560 if ( this.fill ) { +2561 ctx.fillText( this.text, tx, 0 ); +2562 if ( this.outline ) { +2563 +2564 // firefox necesita beginPath, si no, dibujara ademas el cuadrado del +2565 // contenedor de los textos. +2566 // if ( null!==this.outlineColor ) { +2567 // ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; +2568 // } +2569 ctx.beginPath(); +2570 ctx.strokeText( this.text, tx, 0 ); 2571 } -2572 ctx.beginPath(); -2573 ctx.strokeText( this.text, tx, 0 ); -2574 } -2575 } -2576 else { -2577 this.drawOnPath(director,time); -2578 } -2579 }, -2580 /** -2581 * Private. -2582 * Draw the text traversing a path. -2583 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2584 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2585 */ -2586 drawOnPath : function(director, time) { -2587 -2588 var ctx= director.ctx; -2589 -2590 var textWidth=this.sign * this.pathInterpolator.getPosition( -2591 (time%this.pathDuration)/this.pathDuration ).y * this.path.getLength() ; -2592 var p0= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -2593 var p1= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -2594 -2595 for( var i=0; i<this.text.length; i++ ) { -2596 var caracter= this.text[i].toString(); -2597 var charWidth= ctx.measureText( caracter ).width; -2598 var currentCurveLength= charWidth/2 + textWidth; -2599 -2600 p0= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength).clone(); -2601 p1= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength-0.1).clone(); -2602 -2603 var angle= Math.atan2( p0.y-p1.y, p0.x-p1.x ); -2604 -2605; +2572 } else { +2573 if ( null!==this.outlineColor ) { +2574 ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; +2575 } +2576 ctx.beginPath(); +2577 ctx.strokeText( this.text, tx, 0 ); +2578 } +2579 } +2580 else { +2581 this.drawOnPath(director,time); +2582 } +2583 }, +2584 /** +2585 * Private. +2586 * Draw the text traversing a path. +2587 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2588 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2589 */ +2590 drawOnPath : function(director, time) { +2591 +2592 var ctx= director.ctx; +2593 +2594 var textWidth=this.sign * this.pathInterpolator.getPosition( +2595 (time%this.pathDuration)/this.pathDuration ).y * this.path.getLength() ; +2596 var p0= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); +2597 var p1= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); +2598 +2599 for( var i=0; i<this.text.length; i++ ) { +2600 var caracter= this.text[i].toString(); +2601 var charWidth= ctx.measureText( caracter ).width; +2602 var currentCurveLength= charWidth/2 + textWidth; +2603 +2604 p0= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength).clone(); +2605 p1= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength-0.1).clone(); 2606 -2607 ctx.translate( (0.5+p0.x)|0, (0.5+p0.y)|0 ); -2608 ctx.rotate( angle ); -2609 if ( this.fill ) { -2610 ctx.fillText(caracter,0,0); -2611 } -2612 if ( this.outline ) { -2613 // ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; -2614 ctx.strokeText(caracter,0,0); +2607 var angle= Math.atan2( p0.y-p1.y, p0.x-p1.x ); +2608 +2609; +2610 +2611 ctx.translate( (0.5+p0.x)|0, (0.5+p0.y)|0 ); +2612 ctx.rotate( angle ); +2613 if ( this.fill ) { +2614 ctx.fillText(caracter,0,0); 2615 } -2616 -2617 ctx.restore(); -2618 -2619 textWidth+= charWidth; -2620 } -2621 }, -2622 -2623 /** -2624 * Private. -2625 * Draw the text using a sprited font instead of a canvas font. -2626 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2627 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2628 */ -2629 drawSpriteText: function(director, time) { -2630 if (null===this.path) { -2631 this.font.drawString( director.ctx, this.text, 0, 0); -2632 } else { -2633 this.drawSpriteTextOnPath(director, time); -2634 } -2635 }, -2636 -2637 /** -2638 * Private. -2639 * Draw the text traversing a path using a sprited font. -2640 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2641 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2642 */ -2643 drawSpriteTextOnPath: function(director, time) { -2644 var context= director.ctx; -2645 -2646 var textWidth=this.sign * this.pathInterpolator.getPosition( -2647 (time%this.pathDuration)/this.pathDuration ).y * this.path.getLength() ; -2648 var p0= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -2649 var p1= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -2650 -2651 for( var i=0; i<this.text.length; i++ ) { -2652 var character= this.text[i].toString(); -2653 var charWidth= this.font.stringWidth(character); //context.measureText( caracter ).width; +2616 if ( this.outline ) { +2617 // ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; +2618 ctx.strokeText(caracter,0,0); +2619 } +2620 +2621 ctx.restore(); +2622 +2623 textWidth+= charWidth; +2624 } +2625 }, +2626 +2627 /** +2628 * Private. +2629 * Draw the text using a sprited font instead of a canvas font. +2630 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2631 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2632 */ +2633 drawSpriteText: function(director, time) { +2634 if (null===this.path) { +2635 this.font.drawString( director.ctx, this.text, 0, 0); +2636 } else { +2637 this.drawSpriteTextOnPath(director, time); +2638 } +2639 }, +2640 +2641 /** +2642 * Private. +2643 * Draw the text traversing a path using a sprited font. +2644 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2645 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2646 */ +2647 drawSpriteTextOnPath: function(director, time) { +2648 var context= director.ctx; +2649 +2650 var textWidth=this.sign * this.pathInterpolator.getPosition( +2651 (time%this.pathDuration)/this.pathDuration ).y * this.path.getLength() ; +2652 var p0= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); +2653 var p1= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); 2654 -2655 var pathLength= this.path.getLength(); -2656 -2657 var currentCurveLength= charWidth/2 + textWidth; +2655 for( var i=0; i<this.text.length; i++ ) { +2656 var character= this.text[i].toString(); +2657 var charWidth= this.font.stringWidth(character); //context.measureText( caracter ).width; 2658 -2659 p0= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength).clone(); -2660 p1= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength-0.1).clone(); -2661 -2662 var angle= Math.atan2( p0.y-p1.y, p0.x-p1.x ); -2663 -2664; +2659 var pathLength= this.path.getLength(); +2660 +2661 var currentCurveLength= charWidth/2 + textWidth; +2662 +2663 p0= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength).clone(); +2664 p1= this.path.getPositionFromLength(currentCurveLength-0.1).clone(); 2665 -2666 context.translate( (0.5+p0.x)|0, (0.5+p0.y)|0 ); -2667 context.rotate( angle ); -2668 -2669 var y = this.textBaseline === "bottom" ? 0 - this.font.height : 0; -2670 -2671 this.font.drawString(context,character, 0, y); -2672 -2673 context.restore(); -2674 -2675 textWidth+= charWidth; -2676 } -2677 }, -2678 -2679 /** -2680 * Set the path, interpolator and duration to draw the text on. -2681 * @param path a valid CAAT.Path instance. -2682 * @param interpolator a CAAT.Interpolator object. If not set, a Linear Interpolator will be used. -2683 * @param duration an integer indicating the time to take to traverse the path. Optional. 10000 ms -2684 * by default. -2685 */ -2686 setPath : function( path, interpolator, duration ) { -2687 this.path= path; -2688 this.pathInterpolator= interpolator || new CAAT.Interpolator().createLinearInterpolator(); -2689 this.pathDuration= duration || 10000; -2690 -2691 /* -2692 parent could not be set by the time this method is called. -2693 so the actors bounds set is removed. -2694 the developer must ensure to call setbounds properly on actor. -2695 */ -2696 this.mouseEnabled= false; -2697 -2698 return this; -2699 } -2700 }; +2666 var angle= Math.atan2( p0.y-p1.y, p0.x-p1.x ); +2667 +2668; +2669 +2670 context.translate( p0.x|0, p0.y|0 ); +2671 context.rotate( angle ); +2672 +2673 var y = this.textBaseline === "bottom" ? 0 - this.font.height : 0; +2674 +2675 this.font.drawString(context,character, 0, y); +2676 +2677 context.restore(); +2678 +2679 textWidth+= charWidth; +2680 } +2681 }, +2682 +2683 /** +2684 * Set the path, interpolator and duration to draw the text on. +2685 * @param path a valid CAAT.Path instance. +2686 * @param interpolator a CAAT.Interpolator object. If not set, a Linear Interpolator will be used. +2687 * @param duration an integer indicating the time to take to traverse the path. Optional. 10000 ms +2688 * by default. +2689 */ +2690 setPath : function( path, interpolator, duration ) { +2691 this.path= path; +2692 this.pathInterpolator= interpolator || new CAAT.Interpolator().createLinearInterpolator(); +2693 this.pathDuration= duration || 10000; +2694 +2695 /* +2696 parent could not be set by the time this method is called. +2697 so the actors bounds set is removed. +2698 the developer must ensure to call setbounds properly on actor. +2699 */ +2700 this.mouseEnabled= false; 2701 -2702 extend( CAAT.TextActor, CAAT.Actor, null); -2703 })(); -2704 -2705 (function() { -2706 -2707 /** -2708 * This Actor draws common shapes, concretely Circles and rectangles. -2709 * -2710 * @constructor -2711 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer -2712 */ -2713 CAAT.ShapeActor = function() { -2714; -2715 this.compositeOp= 'source-over'; -2716 -2717 /** -2718 * Thanks Svend Dutz and Thomas Karolski for noticing this call was not performed by default, -2719 * so if no explicit call to setShape was made, nothing would be drawn. -2720 */ -2721 this.setShape( this.SHAPE_CIRCLE ); -2722 return this; -2723 }; -2724 -2725 CAAT.ShapeActor.prototype= { -2726 -2727 shape: 0, // shape type. One of the constant SHAPE_* values -2728 compositeOp: null, // a valid canvas rendering context string describing compositeOps. -2729 lineWidth: 1, -2730 lineCap: null, -2731 lineJoin: null, -2732 miterLimit: null, -2733 -2734 SHAPE_CIRCLE: 0, // Constants to describe different shapes. -2735 SHAPE_RECTANGLE:1, -2736 -2737 /** -2738 * -2739 * @param l {number>0} -2740 */ -2741 setLineWidth : function(l) { -2742 this.lineWidth= l; -2743 return this; -2744 }, -2745 /** -2746 * -2747 * @param lc {string{butt|round|square}} -2748 */ -2749 setLineCap : function(lc) { -2750 this.lineCap= lc; -2751 return this; -2752 }, -2753 /** -2754 * -2755 * @param lj {string{bevel|round|miter}} -2756 */ -2757 setLineJoin : function(lj) { -2758 this.lineJoin= lj; -2759 return this; -2760 }, -2761 /** -2762 * -2763 * @param ml {integer>0} -2764 */ -2765 setMiterLimit : function(ml) { -2766 this.miterLimit= ml; -2767 return this; -2768 }, -2769 getLineCap : function() { -2770 return this.lineCap; -2771 }, -2772 getLineJoin : function() { -2773 return this.lineJoin; -2774 }, -2775 getMiterLimit : function() { -2776 return this.miterLimit; -2777 }, -2778 getLineWidth : function() { -2779 return this.lineWidth; -2780 }, -2781 /** -2782 * Sets shape type. -2783 * No check for parameter validity is performed. -2784 * Set paint method according to the shape. -2785 * @param iShape an integer with any of the SHAPE_* constants. -2786 * @return this -2787 */ -2788 setShape : function(iShape) { -2789 this.shape= iShape; -2790 this.paint= this.shape===this.SHAPE_CIRCLE ? -2791 this.paintCircle : -2792 this.paintRectangle; -2793 return this; -2794 }, -2795 /** -2796 * Sets the composite operation to apply on shape drawing. -2797 * @param compositeOp an string with a valid canvas rendering context string describing compositeOps. -2798 * @return this -2799 */ -2800 setCompositeOp : function(compositeOp){ -2801 this.compositeOp= compositeOp; -2802 return this; -2803 }, -2804 /** -2805 * Draws the shape. -2806 * Applies the values of fillStype, strokeStyle, compositeOp, etc. -2807 * -2808 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2809 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2810 */ -2811 paint : function(director,time) { -2812 }, -2813 /** -2814 * @private -2815 * Draws a circle. -2816 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2817 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2818 */ -2819 paintCircle : function(director,time) { -2820 var ctx= director.crc; -2821 -2822 ctx.lineWidth= this.lineWidth; -2823 -2824 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= this.compositeOp; -2825 if ( null!==this.fillStyle ) { -2826 ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; -2827 ctx.beginPath(); -2828 ctx.arc( this.width/2, this.height/2, Math.min(this.width,this.height)/2, 0, 2*Math.PI, false ); -2829 ctx.fill(); -2830 } -2831 -2832 if ( null!==this.strokeStyle ) { -2833 ctx.strokeStyle= this.strokeStyle; -2834 ctx.beginPath(); -2835 ctx.arc( this.width/2, this.height/2, Math.min(this.width,this.height)/2, 0, 2*Math.PI, false ); -2836 ctx.stroke(); -2837 } -2838 }, -2839 /** -2840 * -2841 * Private -2842 * Draws a Rectangle. -2843 * -2844 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. -2845 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. -2846 */ -2847 paintRectangle : function(director,time) { -2848 var ctx= director.crc; -2849 -2850 ctx.lineWidth= this.lineWidth; -2851 -2852 if ( this.lineCap ) { -2853 ctx.lineCap= this.lineCap; -2854 } -2855 if ( this.lineJoin ) { -2856 ctx.lineJoin= this.lineJoin; -2857 } -2858 if ( this.miterLimit ) { -2859 ctx.miterLimit= this.miterLimit; -2860 } -2861 -2862 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= this.compositeOp; -2863 if ( null!==this.fillStyle ) { -2864 ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; -2865 ctx.beginPath(); -2866 ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); -2867 ctx.fill(); -2868 } -2869 -2870 if ( null!==this.strokeStyle ) { -2871 ctx.strokeStyle= this.strokeStyle; -2872 ctx.beginPath(); -2873 ctx.strokeRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); -2874 ctx.stroke(); -2875 } -2876 } -2877 }; -2878 -2879 extend( CAAT.ShapeActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); -2880 })(); -2881 -2882 (function() { -2883 -2884 /** -2885 * This actor draws stars. -2886 * -2887 * @constructor -2888 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer -2889 */ -2890 CAAT.StarActor= function() { -2891; -2892 this.compositeOp= 'source-over'; -2893 return this; -2894 }; -2895 -2896 CAAT.StarActor.prototype= { -2897 nPeaks: 0, -2898 maxRadius: 0, -2899 minRadius: 0, -2900 initialAngle: 0, -2901 compositeOp: null, -2902 lineWidth: 1, -2903 lineCap: null, -2904 lineJoin: null, -2905 miterLimit: null, -2906 -2907 /** -2908 * -2909 * @param l {number>0} -2910 */ -2911 setLineWidth : function(l) { -2912 this.lineWidth= l; -2913 return this; -2914 }, -2915 /** -2916 * -2917 * @param lc {string{butt|round|square}} -2918 */ -2919 setLineCap : function(lc) { -2920 this.lineCap= lc; -2921 return this; -2922 }, -2923 /** -2924 * -2925 * @param lj {string{bevel|round|miter}} -2926 */ -2927 setLineJoin : function(lj) { -2928 this.lineJoin= lj; -2929 return this; -2930 }, -2931 /** -2932 * -2933 * @param ml {integer>0} -2934 */ -2935 setMiterLimit : function(ml) { -2936 this.miterLimit= ml; -2937 return this; -2938 }, -2939 getLineCap : function() { -2940 return this.lineCap; -2941 }, -2942 getLineJoin : function() { -2943 return this.lineJoin; -2944 }, -2945 getMiterLimit : function() { -2946 return this.miterLimit; -2947 }, -2948 getLineWidth : function() { -2949 return this.lineWidth; -2950 }, -2951 /** -2952 * Sets whether the star will be color filled. -2953 * @param filled {boolean} -2954 * @deprecated -2955 */ -2956 setFilled : function( filled ) { -2957 return this; -2958 }, -2959 /** -2960 * Sets whether the star will be outlined. -2961 * @param outlined {boolean} -2962 * @deprecated -2963 */ -2964 setOutlined : function( outlined ) { -2965 return this; -2966 }, -2967 /** -2968 * Sets the composite operation to apply on shape drawing. -2969 * @param compositeOp an string with a valid canvas rendering context string describing compositeOps. -2970 * @return this -2971 */ -2972 setCompositeOp : function(compositeOp){ -2973 this.compositeOp= compositeOp; -2974 return this; -2975 }, -2976 /** -2977 * -2978 * @param angle {number} number in radians. -2979 */ -2980 setInitialAngle : function(angle) { -2981 this.initialAngle= angle; -2982 return this; -2983 }, -2984 /** -2985 * Initialize the star values. -2986 * <p> -2987 * The star actor will be of size 2*maxRadius. -2988 * -2989 * @param nPeaks {number} number of star points. -2990 * @param maxRadius {number} maximum star radius -2991 * @param minRadius {number} minimum star radius +2702 return this; +2703 } +2704 }; +2705 +2706 extend( CAAT.TextActor, CAAT.Actor, null); +2707 })(); +2708 +2709 (function() { +2710 +2711 /** +2712 * This Actor draws common shapes, concretely Circles and rectangles. +2713 * +2714 * @constructor +2715 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer +2716 */ +2717 CAAT.ShapeActor = function() { +2718; +2719 this.compositeOp= 'source-over'; +2720 +2721 /** +2722 * Thanks Svend Dutz and Thomas Karolski for noticing this call was not performed by default, +2723 * so if no explicit call to setShape was made, nothing would be drawn. +2724 */ +2725 this.setShape( this.SHAPE_CIRCLE ); +2726 return this; +2727 }; +2728 +2729 CAAT.ShapeActor.prototype= { +2730 +2731 shape: 0, // shape type. One of the constant SHAPE_* values +2732 compositeOp: null, // a valid canvas rendering context string describing compositeOps. +2733 lineWidth: 1, +2734 lineCap: null, +2735 lineJoin: null, +2736 miterLimit: null, +2737 +2738 SHAPE_CIRCLE: 0, // Constants to describe different shapes. +2739 SHAPE_RECTANGLE:1, +2740 +2741 /** +2742 * +2743 * @param l {number>0} +2744 */ +2745 setLineWidth : function(l) { +2746 this.lineWidth= l; +2747 return this; +2748 }, +2749 /** +2750 * +2751 * @param lc {string{butt|round|square}} +2752 */ +2753 setLineCap : function(lc) { +2754 this.lineCap= lc; +2755 return this; +2756 }, +2757 /** +2758 * +2759 * @param lj {string{bevel|round|miter}} +2760 */ +2761 setLineJoin : function(lj) { +2762 this.lineJoin= lj; +2763 return this; +2764 }, +2765 /** +2766 * +2767 * @param ml {integer>0} +2768 */ +2769 setMiterLimit : function(ml) { +2770 this.miterLimit= ml; +2771 return this; +2772 }, +2773 getLineCap : function() { +2774 return this.lineCap; +2775 }, +2776 getLineJoin : function() { +2777 return this.lineJoin; +2778 }, +2779 getMiterLimit : function() { +2780 return this.miterLimit; +2781 }, +2782 getLineWidth : function() { +2783 return this.lineWidth; +2784 }, +2785 /** +2786 * Sets shape type. +2787 * No check for parameter validity is performed. +2788 * Set paint method according to the shape. +2789 * @param iShape an integer with any of the SHAPE_* constants. +2790 * @return this +2791 */ +2792 setShape : function(iShape) { +2793 this.shape= iShape; +2794 this.paint= this.shape===this.SHAPE_CIRCLE ? +2795 this.paintCircle : +2796 this.paintRectangle; +2797 return this; +2798 }, +2799 /** +2800 * Sets the composite operation to apply on shape drawing. +2801 * @param compositeOp an string with a valid canvas rendering context string describing compositeOps. +2802 * @return this +2803 */ +2804 setCompositeOp : function(compositeOp){ +2805 this.compositeOp= compositeOp; +2806 return this; +2807 }, +2808 /** +2809 * Draws the shape. +2810 * Applies the values of fillStype, strokeStyle, compositeOp, etc. +2811 * +2812 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2813 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2814 */ +2815 paint : function(director,time) { +2816 }, +2817 /** +2818 * @private +2819 * Draws a circle. +2820 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2821 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2822 */ +2823 paintCircle : function(director,time) { +2824 var ctx= director.crc; +2825 +2826 ctx.lineWidth= this.lineWidth; +2827 +2828 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= this.compositeOp; +2829 if ( null!==this.fillStyle ) { +2830 ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; +2831 ctx.beginPath(); +2832 ctx.arc( this.width/2, this.height/2, Math.min(this.width,this.height)/2, 0, 2*Math.PI, false ); +2833 ctx.fill(); +2834 } +2835 +2836 if ( null!==this.strokeStyle ) { +2837 ctx.strokeStyle= this.strokeStyle; +2838 ctx.beginPath(); +2839 ctx.arc( this.width/2, this.height/2, Math.min(this.width,this.height)/2, 0, 2*Math.PI, false ); +2840 ctx.stroke(); +2841 } +2842 }, +2843 /** +2844 * +2845 * Private +2846 * Draws a Rectangle. +2847 * +2848 * @param director a valid CAAT.Director instance. +2849 * @param time an integer with the Scene time the Actor is being drawn. +2850 */ +2851 paintRectangle : function(director,time) { +2852 var ctx= director.crc; +2853 +2854 ctx.lineWidth= this.lineWidth; +2855 +2856 if ( this.lineCap ) { +2857 ctx.lineCap= this.lineCap; +2858 } +2859 if ( this.lineJoin ) { +2860 ctx.lineJoin= this.lineJoin; +2861 } +2862 if ( this.miterLimit ) { +2863 ctx.miterLimit= this.miterLimit; +2864 } +2865 +2866 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= this.compositeOp; +2867 if ( null!==this.fillStyle ) { +2868 ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; +2869 ctx.beginPath(); +2870 ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); +2871 ctx.fill(); +2872 } +2873 +2874 if ( null!==this.strokeStyle ) { +2875 ctx.strokeStyle= this.strokeStyle; +2876 ctx.beginPath(); +2877 ctx.strokeRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); +2878 ctx.stroke(); +2879 } +2880 } +2881 }; +2882 +2883 extend( CAAT.ShapeActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); +2884 })(); +2885 +2886 (function() { +2887 +2888 /** +2889 * This actor draws stars. +2890 * +2891 * @constructor +2892 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer +2893 */ +2894 CAAT.StarActor= function() { +2895; +2896 this.compositeOp= 'source-over'; +2897 return this; +2898 }; +2899 +2900 CAAT.StarActor.prototype= { +2901 nPeaks: 0, +2902 maxRadius: 0, +2903 minRadius: 0, +2904 initialAngle: 0, +2905 compositeOp: null, +2906 lineWidth: 1, +2907 lineCap: null, +2908 lineJoin: null, +2909 miterLimit: null, +2910 +2911 /** +2912 * +2913 * @param l {number>0} +2914 */ +2915 setLineWidth : function(l) { +2916 this.lineWidth= l; +2917 return this; +2918 }, +2919 /** +2920 * +2921 * @param lc {string{butt|round|square}} +2922 */ +2923 setLineCap : function(lc) { +2924 this.lineCap= lc; +2925 return this; +2926 }, +2927 /** +2928 * +2929 * @param lj {string{bevel|round|miter}} +2930 */ +2931 setLineJoin : function(lj) { +2932 this.lineJoin= lj; +2933 return this; +2934 }, +2935 /** +2936 * +2937 * @param ml {integer>0} +2938 */ +2939 setMiterLimit : function(ml) { +2940 this.miterLimit= ml; +2941 return this; +2942 }, +2943 getLineCap : function() { +2944 return this.lineCap; +2945 }, +2946 getLineJoin : function() { +2947 return this.lineJoin; +2948 }, +2949 getMiterLimit : function() { +2950 return this.miterLimit; +2951 }, +2952 getLineWidth : function() { +2953 return this.lineWidth; +2954 }, +2955 /** +2956 * Sets whether the star will be color filled. +2957 * @param filled {boolean} +2958 * @deprecated +2959 */ +2960 setFilled : function( filled ) { +2961 return this; +2962 }, +2963 /** +2964 * Sets whether the star will be outlined. +2965 * @param outlined {boolean} +2966 * @deprecated +2967 */ +2968 setOutlined : function( outlined ) { +2969 return this; +2970 }, +2971 /** +2972 * Sets the composite operation to apply on shape drawing. +2973 * @param compositeOp an string with a valid canvas rendering context string describing compositeOps. +2974 * @return this +2975 */ +2976 setCompositeOp : function(compositeOp){ +2977 this.compositeOp= compositeOp; +2978 return this; +2979 }, +2980 /** +2981 * +2982 * @param angle {number} number in radians. +2983 */ +2984 setInitialAngle : function(angle) { +2985 this.initialAngle= angle; +2986 return this; +2987 }, +2988 /** +2989 * Initialize the star values. +2990 * <p> +2991 * The star actor will be of size 2*maxRadius. 2992 * -2993 * @return this -2994 */ -2995 initialize : function(nPeaks, maxRadius, minRadius) { -2996 this.setSize( 2*maxRadius, 2*maxRadius ); -2997 -2998 this.nPeaks= nPeaks; -2999 this.maxRadius= maxRadius; -3000 this.minRadius= minRadius; +2993 * @param nPeaks {number} number of star points. +2994 * @param maxRadius {number} maximum star radius +2995 * @param minRadius {number} minimum star radius +2996 * +2997 * @return this +2998 */ +2999 initialize : function(nPeaks, maxRadius, minRadius) { +3000 this.setSize( 2*maxRadius, 2*maxRadius ); 3001 -3002 return this; -3003 }, -3004 /** -3005 * Paint the star. -3006 * -3007 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -3008 * @param timer {number} -3009 */ -3010 paint : function(director, timer) { -3011 -3012 var ctx= director.ctx; -3013 var centerX= this.width/2; -3014 var centerY= this.height/2; -3015 var r1= this.maxRadius; -3016 var r2= this.minRadius; -3017 var ix= centerX + r1*Math.cos(this.initialAngle); -3018 var iy= centerY + r1*Math.sin(this.initialAngle); -3019 -3020 ctx.lineWidth= this.lineWidth; -3021 if ( this.lineCap ) { -3022 ctx.lineCap= this.lineCap; -3023 } -3024 if ( this.lineJoin ) { -3025 ctx.lineJoin= this.lineJoin; -3026 } -3027 if ( this.miterLimit ) { -3028 ctx.miterLimit= this.miterLimit; -3029 } -3030 -3031 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= this.compositeOp; -3032 -3033 ctx.beginPath(); -3034 ctx.moveTo(ix,iy); -3035 -3036 for( var i=1; i<this.nPeaks*2; i++ ) { -3037 var angleStar= Math.PI/this.nPeaks * i + this.initialAngle; -3038 var rr= (i%2===0) ? r1 : r2; -3039 var x= centerX + rr*Math.cos(angleStar); -3040 var y= centerY + rr*Math.sin(angleStar); -3041 ctx.lineTo(x,y); -3042 } -3043 -3044 ctx.lineTo( -3045 centerX + r1*Math.cos(this.initialAngle), -3046 centerY + r1*Math.sin(this.initialAngle) ); +3002 this.nPeaks= nPeaks; +3003 this.maxRadius= maxRadius; +3004 this.minRadius= minRadius; +3005 +3006 return this; +3007 }, +3008 /** +3009 * Paint the star. +3010 * +3011 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +3012 * @param timer {number} +3013 */ +3014 paint : function(director, timer) { +3015 +3016 var ctx= director.ctx; +3017 var centerX= this.width/2; +3018 var centerY= this.height/2; +3019 var r1= this.maxRadius; +3020 var r2= this.minRadius; +3021 var ix= centerX + r1*Math.cos(this.initialAngle); +3022 var iy= centerY + r1*Math.sin(this.initialAngle); +3023 +3024 ctx.lineWidth= this.lineWidth; +3025 if ( this.lineCap ) { +3026 ctx.lineCap= this.lineCap; +3027 } +3028 if ( this.lineJoin ) { +3029 ctx.lineJoin= this.lineJoin; +3030 } +3031 if ( this.miterLimit ) { +3032 ctx.miterLimit= this.miterLimit; +3033 } +3034 +3035 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= this.compositeOp; +3036 +3037 ctx.beginPath(); +3038 ctx.moveTo(ix,iy); +3039 +3040 for( var i=1; i<this.nPeaks*2; i++ ) { +3041 var angleStar= Math.PI/this.nPeaks * i + this.initialAngle; +3042 var rr= (i%2===0) ? r1 : r2; +3043 var x= centerX + rr*Math.cos(angleStar); +3044 var y= centerY + rr*Math.sin(angleStar); +3045 ctx.lineTo(x,y); +3046 } 3047 -3048 ctx.closePath(); -3049 -3050 if ( this.fillStyle ) { -3051 ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; -3052 ctx.fill(); -3053 } -3054 -3055 if ( this.strokeStyle ) { -3056 ctx.strokeStyle= this.strokeStyle; -3057 ctx.stroke(); -3058 } -3059 -3060 } -3061 }; -3062 -3063 extend(CAAT.StarActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); -3064 -3065 })(); +3048 ctx.lineTo( +3049 centerX + r1*Math.cos(this.initialAngle), +3050 centerY + r1*Math.sin(this.initialAngle) ); +3051 +3052 ctx.closePath(); +3053 +3054 if ( this.fillStyle ) { +3055 ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; +3056 ctx.fill(); +3057 } +3058 +3059 if ( this.strokeStyle ) { +3060 ctx.strokeStyle= this.strokeStyle; +3061 ctx.stroke(); +3062 } +3063 +3064 } +3065 }; 3066 -3067 /** -3068 * An actor suitable to draw an ImageProcessor instance. -3069 */ -3070 (function() { -3071 -3072 /** -3073 * This Actor will show the result of an image processing operation. -3074 * -3075 * @constructor -3076 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer -3077 */ -3078 CAAT.IMActor= function() { -3079; -3080 return this; -3081 }; -3082 -3083 CAAT.IMActor.prototype= { -3084 -3085 imageProcessor: null, -3086 changeTime: 100, -3087 lastApplicationTime: -1, +3067 extend(CAAT.StarActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); +3068 +3069 })(); +3070 +3071 /** +3072 * An actor suitable to draw an ImageProcessor instance. +3073 */ +3074 (function() { +3075 +3076 /** +3077 * This Actor will show the result of an image processing operation. +3078 * +3079 * @constructor +3080 * @extends CAAT.ActorContainer +3081 */ +3082 CAAT.IMActor= function() { +3083; +3084 return this; +3085 }; +3086 +3087 CAAT.IMActor.prototype= { 3088 -3089 /** -3090 * Set the image processor. -3091 * -3092 * @param im {CAAT.ImageProcessor} a CAAT.ImageProcessor instance. -3093 */ -3094 setImageProcessor : function(im) { -3095 this.imageProcessor= im; -3096 return this; -3097 }, -3098 /** -3099 * Call image processor to update image every time milliseconds. -3100 * @param time an integer indicating milliseconds to elapse before updating the frame. -3101 */ -3102 setImageProcessingTime : function( time ) { -3103 this.changeTime= time; -3104 return this; -3105 }, -3106 paint : function( director, time ) { -3107 if ( time-this.lastApplicationTime>this.changeTime ) { -3108 this.imageProcessor.apply( director, time ); -3109 this.lastApplicationTime= time; -3110 } -3111 -3112 var ctx= director.ctx; -3113 this.imageProcessor.paint( director, time ); -3114 } -3115 }; -3116 -3117 extend( CAAT.IMActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); -3118 })(); \ No newline at end of file +3089 imageProcessor: null, +3090 changeTime: 100, +3091 lastApplicationTime: -1, +3092 +3093 /** +3094 * Set the image processor. +3095 * +3096 * @param im {CAAT.ImageProcessor} a CAAT.ImageProcessor instance. +3097 */ +3098 setImageProcessor : function(im) { +3099 this.imageProcessor= im; +3100 return this; +3101 }, +3102 /** +3103 * Call image processor to update image every time milliseconds. +3104 * @param time an integer indicating milliseconds to elapse before updating the frame. +3105 */ +3106 setImageProcessingTime : function( time ) { +3107 this.changeTime= time; +3108 return this; +3109 }, +3110 paint : function( director, time ) { +3111 if ( time-this.lastApplicationTime>this.changeTime ) { +3112 this.imageProcessor.apply( director, time ); +3113 this.lastApplicationTime= time; +3114 } +3115 +3116 var ctx= director.ctx; +3117 this.imageProcessor.paint( director, time ); +3118 } +3119 }; +3120 +3121 extend( CAAT.IMActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); +3122 })(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_path.js.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_path.js.html index 18c27d25..f0958e68 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_path.js.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_path.js.html @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ 31 }; 32 33 CAAT.PathSegment.prototype = { - 34 color: 'black', + 34 color: '#000', 35 length: 0, 36 bbox: null, 37 parent: null, @@ -156,1618 +156,1714 @@ 149 * Transform this path with the given affinetransform matrix. 150 * @param matrix 151 */ -152 transform : function(matrix) {} -153 }; -154 -155 })(); -156 -157 (function() { -158 -159 /** -160 * Straight line segment path between two given points. -161 * -162 * @constructor -163 * @extends CAAT.PathSegment -164 */ -165 CAAT.LinearPath = function() { -166; -167 -168 this.points= []; -169 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -170 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -171 -172 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -173 return this; -174 }; -175 -176 CAAT.LinearPath.prototype= { -177 points: null, -178 newPosition: null, // spare holder for getPosition coordinate return. -179 -180 applyAsPath : function(director) { -181 director.ctx.lineTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[1].y ); -182 }, -183 setPoint : function( point, index ) { -184 if ( index===0 ) { -185 this.points[0]= point; -186 } else if ( index===1 ) { -187 this.points[1]= point; -188 } -189 }, -190 /** -191 * Update this segments length and bounding box info. -192 */ -193 updatePath : function(point) { -194 var x= this.points[1].x - this.points[0].x; -195 var y= this.points[1].y - this.points[0].y; -196 this.length= Math.sqrt( x*x+y*y ); -197 -198 this.bbox.setEmpty(); -199 this.bbox.union( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); -200 this.bbox.union( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); -201 -202 return this; +152 transform : function(matrix) {}, +153 +154 drawHandle : function( ctx, x, y ) { +155 var w= CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2; +156 ctx.fillRect( x-w, y-w, w*2, w*2 ); +157 /* +158 ctx.arc( +159 this.points[0].x, +160 this.points[0].y, +161 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, +162 0, +163 2*Math.PI, +164 false) ; +165 */ +166 } +167 }; +168 +169 })(); +170 +171 (function() { +172 +173 /** +174 * Straight line segment path between two given points. +175 * +176 * @constructor +177 * @extends CAAT.PathSegment +178 */ +179 CAAT.LinearPath = function() { +180; +181 +182 this.points= []; +183 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +184 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +185 +186 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); +187 return this; +188 }; +189 +190 CAAT.LinearPath.prototype= { +191 points: null, +192 newPosition: null, // spare holder for getPosition coordinate return. +193 +194 applyAsPath : function(director) { +195 director.ctx.lineTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[1].y ); +196 }, +197 setPoint : function( point, index ) { +198 if ( index===0 ) { +199 this.points[0]= point; +200 } else if ( index===1 ) { +201 this.points[1]= point; +202 } 203 }, -204 setPoints : function( points ) { -205 this.points[0]= points[0]; -206 this.points[1]= points[1]; -207 this.updatePath(); -208 return this; -209 }, -210 /** -211 * Set this path segment's starting position. -212 * @param x {number} -213 * @param y {number} -214 */ -215 setInitialPosition : function( x, y ) { -216 this.points[0].x= x; -217 this.points[0].y= y; -218 this.newPosition.set(x,y); -219 return this; -220 }, -221 /** -222 * Set this path segment's ending position. -223 * @param finalX {number} -224 * @param finalY {number} -225 */ -226 setFinalPosition : function( finalX, finalY ) { -227 this.points[1].x= finalX; -228 this.points[1].y= finalY; -229 return this; -230 }, -231 /** -232 * @inheritDoc -233 */ -234 endCurvePosition : function() { -235 return this.points[1]; -236 }, -237 /** -238 * @inheritsDoc +204 /** +205 * Update this segments length and bounding box info. +206 */ +207 updatePath : function(point) { +208 var x= this.points[1].x - this.points[0].x; +209 var y= this.points[1].y - this.points[0].y; +210 this.length= Math.sqrt( x*x+y*y ); +211 +212 this.bbox.setEmpty(); +213 this.bbox.union( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); +214 this.bbox.union( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); +215 +216 return this; +217 }, +218 setPoints : function( points ) { +219 this.points[0]= points[0]; +220 this.points[1]= points[1]; +221 this.updatePath(); +222 return this; +223 }, +224 /** +225 * Set this path segment's starting position. +226 * @param x {number} +227 * @param y {number} +228 */ +229 setInitialPosition : function( x, y ) { +230 this.points[0].x= x; +231 this.points[0].y= y; +232 this.newPosition.set(x,y); +233 return this; +234 }, +235 /** +236 * Set this path segment's ending position. +237 * @param finalX {number} +238 * @param finalY {number} 239 */ -240 startCurvePosition : function() { -241 return this.points[0]; -242 }, -243 /** -244 * @inheritsDoc -245 */ -246 getPosition : function(time) { -247 -248 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { -249 time%=1; -250 } -251 if ( time<0 ) { -252 time= 1+time; -253 } -254 -255 this.newPosition.set( -256 (this.points[0].x+(this.points[1].x-this.points[0].x)*time), -257 (this.points[0].y+(this.points[1].y-this.points[0].y)*time) ); -258 -259 return this.newPosition; -260 }, -261 /** -262 * Returns initial path segment point's x coordinate. -263 * @return {number} -264 */ -265 initialPositionX : function() { -266 return this.points[0].x; -267 }, -268 /** -269 * Returns final path segment point's x coordinate. -270 * @return {number} -271 */ -272 finalPositionX : function() { -273 return this.points[1].x; +240 setFinalPosition : function( finalX, finalY ) { +241 this.points[1].x= finalX; +242 this.points[1].y= finalY; +243 return this; +244 }, +245 /** +246 * @inheritDoc +247 */ +248 endCurvePosition : function() { +249 return this.points[1]; +250 }, +251 /** +252 * @inheritsDoc +253 */ +254 startCurvePosition : function() { +255 return this.points[0]; +256 }, +257 /** +258 * @inheritsDoc +259 */ +260 getPosition : function(time) { +261 +262 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { +263 time%=1; +264 } +265 if ( time<0 ) { +266 time= 1+time; +267 } +268 +269 this.newPosition.set( +270 (this.points[0].x+(this.points[1].x-this.points[0].x)*time), +271 (this.points[0].y+(this.points[1].y-this.points[0].y)*time) ); +272 +273 return this.newPosition; 274 }, -275 /** -276 * Draws this path segment on screen. Optionally it can draw handles for every control point, in -277 * this case, start and ending path segment points. -278 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -279 * @param bDrawHandles {boolean} -280 */ -281 paint : function(director, bDrawHandles) { -282 -283 var canvas= director.crc; -284 -285; -286 -287 canvas.strokeStyle= this.color; -288 canvas.beginPath(); -289 canvas.moveTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); -290 canvas.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); -291 canvas.stroke(); -292 -293 if ( bDrawHandles ) { -294 canvas.globalAlpha=0.5; -295 canvas.fillStyle='#7f7f00'; -296 canvas.beginPath(); -297 canvas.arc( -298 this.points[0].x, -299 this.points[0].y, -300 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, -301 0, -302 2*Math.PI, -303 false) ; -304 canvas.arc( -305 this.points[1].x, -306 this.points[1].y, -307 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, -308 0, -309 2*Math.PI, -310 false) ; -311 canvas.fill(); -312 } -313 -314 canvas.restore(); -315 }, -316 /** -317 * Get the number of control points. For this type of path segment, start and -318 * ending path segment points. Defaults to 2. -319 * @return {number} -320 */ -321 numControlPoints : function() { -322 return 2; -323 }, -324 /** -325 * @inheritsDoc -326 */ -327 getControlPoint: function(index) { -328 if ( 0===index ) { -329 return this.points[0]; -330 } else if (1===index) { -331 return this.points[1]; -332 } -333 }, -334 /** -335 * @inheritsDoc -336 */ -337 getContour : function(iSize) { -338 var contour= []; -339 -340 contour.push( this.getPosition(0).clone() ); -341 contour.push( this.getPosition(1).clone() ); -342 -343 return contour; -344 } -345 }; -346 -347 extend( CAAT.LinearPath, CAAT.PathSegment ); -348 })(); -349 -350 (function() { -351 /** -352 * This class defines a Bezier cubic or quadric path segment. -353 * -354 * @constructor -355 * @extends CAAT.PathSegment -356 */ -357 CAAT.CurvePath = function() { -358; -359 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -360 return this; -361 }; -362 -363 CAAT.CurvePath.prototype= { -364 curve: null, // a CAAT.Bezier instance. -365 newPosition: null, // spare holder for getPosition coordinate return. -366 -367 applyAsPath : function(director) { -368 this.curve.applyAsPath(director); -369 return this; -370 }, -371 setPoint : function( point, index ) { -372 if ( this.curve ) { -373 this.curve.setPoint(point,index); -374 } -375 }, -376 /** -377 * Set this curve segment's points. -378 * @param points {Array<CAAT.Point>} -379 */ -380 setPoints : function( points ) { -381 var curve = new CAAT.Bezier(); -382 curve.setPoints(points); -383 this.curve = curve; -384 return this; -385 }, -386 /** -387 * Set the pathSegment as a CAAT.Bezier quadric instance. -388 * Parameters are quadric coordinates control points. -389 * -390 * @param p0x {number} -391 * @param p0y {number} -392 * @param p1x {number} -393 * @param p1y {number} -394 * @param p2x {number} -395 * @param p2y {number} -396 * @return this -397 */ -398 setQuadric : function(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y) { -399 var curve = new CAAT.Bezier(); -400 curve.setQuadric(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y); -401 this.curve = curve; -402 this.updatePath(); -403 -404 return this; -405 }, -406 /** -407 * Set the pathSegment as a CAAT.Bezier cubic instance. -408 * Parameters are cubic coordinates control points. -409 * @param p0x {number} -410 * @param p0y {number} -411 * @param p1x {number} -412 * @param p1y {number} -413 * @param p2x {number} -414 * @param p2y {number} -415 * @param p3x {number} -416 * @param p3y {number} +275 getPositionFromLength : function( len ) { +276 return this.getPosition( len/this.length ); +277 }, +278 /** +279 * Returns initial path segment point's x coordinate. +280 * @return {number} +281 */ +282 initialPositionX : function() { +283 return this.points[0].x; +284 }, +285 /** +286 * Returns final path segment point's x coordinate. +287 * @return {number} +288 */ +289 finalPositionX : function() { +290 return this.points[1].x; +291 }, +292 /** +293 * Draws this path segment on screen. Optionally it can draw handles for every control point, in +294 * this case, start and ending path segment points. +295 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +296 * @param bDrawHandles {boolean} +297 */ +298 paint : function(director, bDrawHandles) { +299 +300 var ctx= director.ctx; +301 +302; +303 +304 ctx.strokeStyle= this.color; +305 ctx.beginPath(); +306 ctx.moveTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); +307 ctx.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); +308 ctx.stroke(); +309 +310 if ( bDrawHandles ) { +311 ctx.globalAlpha=0.5; +312 ctx.fillStyle='#7f7f00'; +313 ctx.beginPath(); +314 this.drawHandle( ctx, this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); +315 this.drawHandle( ctx, this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); +316 /* +317 canvas.arc( +318 this.points[0].x, +319 this.points[0].y, +320 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, +321 0, +322 2*Math.PI, +323 false) ; +324 canvas.arc( +325 this.points[1].x, +326 this.points[1].y, +327 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, +328 0, +329 2*Math.PI, +330 false) ; +331 canvas.fill(); +332 */ +333 } +334 +335 ctx.restore(); +336 }, +337 /** +338 * Get the number of control points. For this type of path segment, start and +339 * ending path segment points. Defaults to 2. +340 * @return {number} +341 */ +342 numControlPoints : function() { +343 return 2; +344 }, +345 /** +346 * @inheritsDoc +347 */ +348 getControlPoint: function(index) { +349 if ( 0===index ) { +350 return this.points[0]; +351 } else if (1===index) { +352 return this.points[1]; +353 } +354 }, +355 /** +356 * @inheritsDoc +357 */ +358 getContour : function(iSize) { +359 var contour= []; +360 +361 contour.push( this.getPosition(0).clone() ); +362 contour.push( this.getPosition(1).clone() ); +363 +364 return contour; +365 } +366 }; +367 +368 extend( CAAT.LinearPath, CAAT.PathSegment ); +369 })(); +370 +371 (function() { +372 /** +373 * This class defines a Bezier cubic or quadric path segment. +374 * +375 * @constructor +376 * @extends CAAT.PathSegment +377 */ +378 CAAT.CurvePath = function() { +379; +380 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); +381 return this; +382 }; +383 +384 CAAT.CurvePath.prototype= { +385 curve: null, // a CAAT.Bezier instance. +386 newPosition: null, // spare holder for getPosition coordinate return. +387 +388 applyAsPath : function(director) { +389 this.curve.applyAsPath(director); +390 return this; +391 }, +392 setPoint : function( point, index ) { +393 if ( this.curve ) { +394 this.curve.setPoint(point,index); +395 } +396 }, +397 /** +398 * Set this curve segment's points. +399 * @param points {Array<CAAT.Point>} +400 */ +401 setPoints : function( points ) { +402 var curve = new CAAT.Bezier(); +403 curve.setPoints(points); +404 this.curve = curve; +405 return this; +406 }, +407 /** +408 * Set the pathSegment as a CAAT.Bezier quadric instance. +409 * Parameters are quadric coordinates control points. +410 * +411 * @param p0x {number} +412 * @param p0y {number} +413 * @param p1x {number} +414 * @param p1y {number} +415 * @param p2x {number} +416 * @param p2y {number} 417 * @return this 418 */ -419 setCubic : function(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y, p3x,p3y) { +419 setQuadric : function(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y) { 420 var curve = new CAAT.Bezier(); -421 curve.setCubic(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y, p3x,p3y); +421 curve.setQuadric(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y); 422 this.curve = curve; 423 this.updatePath(); 424 425 return this; 426 }, 427 /** -428 * @inheritDoc -429 */ -430 updatePath : function(point) { -431 this.curve.update(); -432 this.length= this.curve.getLength(); -433 this.curve.getBoundingBox(this.bbox); -434 return this; -435 }, -436 /** -437 * @inheritDoc -438 */ -439 getPosition : function(time) { -440 -441 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { -442 time%=1; -443 } -444 if ( time<0 ) { -445 time= 1+time; -446 } -447 -448 this.curve.solve(this.newPosition, time); -449 -450 return this.newPosition; -451 }, -452 /** -453 * Gets the coordinate on the path relative to the path length. -454 * @param iLength {number} the length at which the coordinate will be taken from. -455 * @return {CAAT.Point} a CAAT.Point instance with the coordinate on the path corresponding to the -456 * iLenght parameter relative to segment's length. -457 */ -458 getPositionFromLength : function(iLength) { -459 this.curve.solve( this.newPosition, iLength/this.length ); -460 return this.newPosition; -461 }, -462 /** -463 * Get path segment's first point's x coordinate. -464 * @return {number} -465 */ -466 initialPositionX : function() { -467 return this.curve.coordlist[0].x; -468 }, -469 /** -470 * Get path segment's last point's y coordinate. -471 * @return {number} -472 */ -473 finalPositionX : function() { -474 return this.curve.coordlist[this.curve.coordlist.length-1].x; -475 }, -476 /** -477 * @inheritDoc -478 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -479 * @param bDrawHandles {boolean} -480 */ -481 paint : function( director,bDrawHandles ) { -482 this.curve.drawHandles= bDrawHandles; -483 director.ctx.strokeStyle= this.color; -484 this.curve.paint(director); -485 }, -486 /** -487 * @inheritDoc -488 */ -489 numControlPoints : function() { -490 return this.curve.coordlist.length; -491 }, -492 /** -493 * @inheritDoc -494 * @param index -495 */ -496 getControlPoint : function(index) { -497 return this.curve.coordlist[index]; -498 }, -499 /** -500 * @inheritDoc +428 * Set the pathSegment as a CAAT.Bezier cubic instance. +429 * Parameters are cubic coordinates control points. +430 * @param p0x {number} +431 * @param p0y {number} +432 * @param p1x {number} +433 * @param p1y {number} +434 * @param p2x {number} +435 * @param p2y {number} +436 * @param p3x {number} +437 * @param p3y {number} +438 * @return this +439 */ +440 setCubic : function(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y, p3x,p3y) { +441 var curve = new CAAT.Bezier(); +442 curve.setCubic(p0x,p0y, p1x,p1y, p2x,p2y, p3x,p3y); +443 this.curve = curve; +444 this.updatePath(); +445 +446 return this; +447 }, +448 /** +449 * @inheritDoc +450 */ +451 updatePath : function(point) { +452 this.curve.update(); +453 this.length= this.curve.getLength(); +454 this.curve.getBoundingBox(this.bbox); +455 return this; +456 }, +457 /** +458 * @inheritDoc +459 */ +460 getPosition : function(time) { +461 +462 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { +463 time%=1; +464 } +465 if ( time<0 ) { +466 time= 1+time; +467 } +468 +469 this.curve.solve(this.newPosition, time); +470 +471 return this.newPosition; +472 }, +473 /** +474 * Gets the coordinate on the path relative to the path length. +475 * @param iLength {number} the length at which the coordinate will be taken from. +476 * @return {CAAT.Point} a CAAT.Point instance with the coordinate on the path corresponding to the +477 * iLenght parameter relative to segment's length. +478 */ +479 getPositionFromLength : function(iLength) { +480 this.curve.solve( this.newPosition, iLength/this.length ); +481 return this.newPosition; +482 }, +483 /** +484 * Get path segment's first point's x coordinate. +485 * @return {number} +486 */ +487 initialPositionX : function() { +488 return this.curve.coordlist[0].x; +489 }, +490 /** +491 * Get path segment's last point's y coordinate. +492 * @return {number} +493 */ +494 finalPositionX : function() { +495 return this.curve.coordlist[this.curve.coordlist.length-1].x; +496 }, +497 /** +498 * @inheritDoc +499 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +500 * @param bDrawHandles {boolean} 501 */ -502 endCurvePosition : function() { -503 return this.curve.endCurvePosition(); -504 }, -505 /** -506 * @inheritDoc -507 */ -508 startCurvePosition : function() { -509 return this.curve.startCurvePosition(); -510 }, -511 /** -512 * @inheritDoc -513 * @param iSize -514 */ -515 getContour : function(iSize) { -516 var contour=[]; -517 for( var i=0; i<=iSize; i++ ) { -518 contour.push( {x: i/iSize, y: this.getPosition(i/iSize).y} ); -519 } -520 -521 return contour; -522 } -523 }; -524 -525 extend( CAAT.CurvePath, CAAT.PathSegment, null); -526 -527 })(); -528 -529 (function() { -530 -531 CAAT.ShapePath= function() { -532; -533 -534 this.points= []; -535 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -536 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -537 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -538 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -539 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); -540 -541 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(); -542 -543 return this; -544 }; +502 paint : function( director,bDrawHandles ) { +503 this.curve.drawHandles= bDrawHandles; +504 director.ctx.strokeStyle= this.color; +505 this.curve.paint(director,bDrawHandles); +506 }, +507 /** +508 * @inheritDoc +509 */ +510 numControlPoints : function() { +511 return this.curve.coordlist.length; +512 }, +513 /** +514 * @inheritDoc +515 * @param index +516 */ +517 getControlPoint : function(index) { +518 return this.curve.coordlist[index]; +519 }, +520 /** +521 * @inheritDoc +522 */ +523 endCurvePosition : function() { +524 return this.curve.endCurvePosition(); +525 }, +526 /** +527 * @inheritDoc +528 */ +529 startCurvePosition : function() { +530 return this.curve.startCurvePosition(); +531 }, +532 /** +533 * @inheritDoc +534 * @param iSize +535 */ +536 getContour : function(iSize) { +537 var contour=[]; +538 for( var i=0; i<=iSize; i++ ) { +539 contour.push( {x: i/iSize, y: this.getPosition(i/iSize).y} ); +540 } +541 +542 return contour; +543 } +544 }; 545 -546 CAAT.ShapePath.prototype= { -547 points: null, -548 length: -1, -549 cw: true, // should be clock wise traversed ? -550 bbox: null, -551 newPosition: null, // spare point for calculations -552 -553 applyAsPath : function(director) { -554 var ctx= director.ctx; -555 //ctx.rect( this.bbox.x, this.bbox.y, this.bbox.width, this.bbox.height ); -556 if ( ) { -557 ctx.lineTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); -558 ctx.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); -559 ctx.lineTo( this.points[2].x, this.points[2].y ); -560 ctx.lineTo( this.points[3].x, this.points[3].y ); -561 ctx.lineTo( this.points[4].x, this.points[4].y ); -562 } else { -563 ctx.lineTo( this.points[4].x, this.points[4].y ); -564 ctx.lineTo( this.points[3].x, this.points[3].y ); -565 ctx.lineTo( this.points[2].x, this.points[2].y ); -566 ctx.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); -567 ctx.lineTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); -568 } -569 return this; -570 }, -571 setPoint : function( point, index ) { -572 if ( index>=0 && index<this.points.length ) { -573 this.points[index]= point; -574 } -575 }, -576 /** -577 * An array of {CAAT.Point} composed of two points. -578 * @param points {Array<CAAT.Point>} -579 */ -580 setPoints : function( points ) { -581 this.points= []; -582 this.points.push( points[0] ); -583 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point().set(points[1].x, points[0].y) ); -584 this.points.push( points[1] ); -585 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point().set(points[0].x, points[1].y) ); -586 this.points.push( points[0].clone() ); -587 this.updatePath(); -588 -589 return this; -590 }, -591 setClockWise : function(cw) { -592 cw!==undefined ? cw : true; -593 return this; -594 }, -595 isClockWise : function() { -596 return; -597 }, -598 /** -599 * Set this path segment's starting position. -600 * This method should not be called again after setFinalPosition has been called. -601 * @param x {number} -602 * @param y {number} -603 */ -604 setInitialPosition : function( x, y ) { -605 for( var i=0, l= this.points.length; i<l; i++ ) { -606 this.points[i].x= x; -607 this.points[i].y= y; -608 } -609 return this; -610 }, -611 /** -612 * Set a rectangle from points[0] to (finalX, finalY) -613 * @param finalX {number} -614 * @param finalY {number} -615 */ -616 setFinalPosition : function( finalX, finalY ) { -617 this.points[2].x= finalX; -618 this.points[2].y= finalY; -619 -620 this.points[1].x= finalX; -621 this.points[1].y= this.points[0].y; -622 -623 this.points[3].x= this.points[0].x; -624 this.points[3].y= finalY; -625 -626 this.points[4].x= this.points[0].x; -627 this.points[4].y= this.points[0].y; -628 -629 this.updatePath(); +546 extend( CAAT.CurvePath, CAAT.PathSegment, null); +547 +548 })(); +549 +550 (function() { +551 +552 CAAT.ShapePath= function() { +553; +554 +555 this.points= []; +556 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +557 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +558 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +559 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +560 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point() ); +561 +562 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(); +563 +564 return this; +565 }; +566 +567 CAAT.ShapePath.prototype= { +568 points: null, +569 length: -1, +570 cw: true, // should be clock wise traversed ? +571 bbox: null, +572 newPosition: null, // spare point for calculations +573 +574 applyAsPath : function(director) { +575 var ctx= director.ctx; +576 //ctx.rect( this.bbox.x, this.bbox.y, this.bbox.width, this.bbox.height ); +577 if ( ) { +578 ctx.lineTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); +579 ctx.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); +580 ctx.lineTo( this.points[2].x, this.points[2].y ); +581 ctx.lineTo( this.points[3].x, this.points[3].y ); +582 ctx.lineTo( this.points[4].x, this.points[4].y ); +583 } else { +584 ctx.lineTo( this.points[4].x, this.points[4].y ); +585 ctx.lineTo( this.points[3].x, this.points[3].y ); +586 ctx.lineTo( this.points[2].x, this.points[2].y ); +587 ctx.lineTo( this.points[1].x, this.points[1].y ); +588 ctx.lineTo( this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y ); +589 } +590 return this; +591 }, +592 setPoint : function( point, index ) { +593 if ( index>=0 && index<this.points.length ) { +594 this.points[index]= point; +595 } +596 }, +597 /** +598 * An array of {CAAT.Point} composed of two points. +599 * @param points {Array<CAAT.Point>} +600 */ +601 setPoints : function( points ) { +602 this.points= []; +603 this.points.push( points[0] ); +604 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point().set(points[1].x, points[0].y) ); +605 this.points.push( points[1] ); +606 this.points.push( new CAAT.Point().set(points[0].x, points[1].y) ); +607 this.points.push( points[0].clone() ); +608 this.updatePath(); +609 +610 return this; +611 }, +612 setClockWise : function(cw) { +613 cw!==undefined ? cw : true; +614 return this; +615 }, +616 isClockWise : function() { +617 return; +618 }, +619 /** +620 * Set this path segment's starting position. +621 * This method should not be called again after setFinalPosition has been called. +622 * @param x {number} +623 * @param y {number} +624 */ +625 setInitialPosition : function( x, y ) { +626 for( var i=0, l= this.points.length; i<l; i++ ) { +627 this.points[i].x= x; +628 this.points[i].y= y; +629 } 630 return this; 631 }, 632 /** -633 * @inheritDoc -634 */ -635 endCurvePosition : function() { -636 return this.points[4]; -637 }, -638 /** -639 * @inheritsDoc -640 */ -641 startCurvePosition : function() { -642 return this.points[0]; -643 }, -644 /** -645 * @inheritsDoc -646 */ -647 getPosition : function(time) { -648 -649 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { -650 time%=1; -651 } -652 if ( time<0 ) { -653 time= 1+time; -654 } -655 -656 if ( -1===this.length ) { -657 this.newPosition.set(0,0); -658 } else { -659 var w= this.bbox.width / this.length; -660 var h= this.bbox.height / this.length; -661 var accTime= 0; -662 var times; -663 var segments; -664 var index= 0; -665 -666 if ( ) { -667 segments= [0,1,2,3,4]; -668 times= [w,h,w,h]; -669 } else { -670 segments= [4,3,2,1,0]; -671 times= [h,w,h,w]; -672 } -673 -674 while( index<times.length ) { -675 if ( accTime+times[index]<time ) { -676 accTime+= times[index]; -677 index++; -678 } else { -679 break; -680 } -681 } -682 time-=accTime; -683 -684 var p0= segments[index]; -685 var p1= segments[index+1]; +633 * Set a rectangle from points[0] to (finalX, finalY) +634 * @param finalX {number} +635 * @param finalY {number} +636 */ +637 setFinalPosition : function( finalX, finalY ) { +638 this.points[2].x= finalX; +639 this.points[2].y= finalY; +640 +641 this.points[1].x= finalX; +642 this.points[1].y= this.points[0].y; +643 +644 this.points[3].x= this.points[0].x; +645 this.points[3].y= finalY; +646 +647 this.points[4].x= this.points[0].x; +648 this.points[4].y= this.points[0].y; +649 +650 this.updatePath(); +651 return this; +652 }, +653 /** +654 * @inheritDoc +655 */ +656 endCurvePosition : function() { +657 return this.points[4]; +658 }, +659 /** +660 * @inheritsDoc +661 */ +662 startCurvePosition : function() { +663 return this.points[0]; +664 }, +665 /** +666 * @inheritsDoc +667 */ +668 getPosition : function(time) { +669 +670 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { +671 time%=1; +672 } +673 if ( time<0 ) { +674 time= 1+time; +675 } +676 +677 if ( -1===this.length ) { +678 this.newPosition.set(0,0); +679 } else { +680 var w= this.bbox.width / this.length; +681 var h= this.bbox.height / this.length; +682 var accTime= 0; +683 var times; +684 var segments; +685 var index= 0; 686 -687 // index tiene el indice del segmento en tiempo. -688 this.newPosition.set( -689 (this.points[p0].x + (this.points[p1].x - this.points[p0].x)*time/times[index]), -690 (this.points[p0].y + (this.points[p1].y - this.points[p0].y)*time/times[index]) ); -691 } -692 -693 return this.newPosition; -694 }, -695 /** -696 * Returns initial path segment point's x coordinate. -697 * @return {number} -698 */ -699 initialPositionX : function() { -700 return this.points[0].x; -701 }, -702 /** -703 * Returns final path segment point's x coordinate. -704 * @return {number} -705 */ -706 finalPositionX : function() { -707 return this.points[2].x; -708 }, -709 /** -710 * Draws this path segment on screen. Optionally it can draw handles for every control point, in -711 * this case, start and ending path segment points. -712 * @param director {CAAT.Director} -713 * @param bDrawHandles {boolean} -714 */ -715 paint : function(director, bDrawHandles) { -716 -717 var canvas= director.crc; -718 -719; -720 -721 canvas.strokeStyle= this.color; -722 canvas.beginPath(); -723 canvas.strokeRect( -724 this.bbox.x, this.bbox.y, -725 this.bbox.width, this.bbox.height ); -726 -727 if ( bDrawHandles ) { -728 canvas.globalAlpha=0.5; -729 canvas.fillStyle='#7f7f00'; -730 -731 for( var i=0; i<this.points.length; i++ ) { -732 canvas.beginPath(); -733 canvas.arc( -734 this.points[i].x, -735 this.points[i].y, -736 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, -737 0, -738 2*Math.PI, -739 false) ; -740 canvas.fill(); -741 } -742 -743 } -744 -745 canvas.restore(); -746 }, -747 /** -748 * Get the number of control points. For this type of path segment, start and -749 * ending path segment points. Defaults to 2. -750 * @return {number} -751 */ -752 numControlPoints : function() { -753 return this.points.length; -754 }, -755 /** -756 * @inheritsDoc -757 */ -758 getControlPoint: function(index) { -759 return this.points[index]; -760 }, -761 /** -762 * @inheritsDoc -763 */ -764 getContour : function(iSize) { -765 var contour= []; +687 if ( ) { +688 segments= [0,1,2,3,4]; +689 times= [w,h,w,h]; +690 } else { +691 segments= [4,3,2,1,0]; +692 times= [h,w,h,w]; +693 } +694 +695 while( index<times.length ) { +696 if ( accTime+times[index]<time ) { +697 accTime+= times[index]; +698 index++; +699 } else { +700 break; +701 } +702 } +703 time-=accTime; +704 +705 var p0= segments[index]; +706 var p1= segments[index+1]; +707 +708 // index tiene el indice del segmento en tiempo. +709 this.newPosition.set( +710 (this.points[p0].x + (this.points[p1].x - this.points[p0].x)*time/times[index]), +711 (this.points[p0].y + (this.points[p1].y - this.points[p0].y)*time/times[index]) ); +712 } +713 +714 return this.newPosition; +715 }, +716 /** +717 * Returns initial path segment point's x coordinate. +718 * @return {number} +719 */ +720 initialPositionX : function() { +721 return this.points[0].x; +722 }, +723 /** +724 * Returns final path segment point's x coordinate. +725 * @return {number} +726 */ +727 finalPositionX : function() { +728 return this.points[2].x; +729 }, +730 /** +731 * Draws this path segment on screen. Optionally it can draw handles for every control point, in +732 * this case, start and ending path segment points. +733 * @param director {CAAT.Director} +734 * @param bDrawHandles {boolean} +735 */ +736 paint : function(director, bDrawHandles) { +737 +738 var ctx= director.ctx; +739 +740; +741 +742 ctx.strokeStyle= this.color; +743 ctx.beginPath(); +744 ctx.strokeRect( +745 this.bbox.x, this.bbox.y, +746 this.bbox.width, this.bbox.height ); +747 +748 if ( bDrawHandles ) { +749 ctx.globalAlpha=0.5; +750 ctx.fillStyle='#7f7f00'; +751 +752 for( var i=0; i<this.points.length; i++ ) { +753 this.drawHandle( ctx, this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y ); +754 /* +755 canvas.beginPath(); +756 canvas.arc( +757 this.points[i].x, +758 this.points[i].y, +759 CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2, +760 0, +761 2*Math.PI, +762 false) ; +763 canvas.fill(); +764 */ +765 } 766 -767 for( var i=0; i<this.points.length; i++ ) { -768 contour.push( this.points[i] ); -769 } -770 -771 return contour; -772 }, -773 updatePath : function(point) { -774 -775 if ( point ) { -776 if ( point===this.points[0] ) { -777 this.points[1].y= point.y; -778 this.points[3].x= point.x; -779 } else if ( point===this.points[1] ) { -780 this.points[0].y= point.y; -781 this.points[2].x= point.x; -782 } else if ( point===this.points[2] ) { -783 this.points[3].y= point.y; -784 this.points[1].x= point.x; -785 } else if ( point===this.points[3] ) { -786 this.points[0].x= point.x; -787 this.points[2].y= point.y; -788 } -789 this.points[4].x= this.points[0].x; -790 this.points[4].y= this.points[0].y; -791 } -792 -793 this.bbox.setEmpty(); -794 var minx= Number.MAX_VALUE, miny= Number.MAX_VALUE, maxx= -Number.MAX_VALUE, maxy= -Number.MAX_VALUE; -795 for( var i=0; i<4; i++ ) { -796 this.bbox.union( this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y ); -797 } +767 } +768 +769 ctx.restore(); +770 }, +771 /** +772 * Get the number of control points. For this type of path segment, start and +773 * ending path segment points. Defaults to 2. +774 * @return {number} +775 */ +776 numControlPoints : function() { +777 return this.points.length; +778 }, +779 /** +780 * @inheritsDoc +781 */ +782 getControlPoint: function(index) { +783 return this.points[index]; +784 }, +785 /** +786 * @inheritsDoc +787 */ +788 getContour : function(iSize) { +789 var contour= []; +790 +791 for( var i=0; i<this.points.length; i++ ) { +792 contour.push( this.points[i] ); +793 } +794 +795 return contour; +796 }, +797 updatePath : function(point) { 798 -799 this.length= 2*this.bbox.width + 2*this.bbox.height; -800 -801 this.points[0].x= this.bbox.x; -802 this.points[0].y= this.bbox.y; -803 -804 this.points[1].x= this.bbox.x+this.bbox.width; -805 this.points[1].y= this.bbox.y; -806 -807 this.points[2].x= this.bbox.x + this.bbox.width; -808 this.points[2].y= this.bbox.y + this.bbox.height; -809 -810 this.points[3].x= this.bbox.x; -811 this.points[3].y= this.bbox.y + this.bbox.height; -812 -813 this.points[4].x= this.bbox.x; -814 this.points[4].y= this.bbox.y; -815 -816 return this; -817 } -818 } -819 -820 extend( CAAT.ShapePath, CAAT.PathSegment ); -821 -822 })(); -823 -824 (function() { -825 -826 /** -827 * This class the top most abstraction of path related classes in CAAT. It defines a path composes un -828 * an unlimited number of path segments including CAAT.Path instances. -829 * <p> -830 * Every operation of the CAAT.PathSegment interface is performed for every path segment. In example, -831 * the method <code>getLength</code> will contain the sum of every path segment's length. -832 * <p> -833 * An example of CAAT.Path will be as follows: -834 -835 * <code> -836 * path.beginPath(x,y).<br> -837 *   addLineTo(x1,y1).<br> -838 *   addLineTo(x2,y2).<br> -839 *   addQuadricTo(...).<br> -840 *   addCubicTo(...).<br> -841 *   endPath();<br> -842 * </code> -843 * <p> -844 * This code creates a path composed of four chained segments, starting at (x,y) and having each -845 * segment starting where the previous one ended. -846 * <p> -847 * This class is intended to wrap the other kind of path segment classes when just a one segmented -848 * path is to be defined. The methods <code>setLinear, setCubic and setQuadrid</code> will make -849 * a CAAT.Path instance to be defined by just one segment. -850 * -851 * @constructor -852 * @extends CAAT.PathSegment -853 */ -854 CAAT.Path= function() { -855; -856 -857 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); -858 this.pathSegments= []; -859 -860 this.behaviorList= []; -861 this.matrix= new CAAT.Matrix(); -862 this.tmpMatrix= new CAAT.Matrix(); -863 -864 return this; -865 }; -866 -867 CAAT.Path.prototype= { -868 -869 pathSegments: null, // a collection of CAAT.PathSegment instances. -870 pathSegmentDurationTime: null, // precomputed segment duration relative to segment legnth/path length -871 pathSegmentStartTime: null, // precomputed segment start time relative to segment legnth/path length and duration. -872 -873 newPosition: null, // spare CAAT.Point. -874 -875 pathLength: -1, // path length (sum of every segment length) -876 -877 /* -878 starting path position -879 */ -880 beginPathX: -1, -881 beginPathY: -1, -882 -883 /* -884 last path coordinates position (using when building the path). -885 */ -886 trackPathX: -1, -887 trackPathY: -1, -888 -889 /* -890 needed to drag control points. -891 */ -892 ax: -1, -893 ay: -1, -894 point: [], -895 -896 interactive: true, -897 -898 behaviorList: null, -899 -900 /** rotation behavior info **/ -901 rb_angle: 0, -902 rb_rotateAnchorX: .5, -903 rb_rotateAnchorY: .5, -904 -905 /** scale behavior info **/ -906 sb_scaleX: 1, -907 sb_scaleY: 1, -908 sb_scaleAnchorX: .5, -909 sb_scaleAnchorY: .5, -910 -911 tAnchorX: 0, -912 tAnchorY: 0, -913 -914 /** translate behavior info **/ -915 tb_x: 0, -916 tb_y: 0, -917 -918 /** behavior affine transformation matrix **/ -919 matrix: null, -920 tmpMatrix: null, +799 if ( point ) { +800 if ( point===this.points[0] ) { +801 this.points[1].y= point.y; +802 this.points[3].x= point.x; +803 } else if ( point===this.points[1] ) { +804 this.points[0].y= point.y; +805 this.points[2].x= point.x; +806 } else if ( point===this.points[2] ) { +807 this.points[3].y= point.y; +808 this.points[1].x= point.x; +809 } else if ( point===this.points[3] ) { +810 this.points[0].x= point.x; +811 this.points[2].y= point.y; +812 } +813 this.points[4].x= this.points[0].x; +814 this.points[4].y= this.points[0].y; +815 } +816 +817 this.bbox.setEmpty(); +818 var minx= Number.MAX_VALUE, miny= Number.MAX_VALUE, maxx= -Number.MAX_VALUE, maxy= -Number.MAX_VALUE; +819 for( var i=0; i<4; i++ ) { +820 this.bbox.union( this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y ); +821 } +822 +823 this.length= 2*this.bbox.width + 2*this.bbox.height; +824 +825 this.points[0].x= this.bbox.x; +826 this.points[0].y= this.bbox.y; +827 +828 this.points[1].x= this.bbox.x+this.bbox.width; +829 this.points[1].y= this.bbox.y; +830 +831 this.points[2].x= this.bbox.x + this.bbox.width; +832 this.points[2].y= this.bbox.y + this.bbox.height; +833 +834 this.points[3].x= this.bbox.x; +835 this.points[3].y= this.bbox.y + this.bbox.height; +836 +837 this.points[4].x= this.bbox.x; +838 this.points[4].y= this.bbox.y; +839 +840 return this; +841 } +842 } +843 +844 extend( CAAT.ShapePath, CAAT.PathSegment ); +845 +846 })(); +847 +848 (function() { +849 +850 /** +851 * This class the top most abstraction of path related classes in CAAT. It defines a path composes un +852 * an unlimited number of path segments including CAAT.Path instances. +853 * <p> +854 * Every operation of the CAAT.PathSegment interface is performed for every path segment. In example, +855 * the method <code>getLength</code> will contain the sum of every path segment's length. +856 * <p> +857 * An example of CAAT.Path will be as follows: +858 +859 * <code> +860 * path.beginPath(x,y).<br> +861 *   addLineTo(x1,y1).<br> +862 *   addLineTo(x2,y2).<br> +863 *   addQuadricTo(...).<br> +864 *   addCubicTo(...).<br> +865 *   endPath();<br> +866 * </code> +867 * <p> +868 * This code creates a path composed of four chained segments, starting at (x,y) and having each +869 * segment starting where the previous one ended. +870 * <p> +871 * This class is intended to wrap the other kind of path segment classes when just a one segmented +872 * path is to be defined. The methods <code>setLinear, setCubic and setQuadrid</code> will make +873 * a CAAT.Path instance to be defined by just one segment. +874 * +875 * @constructor +876 * @extends CAAT.PathSegment +877 */ +878 CAAT.Path= function() { +879; +880 +881 this.newPosition= new CAAT.Point(0,0,0); +882 this.pathSegments= []; +883 +884 this.behaviorList= []; +885 this.matrix= new CAAT.Matrix(); +886 this.tmpMatrix= new CAAT.Matrix(); +887 +888 return this; +889 }; +890 +891 CAAT.Path.prototype= { +892 +893 pathSegments: null, // a collection of CAAT.PathSegment instances. +894 pathSegmentDurationTime: null, // precomputed segment duration relative to segment legnth/path length +895 pathSegmentStartTime: null, // precomputed segment start time relative to segment legnth/path length and duration. +896 +897 newPosition: null, // spare CAAT.Point. +898 +899 pathLength: -1, // path length (sum of every segment length) +900 +901 /* +902 starting path position +903 */ +904 beginPathX: -1, +905 beginPathY: -1, +906 +907 /* +908 last path coordinates position (using when building the path). +909 */ +910 trackPathX: -1, +911 trackPathY: -1, +912 +913 /* +914 needed to drag control points. +915 */ +916 ax: -1, +917 ay: -1, +918 point: [], +919 +920 interactive: true, 921 -922 /** if behaviors are to be applied, save original path points **/ -923 pathPoints: null, -924 -925 /** path width and height **/ -926 width: 0, -927 height: 0, +922 behaviorList: null, +923 +924 /** rotation behavior info **/ +925 rb_angle: 0, +926 rb_rotateAnchorX: .5, +927 rb_rotateAnchorY: .5, 928 -929 clipOffsetX : 0, -930 clipOffsetY : 0, -931 -932 applyAsPath : function(director) { -933 var ctx= director.ctx; +929 /** scale behavior info **/ +930 sb_scaleX: 1, +931 sb_scaleY: 1, +932 sb_scaleAnchorX: .5, +933 sb_scaleAnchorY: .5, 934 -935 director.modelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext( ctx ); -936 ctx.beginPath(); -937 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= 'source-out'; -938 ctx.moveTo( -939 this.getFirstPathSegment().startCurvePosition().x, -940 this.getFirstPathSegment().startCurvePosition().y -941 ); -942 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { -943 this.pathSegments[i].applyAsPath(director); -944 } -945 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= 'source-over'; -946 return this; -947 }, -948 /** -949 * Set whether this path should paint handles for every control point. -950 * @param interactive {boolean}. -951 */ -952 setInteractive : function(interactive) { -953 this.interactive= interactive; -954 return this; -955 }, -956 getFirstPathSegment : function() { -957 return this.pathSegments.length ? -958 this.pathSegments[0] : -959 null; -960 }, -961 getLastPathSegment : function() { -962 return this.pathSegments.length ? -963 this.pathSegments[ this.pathSegments.length-1 ] : -964 null; -965 }, -966 /** -967 * Return the last point of the last path segment of this compound path. -968 * @return {CAAT.Point} -969 */ -970 endCurvePosition : function() { -971 if ( this.pathSegments.length ) { -972 return this.pathSegments[ this.pathSegments.length-1 ].endCurvePosition(); -973 } else { -974 return new CAAT.Point().set( this.beginPathX, this.beginPathY ); -975 } -976 }, -977 /** -978 * Return the first point of the first path segment of this compound path. -979 * @return {CAAT.Point} -980 */ -981 startCurvePosition : function() { -982 return this.pathSegments[ 0 ].startCurvePosition(); -983 }, -984 /** -985 * Return the last path segment added to this path. -986 * @return {CAAT.PathSegment} -987 */ -988 getCurrentPathSegment : function() { -989 return this.pathSegments[ this.pathSegments.length-1 ]; -990 }, -991 /** -992 * Set the path to be composed by a single LinearPath segment. -993 * @param x0 {number} -994 * @param y0 {number} -995 * @param x1 {number} -996 * @param y1 {number} -997 * @return this -998 */ -999 setLinear : function(x0,y0,x1,y1) { -1000 this.beginPath(x0,y0); -1001 this.addLineTo(x1,y1); -1002 this.endPath(); -1003 -1004 return this; -1005 }, -1006 /** -1007 * Set this path to be composed by a single Quadric Bezier path segment. -1008 * @param x0 {number} -1009 * @param y0 {number} -1010 * @param x1 {number} -1011 * @param y1 {number} -1012 * @param x2 {number} -1013 * @param y2 {number} -1014 * @return this -1015 */ -1016 setQuadric : function(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2) { -1017 this.beginPath(x0,y0); -1018 this.addQuadricTo(x1,y1,x2,y2); -1019 this.endPath(); -1020 -1021 return this; -1022 }, -1023 /** -1024 * Sets this path to be composed by a single Cubic Bezier path segment. -1025 * @param x0 {number} -1026 * @param y0 {number} -1027 * @param x1 {number} -1028 * @param y1 {number} -1029 * @param x2 {number} -1030 * @param y2 {number} -1031 * @param x3 {number} -1032 * @param y3 {number} -1033 * -1034 * @return this -1035 */ -1036 setCubic : function(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) { -1037 this.beginPath(x0,y0); -1038 this.addCubicTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); -1039 this.endPath(); -1040 -1041 return this; -1042 }, -1043 setRectangle : function(x0,y0, x1,y1) { -1044 this.beginPath(x0,y0); -1045 this.addRectangleTo(x1,y1); -1046 this.endPath(); -1047 -1048 return this; -1049 }, -1050 /** -1051 * Add a CAAT.PathSegment instance to this path. -1052 * @param pathSegment {CAAT.PathSegment} -1053 * @return this -1054 * -1055 * @deprecated -1056 */ -1057 addSegment : function(pathSegment) { -1058 pathSegment.setParent(this); -1059 this.pathSegments.push(pathSegment); -1060 return this; -1061 }, -1062 addRectangleTo : function( x1,y1, cw, color ) { -1063 var r= new CAAT.ShapePath(); -1064 r.setPoints([ -1065 this.endCurvePosition(), -1066 new CAAT.Point().set(x1,y1) -1067 ]); -1068 -1069 r.setClockWise(cw); -1070 r.setColor(color); -1071 r.setParent(this); -1072 -1073 this.pathSegments.push(r); -1074 -1075 return this; -1076 }, -1077 /** -1078 * Add a Quadric Bezier path segment to this path. -1079 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. -1080 * @param px1 {number} -1081 * @param py1 {number} -1082 * @param px2 {number} -1083 * @param py2 {number} -1084 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if -1085 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). -1086 * -1087 * @return this -1088 */ -1089 addQuadricTo : function( px1,py1, px2,py2, color ) { -1090 var bezier= new CAAT.Bezier(); -1091 -1092 bezier.setPoints( -1093 [ -1094 this.endCurvePosition(), -1095 new CAAT.Point().set(px1,py1), -1096 new CAAT.Point().set(px2,py2) -1097 ]); -1098 -1099 this.trackPathX= px2; -1100 this.trackPathY= py2; -1101 -1102 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setColor(color).setParent(this); -1103 segment.curve= bezier; -1104 -1105 this.pathSegments.push(segment); -1106 -1107 return this; -1108 }, -1109 /** -1110 * Add a Cubic Bezier segment to this path. -1111 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. -1112 * @param px1 {number} -1113 * @param py1 {number} -1114 * @param px2 {number} -1115 * @param py2 {number} -1116 * @param px3 {number} -1117 * @param py3 {number} -1118 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if -1119 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). -1120 * -1121 * @return this -1122 */ -1123 addCubicTo : function( px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3, color ) { -1124 var bezier= new CAAT.Bezier(); -1125 -1126 bezier.setPoints( -1127 [ -1128 this.endCurvePosition(), -1129 new CAAT.Point().set(px1,py1), -1130 new CAAT.Point().set(px2,py2), -1131 new CAAT.Point().set(px3,py3) -1132 ]); -1133 -1134 this.trackPathX= px3; -1135 this.trackPathY= py3; -1136 -1137 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setColor(color).setParent(this); -1138 segment.curve= bezier; -1139 -1140 this.pathSegments.push(segment); -1141 return this; -1142 }, -1143 /** -1144 * Add a Catmull-Rom segment to this path. -1145 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. -1146 * @param px1 {number} -1147 * @param py1 {number} -1148 * @param px2 {number} -1149 * @param py2 {number} -1150 * @param px3 {number} -1151 * @param py3 {number} -1152 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if -1153 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). -1154 * -1155 * @return this -1156 */ -1157 addCatmullTo : function( px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3, color ) { -1158 var curve= new CAAT.CatmullRom().setColor(color); -1159 curve.setCurve(this.trackPathX,this.trackPathY, px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3); -1160 this.trackPathX= px3; -1161 this.trackPathY= py3; -1162 -1163 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setParent(this); -1164 segment.curve= curve; -1165 -1166 this.pathSegments.push(segment); -1167 return this; -1168 }, -1169 /** -1170 * Adds a line segment to this path. -1171 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. -1172 * @param px1 {number} -1173 * @param py1 {number} -1174 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if -1175 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). -1176 * -1177 * @return this -1178 */ -1179 addLineTo : function( px1,py1, color ) { -1180 var segment= new CAAT.LinearPath().setColor(color); -1181 segment.setPoints( [ -1182 this.endCurvePosition(), -1183 new CAAT.Point().set(px1,py1) -1184 ]); +935 tAnchorX: 0, +936 tAnchorY: 0, +937 +938 /** translate behavior info **/ +939 tb_x: 0, +940 tb_y: 0, +941 +942 /** behavior affine transformation matrix **/ +943 matrix: null, +944 tmpMatrix: null, +945 +946 /** if behaviors are to be applied, save original path points **/ +947 pathPoints: null, +948 +949 /** path width and height **/ +950 width: 0, +951 height: 0, +952 +953 clipOffsetX : 0, +954 clipOffsetY : 0, +955 +956 applyAsPath : function(director) { +957 var ctx= director.ctx; +958 +959 director.modelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext( ctx ); +960 ctx.beginPath(); +961 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= 'source-out'; +962 ctx.moveTo( +963 this.getFirstPathSegment().startCurvePosition().x, +964 this.getFirstPathSegment().startCurvePosition().y +965 ); +966 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { +967 this.pathSegments[i].applyAsPath(director); +968 } +969 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= 'source-over'; +970 return this; +971 }, +972 /** +973 * Set whether this path should paint handles for every control point. +974 * @param interactive {boolean}. +975 */ +976 setInteractive : function(interactive) { +977 this.interactive= interactive; +978 return this; +979 }, +980 getFirstPathSegment : function() { +981 return this.pathSegments.length ? +982 this.pathSegments[0] : +983 null; +984 }, +985 getLastPathSegment : function() { +986 return this.pathSegments.length ? +987 this.pathSegments[ this.pathSegments.length-1 ] : +988 null; +989 }, +990 /** +991 * Return the last point of the last path segment of this compound path. +992 * @return {CAAT.Point} +993 */ +994 endCurvePosition : function() { +995 if ( this.pathSegments.length ) { +996 return this.pathSegments[ this.pathSegments.length-1 ].endCurvePosition(); +997 } else { +998 return new CAAT.Point().set( this.beginPathX, this.beginPathY ); +999 } +1000 }, +1001 /** +1002 * Return the first point of the first path segment of this compound path. +1003 * @return {CAAT.Point} +1004 */ +1005 startCurvePosition : function() { +1006 return this.pathSegments[ 0 ].startCurvePosition(); +1007 }, +1008 /** +1009 * Return the last path segment added to this path. +1010 * @return {CAAT.PathSegment} +1011 */ +1012 getCurrentPathSegment : function() { +1013 return this.pathSegments[ this.pathSegments.length-1 ]; +1014 }, +1015 /** +1016 * Set the path to be composed by a single LinearPath segment. +1017 * @param x0 {number} +1018 * @param y0 {number} +1019 * @param x1 {number} +1020 * @param y1 {number} +1021 * @return this +1022 */ +1023 setLinear : function(x0,y0,x1,y1) { +1024 this.beginPath(x0,y0); +1025 this.addLineTo(x1,y1); +1026 this.endPath(); +1027 +1028 return this; +1029 }, +1030 /** +1031 * Set this path to be composed by a single Quadric Bezier path segment. +1032 * @param x0 {number} +1033 * @param y0 {number} +1034 * @param x1 {number} +1035 * @param y1 {number} +1036 * @param x2 {number} +1037 * @param y2 {number} +1038 * @return this +1039 */ +1040 setQuadric : function(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2) { +1041 this.beginPath(x0,y0); +1042 this.addQuadricTo(x1,y1,x2,y2); +1043 this.endPath(); +1044 +1045 return this; +1046 }, +1047 /** +1048 * Sets this path to be composed by a single Cubic Bezier path segment. +1049 * @param x0 {number} +1050 * @param y0 {number} +1051 * @param x1 {number} +1052 * @param y1 {number} +1053 * @param x2 {number} +1054 * @param y2 {number} +1055 * @param x3 {number} +1056 * @param y3 {number} +1057 * +1058 * @return this +1059 */ +1060 setCubic : function(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) { +1061 this.beginPath(x0,y0); +1062 this.addCubicTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); +1063 this.endPath(); +1064 +1065 return this; +1066 }, +1067 setRectangle : function(x0,y0, x1,y1) { +1068 this.beginPath(x0,y0); +1069 this.addRectangleTo(x1,y1); +1070 this.endPath(); +1071 +1072 return this; +1073 }, +1074 setCatmullRom : function( points, closed ) { +1075 if ( closed ) { +1076 points = points.slice(0) +1077 points.unshift(points[points.length-1]) +1078 points.push(points[1]) +1079 points.push(points[2]) +1080 } +1081 +1082 for( var i=1; i<points.length-2; i++ ) { +1083 +1084 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setColor("#000").setParent(this); +1085 var cm= new CAAT.CatmullRom().setCurve( +1086 points[ i-1 ], +1087 points[ i ], +1088 points[ i+1 ], +1089 points[ i+2 ] +1090 ); +1091 segment.curve= cm; +1092 this.pathSegments.push(segment); +1093 } +1094 return this; +1095 }, +1096 /** +1097 * Add a CAAT.PathSegment instance to this path. +1098 * @param pathSegment {CAAT.PathSegment} +1099 * @return this +1100 * +1101 * @deprecated +1102 */ +1103 addSegment : function(pathSegment) { +1104 pathSegment.setParent(this); +1105 this.pathSegments.push(pathSegment); +1106 return this; +1107 }, +1108 addRectangleTo : function( x1,y1, cw, color ) { +1109 var r= new CAAT.ShapePath(); +1110 r.setPoints([ +1111 this.endCurvePosition(), +1112 new CAAT.Point().set(x1,y1) +1113 ]); +1114 +1115 r.setClockWise(cw); +1116 r.setColor(color); +1117 r.setParent(this); +1118 +1119 this.pathSegments.push(r); +1120 +1121 return this; +1122 }, +1123 /** +1124 * Add a Quadric Bezier path segment to this path. +1125 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. +1126 * @param px1 {number} +1127 * @param py1 {number} +1128 * @param px2 {number} +1129 * @param py2 {number} +1130 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if +1131 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). +1132 * +1133 * @return this +1134 */ +1135 addQuadricTo : function( px1,py1, px2,py2, color ) { +1136 var bezier= new CAAT.Bezier(); +1137 +1138 bezier.setPoints( +1139 [ +1140 this.endCurvePosition(), +1141 new CAAT.Point().set(px1,py1), +1142 new CAAT.Point().set(px2,py2) +1143 ]); +1144 +1145 this.trackPathX= px2; +1146 this.trackPathY= py2; +1147 +1148 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setColor(color).setParent(this); +1149 segment.curve= bezier; +1150 +1151 this.pathSegments.push(segment); +1152 +1153 return this; +1154 }, +1155 /** +1156 * Add a Cubic Bezier segment to this path. +1157 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. +1158 * @param px1 {number} +1159 * @param py1 {number} +1160 * @param px2 {number} +1161 * @param py2 {number} +1162 * @param px3 {number} +1163 * @param py3 {number} +1164 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if +1165 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). +1166 * +1167 * @return this +1168 */ +1169 addCubicTo : function( px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3, color ) { +1170 var bezier= new CAAT.Bezier(); +1171 +1172 bezier.setPoints( +1173 [ +1174 this.endCurvePosition(), +1175 new CAAT.Point().set(px1,py1), +1176 new CAAT.Point().set(px2,py2), +1177 new CAAT.Point().set(px3,py3) +1178 ]); +1179 +1180 this.trackPathX= px3; +1181 this.trackPathY= py3; +1182 +1183 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setColor(color).setParent(this); +1184 segment.curve= bezier; 1185 -1186 segment.setParent(this); -1187 -1188 this.trackPathX= px1; -1189 this.trackPathY= py1; -1190 -1191 this.pathSegments.push(segment); -1192 return this; -1193 }, -1194 /** -1195 * Set the path's starting point. The method startCurvePosition will return this coordinate. -1196 * <p> -1197 * If a call to any method of the form <code>add<Segment>To</code> is called before this calling -1198 * this method, they will assume to start at -1,-1 and probably you'll get the wrong path. -1199 * @param px0 {number} -1200 * @param py0 {number} -1201 * -1202 * @return this -1203 */ -1204 beginPath : function( px0, py0 ) { -1205 this.trackPathX= px0; -1206 this.trackPathY= py0; -1207 this.beginPathX= px0; -1208 this.beginPathY= py0; -1209 return this; -1210 }, -1211 /** -1212 * <del>Close the path by adding a line path segment from the current last path -1213 * coordinate to startCurvePosition coordinate</del>. -1214 * <p> -1215 * This method closes a path by setting its last path segment's last control point -1216 * to be the first path segment's first control point. -1217 * <p> -1218 * This method also sets the path as finished, and calculates all path's information -1219 * such as length and bounding box. -1220 * -1221 * @return this -1222 */ -1223 closePath : function() { -1224 -1225 this.getLastPathSegment().setPoint( -1226 this.getFirstPathSegment().startCurvePosition(), -1227 this.getLastPathSegment().numControlPoints()-1 ); -1228 -1229 -1230 this.trackPathX= this.beginPathX; -1231 this.trackPathY= this.beginPathY; -1232 -1233 this.endPath(); -1234 return this; -1235 }, -1236 /** -1237 * Finishes the process of building the path. It involves calculating each path segments length -1238 * and proportional length related to a normalized path length of 1. -1239 * It also sets current paths length. -1240 * These calculi are needed to traverse the path appropriately. -1241 * <p> -1242 * This method must be called explicitly, except when closing a path (that is, calling the -1243 * method closePath) which calls this method as well. -1244 * -1245 * @return this -1246 */ -1247 endPath : function() { -1248 -1249 this.pathSegmentStartTime=[]; -1250 this.pathSegmentDurationTime= []; -1251 -1252 this.updatePath(); -1253 -1254 return this; -1255 }, -1256 /** -1257 * This method, returns a CAAT.Point instance indicating a coordinate in the path. -1258 * The returned coordinate is the corresponding to normalizing the path's length to 1, -1259 * and then finding what path segment and what coordinate in that path segment corresponds -1260 * for the input time parameter. -1261 * <p> -1262 * The parameter time must be a value ranging 0..1. -1263 * If not constrained to these values, the parameter will be modulus 1, and then, if less -1264 * than 0, be normalized to 1+time, so that the value always ranges from 0 to 1. -1265 * <p> -1266 * This method is needed when traversing the path throughout a CAAT.Interpolator instance. -1267 * -1268 * @param time a value between 0 and 1 both inclusive. 0 will return path's starting coordinate. -1269 * 1 will return path's end coordinate. -1270 * -1271 * @return {CAAT.Point} -1272 */ -1273 getPosition : function(time) { +1186 this.pathSegments.push(segment); +1187 return this; +1188 }, +1189 /** +1190 * Add a Catmull-Rom segment to this path. +1191 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. +1192 * @param px1 {number} +1193 * @param py1 {number} +1194 * @param px2 {number} +1195 * @param py2 {number} +1196 * @param px3 {number} +1197 * @param py3 {number} +1198 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if +1199 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). +1200 * +1201 * @return this +1202 */ +1203 addCatmullTo : function( px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3, color ) { +1204 var curve= new CAAT.CatmullRom().setColor(color); +1205 curve.setCurve(this.trackPathX,this.trackPathY, px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3); +1206 this.trackPathX= px3; +1207 this.trackPathY= py3; +1208 +1209 var segment= new CAAT.CurvePath().setParent(this); +1210 segment.curve= curve; +1211 +1212 this.pathSegments.push(segment); +1213 return this; +1214 }, +1215 /** +1216 * Adds a line segment to this path. +1217 * The segment starts in the current last path coordinate. +1218 * @param px1 {number} +1219 * @param py1 {number} +1220 * @param color {color=}. optional parameter. determines the color to draw the segment with (if +1221 * being drawn by a CAAT.PathActor). +1222 * +1223 * @return this +1224 */ +1225 addLineTo : function( px1,py1, color ) { +1226 var segment= new CAAT.LinearPath().setColor(color); +1227 segment.setPoints( [ +1228 this.endCurvePosition(), +1229 new CAAT.Point().set(px1,py1) +1230 ]); +1231 +1232 segment.setParent(this); +1233 +1234 this.trackPathX= px1; +1235 this.trackPathY= py1; +1236 +1237 this.pathSegments.push(segment); +1238 return this; +1239 }, +1240 /** +1241 * Set the path's starting point. The method startCurvePosition will return this coordinate. +1242 * <p> +1243 * If a call to any method of the form <code>add<Segment>To</code> is called before this calling +1244 * this method, they will assume to start at -1,-1 and probably you'll get the wrong path. +1245 * @param px0 {number} +1246 * @param py0 {number} +1247 * +1248 * @return this +1249 */ +1250 beginPath : function( px0, py0 ) { +1251 this.trackPathX= px0; +1252 this.trackPathY= py0; +1253 this.beginPathX= px0; +1254 this.beginPathY= py0; +1255 return this; +1256 }, +1257 /** +1258 * <del>Close the path by adding a line path segment from the current last path +1259 * coordinate to startCurvePosition coordinate</del>. +1260 * <p> +1261 * This method closes a path by setting its last path segment's last control point +1262 * to be the first path segment's first control point. +1263 * <p> +1264 * This method also sets the path as finished, and calculates all path's information +1265 * such as length and bounding box. +1266 * +1267 * @return this +1268 */ +1269 closePath : function() { +1270 +1271 this.getLastPathSegment().setPoint( +1272 this.getFirstPathSegment().startCurvePosition(), +1273 this.getLastPathSegment().numControlPoints()-1 ); 1274 -1275 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { -1276 time%=1; -1277 } -1278 if ( time<0 ) { -1279 time= 1+time; -1280 } -1281 -1282 var found= false; -1283 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { -1284 if (this.pathSegmentStartTime[i]<=time && time<=this.pathSegmentStartTime[i]+this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i]) { -1285 time= this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i] ? -1286 (time-this.pathSegmentStartTime[i])/this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i] : -1287 0; -1288 var pointInPath= this.pathSegments[i].getPosition(time); -1289 this.newPosition.x= pointInPath.x; -1290 this.newPosition.y= pointInPath.y; -1291 found= true; -1292 break; -1293 } -1294 } -1295 -1296 /** -1297 * !found means surely, a linear path with overlapping start and end points. -1298 * In such case, a (0,0) point would be returned, so instead, return either start or ending point. -1299 */ -1300 return found ? this.newPosition : this.endCurvePosition(); +1275 +1276 this.trackPathX= this.beginPathX; +1277 this.trackPathY= this.beginPathY; +1278 +1279 this.endPath(); +1280 return this; +1281 }, +1282 /** +1283 * Finishes the process of building the path. It involves calculating each path segments length +1284 * and proportional length related to a normalized path length of 1. +1285 * It also sets current paths length. +1286 * These calculi are needed to traverse the path appropriately. +1287 * <p> +1288 * This method must be called explicitly, except when closing a path (that is, calling the +1289 * method closePath) which calls this method as well. +1290 * +1291 * @return this +1292 */ +1293 endPath : function() { +1294 +1295 this.pathSegmentStartTime=[]; +1296 this.pathSegmentDurationTime= []; +1297 +1298 this.updatePath(); +1299 +1300 return this; 1301 }, 1302 /** -1303 * Analogously to the method getPosition, this method returns a CAAT.Point instance with -1304 * the coordinate on the path that corresponds to the given length. The input length is -1305 * related to path's length. -1306 * -1307 * @param iLength {number} a float with the target length. -1308 * @return {CAAT.Point} -1309 */ -1310 getPositionFromLength : function(iLength) { -1311 -1312 iLength%=this.getLength(); -1313 if (iLength<0 ) { -1314 iLength+= this.getLength(); -1315 } -1316 -1317 var accLength=0; -1318 -1319 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { -1320 if (accLength<=iLength && iLength<=this.pathSegments[i].getLength()+accLength) { -1321 iLength-= accLength; -1322 var pointInPath= this.pathSegments[i].getPositionFromLength(iLength); -1323 this.newPosition.x= pointInPath.x; -1324 this.newPosition.y= pointInPath.y; -1325 break; -1326 } -1327 accLength+= this.pathSegments[i].getLength(); -1328 } -1329 -1330 return this.newPosition; -1331 }, -1332 /** -1333 * Paints the path. -1334 * This method is called by CAAT.PathActor instances. -1335 * If the path is set as interactive (by default) path segment will draw curve modification -1336 * handles as well. -1337 * -1338 * @param director {CAAT.Director} a CAAT.Director instance. -1339 */ -1340 paint : function( director ) { -1341 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { -1342 this.pathSegments[i].paint(director,this.interactive); -1343 } -1344 }, -1345 /** -1346 * Method invoked when a CAAT.PathActor stops dragging a control point. -1347 */ -1348 release : function() { -1349 -1; -1350 this.ay= -1; -1351 }, -1352 /** -1353 * Returns an integer with the number of path segments that conform this path. -1354 * @return {number} -1355 */ -1356 getNumSegments : function() { -1357 return this.pathSegments.length; -1358 }, -1359 /** -1360 * Gets a CAAT.PathSegment instance. -1361 * @param index {number} the index of the desired CAAT.PathSegment. -1362 * @return CAAT.PathSegment -1363 */ -1364 getSegment : function(index) { -1365 return this.pathSegments[index]; -1366 }, -1367 -1368 numControlPoints : function() { -1369 return this.points.length; -1370 }, -1371 -1372 getControlPoint : function(index) { -1373 return this.points[index]; -1374 }, +1303 * This method, returns a CAAT.Point instance indicating a coordinate in the path. +1304 * The returned coordinate is the corresponding to normalizing the path's length to 1, +1305 * and then finding what path segment and what coordinate in that path segment corresponds +1306 * for the input time parameter. +1307 * <p> +1308 * The parameter time must be a value ranging 0..1. +1309 * If not constrained to these values, the parameter will be modulus 1, and then, if less +1310 * than 0, be normalized to 1+time, so that the value always ranges from 0 to 1. +1311 * <p> +1312 * This method is needed when traversing the path throughout a CAAT.Interpolator instance. +1313 * +1314 * @param time a value between 0 and 1 both inclusive. 0 will return path's starting coordinate. +1315 * 1 will return path's end coordinate. +1316 * +1317 * @return {CAAT.Point} +1318 */ +1319 getPosition : function(time) { +1320 +1321 if ( time>1 || time<0 ) { +1322 time%=1; +1323 } +1324 if ( time<0 ) { +1325 time= 1+time; +1326 } +1327 +1328 /* +1329 var found= false; +1330 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { +1331 if (this.pathSegmentStartTime[i]<=time && time<=this.pathSegmentStartTime[i]+this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i]) { +1332 time= this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i] ? +1333 (time-this.pathSegmentStartTime[i])/this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i] : +1334 0; +1335 var pointInPath= this.pathSegments[i].getPosition(time); +1336 this.newPosition.x= pointInPath.x; +1337 this.newPosition.y= pointInPath.y; +1338 found= true; +1339 break; +1340 } +1341 } +1342 +1343 return found ? this.newPosition : this.endCurvePosition(); +1344 */ +1345 +1346 +1347 var ps= this.pathSegments; +1348 var psst= this.pathSegmentStartTime; +1349 var psdt= this.pathSegmentDurationTime; +1350 var l= 0; +1351 var r= ps.length; +1352 var m; +1353 var np= this.newPosition; +1354 var psstv; +1355 while( l!==r ) { +1356 +1357 m= ((r+l)/2)|0; +1358 psstv= psst[m]; +1359 if ( psstv<=time && time<=psstv+psdt[m]) { +1360 time= psdt[m] ? +1361 (time-psstv)/psdt[m] : +1362 0; +1363 +1364 var pointInPath= ps[m].getPosition(time); +1365 np.x= pointInPath.x; +1366 np.y= pointInPath.y; +1367 return np; +1368 } else if ( time<psstv ) { +1369 r= m; +1370 } else /*if ( time>=psstv )*/ { +1371 l= m+1; +1372 } +1373 } +1374 return this.endCurvePosition(); 1375 -1376 /** -1377 * Indicates that some path control point has changed, and that the path must recalculate -1378 * its internal data, ie: length and bbox. -1379 */ -1380 updatePath : function(point) { -1381 var i,j; -1382 -1383 this.length=0; -1384 this.bbox.setEmpty(); -1385 this.points= []; -1386 -1387 var xmin= Number.MAX_VALUE, ymin= Number.MAX_VALUE; -1388 for( i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { -1389 this.pathSegments[i].updatePath(point); -1390 this.length+= this.pathSegments[i].getLength(); -1391 this.bbox.unionRectangle( this.pathSegments[i].bbox ); -1392 -1393 for( j=0; j<this.pathSegments[i].numControlPoints(); j++ ) { -1394 var pt= this.pathSegments[i].getControlPoint( j ); -1395 this.points.push( pt ); -1396 if ( pt.x < xmin ) { -1397 xmin= pt.x; -1398 } -1399 if ( pt.y < ymin ) { -1400 ymin= pt.y; -1401 } -1402 } -1403 } -1404 -1405 this.clipOffsetX= -xmin; -1406 this.clipOffsetY= -ymin; -1407 -1408 this.width= this.bbox.width; -1409 this.height= this.bbox.height; -1410 this.setLocation( this.bbox.x, this.bbox.y ); -1411 this.bbox.x= 0; -1412 this.bbox.y= 0; -1413 this.bbox.x1= this.width; -1414 this.bbox.y1= this.height; -1415 -1416 this.pathSegmentStartTime= []; -1417 this.pathSegmentDurationTime= []; -1418 -1419 var i; -1420 for( i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++) { -1421 this.pathSegmentStartTime.push(0); -1422 this.pathSegmentDurationTime.push(0); -1423 } -1424 -1425 for( i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++) { -1426 this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i]= this.getLength() ? this.pathSegments[i].getLength()/this.getLength() : 0; -1427 if ( i>0 ) { -1428 this.pathSegmentStartTime[i]= this.pathSegmentStartTime[i-1]+this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i-1]; -1429 } else { -1430 this.pathSegmentStartTime[0]= 0; -1431 } -1432 -1433 this.pathSegments[i].endPath(); -1434 } -1435 -1436 this.extractPathPoints(); -1437 -1438 return this; -1439 -1440 }, -1441 /** -1442 * Sent by a CAAT.PathActor instance object to try to drag a path's control point. -1443 * @param x {number} -1444 * @param y {number} -1445 */ -1446 press: function(x,y) { -1447 if (!this.interactive) { -1448 return; -1449 } -1450 -1451 var HS= CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2; -1452 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { -1453 for( var j=0; j<this.pathSegments[i].numControlPoints(); j++ ) { -1454 var point= this.pathSegments[i].getControlPoint(j); -1455 if ( x>=point.x-HS && -1456 y>=point.y-HS && -1457 x<point.x+HS && -1458 y<point.y+HS ) { -1459 -1460 this.point= point; -1461 return; -1462 } -1463 } -1464 } -1465 this.point= null; -1466 }, -1467 /** -1468 * Drags a path's control point. -1469 * If the method press has not set needed internal data to drag a control point, this -1470 * method will do nothing, regardless the user is dragging on the CAAT.PathActor delegate. -1471 * @param x {number} -1472 * @param y {number} -1473 */ -1474 drag : function(x,y) { -1475 if (!this.interactive) { -1476 return; -1477 } -1478 -1479 if ( null===this.point ) { -1480 return; -1481 } -1482 -1483 if ( || -1===this.ay ) { -1484 x; -1485 this.ay= y; -1486 } -1487 -1488 this.point.x+=; -1489 this.point.y+= y-this.ay; -1490 -1491 x; -1492 this.ay= y; -1493 -1494 this.updatePath(this.point); -1495 }, -1496 /** -1497 * Returns a collection of CAAT.Point objects which conform a path's contour. -1498 * @param iSize {number}. Number of samples for each path segment. -1499 * @return {[CAAT.Point]} -1500 */ -1501 getContour : function(iSize) { -1502 var contour=[]; -1503 for( var i=0; i<=iSize; i++ ) { -1504 contour.push( new CAAT.Point().set( i/iSize, this.getPosition(i/iSize).y, 0 ) ); -1505 } -1506 -1507 return contour; -1508 }, -1509 -1510 /** -1511 * Reposition this path points. -1512 * This operation will only take place if the supplied points array equals in size to -1513 * this path's already set points. -1514 * @param points {Array<CAAT.Point>} -1515 */ -1516 setPoints : function( points ) { -1517 if ( this.points.length===points.length ) { -1518 for( var i=0; i<points.length; i++ ) { -1519 this.points[i].x= points[i].x; -1520 this.points[i].y= points[i].y; -1521 } -1522 } -1523 return this; -1524 }, -1525 -1526 /** -1527 * Set a point from this path. -1528 * @param point {CAAT.Point} -1529 * @param index {integer} a point index. -1530 */ -1531 setPoint : function( point, index ) { -1532 if ( index>=0 && index<this.points.length ) { -1533 this.points[index].x= point.x; -1534 this.points[index].y= point.y; -1535 } -1536 return this; -1537 }, -1538 -1539 -1540 /** -1541 * Removes all behaviors from an Actor. -1542 * @return this -1543 */ -1544 emptyBehaviorList : function() { -1545 this.behaviorList=[]; -1546 return this; -1547 }, -1548 -1549 extractPathPoints : function() { -1550 if ( !this.pathPoints ) { -1551 var i; -1552 this.pathPoints= []; -1553 for ( i=0; i<this.numControlPoints(); i++ ) { -1554 this.pathPoints.push( this.getControlPoint(i).clone() ); -1555 } -1556 } -1557 -1558 return this; -1559 }, -1560 -1561 /** -1562 * Add a Behavior to the Actor. -1563 * An Actor accepts an undefined number of Behaviors. -1564 * -1565 * @param behavior {CAAT.Behavior} a CAAT.Behavior instance -1566 * @return this -1567 */ -1568 addBehavior : function( behavior ) { -1569 this.behaviorList.push(behavior); -1570 // this.extractPathPoints(); -1571 return this; -1572 }, -1573 /** -1574 * Remove a Behavior from the Actor. -1575 * If the Behavior is not present at the actor behavior collection nothing happends. -1576 * -1577 * @param behavior {CAAT.Behavior} a CAAT.Behavior instance. -1578 */ -1579 removeBehaviour : function( behavior ) { -1580 var n= this.behaviorList.length-1; -1581 while(n) { -1582 if ( this.behaviorList[n]===behavior ) { -1583 this.behaviorList.splice(n,1); -1584 return this; -1585 } -1586 } -1587 -1588 return this; -1589 }, +1376 +1377 }, +1378 /** +1379 * Analogously to the method getPosition, this method returns a CAAT.Point instance with +1380 * the coordinate on the path that corresponds to the given length. The input length is +1381 * related to path's length. +1382 * +1383 * @param iLength {number} a float with the target length. +1384 * @return {CAAT.Point} +1385 */ +1386 getPositionFromLength : function(iLength) { +1387 +1388 iLength%=this.getLength(); +1389 if (iLength<0 ) { +1390 iLength+= this.getLength(); +1391 } +1392 +1393 var accLength=0; +1394 +1395 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { +1396 if (accLength<=iLength && iLength<=this.pathSegments[i].getLength()+accLength) { +1397 iLength-= accLength; +1398 var pointInPath= this.pathSegments[i].getPositionFromLength(iLength); +1399 this.newPosition.x= pointInPath.x; +1400 this.newPosition.y= pointInPath.y; +1401 break; +1402 } +1403 accLength+= this.pathSegments[i].getLength(); +1404 } +1405 +1406 return this.newPosition; +1407 }, +1408 /** +1409 * Paints the path. +1410 * This method is called by CAAT.PathActor instances. +1411 * If the path is set as interactive (by default) path segment will draw curve modification +1412 * handles as well. +1413 * +1414 * @param director {CAAT.Director} a CAAT.Director instance. +1415 */ +1416 paint : function( director ) { +1417 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { +1418 this.pathSegments[i].paint(director,this.interactive); +1419 } +1420 }, +1421 /** +1422 * Method invoked when a CAAT.PathActor stops dragging a control point. +1423 */ +1424 release : function() { +1425 -1; +1426 this.ay= -1; +1427 }, +1428 /** +1429 * Returns an integer with the number of path segments that conform this path. +1430 * @return {number} +1431 */ +1432 getNumSegments : function() { +1433 return this.pathSegments.length; +1434 }, +1435 /** +1436 * Gets a CAAT.PathSegment instance. +1437 * @param index {number} the index of the desired CAAT.PathSegment. +1438 * @return CAAT.PathSegment +1439 */ +1440 getSegment : function(index) { +1441 return this.pathSegments[index]; +1442 }, +1443 +1444 numControlPoints : function() { +1445 return this.points.length; +1446 }, +1447 +1448 getControlPoint : function(index) { +1449 return this.points[index]; +1450 }, +1451 +1452 /** +1453 * Indicates that some path control point has changed, and that the path must recalculate +1454 * its internal data, ie: length and bbox. +1455 */ +1456 updatePath : function(point, callback) { +1457 var i,j; +1458 +1459 this.length=0; +1460 this.bbox.setEmpty(); +1461 this.points= []; +1462 +1463 var xmin= Number.MAX_VALUE, ymin= Number.MAX_VALUE; +1464 for( i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { +1465 this.pathSegments[i].updatePath(point); +1466 this.length+= this.pathSegments[i].getLength(); +1467 this.bbox.unionRectangle( this.pathSegments[i].bbox ); +1468 +1469 for( j=0; j<this.pathSegments[i].numControlPoints(); j++ ) { +1470 var pt= this.pathSegments[i].getControlPoint( j ); +1471 this.points.push( pt ); +1472 if ( pt.x < xmin ) { +1473 xmin= pt.x; +1474 } +1475 if ( pt.y < ymin ) { +1476 ymin= pt.y; +1477 } +1478 } +1479 } +1480 +1481 this.clipOffsetX= -xmin; +1482 this.clipOffsetY= -ymin; +1483 +1484 this.width= this.bbox.width; +1485 this.height= this.bbox.height; +1486 this.setLocation( this.bbox.x, this.bbox.y ); +1487 this.bbox.x= 0; +1488 this.bbox.y= 0; +1489 this.bbox.x1= this.width; +1490 this.bbox.y1= this.height; +1491 +1492 this.pathSegmentStartTime= []; +1493 this.pathSegmentDurationTime= []; +1494 +1495 var i; +1496 for( i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++) { +1497 this.pathSegmentStartTime.push(0); +1498 this.pathSegmentDurationTime.push(0); +1499 } +1500 +1501 for( i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++) { +1502 this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i]= this.getLength() ? this.pathSegments[i].getLength()/this.getLength() : 0; +1503 if ( i>0 ) { +1504 this.pathSegmentStartTime[i]= this.pathSegmentStartTime[i-1]+this.pathSegmentDurationTime[i-1]; +1505 } else { +1506 this.pathSegmentStartTime[0]= 0; +1507 } +1508 +1509 this.pathSegments[i].endPath(); +1510 } +1511 +1512 this.extractPathPoints(); +1513 +1514 if ( typeof callback!=='undefined' ) { +1515 callback(this); +1516 } +1517 +1518 return this; +1519 +1520 }, +1521 /** +1522 * Sent by a CAAT.PathActor instance object to try to drag a path's control point. +1523 * @param x {number} +1524 * @param y {number} +1525 */ +1526 press: function(x,y) { +1527 if (!this.interactive) { +1528 return; +1529 } +1530 +1531 var HS= CAAT.Curve.prototype.HANDLE_SIZE/2; +1532 for( var i=0; i<this.pathSegments.length; i++ ) { +1533 for( var j=0; j<this.pathSegments[i].numControlPoints(); j++ ) { +1534 var point= this.pathSegments[i].getControlPoint(j); +1535 if ( x>=point.x-HS && +1536 y>=point.y-HS && +1537 x<point.x+HS && +1538 y<point.y+HS ) { +1539 +1540 this.point= point; +1541 return; +1542 } +1543 } +1544 } +1545 this.point= null; +1546 }, +1547 /** +1548 * Drags a path's control point. +1549 * If the method press has not set needed internal data to drag a control point, this +1550 * method will do nothing, regardless the user is dragging on the CAAT.PathActor delegate. +1551 * @param x {number} +1552 * @param y {number} +1553 */ +1554 drag : function(x,y,callback) { +1555 if (!this.interactive) { +1556 return; +1557 } +1558 +1559 if ( null===this.point ) { +1560 return; +1561 } +1562 +1563 if ( || -1===this.ay ) { +1564 x; +1565 this.ay= y; +1566 } +1567 +1568 this.point.x+=; +1569 this.point.y+= y-this.ay; +1570 +1571 x; +1572 this.ay= y; +1573 +1574 this.updatePath(this.point,callback); +1575 }, +1576 /** +1577 * Returns a collection of CAAT.Point objects which conform a path's contour. +1578 * @param iSize {number}. Number of samples for each path segment. +1579 * @return {[CAAT.Point]} +1580 */ +1581 getContour : function(iSize) { +1582 var contour=[]; +1583 for( var i=0; i<=iSize; i++ ) { +1584 contour.push( new CAAT.Point().set( i/iSize, this.getPosition(i/iSize).y, 0 ) ); +1585 } +1586 +1587 return contour; +1588 }, +1589 1590 /** -1591 * Remove a Behavior with id param as behavior identifier from this actor. -1592 * This function will remove ALL behavior instances with the given id. -1593 * -1594 * @param id {number} an integer. -1595 * return this; -1596 */ -1597 removeBehaviorById : function( id ) { -1598 for( var n=0; n<this.behaviorList.length; n++ ) { -1599 if ( this.behaviorList[n].id===id) { -1600 this.behaviorList.splice(n,1); +1591 * Reposition this path points. +1592 * This operation will only take place if the supplied points array equals in size to +1593 * this path's already set points. +1594 * @param points {Array<CAAT.Point>} +1595 */ +1596 setPoints : function( points ) { +1597 if ( this.points.length===points.length ) { +1598 for( var i=0; i<points.length; i++ ) { +1599 this.points[i].x= points[i].x; +1600 this.points[i].y= points[i].y; 1601 } 1602 } -1603 -1604 return this; +1603 return this; +1604 }, 1605 -1606 }, -1607 -1608 applyBehaviors : function(time) { -1609 // if (this.behaviorList.length) { -1610 for( var i=0; i<this.behaviorList.length; i++ ) { -1611 this.behaviorList[i].apply(time,this); -1612 } -1613 -1614 /** calculate behavior affine transform matrix **/ -1615 this.setATMatrix(); -1616 -1617 for (i = 0; i < this.numControlPoints(); i++) { -1618 this.setPoint( -1619 this.matrix.transformCoord( -1620 this.pathPoints[i].clone().translate( this.clipOffsetX, this.clipOffsetY )), i); -1621 } -1622 // } -1623 -1624 return this; -1625 }, -1626 -1627 setATMatrix : function() { -1628 this.matrix.identity(); -1629 -1630 var m= this.tmpMatrix.identity(); -1631 var mm= this.matrix.matrix; -1632 var c,s,_m00,_m01,_m10,_m11; -1633 var mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5; -1634 -1635 var bbox= this.bbox; -1636 var bbw= bbox.width ; -1637 var bbh= bbox.height ; -1638 var bbx= bbox.x; -1639 var bby= bbox.y +1606 /** +1607 * Set a point from this path. +1608 * @param point {CAAT.Point} +1609 * @param index {integer} a point index. +1610 */ +1611 setPoint : function( point, index ) { +1612 if ( index>=0 && index<this.points.length ) { +1613 this.points[index].x= point.x; +1614 this.points[index].y= point.y; +1615 } +1616 return this; +1617 }, +1618 +1619 +1620 /** +1621 * Removes all behaviors from an Actor. +1622 * @return this +1623 */ +1624 emptyBehaviorList : function() { +1625 this.behaviorList=[]; +1626 return this; +1627 }, +1628 +1629 extractPathPoints : function() { +1630 if ( !this.pathPoints ) { +1631 var i; +1632 this.pathPoints= []; +1633 for ( i=0; i<this.numControlPoints(); i++ ) { +1634 this.pathPoints.push( this.getControlPoint(i).clone() ); +1635 } +1636 } +1637 +1638 return this; +1639 }, 1640 -1641 mm0= 1; -1642 mm1= 0; -1643 mm3= 0; -1644 mm4= 1; -1645 -1646 mm2= this.tb_x - bbx - this.tAnchorX * bbw; -1647 mm5= this.tb_y - bby - this.tAnchorY * bbh; -1648 -1649 if ( this.rb_angle ) { -1650 -1651 var rbx= (this.rb_rotateAnchorX*bbw + bbx); -1652 var rby= (this.rb_rotateAnchorY*bbh + bby); -1653 -1654 mm2+= mm0*rbx + mm1*rby; -1655 mm5+= mm3*rbx + mm4*rby; -1656 -1657 c= Math.cos( this.rb_angle ); -1658 s= Math.sin( this.rb_angle); -1659 _m00= mm0; -1660 _m01= mm1; -1661 _m10= mm3; -1662 _m11= mm4; -1663 mm0= _m00*c + _m01*s; -1664 mm1= -_m00*s + _m01*c; -1665 mm3= _m10*c + _m11*s; -1666 mm4= -_m10*s + _m11*c; +1641 /** +1642 * Add a Behavior to the Actor. +1643 * An Actor accepts an undefined number of Behaviors. +1644 * +1645 * @param behavior {CAAT.Behavior} a CAAT.Behavior instance +1646 * @return this +1647 */ +1648 addBehavior : function( behavior ) { +1649 this.behaviorList.push(behavior); +1650 // this.extractPathPoints(); +1651 return this; +1652 }, +1653 /** +1654 * Remove a Behavior from the Actor. +1655 * If the Behavior is not present at the actor behavior collection nothing happends. +1656 * +1657 * @param behavior {CAAT.Behavior} a CAAT.Behavior instance. +1658 */ +1659 removeBehaviour : function( behavior ) { +1660 var n= this.behaviorList.length-1; +1661 while(n) { +1662 if ( this.behaviorList[n]===behavior ) { +1663 this.behaviorList.splice(n,1); +1664 return this; +1665 } +1666 } 1667 -1668 mm2+= -mm0*rbx - mm1*rby; -1669 mm5+= -mm3*rbx - mm4*rby; -1670 } -1671 -1672 if ( this.sb_scaleX!=1 || this.sb_scaleY!=1 ) { -1673 -1674 var sbx= (this.sb_scaleAnchorX*bbw + bbx); -1675 var sby= (this.sb_scaleAnchorY*bbh + bby); -1676 -1677 mm2+= mm0*sbx + mm1*sby; -1678 mm5+= mm3*sbx + mm4*sby; -1679 -1680 mm0= mm0*this.sb_scaleX; -1681 mm1= mm1*this.sb_scaleY; -1682 mm3= mm3*this.sb_scaleX; -1683 mm4= mm4*this.sb_scaleY; -1684 -1685 mm2+= -mm0*sbx - mm1*sby; -1686 mm5+= -mm3*sbx - mm4*sby; -1687 } -1688 -1689 mm[0]= mm0; -1690 mm[1]= mm1; -1691 mm[2]= mm2; -1692 mm[3]= mm3; -1693 mm[4]= mm4; -1694 mm[5]= mm5; -1695 -1696 return this; -1697 -1698 }, -1699 -1700 setRotationAnchored : function( angle, rx, ry ) { -1701 this.rb_angle= angle; -1702 this.rb_rotateAnchorX= rx; -1703 this.rb_rotateAnchorY= ry; +1668 return this; +1669 }, +1670 /** +1671 * Remove a Behavior with id param as behavior identifier from this actor. +1672 * This function will remove ALL behavior instances with the given id. +1673 * +1674 * @param id {number} an integer. +1675 * return this; +1676 */ +1677 removeBehaviorById : function( id ) { +1678 for( var n=0; n<this.behaviorList.length; n++ ) { +1679 if ( this.behaviorList[n].id===id) { +1680 this.behaviorList.splice(n,1); +1681 } +1682 } +1683 +1684 return this; +1685 +1686 }, +1687 +1688 applyBehaviors : function(time) { +1689 // if (this.behaviorList.length) { +1690 for( var i=0; i<this.behaviorList.length; i++ ) { +1691 this.behaviorList[i].apply(time,this); +1692 } +1693 +1694 /** calculate behavior affine transform matrix **/ +1695 this.setATMatrix(); +1696 +1697 for (i = 0; i < this.numControlPoints(); i++) { +1698 this.setPoint( +1699 this.matrix.transformCoord( +1700 this.pathPoints[i].clone().translate( this.clipOffsetX, this.clipOffsetY )), i); +1701 } +1702 // } +1703 1704 return this; 1705 }, 1706 -1707 setRotationAnchor : function( ax, ay ) { -1708 this.rb_rotateAnchorX= ax; -1709 this.rb_rotateAnchorY= ay; -1710 }, -1711 -1712 setRotation : function( angle ) { -1713 this.rb_angle= angle; -1714 }, -1715 -1716 setScaleAnchored : function( scaleX, scaleY, sx, sy ) { -1717 this.sb_scaleX= scaleX; -1718 this.sb_scaleAnchorX= sx; -1719 this.sb_scaleY= scaleY; -1720 this.sb_scaleAnchorY= sy; -1721 return this; -1722 }, -1723 -1724 setScale : function( sx, sy ) { -1725 this.sb_scaleX= sx; -1726 this.sb_scaleY= sy; -1727 return this; -1728 }, -1729 -1730 setScaleAnchor : function( ax, ay ) { -1731 this.sb_scaleAnchorX= ax; -1732 this.sb_scaleAnchorY= ay; -1733 return this; -1734 }, -1735 -1736 setPositionAnchor : function( ax, ay ) { -1737 this.tAnchorX= ax; -1738 this.tAnchorY= ay; -1739 return this; -1740 }, -1741 -1742 setPositionAnchored : function( x,y,ax,ay ) { -1743 this.tb_x= x; -1744 this.tb_y= y; -1745 this.tAnchorX= ax; -1746 this.tAnchorY= ay; -1747 return this; -1748 }, -1749 -1750 setPosition : function( x,y ) { -1751 this.tb_x= x; -1752 this.tb_y= y; -1753 return this; -1754 }, -1755 -1756 setLocation : function( x, y ) { -1757 this.tb_x= x; -1758 this.tb_y= y; -1759 return this; -1760 } -1761 -1762 }; -1763 -1764 extend( CAAT.Path, CAAT.PathSegment, null); -1765 -1766 })(); \ No newline at end of file +1707 setATMatrix : function() { +1708 this.matrix.identity(); +1709 +1710 var m= this.tmpMatrix.identity(); +1711 var mm= this.matrix.matrix; +1712 var c,s,_m00,_m01,_m10,_m11; +1713 var mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5; +1714 +1715 var bbox= this.bbox; +1716 var bbw= bbox.width ; +1717 var bbh= bbox.height ; +1718 var bbx= bbox.x; +1719 var bby= bbox.y +1720 +1721 mm0= 1; +1722 mm1= 0; +1723 mm3= 0; +1724 mm4= 1; +1725 +1726 mm2= this.tb_x - bbx - this.tAnchorX * bbw; +1727 mm5= this.tb_y - bby - this.tAnchorY * bbh; +1728 +1729 if ( this.rb_angle ) { +1730 +1731 var rbx= (this.rb_rotateAnchorX*bbw + bbx); +1732 var rby= (this.rb_rotateAnchorY*bbh + bby); +1733 +1734 mm2+= mm0*rbx + mm1*rby; +1735 mm5+= mm3*rbx + mm4*rby; +1736 +1737 c= Math.cos( this.rb_angle ); +1738 s= Math.sin( this.rb_angle); +1739 _m00= mm0; +1740 _m01= mm1; +1741 _m10= mm3; +1742 _m11= mm4; +1743 mm0= _m00*c + _m01*s; +1744 mm1= -_m00*s + _m01*c; +1745 mm3= _m10*c + _m11*s; +1746 mm4= -_m10*s + _m11*c; +1747 +1748 mm2+= -mm0*rbx - mm1*rby; +1749 mm5+= -mm3*rbx - mm4*rby; +1750 } +1751 +1752 if ( this.sb_scaleX!=1 || this.sb_scaleY!=1 ) { +1753 +1754 var sbx= (this.sb_scaleAnchorX*bbw + bbx); +1755 var sby= (this.sb_scaleAnchorY*bbh + bby); +1756 +1757 mm2+= mm0*sbx + mm1*sby; +1758 mm5+= mm3*sbx + mm4*sby; +1759 +1760 mm0= mm0*this.sb_scaleX; +1761 mm1= mm1*this.sb_scaleY; +1762 mm3= mm3*this.sb_scaleX; +1763 mm4= mm4*this.sb_scaleY; +1764 +1765 mm2+= -mm0*sbx - mm1*sby; +1766 mm5+= -mm3*sbx - mm4*sby; +1767 } +1768 +1769 mm[0]= mm0; +1770 mm[1]= mm1; +1771 mm[2]= mm2; +1772 mm[3]= mm3; +1773 mm[4]= mm4; +1774 mm[5]= mm5; +1775 +1776 return this; +1777 +1778 }, +1779 +1780 setRotationAnchored : function( angle, rx, ry ) { +1781 this.rb_angle= angle; +1782 this.rb_rotateAnchorX= rx; +1783 this.rb_rotateAnchorY= ry; +1784 return this; +1785 }, +1786 +1787 setRotationAnchor : function( ax, ay ) { +1788 this.rb_rotateAnchorX= ax; +1789 this.rb_rotateAnchorY= ay; +1790 }, +1791 +1792 setRotation : function( angle ) { +1793 this.rb_angle= angle; +1794 }, +1795 +1796 setScaleAnchored : function( scaleX, scaleY, sx, sy ) { +1797 this.sb_scaleX= scaleX; +1798 this.sb_scaleAnchorX= sx; +1799 this.sb_scaleY= scaleY; +1800 this.sb_scaleAnchorY= sy; +1801 return this; +1802 }, +1803 +1804 setScale : function( sx, sy ) { +1805 this.sb_scaleX= sx; +1806 this.sb_scaleY= sy; +1807 return this; +1808 }, +1809 +1810 setScaleAnchor : function( ax, ay ) { +1811 this.sb_scaleAnchorX= ax; +1812 this.sb_scaleAnchorY= ay; +1813 return this; +1814 }, +1815 +1816 setPositionAnchor : function( ax, ay ) { +1817 this.tAnchorX= ax; +1818 this.tAnchorY= ay; +1819 return this; +1820 }, +1821 +1822 setPositionAnchored : function( x,y,ax,ay ) { +1823 this.tb_x= x; +1824 this.tb_y= y; +1825 this.tAnchorX= ax; +1826 this.tAnchorY= ay; +1827 return this; +1828 }, +1829 +1830 setPosition : function( x,y ) { +1831 this.tb_x= x; +1832 this.tb_y= y; +1833 return this; +1834 }, +1835 +1836 setLocation : function( x, y ) { +1837 this.tb_x= x; +1838 this.tb_y= y; +1839 return this; +1840 }, +1841 +1842 flatten : function( npatches, closed ) { +1843 var point= this.getPositionFromLength(0); +1844 var path= new CAAT.Path().beginPath( point.x, point.y ); +1845 for( var i=0; i<npatches; i++ ) { +1846 point= this.getPositionFromLength(i/npatches*this.length); +1847 path.addLineTo( point.x, point.y ); +1848 } +1849 if ( closed) { +1850 path.closePath(); +1851 } else { +1852 path.endPath(); +1853 } +1854 +1855 return path; +1856 } +1857 +1858 }; +1859 +1860 extend( CAAT.Path, CAAT.PathSegment, null); +1861 +1862 })(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_pathactor.js.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_pathactor.js.html index bc5aab4a..d0aa6974 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_pathactor.js.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_path_pathactor.js.html @@ -24,91 +24,105 @@ 17 }; 18 19 CAAT.PathActor.prototype= { - 20 path: null, - 21 pathBoundingRectangle: null, - 22 bOutline: false, - 23 outlineColor: 'black', - 24 - 25 /** - 26 * Return the contained path. - 27 * @return {CAAT.Path} - 28 */ - 29 getPath : function() { - 30 return this.path; - 31 }, - 32 /** - 33 * Sets the path to manage. - 34 * @param path {CAAT.PathSegment} - 35 * @return this - 36 */ - 37 setPath : function(path) { - 38 this.path= path; - 39 this.pathBoundingRectangle= path.getBoundingBox(); - 40 return this; - 41 }, - 42 /** - 43 * Paint this actor. - 44 * @param director {CAAT.Director} - 45 * @param time {number}. Scene time. - 46 */ - 47 paint : function(director, time) { - 48 - 49 this, director, time ); - 50 - 51 var canvas= director.crc; - 52 - 53 canvas.strokeStyle='black'; - 54 this.path.paint(director); + 20 path : null, + 21 pathBoundingRectangle : null, + 22 bOutline : false, + 23 outlineColor : 'black', + 24 onUpdateCallback : null, + 25 interactive : false, + 26 + 27 /** + 28 * Return the contained path. + 29 * @return {CAAT.Path} + 30 */ + 31 getPath : function() { + 32 return this.path; + 33 }, + 34 /** + 35 * Sets the path to manage. + 36 * @param path {CAAT.PathSegment} + 37 * @return this + 38 */ + 39 setPath : function(path) { + 40 this.path= path; + 41 if ( path!=null ) { + 42 this.pathBoundingRectangle= path.getBoundingBox(); + 43 this.setInteractive( this.interactive ); + 44 } + 45 return this; + 46 }, + 47 /** + 48 * Paint this actor. + 49 * @param director {CAAT.Director} + 50 * @param time {number}. Scene time. + 51 */ + 52 paint : function(director, time) { + 53 + 54 this, director, time ); 55 - 56 if ( this.bOutline ) { - 57 canvas.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; - 58 canvas.strokeRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); - 59 } - 60 }, - 61 /** - 62 * Enables/disables drawing of the contained path's bounding box. - 63 * @param show {boolean} whether to show the bounding box - 64 * @param color {=string} optional parameter defining the path's bounding box stroke style. - 65 */ - 66 showBoundingBox : function(show, color) { - 67 this.bOutline= show; - 68 if ( show && color ) { - 69 this.outlineColor= color; - 70 } - 71 }, - 72 /** - 73 * Set the contained path as interactive. This means it can be changed on the fly by manipulation - 74 * of its control points. - 75 * @param interactive - 76 */ - 77 setInteractive : function(interactive) { - 78 if ( this.path ) { - 79 this.path.setInteractive(interactive); - 80 } - 81 return this; - 82 }, - 83 /** - 84 * Route mouse dragging functionality to the contained path. - 85 * @param mouseEvent {CAAT.MouseEvent} - 86 */ - 87 mouseDrag : function(mouseEvent) { - 88 this.path.drag(mouseEvent.point.x, mouseEvent.point.y); - 89 }, - 90 /** - 91 * Route mouse down functionality to the contained path. - 92 * @param mouseEvent {CAAT.MouseEvent} - 93 */ - 94 mouseDown : function(mouseEvent) { - 95, mouseEvent.point.y); - 96 }, + 56 if ( !this.path ) { + 57 return; + 58 } + 59 + 60 var ctx= director.ctx; + 61 + 62 ctx.strokeStyle='#000'; + 63 this.path.paint(director, this.interactive); + 64 + 65 if ( this.bOutline ) { + 66 ctx.strokeStyle= this.outlineColor; + 67 ctx.strokeRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); + 68 } + 69 }, + 70 /** + 71 * Enables/disables drawing of the contained path's bounding box. + 72 * @param show {boolean} whether to show the bounding box + 73 * @param color {=string} optional parameter defining the path's bounding box stroke style. + 74 */ + 75 showBoundingBox : function(show, color) { + 76 this.bOutline= show; + 77 if ( show && color ) { + 78 this.outlineColor= color; + 79 } + 80 }, + 81 /** + 82 * Set the contained path as interactive. This means it can be changed on the fly by manipulation + 83 * of its control points. + 84 * @param interactive + 85 */ + 86 setInteractive : function(interactive) { + 87 this.interactive= interactive; + 88 if ( this.path ) { + 89 this.path.setInteractive(interactive); + 90 } + 91 return this; + 92 }, + 93 setOnUpdateCallback : function( fn ) { + 94 this.onUpdateCallback= fn; + 95 return this; + 96 }, 97 /** - 98 * Route mouse up functionality to the contained path. + 98 * Route mouse dragging functionality to the contained path. 99 * @param mouseEvent {CAAT.MouseEvent} 100 */ -101 mouseUp : function(mouseEvent) { -102 this.path.release(); -103 } -104 }; -105 -106 extend( CAAT.PathActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); -107 })(); \ No newline at end of file +101 mouseDrag : function(mouseEvent) { +102 this.path.drag(mouseEvent.point.x, mouseEvent.point.y, this.onUpdateCallback); +103 }, +104 /** +105 * Route mouse down functionality to the contained path. +106 * @param mouseEvent {CAAT.MouseEvent} +107 */ +108 mouseDown : function(mouseEvent) { +109, mouseEvent.point.y); +110 }, +111 /** +112 * Route mouse up functionality to the contained path. +113 * @param mouseEvent {CAAT.MouseEvent} +114 */ +115 mouseUp : function(mouseEvent) { +116 this.path.release(); +117 } +118 }; +119 +120 extend( CAAT.PathActor, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); +121 })(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/model/actor.js b/src/model/actor.js index 5c426654..fd6eb3f2 100644 --- a/src/model/actor.js +++ b/src/model/actor.js @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ * @return null if the point is not inside the Actor. The Actor otherwise. */ findActorAtPosition : function(point) { - if ( !this.mouseEnabled || !this.isInAnimationFrame(this.time) ) { + if ( !this.visible || !this.mouseEnabled || !this.isInAnimationFrame(this.time) ) { return null; } @@ -1876,7 +1876,6 @@ cl[i].drawScreenBoundingBox(director,time); },director,time); - }, /** * Removes all children from this ActorContainer. diff --git a/src/model/conpoundimage.js b/src/model/conpoundimage.js index f9574af2..46bba4a3 100644 --- a/src/model/conpoundimage.js +++ b/src/model/conpoundimage.js @@ -269,29 +269,32 @@ this.setSpriteIndexAtTime(time); var el= this.mapInfo[this.spriteIndex]; + var r= new CAAT.Rectangle(); + this.ownerActor.AABB.intersect( director.AABB, r ); + var w= this.getWidth(); var h= this.getHeight(); - var xoff= this.offsetX % w; + var xoff= (this.offsetX-this.ownerActor.x) % w; if ( xoff> 0 ) { xoff= xoff-w; } - var yoff= this.offsetY % h; + var yoff= (this.offsetY-this.ownerActor.y) % h; if ( yoff> 0 ) { yoff= yoff-h; } - var nw= (((this.ownerActor.width-xoff)/w)>>0)+1; - var nh= (((this.ownerActor.height-yoff)/h)>>0)+1; + var nw= (((r.width-xoff)/w)>>0)+1; + var nh= (((r.height-yoff)/h)>>0)+1; var i,j; var ctx= director.ctx; for( i=0; i>0, (y+yoff+i*el.height)>>0, + (r.x-this.ownerActor.x+xoff+j*el.width)>>0, (r.y-this.ownerActor.y+yoff+i*el.height)>>0, el.width, el.height); } } diff --git a/src/model/director.js b/src/model/director.js index 0e6ea14d..8fff17a7 100644 --- a/src/model/director.js +++ b/src/model/director.js @@ -696,6 +696,7 @@ */ animate : function(director, time) { this.setModelViewMatrix(this); + this.modelViewMatrixI= this.modelViewMatrix.getInverse(); this.setScreenBounds(); this.dirty= false; @@ -1494,7 +1495,6 @@ // transformar coordenada inversamente con affine transform de director. var pt= new CAAT.Point( posx, posy ); - this.modelViewMatrixI= this.modelViewMatrix.getInverse(); this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(pt); posx= pt.x; posy= pt.y diff --git a/src/model/scene.js b/src/model/scene.js index 57bcdd2f..fc5f1602 100644 --- a/src/model/scene.js +++ b/src/model/scene.js @@ -490,6 +490,122 @@ ctx.fillStyle= this.fillStyle; ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.width,this.height ); } + }, + /** + * Find a pointed actor at position point. + * This method tries lo find the correctly pointed actor in two different ways. + * + first of all, if inputList is defined, it will look for an actor in it. + * + if no inputList is defined, it will traverse the scene graph trying to find a pointed actor. + * @param point + */ + findActorAtPosition : function(point) { + var i,j; + + var p= new CAAT.Point(); + + if ( this.inputList ) { + var il= this.inputList; + for( i=0; i number of lists. + */ + enableInputList : function( size ) { + this.inputList= []; + for( var i=0; i an actor instance + * @param index the inputList index to add the actor to. This value will be clamped to the number of + * available lists. + * @param position the position on the selected inputList to add the actor at. This value will be + * clamped to the number of available lists. + */ + addActorToInputList : function( actor, index, position ) { + if ( index<0 ) index=0; else if ( index>=this.inputList.length ) index= this.inputList.length-1; + var il= this.inputList[index]; + + if ( typeof position==="undefined" || position>=il.length ) { + il.push( actor ); + } else if (position<=0) { + il.unshift( actor ); + } else { + il.splice( position, 0, actor ); + } + + return this; + }, + + /** + * Remove all elements from an input list. + * @param index the inputList index to add the actor to. This value will be clamped to the number of + * available lists so take care when emptying a non existant inputList index since you could end up emptying + * an undesired input list. + */ + emptyInputList : function( index ) { + if ( index<0 ) index=0; else if ( index>=this.inputList.length ) index= this.inputList.length-1; + this.inputList[index]= []; + return this; + }, + + /** + * remove an actor from a given input list index. + * If no index is supplied, the actor will be removed from every input list. + * @param actor + * @param index an optional input list index. This value will be clamped to the number of + * available lists. + */ + removeActorFromInputList : function( actor, index ) { + if ( typeof index==="undefined" ) { + var i,j; + for( i=0; i=this.inputList.length ) index= this.inputList.length-1; + var il= this.inputList[index]; + for( j=0; j